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About Tevin from USA: A laid back guy that loves Mariah!

Albums (103,120) by Tevin from USA
I believe someone on here mentioned that Mariah still has one or two more albums to fulfill with her current contract. I'm no lawyer, but if her voice isn't there to complete said tasks, what happens then? I wonder if she can release compilation type albums like MC Butterfly Lounge or Remixes 2 or Rarities 2. Also has Mariah done Twitter Spaces in a while?
(Tuesday 1 August 2023; 17:08)
Caution (103,119) by Tevin from USA
This is why Mariah needs to release a Rarities 2. If she profit off of current vocals, why not profit on past vocals. Then the fans get what they want, and her legacy is highlighted even more. Mariah please release Rarities 2 and finish MC 30.
(Tuesday 1 August 2023; 17:06)
this is a reply to message 103,114
MC's next era (102,965) by Tevin from USA
I would love to see Mariah dabble into Afro beats.
(Wednesday 5 July 2023; 05:40)
this is a reply to message 102,950
My All (102,940) by Tevin from USA
Don't forget about 2016 and 2018. She arguably did some of her best MY All performance since 97 (though partially lipped). But yes I agree 2019 until now has not been good.
(Thursday 29 June 2023; 05:08)
this is a reply to message 102,937
Best song intro (102,790) by Tevin from USA
I agree. VOL and Fantasy.
(Tuesday 30 May 2023; 18:04)
this is a reply to message 102,777
Good Lord, just enjoy the show (102,717) by Tevin from USA
No need to apologize. Like I said, I'm a huge Mariah fan. I would love to go see her perform in a concert. Even if she walked up to a tape recorder and hit play and let her original vocals play out, I would still be happy to see her. Lol. But I'm also torn because other than AIWFC and maybe WBT most younger people don't know about her and her body of work. We can easily throw around her accolades but most people don't know or frankly don't care. That's why I hate seeing consistent bad performances from her because it overshadows all of the great work that she has done, at least in the minds of most 25 year or younger folks.
(Friday 12 May 2023; 19:02)
this is a reply to message 102,713
New low? (102,716) by Tevin from USA
I agree Jamie. Do any of you guys remember Leona Lewis? I remember when she was on the [X Factor] and her subsequent two albums that followed, she was belting her head off, with crazy runs and transitions. The media was billing her as being the next Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston. Anyway she went from that, to being really pitchy, couldn't sustain belts and having other vocal issues. Though she still doesn't have the same voice as before, she was able to gain quite a bit of her voice back. I can't remember what she had, but she has some kind of disease or illness that caused major vocal issues not to mention body issues too. My point is we never know what goes on behind closed doors. Even though she looks amazing, Mariah isn't getting any younger and more and more health issues can develop, that can effect not only her body but her voice. I mean look at poor Celine Dion. I wish them all love and recovery.
(Friday 12 May 2023; 18:56)
this is a reply to message 102,714
One positive (102,702) by Tevin from USA
One positive thing: the intro of Till the End of Time, into Camouflage into VOL was genius. Good job Mariah.
(Tuesday 9 May 2023; 17:28)
My final thoughts (102,698) by Tevin from USA
As many of you know I rarely post on here even though I read all the comments. I'm just posting a lot now, not only to vent, but to say that I'm truly worried and saddened. I hope Mariah will be able to bounce back in some way. My wish is to get one more Rarities or MC 30 album, with one new song, that she can studio piece meal together, if she has to, and then for Mariah to enjoy her time with her family, and other business ventures, including her movie about her life. I hope she doesn't retire though, if she can just show up to shows and instead of performing a huge difficult set list, that most "good" singers now days wouldn't be able to get through, she should just sing one song from start to finish. No tricks, no gimmicks, no smoke no mirrors. All I wish is to be able to stand before Mariah one day and hear here gracefully sing Hero or Vision of Love, with a piano or guitar. Ok my rant is over. Take care everyone, and remember, everyone's opinions matter.
(Tuesday 9 May 2023; 03:38)
Maybe I'm missing something? (102,697) by Tevin from USA
I say these comments out of love. I agree with you Randy. I know Mariah loves to sing because it's literally her life and passion. I never would ask nor want her to retire. Even if she only produces songs in a low register with no belts, I wouldn't have a problem with that because I love her artistry. But with everything you mentioned in your post about all the smoke and mirror tricks that Mariah does, I can't help but wonder, doesn't that have to be torture for her. I mean I can't imagine standing on stage having to do all these tricks to prove your voice is still there, while worrying that something can, may and probably will go wrong in front of hundreds of not thousands of people. I just hope people on her payroll aren't forcing her to do all of these events if she isn't able or up to it.
(Tuesday 9 May 2023; 03:31)
this is a reply to message 102,683
Good Lord, just enjoy the show (102,696) by Tevin from USA
Hi Chicago Lamb, yes I loved the show, the show of Boys 2 Men [Boyz II Men] singing, while literally almost every note that Mariah sang did not come out. Oh and I'm not talking about "did not come out", as in pitchy or flat, I mean no discernable sound came out of her mouth. Something is very wrong and I hope she can fix it. We can show love to others but also point out flaws where they should make improvements. I mean, I can't believe I'm saying this, I'm no professional but I honestly could have sang all those songs better than Mariah.
(Tuesday 9 May 2023; 03:26)
this is a reply to message 102,687
New low? (102,695) by Tevin from USA
Not to add insult to injury, but this is clearly voice issues not just vocal, as in singing, issues. I noticed multiple times when Mariah was speaking to the crowd, like when she yelled welcome Boys 2 Men [Boyz II Men], her voice broke and she didn't complete the phrase. That was just with her speaking. Something is very very wrong. But it's Mariah Carey, and if anyone can bounce back, it will be her.
(Tuesday 9 May 2023; 02:34)
this is a reply to message 102,681
Lovers and Friends (102,674) by Tevin from USA
Positives: Ok so Mariah looked amazing. It was nice to see that she is in good terms with Boys 2 Men [Boyz II Men] and Miguel. Some of the performance was good and I loved her energy.

