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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Re: The rap game (71,634) (71,672) by May from Denmark
Lol you are right but good grief I won't deny it, I didn't listen to Lousinity that many times to even bother learning the lyrics. I just recall the chorus because my little daughter liked to sing it around.
(Friday 27 January 2017; 13:59)
Re: The rap game (71,631) (71,671) by May from Denmark
Licia, that's not what I meant when I named Gucci Mane, I threw his name there to talk about her late awful selection of rappers and what the sound and lyrics they give to her tracks.
(Friday 27 January 2017; 13:57)
Re: The rap game (71,597) (71,610) by May from Denmark
Since Gucci Mane for Obsessed I feel that all she has been doing is help this guys by featuring them and not really caring any reason as to why there's got to be some hip hop in her songs. Some of the stuff that has been sang in her songs lately don't even got anything to do with what she is singing and generally they say the exact same thing. She needs to find them more creative at least, and not just try to launch them into fame. Gucci Mane went to mug people and do jail time after Obsessed, come on. Mariah can do better I'm sure. I was hoping for no more hip hop, I thought YDKWTD and Meteorite were fantastic pieces. The hip hop game is being done by everyone anyway and it has been slowly decreasing and fading if anyone has noticed. It won't take long until it goes back in the drawer. I don't have high hopes but I'm surely expecting it to have some meaningful lyrics and not any more Doritos and would have loved to say no more beach/water shots but that's what we will probably get, judging by the Tanaka snippets? Better to just think of it as a mysterious thing until Sunday. Let's recall her last feat. was for Empire, then again it was a tv show song but please no more auto tune. That would be it haha.
(Wednesday 25 January 2017; 16:53)
Re: New music (71,541) (71,545) by May from Denmark
I love Triumphant but not the version she decided to release first, all that hip hop was too much and the whole meaning of the song fell apart with all that distraction. My favorite is the Vintage mix, it's so pow and really lifts me up, makes me feel in such good humor.
(Monday 23 January 2017; 22:45)
Re: New music (71,517) (71,537) by May from Denmark
All I'm hoping for is that we don't get another Triumphant not so triumphant. I thought she was going to move on from releasing singles until having a baked album. How many singles were released until MIAM and then the fall? This better kill it. Can't deny I'm anxious.
(Monday 23 January 2017; 19:30)
Re: Barbie fan is who caused meet and greet drama (71,523) (71,536) by May from Denmark
I always wanted to know and understand better about it. I only got that one fan ruined it for all and that was it, some blamed the fan as being a real jackass and others blamed Stella. Is there a video of the incident?
(Monday 23 January 2017; 19:27)
Re: MW episode 7 : Mimi L review (71,527) (71,535) by May from Denmark
I really enjoy the parts that are real backstage, like the make up moments, the costumes choices, I like seeing Mariah practicing the dance steps, also seeing the dancers coming up with the choreos. I don't dislike when something needs to be solved and there is this small real drama going on because it is what makes part of touring, it's even fun to see Mariah in the bus with the crew. But everything else is either boring or cringe worthy. There is zero music talk, the show started off ok but after the Molly thing which was very staged it entered the soap opera beef. People loved the Molly moments until Stella went ravage b***h mode and everyone disliked it, somehow it seems they wanted to create a new scenario to wash the dirtiness but went bizarro mondo. The whole "I love you" and "oh baby you are amazing" exchange of forced compliments between Packer and Mariah was so weird and then Tanaka looking like a sad puppy, I wasn't sure what I was watching anymore. And Mariah flirting, touching and sitting on Tanaka's lap after just having talked about James didn't give her a good light, they should have edited that part. I was like "really Mariah, you are teasing a man and giving him a boner on purpose after you just put on the wedding dress for another man", I don't know what to think anymore except what has that got to do with music and the tour. It's all sided drama that is pointless and looks bad and makes her look bad. I like Stella at times and other times I wished I could strangle her, talk about love-hate haha. The show while fun at times didn't turn to be what I was hoping for.
