
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Re: Again, completely unrelated to MC but (68,155) (68,173) by Marissa from USA
Thank you for the encouragement. I'm just choosing to focus on how extremely proud I am of my state of California for electing the state's first Black senator in history. Weed (although I don't smoke it) was also legalized. Go us. The west coast needs to secede from the rest of the US because we're just that amazing lol. I have such mixed feelings about this election. On one hand, of course I didn't want him to win. On the other hand, the fact that he won at all is one hell of an underdog comeback story. I told everyone I knew to stop relaxing and taking for granted that HC was going to win just because she was more experienced. That was the whole reason she lost. People wanted emotion over reason for once. They were tired of lifelong politicians and the establishment. It was the US's Brexit. I am interested to see what he will do and hope that he brings jobs back to America. I just wish the political parties weren't a mashup of both social and fiscal ideas, because there are a lot of fiscally conservative ideals that I could get behind, like not paying for someone's welfare for 25 years if they never even attempt to get a job. Social conservativism I just can't get with. I don't agree with bullying people into Christianity through laws. If people don't do it willingly, what good is it? It totally disrespects the separation between church and state, yet the Republican party is allegedly the most Constitutional, but that is the part of the Constitution that is ignored the most. Maybe this was the kick in the ass that the Democrats need to stop taking things for granted and for some of the delusional millenials (no shade) to stop casting "protest" votes for 3rd parties that will never win. Whatever happens, it will be interesting. Brace yourselves.
(Wednesday 9 November 2016; 19:28)
Re: Oh here the rumors come for the kids (68,068) (68,087) by Marissa from USA
As disgusting as it might be, the press has no moral obligation to protect Mariah's kids. It is Mariah's responsibility to think about how her actions affect her children and if she wasn't cheapening herself for press, none of this would even be happening. Her kids are suprisingly not talked about much at all compared to most celebrity kids until now. One day Mariah/people will understand that she can't act ridiculously and believe that her kids will come out eternally unscathed.
(Monday 7 November 2016; 18:49)
To tune in or not (68,048) by Marissa from USA
I'm strongly leaning on the side of not tuning into Mariah's World. On one hand, I like to watch Mariah's interviews, specials, etc. On the other hand, tuning in would only reinforce and reward all of the lowbrow stunts that she has done in an effort to get viewers. We can't complain about all of the antics that she has done/allowed to happen (thottish Insta posts, daily Tanaka sightings, prenup exposures, inconvenience fee demands etc.), yet give her the exact reward that she is seeking by tuning in every week. If you do so, don't get surprised if she doesn't change. People only stop doing things when the costs outweigh the benefits. If your reaction to behavior that you claim is unacceptable is to continue to indirectly pay a multimillionaire's bills, ultimately the jokes on you because you give that person no incentive to change. If you are fine with the latest publicity stunts, then by all means tune in. If you are truly fed up with the antics, just know that tuning in encourages her to give more of the behavior that you allegedly can't stand. The more views that she gets, the more she will feel like all of the soul-selling and integrity-trading was worth it. My goal is not to take money out of her pockets, but to send a message. The lambs have a lot of power as viewers and consumers but many of us are so busy letting other people make us feel like we have a moral obligation to support everything she does like it or not, that we end up wasting our voice and only reinforcing the things that supposedly make us miserable. Some people think that being a fan means supporting everything the artist does even if it could end up being detrimental. Let me put my mentality this way: if I know that someone I love wants to commit suicide, I'm not going to load the gun with bullets for them. I'm going to snatch the gun away. Period.
