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About Brad from USA: Tha Source. Biggest, Oldest Dang Lamb out there. Wrote the book on being pip and festive. He's a pro and treats others the same way. Waits for MC to reach her creative zenith and wants her to keep pushing toward that. Writes the words about it that others wish they could even know what to say.

The New Yorker covering us lambs (86,966) by Brad from USA
I hope everyone is being good to one another and themselves. This article is neat to see, us lambs being discussed in a legendary publication like The New Yorker. Pretty cool, IMO. Anyhow, continue to be obsessed with Caution. Favs are definitely 8th Grade, The Distance, Caution, With You, A No No, and Portrait. Still that hopeful child that one of these gems can catch fire on the radio and enable millions more people to embrace and marvel at this album that's giving me life. Best holiday season wishes to all, may God bless and be well.
(Monday 10 December 2018; 18:27)
8th Grade (86,166) by Brad from USA
Umm. I'm 46 and suddenly find myself unable to get beyond 8th Grade. Totally. Addicted. To. This. Song. More later.
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 06:14)
The Voice (85,654) by Brad from USA
I just realized, Mariah's gonna win The Voice.
(Tuesday 6 November 2018; 03:12)
A No No (85,521) by Brad from USA
Just listened to this while at work. Is it against work policy to bop in your rolling desk chair 'til the carpet wears away? As a fellow attorney, I gotta lurvs the inclusion of the attorney reference. I will be playing this song out loud for people when they make demands of me at work and will be translating it in all languages (you know, Portuguese, Japanese) in case there's confusion. Enjoy and be well to yourselves and others. God bless.
(Thursday 1 November 2018; 16:11)
Prime time promo (85,303) by Brad from USA
Tonight in the Hartford, CT market on NBC, Mariah's turn on The Voice was advertised. At the next commercial break there was a full commercial for Mariah's concert at the Oakdale Theater on April 5th, with clips of GTFO and With You playing then they advertised Caution's release and showed the vinyl album cover. Frankly, given everything over the past few years, it just really seemed an amazing sight to see this ad. Did anyone else in a Caution concert market see a similar ad? Hoping to get a great ticket to the concert.
(Friday 26 October 2018; 04:13)
Re: World tour (85,198) (85,204) by Brad from USA
Todd from Australia, come to the US and we will see her here in CT. It will be great (have seen her and talked to her once before at said venue). And yes, Americans do know how to identify countries and cities of the world on a globe - to others who say we don't. Many times US lambs have had to sit back as MC has toured other parts of the world and not the US. I'm sure the world tour will be expanded if there is good reaction to the US leg. Meanwhile, lets solve how to get her new music on the radio anywhere, ok? The Distance should be heard, its a cohesive production which is what people used to expect of MC. I think that is part of why fans are elated to hear it. That said, I do wish the vocals on the track were a bit more crisp. But I am not perfect either so I am not gonna quibble. I love it and it makes me wanna move, which aint always easy. Lol. Be good to one another and yourselves.
(Monday 22 October 2018; 22:47)
Re: With You / cover art / The Distance (85,084) (85,113) by Brad from USA
Hi Tevin. I live in Connecticut but my pic is from a spot on Martha's Vineyard. Hope you are well.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 16:52)
The Distance (85,085) by Brad from USA
This song is R&B gold. It is at once perfect club music, a perfect mid-summer jam song and down right baby making music. Total hit in my opinion. Radio please embrace this. I suggest playing it on a loop for about 5 to 10 times and then try stopping. I think you will get it then. I wish for it 250 million + audience impressions. May it go the distance.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 06:16)
With You / cover art / The Distance (85,077) by Brad from USA
I hope everyone is being well and treating others well. I really like "With You" and hope that it can gain some airplay. I do question its accessibility to a broad audience given its specificity in detailing a certain type of relationship. As I may be the biggest, oldest dang lamb on this board, I have to say that the cover art for "Caution" reminds me of the cover art for Luther Vandross' "Your Secret Love" album released in 1996, which I still keep in rotation in my car's c.d. player. Yep, I went there. Anyhow, "The Distance" sounds very current and fun yet one can readily imagine it in a previous era reworked as a full throttled torch song. Either way, I am in the camp of being a grateful 28 year long (and counting) lamb who marvels at the reality of having more music and an upcoming album from my "sound scroll to the sky". May we continue to be so blessed and appreciate it.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 00:40)
GTFO dedications (83,800) by Brad from USA
"This is dedicated to you." I would just like to take this opportunity to dedicate GTFO to all climate change deniers. Get your stuff and go sleep on some other planet or something.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 22:32)
GTFO (83,748) by Brad from USA
Nice to have some buzz about our MC that focuses on music. I would say mission accomplished with this goal. The track seems more of an interlude than a full album cut to me and I am hoping when the album is sequenced that it is used this way. We will see. Be well to yourself and one another.