(Monday 23 January 2017; 19:24)
Re: Article: Jenny McCarthy says her sympathy for Mariah "stopped" (70,759) (70,773) by May from Denmark
No, I won't watch some bollocks docu made by someone biased. The scientific community through peer review studies have concluded there is no link and Andrew Wakefield who came up with the idea just so he could sell his own vaccine was stripped from his medical diplomas and licence. Also, you are a conspiracy theorist who believes in the illuminati and who knows what else so I would say the one who needs to research is you.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 19:07)
Article: Jenny McCarthy says her sympathy for Mariah "stopped" (70,749) by May from Denmark
Who cares what this woman has to say. Her ridiculous anti vaccine and "vaccines cause autism" movement has done more damage to children and humanity than Mariah's Carey one day bad performance. At least Mariah doesn't go around promoting a harmful platform that affects children and immunocompromised people.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 13:18)
Re: I'm so confused (70,557) (70,595) by May from Denmark
It seems she did a short rehearse, mostly for the dance moves, and there were two sound checks. One at about 8 hours previous the show and another before it. Supposedly complaints were made since the first check. They shouldn't have let her go on stage when she said she barely could hear anything while she was talking to Ryan. Fix it and then go on. The tracks were wrong as well. The first ASL was not the right one, Mariah was singing something else while the audio was rolling another completely different, so the mimicing was too obvious, then came Emotions with only the whistles pre recorded and her saying out loud that was not the planned onerather, then got WBT also being the wrong track. Everything was wrong from the get go.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 3:52)
Re: Mimi L / Stella / NYE performance (70,579) (70,594) by May from Denmark
The statement from the team is terrible and worthless. Will any of us believe such claims anymore? I recall the Rockefeller time being a "sabotage" and before that on another occassion "sabotage" and how many times the damn earplug piece of hell. Stella ridiculous blame game plus Mariah probably also in the "was sabotage" wagon will give her trouble. Really. Just admit it. They all f* it up including Mariah "miss blameless". Mariah's overuse of the word sabotage since the Glitter fiasco for anything that goes wrong makes me think this is just another time when everyone has been freaking lazy. Who, tell me, who hates Mariah so much that would stalk her through the years and sabotage her any given opportunity? Let's stop it with the conspiracies Stella, your client is simply running out of gas. Less splashes, less play hard, less eternally 12 and more work ethic.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 3:28)
Re: NYE performance (70,544) (70,571) by May from Denmark
This was obvious a technical failure and the fact that Mariah didn't rehearse. Stella can't fire techs unless it is her team of techs and definitely can't fire Mariah. Once the error goes on stage, it is up to Mariah to fix it. She didn't do anything except walk and wait for the music to run. The earpiece allows singers to listen to themselves better when on stage or near a band as the music drowns your own voice and you can't hear yourself too well (unless you are in an opera stage). But she could still try to do the effort, she could listen to the music and the mic was open. Her insecurity took the best out of her.
(Sunday 1 January 2017; 19:03)
Re: I'm so confused (70,551) (70,567) by May from Denmark
Right when I was happy with the bits of music she gave us for Christmas and the daring but pretty ensembles, it happens this catastrophe. I felt truly sad while watching the performance. I mean it, I kept the tears from falling. But I'm not being dramatic. I felt that way not because she lipsynch wrongly the first song (yes, it was that obvious). It was the fact that she gave up quickly. She stood there, waiting, tapping, mumbling, strutting. My idol gave up, in front of the world. I don't like to make comparissons but Gaga or even Aguilera would have sang loudly as they could, without mic, with their voices trashed, they've done it but Mariah never dares. Her mic was open, she could have said the hell with the track and sing a capella anything until the tech fixed the situation. Instead she giggled. She has been in that stressful moment before, didn't she learn anything? More than 20 years of stage experience to have come to this. Have we been cheated so hard all this time? Yes, she is human, her instrument depends on many things but it's obvious the will is not there any longer. "I will just go through Emotions" (paraphrasing) she mentioned along the lines, zero effort except a "oh wo wo". Has singing become so hard for her that she constantly needs a lead? I feel like I'm being lied to everytime she says music and singing is everything to her. From that performance all I can say is that she has no passion for the job anymore. She sounds very good when she does the effort, so to me, she just didn't care.