(Sunday 6 November 2016; 23:32)
Re: Moral of the story (67,908) (67,919) by Marissa from USA
You made some excellent points Lila. I hate to say it, but Stella is indispensable in several ways. First of all, she's willing to give up the possibility of ever having a love life in exchange for being Mariah's paid security blanket. I don't care how much someone loves Mariah. Most people are not willing to become damn near asexual indefinitely to follow a grown woman who's scared to be alone around the world. Secondly, she is willing to give her kids an extremely unstable life in exchange to following Mariah around. Again, even mega-lambs would not subject their children to such a chaotic life. Thirdly, she lets her act a fool without judging her or reminding her of how her behavior might sabotage her brand. Instead she lets Mariah act as ridiculous as she wants and tries to spin the bad behavior into trashy press. Stella ultimately lets Mariah be the childish and petty person that no one else ever let her be throughout her career, and she makes her believe that there are no consequences because they can just use the foolishness for press. Last but not least, since she has managed to get Mariah to hire 86 of her family members, cutting Stella off would also mean cutting off all of her other family that Mariah has hired, thus MC would have to completely clean house and start over in order to fire Stella. And there you have it: the unique value of Stella Bulochnikov.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 18:18)
Selling her soul (67,879) by Marissa from USA
Mariah has sold her soul for attention at all costs. She's more committed to not being photographed by the left side of her face than she is to the morals, values and standards she had for herself for 20+ years. I'm disgusted by the things she is allowing to happen with her "professional" team, the press and her life in general. At least Whitney had the excuse of having a hard drug addiction for why she made so many bad decisions. What is Mariah's excuse for the circus of her life right now? This is someone who has money, fame, success, beauty, healthy kids and is still insisting on f****** up her reputation. At this point, the only difference between Mariah and a Kardashian is her ability to sing. Everything else from the excessively provocative outfits, staged TMZ moments, a trashy team and thirsty Instagram posts make her and Kim almost indistinguishable. I dare someone else to show anything about Mariah's conduct within the past year that makes her any better than any of them besides singing. I guess Kim should feel flattered that even a singer with 26 years experience and 200+ million records sold finds her so inspiring that she will downgrade herself just to follow in her footsteps. How cute. Spare me the scoldings because I don't care. The only way I could convince myself that Mariah's publicity moves lately have been classy or smart would be if I snorted a line.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 0:20)
Stella board or Mariah board? (67,792) by Marissa from USA
What I'm confused about is why anyone feels the needs to defend Stella at all or get an attitude with people who don't like her. Who cares? Is Stella the Songbird Supreme or Mariah, because I don't understand why her own fanbase has emerged? This was Mariah Carey Archives. If we are fighting it at least better be about Mariah, not some manager who probably won't be on the scene 5 years from now. We have watched them come and go, yet some people are getting emotionally attached to someone who's ultimately disposable. The same way people got mad if you didn't like Packer, now where is he? Exactly. That's why I only emotionally attach to Mariah and not her employees and men. Stella is a grown woman who has a public Insta, cusses out fans, cusses out the press and throws shade via Mariah's social media. She's strong and doesn't need protection from you all. If she really wanted to be protected she'd private her Instagram, stop staging TMZ appearances, and fade into the background like most managers. It's very simple but she won't do it bc she likes attention at all costs. As far as the "she has helped Mariah's career improve so much" narrative, some of you act like 2015 was the first year that Mariah ever had any success. She has had many managers by her side as her music was at its peak. When was the last time you shouted them out? If you love whoever was on Mariah's team when she's successful, please fax me a copy of your thank you letter to Tommy Motolla before you send it, because like it or not, he still greatly contributed to the success of her career, yet no one ever finds it unacceptable to hate him, right? Ultimately, if you like Stella that is your right, but you also shouldn't make it seem like someone's a bad person if they aren't a raving fan of one of Mariah's employees. That's not our obligation.
(Tuesday 1 November 2016; 0:25)
Re: New pictures (67,700) (67,718) by Marissa from USA
Thank you for pointing out these engagement ring theatrics Mimi L. First of all, just because someone keeps their engagement ring doesn't mean that they are still engaged. Mariah did not get some $3000 average Jane ring from a local jeweler that she would be indifferent to snatch off. This woman's ring is $10 million and 35 carats. It's unlikely that she'll ever return it, or even stop wearing it the near future considering all of the attention that it got and how much she probably likes it. Also, she is probably keeping it on so she can keep this "we might get back together, so watch my every move to see what happens next" lie going. Second of all, she is definitely playing games with us and it isn't funny. I would really like to see people who always defend Mariah come up with an explanation for why she was moving her ring from finger to finger. As a fan, these stunts make me want to pay less attention to her, not more. It seems like she made a New Years' resolution to cheapen herself in the beginning of 2016, and it has definitely been successful.