(Thursday 13 September 2018; 23:04)
Roc & Roe will always love you (82,136) by Brad from USA
Reading that MC was worried her children wouldn't love her is heartbreaking. Children love their mom, almost no matter what. They will always love you, MC. And as for the fans, they too will always love ya, appreciate ya and enjoy ya. Be well and be you. We look forward to the delights of your new music. God bless and love to all.
(Wednesday 25 April 2018; 03:08)
A time for love (81,781) by Brad from USA
It's her story and none of us is to refute it. Remember the words of "Languishing". Let the best within each of us offer love and support to a woman who has given each of us so much in our own personal ways. No matter what tomorrow holds, the feats achieved are never erased. They occurred and were a benchmark of our time. Praise be to God that the day exists and that He will see fit to bring each of us our needs and some measure of the wants we hope for. May He shine for her as well in her needs and hopes of what the next day can bring. Be well.
(Thursday 12 April 2018; 04:18)
20th Anniversary dahhhhling (80,233) by Brad from USA
Hope everyone is being well and doing their best in the New Year. Couldn't let the anniversary go by and not acknowledge my gratitude for this site and forum over the last 20 years. I am a looooooong time lamb (oldest dang lamb in the land) and this site has been remarkable for all of us. So much love and great appreciation to you for helping to keep me closer to my "sound scroll to the sky" and for keeping us lambs connected to one another. May an abundance of blessings find all of us in 2018.
(Wednesday 3 January 2018; 00:13)
Fantasy in Old Navy commercial (79,881) by Brad from USA
Hi. Hope everyone is well and treating others well. For some reason, hearing "Fantasy", sung acapella by a group in the Old Navy Christmas commercials just makes me really happy. Maybe it's because Mariah never really got the chance to use her catalogue of songs in product placement ads or maybe because it is unexpected. Either way, just wanted to mention it, as it took me a minute to realize it was "Fantasy". Enjoy your holidays.
(Thursday 14 December 2017; 20:40)
Charmbracelet anniversary (79,676) by Brad from USA
There's really nothing quite like the artistry of "Subtle Invitation". I have loved this song since I was "12". I sense she loves it too and that is why she performed it regularly in her prior concert series. I imagine her singing it in an open air setting, like at a venue overlooking the Caribbean, accompanied by a live band. It just has that breezy, natural feel to me. It's a terrific combination of mature lyrics that are sung to "perfection" for effect and supported by lush yet authentic music. I can really only dream of more songs like this from our dear MC.
(Tuesday 5 December 2017; 20:58)
Some thoughts (79,603) by Brad from USA
Hi, I hope everyone is well. Just some thoughts about where things are. I am happy for MC and her weight loss. She seems to be well. In my heart, I wish she did not have to resort to surgery for this effect but I trust her doctors and she made the proper decision for her. Regarding her charity ball performance, it's odd that the press doesn't mention her sister's HIV status and her prior support of HIV charities. As for Roc Nation, I hope they have experienced professionals worthy of her trust and who she should and will listen to. I do hope her Christmas shows can go forward from here out, as I know how she and the attendees really have enjoyed those over the years. Finally, this year I do not recall seeing any pictures of Mariah with her mother Patricia at all. Do we know if her mother is still well and active? It just strikes me as strange. Hope everyone enjoys their holiday season. Be well.
(Friday 1 December 2017; 20:43)
The Star (78,913) by Brad from USA
I enjoy this song. To me, it is plaintiff in its approach while obviously orchestrated to compliment the tenor and theme of the companion film. I like its encouraging message that I think can speak to people of traditional and self-based faiths. I also think it is true to the strengths of Mariah's voice at this point in time; those being excellent elocution, tone and mid-range belting. I'm sure its tender for her too as her children are part of the group that sings the chorus' refrain. In all, its a lovely, uplifting experience to listen to it. And who among us doesn't need that with all that is going on, especially as we begin to enter that special time of year. May God bless and be well.
(Friday 20 October 2017; 20:20)
Foxwoods (78,840) by Brad from USA
Her CT fans love her, those who were there and those who couldn't make it. Always they are with her. So glad to see her seemingly improving and happy to be onstage. I've been blessed to see her many times in 27 years and always it brings me exceeding joy. Hope to see her at her Christmas run at the Beacon. God bless and be well.