(Sunday 1 January 2017; 18:23)
Re: Dystopian diva (70,208) (70,225) by May from Denmark
Mariah has been living in Mariah's World for years. I could care less by now her boobalicious acts, it's like I sweat I'm expecting to see that every single time, if she doesn't do it all I can think of is she might have a really bad cold haha. What I do expect is good music, is the only thing that it keeps me clinging to this woman for so long, the expectation that she can still create amazing music. I loved what was going on in her Christmas video, loved the song, adored the angelic voice, but the dress, the grabbing of that pole didn't make it any better, whoever sprayed tanned her body made her look plastic, so bizarre. I do think she looked gorgeous, but like someone said, it felt so weird seeing her hugging her kids with that dress. I have nothing against porn stars, all people choose their paths and sex is just fine. But since when Mariah's image turned so much from sexy to sexual? It feels like she is trying to sell a porno rather than a Merry Christmas let's be festive, isn't she always bragging her religious roots, where's her Jesus? Her Christmas every year seems to be more about the materialistic galore, just look at the latest tree she shared in a pic, is there a need? We know it Mariah, you are queen of Christmas, and I love it, love how festive she is and how much into it she is, but Christmas is less about boobs, luxurious presents and giant trees and more about giving and sharing. Shouldn't she be making a concert to donate money or something at least rather than what bling can you gift this year? Just an opinion.
(Friday 23 December 2016; 14:04)
Re: "Baby Bling" post on MariahsWorld website (70,205) (70,224) by May from Denmark
Regular baby things? Haha, in what world you live. Those kids got very pricy stuff. Just looking alone at Monroe's baby room back then with the giant Cinderella bed or the very expensive made-like-daddy's version mini cars for each of them when they hardly could walk should give you a glimpse they don't get "regular baby stuff". At least right now she dresses her kids accordingly and they look cute and comfy for play, she used to dress darling Monroe as a cake doll all the time when she was baby. That website is obviously aimed at high-end people. The same who consume other celebrity stupid sites like Paltrow and her 150k dollars dildo. What the heck these people are thinking, boggles my mind.
(Friday 23 December 2016; 13:53)
Re: Beacon (69,700) (69,712) by May from Denmark
Oh gosh I do recall your great experience back tjat year after you shared it. It's so amazing it has been a year already, so much has happened with Mariah, so many changes. I see most changes in a positive light. I know one of my posts sounded negative but I couldn't clarify some of it because I was busy. Anyway, it made me very happy to know Mariah is indeed working new music, but makes me unhappy she hasn't taken a single time to talk about future projects. Anyway, this kind of awful year is going away finally. Can't wait to see what Mariah will present us next. Hopefully a new album won't take too long. I think Mariah Christmas presentations are being really well put. I have no real complaints. Just waiting to see if this year AIWFC peaks to that nr 1.
(Friday 9 December 2016; 16:55)
Re: Bodysuit (69,681) (69,710) by May from Denmark
But I love it. She looks like a superhero lol. In all truth, I do like how she looks in them. I only find it strange that it's becoming a casual attire, she is either getting used to them as a Gagaesque thing and can't go out without it anymore (like when you get too used to eyeliners or have a mobile fixiation) or it is reinforcing the "Mariah lives in Mariah's world". She look happy so I could care less. On another note the video snippet was mega cute, the way she ran as if she was on tiptoes to the fans was nice to see, it's like the thankful Mariah is still there.
