
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Re: Article: Mariah works out wearing fishnets and stiletto heels (72,158) (72,191) by May from Denmark
If we go some time back in the past Dotiwala didn't have real management expertise, she simply shoot up because MTV and another project but she didn't manage people like Mariah, also JD, how much experience did he really have? In the radio interviews with Mariah, half of the time it was laugh and whatever and more laughs and maybe something serious, then Stella who I also don't think managed anyone before, she created lots of projects and some production. If we go some in the past Dottiwala didn't have real management expertise, she simply shoot up because MTV and another project but she didn't manage people before her, also JD, how much experience did he really have? Seeing him in the radio interviews with Mariah, half of the time it was laugh and what and more laughs and maybe something serious, then Stella who I also don't think managed anyone before, she created lots of projects and some productions but managing a person? I feel that Mariah chooses managers just as favors and then she is stuck with them until damage happens. While I wasn't really against Stella I have to say that she killed any sort of good expectation I had with that excuse of video, only redeeming part was Mariah in the red dress burning a wedding gown. Mariah should keep friendship with Stella if that's what she wants, I'm nobody in her life to tell her who to hang with, no denial they have fun together, they could have side projects and such, but as manager Mariah needs someone new, we can all see that and I think as a fan and follower I can definitely suggest her that. She should find someone with experience who at least knows the world hours difference, basic geography.
(Sunday 5 February 2017; 0:17)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey teases role in "Lego Batman Movie" (72,100) (72,102) by May from Denmark
Stintella is very thrifty I have to say. It's surprising the video wasn't shoot in daylight, she could have saved some on electricity expenses.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 23:06)
Re: Video (72,084) (72,098) by May from Denmark
I read in YT from a person and another in IG that she directs the video. Did she? You think she didn't like the first concept and changed it to this? I like the part of the red dress and the one in the car with the wedding dress. The scenes with YG looked more professional than hers fondeling in the car. Visuals were nice, body and outfits looked fine, hair great, yada yada. Wished there was a story.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 21:45)
Re: Sober (72,088) (72,097) by May from Denmark
I believe she was always like this, a few rare shots from back the days say that her wacky behavior always existed. I think that it just got accentuated with the years, her comfort in front of the camera and that no management and publicists hide it or control it anymore. The glass has always been in hands visibly since mid 90s. Now at days it feels that is every hour and she invites everyone to drink. I won't judge, can't say anything about her drinking unless I knew her in person, which I don't so I won't even go there.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 21:41)
Re: Top 10 on iTunes (72,062) (72,076) by May from Denmark
Well I gave a fair amount of listens to the new song. It's catchy. I still don't feel much the rushed verses but I love the part she sings "pity party", wished all the song was sang like that. YG pretending to be James is just too funny to take it seriously, he even puts that phrase about the rumors that Mariah is over expensive and diva haha. The song is moving fast in iTunes, Billboard Trending 140 got her at n1 hours ago. Have to see how it keeps doing. Certainly the video will boost it. Can't complain, not a terrible song coming right after that NYE fiasco. Might make those Google headliners die at last haha.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 17:46)
People says I do to I Don't (72,041) by May from Denmark
I have to say that for such tiny release time on Itunes (I haven't seen it in Spotify yet), the song is going up strong.
#1 Malaysia
#1 Nicaragua
#1 Thailand
#1 Vietnam
#2 Philippines
#4 Hungary
#6 Singapore
#9 Romania
#12 Sweden
#13 Brazil
#13 Taiwan
#19 Peru
#22 Spain
#26 Indonesia
#26 United Arab Emirates
#27 Portugal
#31 Australia
#31 Jordan
#33 Chile
#36 Israel
#38 Poland
#40 Czech Republic
#40 Netherlands
#41 Colombia
#41 Hong Kong
#43 Argentina
#45 New Zealand
#53 Italy
#54 United Kingdom
#59 United States
#60 Ireland
It has just entered other European countries and is going up by the hour. I think the release of the video will make an impact. Her FB live feed attracted more than a million people in just one hour. Shout outs to Nikki and Mimi L. for the nice review because it was just too late hours for me to watch it, so thanks for the heads up. Dissapointed there won't be an album but singles is also what many seem to be popping, albums seem to start becoming a thing of the past, maybe Mariah will make a new trend out of this. Fast served music.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 10:53)
Re: Asia no 1 I Don't (72,035) (72,039) by May from Denmark
Asia, Brasil and Sweden have always been her strong points. Rest of Europe and the US have been hard to win for her.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 10:36)
Re: Is Mariah manic or is this her? (72,032) (72,038) by May from Denmark
To be honest, everyone is doing the same thing, I think Mariah is just going with the flow, Mariah is not even being as raunchy and all in it like some, there's just touchy here and there but that's it. For some reason, people are ok with every other artist doing whatever they want but not Mariah, she gets the whip really bad. I'm fine with whatever image she choses, I don't believe it is too bad, I've seen more ass in Glitter era, this seems to be the boobalicious on your face era (though boobies and lets have been up and out since day one). I care the music, and it's somewhat satisfying that I Don't sounds so much better than Infinity. What I dislike about this era is that when it comes to her singing live or producing music is like a gamble, you hope for the best, roll the dice and wait the results. Before, I knew I was going to get something good no matter what.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 10:34)