(Sunday 30 October 2016; 19:17)
Excuse the typos (67,632) by Marissa from USA
Please excuse all of the typos in my last message. I was too angry when I wrote it to focus on spelling and grammar.
(Friday 28 October 2016; 23:03)
World's worst manager (67,631) by Marissa from USA
I find it extremely heartless and obnoxious that Stella chooses to post photos of her hanging out at Mariah's Halloween party instead of issuing an apology to all of the heartbroken fans. This woman has never cared about the opinions of the lambs and has never had any empathy towards us. A great manager cares about their artist and (caps) their fans. The few times she acknowledges us at all is when she is calling us bitches and telling us that we are too poor to afford her shoes (true story). All of the people who think Stella is the best thing since sliced bread, please give me 5 examples of her showing genuine care about the feedback of the fans. I'll wait. The only person whose behind she kisses is Mariah's so she can ensure that the she never loses the whirlwind, lavish lifestyle that MC provides. We have all expressed so many concerns and she has never given a shit, even though she knows that she is our only messenger to get to Mariah. Kind of reminds me of a man who will try to get in the good graces of a woman he's dating, but will never try to get to know or love her kids. That is the number one sign of someone who can't be trusted. She has never f***** with us because she knows that we see right through her. That was a dumb move, because she probably could have gotten away with a lot more without being called out had she not been keeping fans at arms length from day one. Any manager that has no interest in their artist's fans is a con-woman who's only looking out for themselves. It's only a matter of time before this all goes down in flames.
(Friday 28 October 2016; 21:45)
More and more suspicious (67,583) by Marissa from USA
So "Mariah's rep" has come out making statements that have me very suspicious of the authenticity of this "breakup". First of all, as private as Mariah has been about the reasons why (besides Tommy) all of her relationships have ended, why would she allow a rep to come out and say explicitly that a fight is at the root of their split? Why not go the "things just didn't work out" route like she always has done? If they are still trying to work things out, why even make a public statement instead of just waiting until everyone knows for sure what the outcome is going to be? People make announcements when they have official break-ups, not "breaks". We all know how many months of speculation we endured before it was ever confirmed that Nick and Mariah were getting divorced. Why would she suddenly feel so shook now to run out and address the media so quickly? The bottom line is as seen in the divorce scenario and Allison and Morgan betrayals, Mariah has never been the type of person who feels obligated to sprint to the media to clear her name whenever something comes out about her in the news. I'm starting to agree that this was a diversion tactic to distract from the SA tour cancellation as well as a foot in the door for more publicity so they can keep dragging this out until Mariah's World. Something ain't right and I want all of the tea, chai preferably, not earl grey.
(Friday 28 October 2016; 9:01)
Calling it quits (67,552) by Marissa from USA
Honestly, the writing was on the wall. I officially knew that this union had an expiration date once I saw this video that shows the painfully obvious differences between Mariah and James' personalities. Not to mention that Mariah went from being miserable that Nick was always gone to being a-okay and even happy with only seeing someone she was "in love" with not even once a month. I think it was a business arrangement and publicity stunt, so I can't really imagine Mariah being heartbroken over anything other than giving the ring back. I also think it's suspect that the news outlet is saying that there might be a possibility of them getting back together. Sounds like they're keeping their foot in the door to pull another "they're back together" stunt closer to the premier of Mariah's World. If that's the case, these tactics are pathetic.
(Thursday 27 October 2016; 19:42)
Re: 2017 should be the reinvention of Mariah Carey (67,461) (67,486) by Marissa from USA
I love your list Robert-Anthony. Here are my suggestions to make 2017 the year of Mariah.
