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About Lamb_O_Chop from Australia : She's the Qing!

Divided opinions / re: Marrissa (42,158) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Marissa: If you are speaking from your own perspective then you should've used the words "I" and "I've" instead of "we" or "we're", because it certainly comes across as general. Also as much as I diasgreed with some of your opinions and as ridiculous as I found some of your claims; my purpose in responding wasn't to change your mind on anything. Were you trying to change people's opinion by constantly voicing yours? My purpose is to merely voice my opinion on what's being discussed and I have every right to agree or disagree with an argument anyone brings to the table here. If you have an issue with someone challenging or disagreeing with your opinions, then perhaps posting them on a public forum isn't for you. As for "belittling" or "stooping down", its too late, you've already acomplished those feats when you "belittled" Mariah's lastest efforts just because you didn't care for them. I truly don't understand the logic in using Ariana Grande (or any other female artist) to bring Mariah down by comparing her in a less than way. I don't respect it because it serves no progressive purpose. It's my belief that Mariah is an incomparable artist, and should only be compared to herself. "Honey" and "Sweetie" are terms of endearment, no shade was intended. Did I forget anything? Going back: my issue was never with you disliking her new songs. I just wanted to express that as fan since 1990 that remembers hearing Vision Of Love when it first came out and being blown out that water, that even I don't feel "slapped in the face" by the lastest effort, because I see that she's really trying to please us and give us something great. "It is what it is" whether you appreciate it or not. Lastly: When I agreed to disagree in my last post, it meant "let's put this to rest you're free to continue to believe what you will, and I will certainly do the same". So in the vain of that let's move on, no fault no harm.
(Sunday 16 March 2014; 20:17)
Marissa (42,127) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Sweetie, Im' gonna need you to speak for yourself and not in general terms, because hunny I adore TAOLG, YM is cute, and #Beautiful was a great effort and I completely disagree with your assessment of Ariana recycled songs sounding any better, it's quite laughable if you ask me. And you all know good and well if Mariah did the same songs that child did, you all would still be complaining. She won't ever please everybody. I'm sure there are people who hated and complained about songs from her best eras, so it's nothing but another opinion, everybody has one. And since you brought it up, this woman gave us 23 years of great music and vocals, so instead of slapping her in the face you need to be appreciative. (*agrees to disagree and logs off*)
(Saturday 15 March 2014; 2:37)
Strike three (42,122) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
*logs back in for a moment* Hey why not just compare Mariah to herself instead of an artist that doesn't hold a candle to her? Marissa, hunny it's an insult to say Mariah should makes songs of the caliber of Ariana. Reason being the songs you mentioned sounds like poorly recycled Mariah songs from the 90s anyway. It's a huge slap in the face to Mariah to make such a suggestion. Lee: We all know that Ariana's voice is in better condition than Mariah's now; and yes it better be since she's been singing for all of 25 mins and counting. By that token who's voice isn't in better condition than Mimi's right now? I mean we are all aware that the women has experienced her share of vocal trauma, doesn't mean any of these girls are better singers or artist than Mimi though. Oh and I'm sure you would enjoy Beyonce and Ariana on stage holding hands singing Vanishing live and flawless. My only question to you would be: would it have the same affect it did when Mariah sang it on SNL? Personally, I'll take Mariah over both any day musically and worn vocally. Side note: Why Is it that people always forget her impromptu performances when mentioning her current live vocals?
(Friday 14 March 2014; 23:41)
Strike two (42,097) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Wow did someone really just say "The Way and Almost Is Never Enough are the caliber of music we should be getting from Mariah"? So basically Mariah should copy her "poor man's imitation"? Chile on that note I'm really logging now. Bye lambily, enjoyed you profusely. (*wiggles fingers bye like Mariah*)
(Friday 14 March 2014; 3:12)
Have mercy (42,090) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I've sat back and watched the commentary on this messageboard go straight to hell in a gasoline straight jacket. . "Ariana Grande fills a void Mariah has left since 98." Chile really? How exactly? By being a karaoke singer? Whose music nor her voice has the depth or conviction Mariah's music has. And yes even today's Mariah. I just can't with some of you all right now, spewing pure blasphemy as such. (*plays Bye Bye in memory of Isaac then exits into another hiatus*)
(Thursday 13 March 2014; 18:15)
BET Honors (41,774) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
The queen looked hot and sultry, she actually did make the not so cute faces which is why I think she was actually singing. The aftermath of that is what can be questionable, but regardless of the chart positions, the hair, breasts, assembles, splashes, shade, that voice is still gorgeous and one of a kind. A salute to queen Mimi baby.