Re: FB Live chat (72,034) (72,037) by May from Denmark
I've seen a high amount of lambs and even non lambs on Instagram loving the show. Read an article time ago and people who weren't lambs were commenting to being guilty and watching the show, some even felt 8 episodes was too short. I don't know about the ratings, but perhaps she should venture to online tv and throw the show there if wants to have a second season, I think it will be more succesful than cable tv.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 10:28)
Re: I actually like it (72,000) (72,006) by May from Denmark
Yes, I thought the same, the chorus is very catchy. For some reason, you know when you hear something that later plays on your head a thousand times and you just want to die because it ain't going nowhere, well guess YG drilled that "you know you love me, you just don't trust me, you don't understand me" part haha, why that part only, why? I think the song might have a chance of doing good in the charts.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 22:57)
Re: Full song (71,983) (71,991) by May from Denmark
After listening to the full song I kinda like it. I don't hate it but I don't love it. It's the type of song that it would work nicely as a filler in an album, not as a single. It's obvious her voice is gone again, it doesn't sound awful but it sounds dried and limited, the ending is sort of repetitive after YG's part and it might likely be because Mariah, who is used to big climax stuff, has no more oil in the machine. The song overall is pretty, good like Infamous and the rapper sounds much nicer than Yussi and his autotune. It is definitely a step up from Lousinity. When is Mariah going to sing verses that aren't rushed and hard to understand? Sometimes it feels she is chewing hay. I won't be buying it but I will support her artistry with some spins or views, I think she tried but not hard enough. To add as conclusion, the song is a mix of weird tempos and dated RnB, I think YG sounded good but is more of the same, she could have done with less layering of her voice as for some reason it sounds so amateurish, like I could have done all that layer in a cheap software with little to no experience. At least there's no massive autotune.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 18:08)
Re: Video teaser (71,942) (71,962) by May from Denmark
I really like when she sings the chorus and the part that comes after which she sings with a deeper voice. But the video is same old, same old. Maybe it might have a storyline and they are only showing us the touchy parts just like in WBT. But I wished that since she is into this whole daring female empowered era, she would have come out with a much more interesting material, overall when it comes to the lyrics, to say something meaningful. Yes, couples break up and it hurts, we know it since ancient times. Hopefully the album is going to come with more deep stuff, like Outside. I don't mind her catsuits, but I wished she wore them with a fierce attitude rather than trying so hard to be sexy, at least it would make more sense. Just playing it like "cum herr baby" makes her look bad. I think she looks hot and beautiful, but that alone doesn't make it visually for me, I need a storyline, I need attitude, at least show that she is having fun like. I'm tired of the body touching, I know the hair touching won't ever go away, that has been there since day one, it's all over my Mariah's debut VHS haha. But come on, Boy, Heartbreaker, Honey, Say Something all show her potential. Even Can I Get Your Number and Sweetheart which didn't really have storylines look so much better and she still looked mad hot in both showing skin and lots of leg.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 13:42)
Re: Ribbon (71,943) (71,960) by May from Denmark
I honestly never read his book. He was controlling, no doubt, but that's why I asked in which way. Truth is he apologized, he got a new wife who bizzardly enough has an air to Mariah and happens to also be a singer. I always felt he just couldn't get over Mariah so he got what in his life could be a "second best", Thalia is also very happy-jumpy like Mariah, always with a big smile. I believe Mariah was deeply affected by the situation as she was very young, but her inability to just move on was obvious, that was until Nick. I think Nick helped her heal many things but during the divorce other things opened. But truth is that Mariah lives in constant victimization mode, everything bad that happens, be it business or emotional, it is always someone's else fault. You even mentioned a couple, as if the entire world is against her. Every time something explodes she calls it sabotage, and those around her call it sabotage, and I know is a Mariahism because before Stella came into the already sinking ship, she used that word a fair amount of times, then first thing that goes wrong Stella calls it sabotage, and there we go, the world again against Mariah, because everyone who crosses her path wants sweet revenge. We can't dear Nikki, there is a limit as to how much one can believe that Mariah is being attacked. She is always saying "because people don't know what I'm going through/went through" all while boating some exotic land, lounging on a sofa, sipping some wine, with her circus surrounding her. Yes Mariah, I can see how bad you are having it. You see Nikki, the image she projects constantly doesn't fit anything of the things she does, sounds like the terrible enduring jobs Paris Hilton and Ricci had to do in their old tv show, you know, "I lifted a finger, how hard that was, I need a break". From her perspective it is always like that, life is so hard. I think she is totally ready for Real Housewives, she already passed the scripted reality and the fake drama lessons. Not bashing MC, but just tired of the constant soappy mood and blank blaming.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 13:31)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey previews video for new single I Don't (71,952) (71,957) by May from Denmark
I loved your "lemme" list. Cracked me up.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 13:14)
Re: I Don't cover (71,902) (71,905) by May from Denmark
I wouldn't mind the mouth open at all if she was winking, but it's like there's an attempt at it or something, her eye looks weird, Paris Hilton like weird haha. What happened? And YG looks sleepy, I just don't know. But I do like the cover overall.