(Friday 9 December 2016; 16:48)
Re: Click like on this if you won't be watching MW (68,458) (68,485) by May from Denmark
I believe that she has always been this way, there were always hints of this in all the past videos and interviews. I just think they were all heavily edited and let's recall she had publicists who were very strict to what she could be asked and answer. I believe that since Butterfly more of the real Mariah emerged, she was too succesful but didn't feel free. With Glitter I felt that that was the Mariah who she wanted to be. Somehow I think with the time her eccentric personality and tastes escalated, she lives in Mariah's world since a fair amount of time, she is obvlivious to what happens around the world, as shown by the number of times she performed for dictators, etc. Mariah jokes of having a nail broken and in need of assistance became too real. Perhaps what once was an exageration of her character to be funny simply became her, or maybe she always was. Her insecurities from the beginning made her always want to be "the pretty girl in the room", I noticed that since day one, her VHS debut reeks to "look at me" with her flirting hair, her almost fake laughs to sound sexy. But back then she had this mix of humble, fragile looking, sweet talking, so everything else didn't matter. I look at pics in IG and I see those 1992s next to the ones today and can't help to think "how did she change so much from that" as in, all it matters is the hair, the make up and the damn sunglasses that it upsets me so much at times, it even looks rude when people talk to her and puts them on. I put up with some antics only because the music, because Andrew was right in the end about her just shoving her wealth lately and I'm effing tired and disgusted by it. I don't care she is rich, matter of fact I was part of her becoming rich, it bothers me she lives in kukuland world "oh darling I was left with dem bills for thid diamonds", just feaking wear them, don't need to mention it every single interview or that ring going on every picture. Mariah has become so materialistic it's a big turn off. I can't listen to her lately because nothing with substance or intelligent comes out of her mouth, more boring divaism which aren't even jokes anymore, they are very real. Her reluctance to sing acapellas also are annoying, as if she had to be paid every single time someone asks her to sing one miserable line. I care zero her outfits, she could go out naked for all I care, here it's not even against the law haha but if she was somewhat humble, more centered, showing awareness. But all she cares is how sexy she looks in x pose and the only awareness she shows is for the cameras. I can't blame Stella and her wacko team because this has been going on since years before. I will be watching the show though and see if there's anything funny or anything redeeming of the woman who once made me smile with her silliness. Maybe all the trailers are the typical build up and then when you watch the show it was nothing but over dramatized stuff. Wow, felt I needed to take this out of my chest. Mariah is genuily making me tired. I'm only waiting for a new album to debate with myself if calling it quits. What heartbreaking ballad can she write, "my billionaire bf left me with dem bills and I had to pay my diamond rings". Not feeling it. It will require a lot to beat Hello, and another Bye Bye won't make it.
(Saturday 19 November 2016; 18:19)
Re: Article: Mariah's ex James to blast her in "tell-all" book? (68,247) (68,252) by May from Denmark
What I can't believe is that she is finally rocking her voice, having stage attitude, getting rid of her awkward stiffiness, working on new music, with many projects ongoing, it suddenly comes this ridiculous tide of drama. No one is saying anything, no Mariah, no James. Mariah all smiles as always, starting to make feel uneasy as they are probably fake and James in some cave hiding. What the actual heck is going on? Truly can't wait for the show to air so we can move on and talk new music. Mariah doesn't even want to hint what she is working on and hardly talks music anymore. It's all "look my new diamonds darling" and flashing the damn ring. Has she really become so materialistic? Probably she always was. I mean, from nothing to having it all, maybe it went over her head. Can't find some of her jokes funny anymore, the diva antics don't seem any longer, she is like a parody of herself. Someone pinch me, her late short interviews make me cringe.
(Saturday 12 November 2016; 1:02)
Re: Paying to look trashy (68,242) (68,251) by May from Denmark
Definitely. I honestly feel she sabotages herself. Then again as long as her voice is on point and she can still create good music I don't care even if she wants to pull a young Cher and appear on stage in thong and leather jacket haha. I'm crossing my fingers and rooting for some great music, no autotune, no features or guest stars, raw Mariah and just that.