(Wednesday 26 February 2014; 15:50)
Paul, Isaac O and Joyce (41,773) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Paul: I don't know what BET performance you were watching sweetie, but the vocals were clearly different from the radio single version. I guess you hate the song so much that you just haven't listened enough to notice. Now whether it was live, dubbed, or pre recorded is whats debatable. Isaac actually made a valid point, he also expressed that he didn't like the song, but didn't overtly bash it and displayed a pessimistic attitude towards people who actually do appreciate the song. It's fine to not care for it and express that, but Golly G Willikers do you have to remind us every post? No shade. Joyce I hope my posted didn't offend you, no shade was intended if it did. I am curious though, do you still have the same hairstyle in your avatar? Just asking.
(Wednesday 26 February 2014; 15:44)
Licia / Edward (41,683) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I see you both are utilizing your degrees from the Mariah School of Shade. You know if Mariah was here right now she would would glitter bomb you both, right? Licia: Not you'll be happy if its at least 80% live? I can't. Edward: When it gets to the point where we can sit here debate over whether Mimi should cut her hair or not for a month straight chile that mood needed to be lighten, unloaded, lifted, trimmed shifted. I'm surprised we didn't need Oprah and Iyanla, and Dr. Phil for an intervention.
(Monday 24 February 2014; 23:28)
Edward (41,667) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I so love you for that post. The sad part is I would still buy that album. You know she would sing "Overhead Lighting" with too much conviction. She'd never have to lip that one.
(Monday 24 February 2014; 13:46)
Randy (41,624) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Radio can work wonders for a song darling. Sometimes songs aren't instant hits, but the more people hear them on radio they grow to like them and may want to purchase it. Simple logic. Right? I've seen this happen before, I've had this happen to me. So we'll just have to wait and see I guess.
(Saturday 22 February 2014; 15:32)
Tony Baloney (41,623) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Darling, Mariah's toddlers singing the fabulous chorus to "You're Mine" is only a sign that it's a catchy tune. That's a good sign when children sing along. As for her vocals, her voice sounds good on this song, like many have stated sounds reminisce of "Underneath The Stars" or something from Butterfly, her vocals have actually been stronger than it has been since TEOM on everything song she's released thus far. That's why I say Mariah should do her, because when she tries to give people what they want 90s style all they're going to end up doing is harping on how it falls short in comparison. Besides at least let the album come out before first, writing her vocals and new music off.
(Saturday 22 February 2014; 15:21)
Joycie Marcie dahling (41,622) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Hunny you are hilarious. (*throws my hand at you*) I don't know what we're gonna do with you and these "cougar hair" comments. I think I may hit the whistle note in "There's Got To Be A Way" if I read that word one more time on here. And why did you have to go and mention that dress in your avatar? Chile the whole time you were posting about Mariah cutting her hair and dress more conservative, I couldn't help but visualize her with that curly Afro and a similar dress on. No shade, I know that look was hot in the 70s. But seriously though, the thing is Mariah looks like she's Nick and Beyonce's age (sometimes younger), so she can pull off this look without looking old. IMO. I've actually ran across comments online from people who thought she was in her mid twenties. I'm sure Mariah would love it. We all have our visions for her so it's all good.
(Saturday 22 February 2014; 15:07)
90s Mariah (41,575) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
For the longest time people begged and pleaded for Mariah to go back to her 90s sound. Now that she's doing that, people complain that she "hasn't grown as an artist" and "she sounds dated". Boy oh boy. Poor Mimi.
(Friday 21 February 2014; 14:07)
Re: My reply (41,568) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Joyce, in general I understand your point as far a evolution is concerned. To be frank, I'm personally bothered by the "cougar hair" references because: A) She's not an old women, I can see if she was in her late 50s or 60s and B) I absolutely love the hair as it is, beautiful hair is her thing and if its not broken then don't fix it. Also I love her personality and youthful spirit, sure she could tone it down a tad, but that's just who she is. She'll never win the world over, all she can do is be the best Mariah she's capable of being. I can't speak for everyone else but sometimes Mariah is the only person in the world that can put a smile on my face whether it's through her music, presence, and yes personality; flaws and all. We all have them. So to put this to rest this debate, I respect where you're coming from overall, but we'll just have to disagree on somethings. And that's fine, let us all take a moment to bass in our own opinions.
(Friday 21 February 2014; 7:14)
Joyce (41,519) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I'm all for her naturally evolving into a better person/artist and giving new creative imagery in her videos. I'm just saying the most inportant thing (to me) is for her to always stay true to herself. I wouldn't want her to do something that doesn't really respresent who she is and what she's really about as a person or artist. Because at the end of the day Mariah is a true artist and a real person that I've always connected with her through the sincerity of not only her music but who she is as a person. I just personally wouldn't want her to do anything drastic out of desperation just to appease the masses. To me that would be considered selling out and I would hate to feel disconnected from her because of it. But to each it's own, I was just expressing my feelings on the matter. Who knows you all your wishes may come true.