(Wednesday 1 February 2017; 12:38)
Re: I'm excited to be honest (71,882) (71,904) by May from Denmark
I'm somewhat excited as well, not jumping to the roof but after the long snippet from the show I do want to hear the entire song in a much more positive light. The snapshots of the video seem like we will have Mariah doing her usual, perhaps even keep it on an sexy up tone just like in Loverboy. I read today an old article from August of last year and it said how Mariah was working on an album but in a different way. She mentioned that nobody goes to the studio and works on songs from top to bottom anymore, she now writes, records, collaborates and then chooses the best of the best. I imagine she has been writing a lot of random songs here and there, hence why we have been hearing that Mariah suddenly was seeing in a studio and then she was out and weeks passed by and she was seeing again talking new music very quickly like she did in E. where she simply mentioned she was working on a song while passing by. In this article she commented as well that she was not going to talk about any album, any music, nothing, because she didn't want her concept to be stolen again. It was remarked that two months previous that article Mariah had her ideas stolen and she was fed up and was not going to say a peep. So that must be the reason why she has music so readily now and is prepared. Also in other articles I read she is indeed trying to recreate a new WBT concept. In my opinion she should just not go that road, while I really liked the album cover except the faces of them both (it looks like they are high) and the whole wedding off idea, it's been done. I would like her to just move on. But then again, this next album is supposed to be filled with heart breaking ballads and other songs about the deceptions of love. I'm truly waiting for the release of the song, what it's making me want to have it now is the idea of a new video. Hopefully they put an effort into it. All the sexyness could just end up being like Beautiful, where the snippets make it seem raunchy and yet it was nice looking but not amazing.
(Wednesday 1 February 2017; 12:36)
Re: Tommy Mottola (71,884) (71,903) by May from Denmark
Yes Babydoll, because you were there in person to witness it. You see, that's why we can't really know for sure and then throw claims as facts. There's always two sides of the story. Mariah told us hers. Sometimes I wonder if it wasn't just largely exaggerated because Thalia settled with Mottola, and those who know Thalia very well (latinos mostly, don't believe she is that famous in the US except for a couple of soap operas) she has always been super sexy, showing a lot of a skin, having a very sultry and perky personality, not minding to be honest in public but always respectful. So then, how is that Thalia didn't lose any of the things that Mariah wanted to be with Mottola? Thalia was still exactly as she was after she married him, she didn't cover more, she didn't pose sexy any less. So he either learnt from the past and let Thalia be whoever she was or maybe, just a tiny maybe, Mariah just made it larger than the Earth. The only reason Thalia decided to tone down the skin was when she became a mother. I would still be pedaling on the story Mariah told us 100%, but after seeing the drama with Packer one can have certain doubts. If you visit her Facebook people are saying exactly those things, now they are doubting the story she has told us many times included in her songs. They said Mariah used to have Luis Miguel followed and stuff like that, we shouldn't believe it of her but we should totally believe it of Mottola. Or maybe she learnt from him, I don't know. I feel that the truth won't ever come out until both of them are dead, and for that is missing an impressive amount of time. And then many things will be regarded as "myth". I was always against Mottola, after Thalia I gave it a thought but was still in Mariah's camp, now at days I have my doubts regarding some stuff.
(Wednesday 1 February 2017; 12:26)
MW ep 8 ending (71,828) by May from Denmark
Freaking cheesy. Bananaka recycling Nick Cannon's words, and in the same setting, the beach. "I admire her. There's no doubt, she is the girl of my dreams." I heard that one before. I honestly want to believe MC words that he makes her happy. I hope she is not just collecting relationships like Swift for material because the press is dry.