1. Keep it casual. You look your youngest and best when you keep things effortless.
2. Reclaim control of your social media and make the posts a little more (intentionally) infrequent to bring back the air of mystery that you once had.
3. Drop the thirst-bucket Instagram photos and take it back to the way it was from 2011-2013. Classy, yet sexy.
4. Do a female singing duet instead of all of these tired rap features, and don't play it safe by getting a woman who's vocals aren't even in the same ballpark as yours (i.e. MJB). I'd like some healthy competition, i.e. When You Believe with Whitney.
5. Drop the watered-down R&B songs. I love R&B but if she's not gonna bring it with an unforgettable beat, I'd rather her not do it. Reminds me of Dedicated and MILG which I found pleasant, yet forgettable.
6. Encourage Stella to stay in the background like she's been doing for the past few weeks. That is what a manager is supposed to do.
7. Please, I beg of you, work with producers besides JD and Rodney Jerkins. What about Pharell? Timbaland? DJ Quik? Just someone who can breathe some life into a lot of these regurgitated sounds. You've been in your comfort zone for way too long and it shows.
(Tuesday 25 October 2016; 1:06)
Re: More pics (67,441) (67,450) by Marissa from USA
Lmao "Mariah with her social media manager". I'm done.
(Monday 24 October 2016; 0:06)
I'm here for it (67,420) by Marissa from USA
Well our prayers were answered swiftly lol. I am beyond excited for this Christmas Carpool Karaoke. Those vocals need to be in tip-top shape because she really pissed a lot of people off with the last CK because people didn't think she gave any effort or had a good attitude. Hopefully she can redeem herself with this one. I'm also loving the casual jeans and jacket look she has, even in spite of the massive boobage.
(Saturday 22 October 2016; 21:15)
Re: Mariah and Bryson Tiller (67,402) (67,405) by Marissa from USA
By capitalizing on it I just meant that she could have publicly endorsed the song at least once and it might have given her a little popularity boost. Of course she will be profiting from it financially (and awards-wise since she's now nominated for a Soul Train award) regardless.
(Saturday 22 October 2016; 0:16)
Mariah and Bryson Tiller (67,380) by Marissa from USA
I never even realized that he sampled Mariah in his song, "Don't". That song was/is a huge hit. I wish Mariah would have capitalized more on the fact that someone so popular with the younger generation sampled her because this certainly was kept ambiguous, which I think was a missed opportunity.
(Thursday 20 October 2016; 19:00)
Re: New pics (67,356) (67,362) by Marissa from USA
She also is carrying a purse (which we all know she's had hangups about for years) and her face fillers have finally settled. This photo is an all-around win.
(Wednesday 19 October 2016; 18:56)
There's no comparison (67,299) by Marissa from USA
I wish comparing Mariah to anyone would stop. There is a reason why she's considered one of the top three singers who has ever lived, and that's because she's incomparable. Again, I think the fact that Mariah always wants to be seen as young puts her in a situation where she is never viewed as a legend and always compared to these younger singers as if her career just started 5 years ago. How often do you see people comparing Barbra Streisand to Ariana Grande as if they are equals? Patti Labelle to Rihanna? Chaka Khan to Beyonce? It doesn't happen because we know that those women have all earned the right to not be compared to others. My philosophy is that once you have achieved at least 10 years of success in a given industry, the petty comparisons should end because you're in a different stratosphere than people who just came out. It gets tiresome when people/the media are constantly trying to make Mariah hustle to prove that she's a legend and not in the same category as 20 and 30 year olds.
(Sunday 16 October 2016; 7:26)
Absence makes the heart grow fonder (67,248) by Marissa from USA
I actually find Mariah and co.'s absence from social media refreshing. I would much rather her take a break than make a fool of herself on Instagram. It reminds me of the days when Mariah really lived the lifestyle of an "elusive chanteuse". I hope she's just busy and not going through anything personally because I haven't seen any Mariah out-and-about sightings either. From a business standpoint though, the consistency needs to be stepped up when it comes to her social media. The radio silences last for so long that it looks like her social media efforts have been totally forgotten about, but then again I highly doubt that a 13 year old would have such a burning passion to consistently post on anyone's social media that isn't their own. This is why you either do it yourself or hire a professional.