(Monday 16 October 2017; 18:57)
Memoir of a NYE disappointment (70,604) by Brad from USA
It was time for the ball to drop, a new year to come around. My life didn't really say "celebrate", but rather a more pragmatic "you should really get some sleep, you have a long day tomorrow". The only reason to turn it on was to see her, Mariah - a woman I have loved in varying forms since 1990. When they announced her, I cheered, even when alone, as I always do, and even if I must do it silently in my own mind. I listened to the first part, at first not recognizing it from a prior NYE performance she did on a rooftop in Manhattan. I clapped - could this be live and is Mariah about to give us the type of performance I have been so lucky to witness in person many times before? The music changed, it was time for an upbeat and hopefully confident and smiling Mariah to enchant us. It was not to be. Gone. Seemingly there and then not. As I watched, I recognized the sarcasm that masks her pain. Camouflage. How much hurt she has known. This to be ever more. They then carried on while she was left behind, alone on life's roadside to cure her own wounds. My heart broken again, for her, and for us who take pride in her and the standard she once reached. I have no shame for that pride then - she was it. My loyalty unending to get to this day - though there were valleys I bridged along the way. And from here? I must protect my own heart, my pride, my sense of a standard. And have hope that this woman I have carried love for, so openly, will do the same as she comes to terms with what her life currently says to her.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 8:19)
Infinity (52,567) by Brad from USA
Hi fellow lambs. Loving this new song, have been drilling it into my head. "Close the door, lose the key, leave my heart on the mat for me." Love it. While the vocals are a bit uneven and muddled/airy in some parts, I do feel that more spot on production (a la "Emancipation" or "Chanteuse") could have made up for that in areas of the song. Nonetheless, I am in the camp of just enjoying that we have a new offering and hopeful that a broader audience will get to hear and enjoy it as well. Be good to yourselves and others.
(Wednesday 29 April 2015; 20:21)
Happy birthday dahling (51,174) by Brad from USA
MC, the most happy of "anniversary" wishes are sent your way today. Remember, a little piece of the sun shines for you today. Blessings for many, many happy returns of the day. We love, appreciate and enjoy you.
(Friday 27 March 2015; 17:36)
"Meteorite" on Muzak (49,912) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs, I hope everyone is well. I was shopping at an upscale outlet mall in CT and wnt into the Saks store and they had "Meteorite" playing over the Muzak system. I was shocked to hear it but perhaps her new licensing agreement is trying to get her some royalties from MIAMTEC after all. Have to make the money however you can nowadays. Be well.
(Sunday 8 February 2015; 2:07)
Silver Hill intervention required (49,602) by Brad from USA
The Jamaica Jazz Festival performance reflects an individual who appears to be chemically dependent and mentally unbalanced. Persons focusing on vocals, attire and hair are woefully missing the point. An immediate intervention is required for the well being of the person at hand. Another moderate term, involuntary commitment to a first-rate facility, such as Silver Hill in Connecticut, would best serve the person that is Mariah to address both of these issues. Unfortunately, it does not seem that there is anyone, either on or off her payroll, who is able or willing to take such a stance with her at this point. I take note of and question the seeming absence of Patricia Carey and other supposedly close family members. I wish that we, as fans, had the power to take her by the hand and guide her to these doors of help. Is there not someone who cares for her enough to do this? To see her for who she is as a person and reach out a hand to her because she is languishing and severely needs that hand. I fear the worst is near without such an intervention, but as the biggest, oldest dang lamb in the land, I pray that a true friend will guide her to the help she both needs and deserves.
(Monday 2 February 2015; 6:28)
Nanny biz (49,448) by Brad from USA
Hi fellow lambs. I haven't written in a minute and ordinarily wouldn't on such matters but this recent story is no different from the stories alleging that Mariah is distraught, weak and unable to carry on without Nick. Pure and simple, such spins are sexist. First of all, the nanny in question presumably worked for both Mariah and Nick. After all, the children she cared for are not just Mariah's. Yet the spin is that Mariah is demanding and not willing to pay just compensation. Where is the attachment of such an allegation to the father of the twins? Does he not bear any responsibility? I guess its easier to make the woman out to be the unreasonable "diva". Secondly, all the stories about Mariah being unable to carry on are pure sexism. It's "easier" to believe that the woman is too weak to carry on. Undoubtedly, she's had difficulty but I am certain that can be said of the male as well as the female in the former relationship at hand. Such spins are tired and as a "society" we deserve more intelligent, modern reporting from our news sources that is reflective of today's cultural norms and values. Be well to yourself and to each other.
(Thursday 29 January 2015; 1:04)


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