(Tuesday 31 January 2017; 0:09)
Re: Tommy Mottola (71,815) (71,825) by May from Denmark
Sometimes I wondered in which way he was controlling. I recall someone said once that Mariah got upset at Tommy and what she did was to go to a room, slam the door and put some rap music very loud. That sounded like a teen having a tantrum. So was he controlling like a strict father? Something like "no Mariah, you can't go to that party and you most definitely can't go dressed up like that"? It always made me think their relationship was weird, Mottola being more like an authoritarian figure and her having some daddy issues. I feel that Mariah is drawn to young guys because she might want to get back that youth that slipped away. It's like Packer used her at times but other moments seemed he wanted a grown up relationship but she is still stuck in the "party girl mode" with friends hanging around laughing their drunk butts off and Tanaka fits perfectly her current attitude, he is somewhat thirsty, riding the Mariah wave and he might probably be making her feel young. Mariah seems to be approaching a middle age crisis. I want to believe that it wasn't truly all yachtes and diamonds but seeing Mariah flirting on the plane with Bananaka, fixing his hair, sitting on him, all the while prepping a wedding, I can't take seriously when she says Packer wasn't good to her. Perhaps she didn't put much effort in a serious relationship neither, the cake moment in Italy said everything.
(Tuesday 31 January 2017; 0:03)
Re: Mariah and Nick are beautiful (71,822) (71,824) by May from Denmark
I actually felt that Nick pretty much moved on. They looked like friends going for a burger, I thought it is a good thing they have a friendly relationship considering they have kids, some people can be so toxic to each other after a divorce. Now the awkwardness was Bananaka's mom meeting Mariah and this last one admitting being nervous. She does seem to be very much aware of the cams at all times. Nick looked more natural.
(Monday 30 January 2017; 23:42)
Re: The name of the song (71,741) (71,749) by May from Denmark
Can't take that away - The reprise (Ring's theme) 'Cause there's, there's a light in my finger, that shines brightly, they can try, but they can't take that away from me from me.
(Sunday 29 January 2017; 14:07)
Re: New song (71,746) (71,748) by May from Denmark
I actually always thought that her breathy/whispery voice was one of her signatures. She sang almost the entire Emotions album in that voice, obviously taking away the incredible gymnastics in the climax of some of her songs, then again she was on her unstoppable mode. I always enjoyed that of her voice and find it very appealing, it made songs like Bliss and UTS sound heavenly. What I'm tired of is that rush in the melody and fast pace of words. But soon we will be hearing it. I stil have hopes it's going to be nice, but digging in the 10 years old plus RnB trunk for a sound I have my doubts.
(Sunday 29 January 2017; 13:58)
Re: I don't even get excited anymore (71,717) (71,726) by May from Denmark
I think the problem is we tend to get this snippets, we think is going to be amazing (Lousinity reflected that, check the snippets from back then how everyone thought was going to be her next number one), it's again happening. Everyone screaming hit and number 1. Then we are dissapointed, but moreover with the videos. Lousinity had potential with a good video, the snippets of the video looked so fun, and then we get a half ass edited video that seemed to be done the same day, for a moment I thought it was going to be nice like TMB, it was young, and had a lot of attractive factors thanks to its comedy, I believe that the video helped the song, together they went hand in hand really good. This time I have no expectations and I'm only waiting to form a conclusive opinion. The short snippet gives me vibes of no and yes, I don't like too much the first part but I like the second one, which is the one she didn't write.
(Saturday 28 January 2017; 21:00)
Re: The rap game (71,675) (71,710) by May from Denmark
I believe you very likely know more on the subject than I do. I don't even enjoy such type of music in the sense that I don't sit and listen to it frequently or know a big amount of rappers. I should perhaps have been more specific, I know some of them are well established in the US but some needed a push beyond. But yeah, some of her choices are debatable, I loved some in E=MC2, but I also think that all the reggae made it so uplifting as well. My whole point in the end was that I don't think Mariah needs to rely on them anymore, it has become predictable, like as if she was hoping that just by keep trying the same formula she will get another Fantasy, maybe in her fantasies. Waka waka, that was bad haha. Thanks for having me patience Licia.
(Saturday 28 January 2017; 15:55)
Re: Song snippet (71,707) (71,709) by May from Denmark
In all honesty I could care less if the song matches or not her personal life. What matters is the content. So far it's just a snippet and half of the lyrics in it belongs to another song. There's nothing else but to wait. To me this tiny bit sounded like a generic RnB piece. But it could be different as final product.
(Saturday 28 January 2017; 15:44)


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