(Saturday 12 November 2016; 0:45)
Re: Paying to look trashy (68,243) (68,250) by May from Denmark
Thanks Mara. When I saw the pic I though "wow how beautiful" because she looked so different. It makes her look slightly more mature but in a good way. She has the perfect color of skin for anything chestnut, auburn or plain red. I don't get why she insists in all the shades of blonde. It's like since she changed to it she didn't move from it. The almost bleached type doesn't suit her. I'm liking the ombre she has been wearing at times. Mariah would look radiant and fresh with a hairstyle change but considering eveeything that is changing right now it would feel like goo much too sudden. Maybe for a next album cover.
(Saturday 12 November 2016; 0:42)
Re: Ugh (68,195) (68,240) by May from Denmark
What? No way. The dresses for the Butterfly tour were incredibly boring and said nothing at all, they consisted in a couple of sets of 2 very revealing pieces, a set of cute sailor suit and some plain nude mini dresses. Only one black sparkly dress that I recall can be picked from it, others were forgettable. Guess it was on purpose as her voice was the big show. I remember for the Rainbow time people complained about the boring ensembles and how some fans thought she had no class when she appeared on stage in mini shorts or with just a rolled tied tshirt and jeans, the media made fun of her when she appeared as a prom queen. Mariah is always hit and miss, with mostly misses in and out of stage. I'm actually liking the effort she is putting on stage, but the pink latex-vinyl leotard (I loved the boots) and that horrible salmon looking color dress she wore for Vegas I wished she would have passed. But in an interview she showed that atrocious salmon dress and said "this is so beautiful, it was sent from Paris". Who cares where it came from? I know it should have gone straight to garbage town.
(Friday 11 November 2016; 18:41)
Re: Paying to look trashy (68,212) (68,238) by May from Denmark
The guy is actually not a bad stylist. He is also a costume designer. He worked for many top magazines and dressed people like Gwyneth Paltrow (who is probably the biggest diva on the planet and who only knows Paltrow-reality), Leighton Meester and other tv stars, Cindy Crawford, Demi Lovato, Pamela Anderson, etc. The guy is no innovator but he seems to fall and follow what's trendy. At the end of the day Mariah could always say "no darling not that" but if anything, I think it's her who asks for all this. I almost died laughing with the "damn Mariah, you look hot tamale" ahaha, I do picture her saying that in front of the mirror. It's almost obvious Mariah goes for these costumes on purpose, just look at the atrocious pink, she always wears some shade of terribad pink, she is not 15 and she is not a "mean girl", come on. I liked one of the sparkly leotards but it looked 2 sizes small. The orange dress was nice except for the scarf and I really liked the simple white one. I like her wigs as well. I don't believe it's the stylist fault but what Mariah wants to go for. She needs a stylist for her out-stage street look. She generally looks bad. And this comes from someone who loves Helena Bonham Carter raggedy doll casual style. I adore sexy Mariah but with shit like that golden jacket she wore with Khaled... what was she thinking, I wanted to cry.
(Friday 11 November 2016; 17:18)
Re: Mexico ensembles (68,151) (68,162) by May from Denmark
Thanks for those pics Mimi L. I didn't got to see any on IG or FB because they are spammed with the horrid news about Trump's victory. I won't comment on her outfit of choice which all singers seem to be making currently but I will say the color is scary and cheap looking.
(Wednesday 9 November 2016; 12:04)
Re: This is why Mariah is still wearing the ring (68,036) (68,039) by May from Denmark
Yes, the whole Tanaka thing does sound like a stunt. I didn't think the reason but you could be onto something that it is to build up a momentum for the show. I remember when at first Mariah was like "it's a docu-series, it's about the tours" but when asked more recently she adds "there's a lot of drama and stuff". Perhaps she did decide to go for the reality style cheap drama thing. I recall part of it was about the wedding... what if it is like someone mentioned and she does marry Packer. Haha, plot twist, over gasping. The last pictures show her with the so-talked ring back in the wedding finger. Teasing? Playing? Taking the media for fools? Making fans more confused? *throws hands up in the air*
(Sunday 6 November 2016; 15:20)


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