(Thursday 20 February 2014; 1:01)
Lee (41,516) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Honey pickles, I suppose my post was confusing to you and others perhaps (I'm glad some understood where I was coming from ). So allow me to make myself more clear. What I suggested (in my post) was in no way implying that MC should completely change who she is as a person (which was what my issue was with what others were implying). The point I was making in my post was "this is how Mariah can revamp and/or better herself without being fake and abandoning who she truly is as a person. And yes I do find it annoying when people want Mariah to be something she's not. Certain things we just have to accept about her: she's a glamour girly girl, she's wants to be sexy, she has a personality and likes to have fun. As for the word "festive", I never felt like she abused it, when ever I've heard her use the word, it was always appropriate timing. How ridiculous is it of us to try to control what little words she uses anyway? Like I say it's very petty. As in your little pet peeve about post over "7 sentences". When I pressed the submit button, I didn't even get the "your post is too long" memo this time. Not that it actually matters anyway (I love reading long post on here ). So again these type of things are what we call "personal problems", which mean it's not my problem. It's yours. Btw the way this isn't a war of words, just a friendly debate amongst lambs/fans/whatever you consider yourself as far as I'm concerned. No hard feelings.
(Wednesday 19 February 2014; 23:08)
Corrections (41,495) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Some of my emoctions were off. I didn't meant to use this I meant to use and instead of using this I meant to use . Oh I also meant to add in my critique she should lay off on the "splashes" a bit. Carry on.
(Wednesday 19 February 2014; 16:33)
Critical moment (41,494) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
The notion that MC needs or has to change everything about herself just to sell albums or be more "likeable" to the public annoys the hell out of me. She didn't even use the word "festive" that often for anyone to be annoyed by it , besides it's an actual respectable word. And I agree with clueey23 the word "dahling" doesn't bother me whatsoever. You guys actually think her not using those two words anymore will affect her career in anyway? If so that's petty as hell, and just sounds like a personal issue and not MC's issue. In the words of the late great Whitney Houston, I give a hardy "hell to the no" to the pixie cut and mom jeans recommendations. That won't help her sell albums either, it'll just make her look like Joan Rivers stunt double for no good reason at all. Mariah will always be a glamorous woman with long beautiful hair, you'll just have to deal "darlings". If I had to critique Mariah I would say she should hire a new stylish to take her look to another level, not cut all the gorgeous hair off, but just change the color or style it differently, maybe rock the designer pants and blouse looks from time to time (still keeping it very glamorous and feminine), make great music, give great live performances, and just have a more serious balance to her interviews and she'd be just fine. Beening a fake robotic Stepford wife would only make her a bore. Besides that I say eff the world and do you Mimi. Can we say nothing left to prove?
(Wednesday 19 February 2014; 15:56)
J.Lo? Baby please (41,425) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
30 million followers yet she's struggling to chart herself. J.Lo with her changing of men like underwear and trying to milk/use every market just to be relevant (blacks for music, whites for movies, then back to Latina when it's conveniant ) should never be compared to Mariah in a more than way. Atleast Mariah is real, "nutcase" or not. I'll take her over that industry bleep any day. As for her image everyone is constantly trying to be sexy in their own right: Beyonce, Rihanna, J.Lo, Madonna, Janet, Miley Cyrus, even Aretha tried to show her girls from time to time , so if MC want to rock out with the twins out, then why should she be given flack. Hell she definitely does it with more class than half of the names mentioned anyway. I say MC should just drop some undeniable music, and peace out for good and enjoy her family. Folks will never be pleased, no matter what she did. She can't win for losing I tell you.
(Monday 17 February 2014; 21:14)
Stuck? (41,414) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
"#Beautiful" sound totally different from anything she's ever done in the past, "TAOLG" was different from former ballads (with its spoken words feel), "You're Mine" has a typical Mariah sound but even that sounds refreshing. And if we want to dig deeper, "Obsessed" was totally different. "Betcha Gon Know" was totally different. Sorry buddy, but I'm not seeing how she's "stuck". Maybe you just aren't feeling her new sound/music and that's fine, but she has experimented with fresh sounds and worked with new producers. We haven't even heard this album yet, so how can you say she's not talking about anything different or is uninspired? I think if some of you actually listened to the MTV interview instead of being comsumed with judging and criticizing her, you would've caught when she told Sway that she's experienced so much over the past four years and she wanted to make sure this album reflected her growth. See, she actually made sense, I guess she wasn't so drunk after all.