(Friday 14 October 2016; 5:03)
Re: MAC promo (67,238) (67,241) by Marissa from USA
That photo of MC is so gorgeous that I gasped. She looks absolutely amazing.
(Thursday 13 October 2016; 20:46)
Re: Article: Wendy Williams throws major shade at Mariah Carey (67,213) (67,216) by Marissa from USA
I almost forgot they were a couple. I thought sure the wedding would be this summer, but then again to this day I still have no idea whether or not Mariah's actually divorced. She's had the most ambiguous divorce proceedings I've ever seen.
(Thursday 13 October 2016; 0:44)
Make-or-break issues (67,178) by Marissa from USA
Can we acknowledge that everyone's make-or-break issues that they vote on are different? It's not necessarily about being uninformed or dumb, it's about the fact that we each have different values and some rank higher when it comes to who we vote for. For example, someone who is serious about tax cuts on the wealthy is never going to vote for Hillary, and someone who thinks it is essential for a woman to maintain her right to choose what happens to her body would never vote for Trump. Mariah's a Democrat. Most people are not going to completely jump ship to vote for another party if that party doesn't represent their core values. Plus the Mariah that we all know probably does not see foreign policy issues as a dealbreaker. I've noticed that on both sides most people are just putting up with the candidates because they are members of their political party rather than genuinely liking or trusting them. I'm certainly not Hillary's biggest fan but she represents some of my Democratic values while Trump represents none of my values, so to be honest unless I find out she's been holding kids hostage in her basement, I'm with her. It is what it is.
(Monday 10 October 2016; 19:15)
Re: Lord forgive me (67,101) (67,113) (67,122) by Marissa from USA
I'm not on FB. The only social-oriented website that I visit regularly enough for my presence to even matter is this messageboard, but I appreciate you wanting to reach out.
(Sunday 9 October 2016; 7:48)
Re: Lord forgive me (67,098) (67,101) by Marissa from USA
It's not even his opinions that bother me most of the time (aside from blatantly racist comments that never get filtered through the rule of "be nice or leave"). It's his delivery that is blatantly dehumanizing and disrespectful to Mariah. I'm tired of having to cut through the tantrums just to get to his points. A grown man (allegedly) should have the emotional intelligence to express himself without having to explode in every commentary. How is someone reacting to a guest appearance that they didn't like with the same level of rage as if they found out Mariah murdered her own kids with an axe? I refuse to believe that it's necessary to put up with his hissy fits just to get an honest review of Mariah's actions on here. There are so many people here who keep it real without having to talk about MC like she's a worthless piece of shit. He isn't giving tough love. He despises her and is verbally abusive. If you had a female friend who showed you texts of her boyfriend talking about her the way BDT talks about Mariah, wouldn't you tell her to run like hell, that person is mentally abusive? But yet because he doesn't know Mariah personally it's a-okay for him to talk about her like a dog? I'm not going to normalizing his behavior.
(Saturday 8 October 2016; 22:09)
Is someone paying you? (67,076) by Marissa from USA
I'm convinced that British Donald Trump is being paid for these bi-weekly tantrums about everything Mariah does. Nothing else makes sense. I'm all for not blindly agreeing with everything Mariah does and have been classified as negative numerous times, but there is no reason why every time a person comes out and gives their opinion they have to talk about her like she shot up an elementary school or was responsible for the Paris bombings. It isn't, has not and will never be that serious over something as small as a 2 minute guest appearance. When 98% of the things a person says have to involve a wealth of expletives and race-baiting for a finishing touch, clearly there's some incentive that's motivating them because BDT is trying to press every hot button possible to tempt people to curse him out. It's intentional, not just his personality. Even as a "negative" lamb, the stuff that BDT says is way too damn polarizing to support. I don't know if Miley or Demi are signing the checks, but I hope the price is right.
(Saturday 8 October 2016; 0:07)


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