(Monday 17 February 2014; 14:27)
Blake (41,396) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I don't think the general public as a whole really cares about her diva antics or that it's so bad that it's affecting her career, artist like Rihanna and Eminem both have horrible attitudes and people still support their music. Rihanna hit a fan in the head with a microphone in a concert and is constantly cussing them out on instagram, yet she still racking up number 1 hits. I guess she has more a forgiving fanbase and great support in the industry. Besides, the whole "diva" thing is "tongue and cheek" for Mariah anyway, unfortunately some of the general public may not get that, but her lambs should. Mariah is not as horrible as people want or make her out to be.
(Monday 17 February 2014; 0:21)
Letting go (41,356) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Okay so we get it already everybody's appalled and disappointed in Mariah now. Talk about overkill bashing. How many of you never indulged in a drink and behaved differently before? How many of you never made comments about people you don't care for too much? How many of you are human? I'm sure more than half of you that are complaining the hardest are the main ones that act worse than Mariah when you had a drink of sometime or just in general. It's been three freaking days people, please find another hobby and stop acting like Mariah's killed somebody, has been involved in 5 hit and run car accidents, and left them babies in the car by themselves for three hours while she went to the liquor store. None of this is that serious. I am amazed at how so many people (who I never see posting on an ordinary day), come out of the woodworks with their pitchforks only to crucify Mariah when she does something they don't like. It's clear that some of you were once fans that completely turned against her and now you only have negative vent-ful things to express about her. (I know I've checked some of you all's message history and some of you have only posted negative things on this messageboard not even one positive message you know who you are), it's a thin line between love and hate. I can respect an honest critique, and I'm not saying you shouldn't express disappointment sometimes. But when it gets to a point that all you ever do is complain and can't even post one positive thing about Mariah on her "fan site" then you need to just realize you're not a fan anymore and let go. I love Mariah for better or worse, it's an unconditional love and though I agreed with somethings posted, it's unnecessary to go on this tangent for this long. Let it go and acknowledge when she redeems herself.
(Saturday 15 February 2014; 17:23)
Not embracing new female artist (41,308) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Okay I'm gonna have to say that's not true. Mariah has praised and shown love for Beyonce, Pink, Kelly Clarkson, Jasmine Sullivan, Kelly Rowland, Jordin Sparks and yes even Nicki. I just think she has an issue with artists that aren't original or is the "poor man's version" of another artist. In all fairness maybe she truly isn't impressed with the fact that Ariana and her label purposely tried to steal her sound and market her as the new Mariah. I'm not saying she should be nasty by any means, but she also doesn't have to be fake and act as if she's impressed or a fan of someone she's not really a fan of or respect as an artist IMO. I didn't really see the shade, like really can someone quote exactly what she said that was "shady or mean spirited"? Did she say it in the other interview? Maybe I missed it, because what she said on the Breakfast Club didn't exhibit shade to me. Also keep in mind she actually has a life that evolves her children and working diligently in the studio, so it's very likely she doesn't keep up with what's going on with everybody else. It's called being focused.
(Friday 14 February 2014; 19:04)
Ms Giselle darling / video song / other things (41,279) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
How could you defend Drunk In Love's having a storyline, yet not see it for You're Mine? Well then, by your logic You're Mine's storyline would be: Trey couldn't get Mariah off mind at his photoshoot and Mariah couldn't get Trey off her mind in the rainforest. See how simple that was. Moving on: The video was actually cute, she could've done more of course, but what are we gonna do right? It was cute enough. The song is also cute and lovely, is it the next WBT perhaps not, but it's not a bad effort. I believe she'll drop something killer right before the album drops (at least I hope so ). Another thing is, the only people MC has shaded in her recent interviews were the people who deserved it: Nickolas Minaj and Feminem (shade intended). She actually indirectly wish Ariana success and longevity and the her not hearing Beyonce's song was not shade at all, the beyhive was reaching on that one. Now, I admit she should lay off the bubbly and give more serious interviews this era, but as long as she makes great undeniable music people will overlook whatever you all think the problem is. For the person that claims "no one is checking for her", how do you explain the platinum success of #Beautiful? If there's one thing you of all people should know is that you can never count Mariah out. She will always rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. They said her career was "damaged and over" after Glitter and she's still here. So stop I say.
(Friday 14 February 2014; 9:58)
Issac Ortiz (41,047) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Sorry for the late reply honey, bunches of oats. To be honest "Miss You" wasn't one of my faves by our queen it's kinda cute, but I couldn't really get into it for some reason. It was the same way for me with "Lullaby". But as you know I lived for everything else Charmbracelet and would've loved for There Goes My Heart to have closed or been a bonus track on the original album.
(Monday 10 February 2014; 0:53)


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