Negatives: OSD (in her defense she struggled with this song back in 06) and she was in a lot better vocal health then. That's a super hard song to sing, full high belts.

Devastation: She lipped part of VOL. Like what the heck, that was the only song that she never lipped in her 30+ year career, no matter how good or how bad she sound on a particular day. I honestly can't process this right now. It was her one sacred song.
(Sunday 7 May 2023; 19:04)
What is your initial fan story? (102,630) by Tevin from USA
I was three when Daydream came out, and one of the first songs that I remember hearing in life was Always Be My Baby. (Still my favorite non ballad MC song.) It was played by everyone, all on happy occasions, so every time I hear that song, I remember great memories of my early childhood. But I had two moments when I became a fan. One was when I was four and Butterfly came out. I remember my dad bought that album and so did a lot of my close family. My mom told me I would stare at the cover art of that album (side note and also Brandy's album too) lol.

Anyway we all were on some road trip and the song Butterfly came on. I remember my aunt, with a confused look on her face, saying to my cousin "why is she singing like that" (she was talking about Mariah's whisper register). Then comes the bridge and climax. Then I hear her say oh wow, that's the Mariah I know. Let me tell you being so young only 4 and hearing that bridge and climax of Butterfly, I thought to myself, this is the best voice I ever heard. It is forever etched into my memory. That and my mom and dad butchering the high belts in Honey. Hahah.

Anyway my second fan story is of course the TEOM era when I was old enough to truly appreciate the mega star that Mariah was and literally every TV station and radio station had her on rotate for a solid year and half. Man other than 96, 2005-early 07 was peak Mimi takeover. I miss those days.
(Tuesday 25 April 2023; 05:26)
this is a reply to message 102,626
Predictions (102,622) by Tevin from USA
Thanks T for the insight. Any word on a Rarities 2 or continuation of MC 30? Granted that means more work behind the scenes for Mariah, but she doesn't have to create new songs or a album since they would have already existed.
(Monday 24 April 2023; 15:06)
this is a reply to message 102,621
Mine (102,583) by Tevin from USA
I live this new song by Kelly Clarkson. I would love it if Mariah would create a song like this. Powerful vocals yet easier to sing.
(Wednesday 19 April 2023; 17:06)
Female singers (102,582) by Tevin from USA
Steven, out of curiosity, why do you think Beyonce is in her version of an E=MC2 era?
(Wednesday 19 April 2023; 17:04)
this is a reply to message 102,570
The real reason for no respect (102,306) by Tevin from USA
I usually agree with you Randy, but public performances such as Can't Let Go, If It's Over Grammys and SNL, begs to differ. But other than that I do agree with what you said.
(Tuesday 7 March 2023; 17:19)
this is a reply to message 102,291
ChatGPT (102,225) by Tevin from USA
So I was bored and I asked ChatGPT, the new AI software, to write me a Mariah Carey song. The lyrics though a little generic at some points, read like something out of a 90s Mariah Carey song. Anyway even though I was doing this as an experiment, I do wonder if AI does take off, how is that going to affect songwriters and copyrights. I truly hope it won't lessen the value of true songwriters.
(Thursday 16 February 2023; 04:02)
Rarities (102,220) by Tevin from USA
Do you all think we will get a Rarities 2 this year?
(Tuesday 14 February 2023; 00:42)
Song of the Summer (102,204) by Tevin from USA
Maybe this is wishful thinking but the song that I feel never got a fair shot for how good it is, is [I'll be loving you long time]. It reminds me of a modern day version of [Always be my baby]. I wish we could get just for that song this year and make it a song of the Summer.
(Friday 10 February 2023; 18:46)
It's A Wrap EP (102,203) by Tevin from USA
Do you guys think Mariah is planning on singing this live again soon (maybe at the Lovers and Friends event), even though that may be too far in the future? Anyway I could be looking at this wrong, but I noticed in the "Edit" version, she cuts off a couple of the really high belt parts and some of the whistles. Maybe a sign that she might try to perform this live? What do you all think?

Also I hope she can drop a video. This has blown up on TikTok and there are so many young people aka under 18 who hardly know anything about Mariah other than Christmas. At least that's what I noticed by the comments that people have made on TikTok. I mean even the massive songs such as WBT and The E of Mimi is almost 20 years old. Other than a big chuck of young people on TikTok. It's crazy to believe how time flies.

Also we should put on Twitter that Mariah should release Angels Advocate.
(Friday 10 February 2023; 18:41)
this is a reply to message 102,195
Memoirs (102,161) by Tevin from USA
(Tuesday 31 January 2023; 16:35)
this is a reply to message 102,160
Memoirs (102,158) by Tevin from USA
Mariah, if you or anyone on your team is reading this board, please release Angels Advocate album this week. This would be the best time given It's A Wraps popularity.
(Monday 30 January 2023; 22:09)
this is a reply to message 102,156
Why is everyone surprised? (101,860) by Tevin from USA
I agree Jamie. Notice how she hasn't posted any clips of her performance on social media. Usually she post quite a bit of stuff.
(Friday 16 December 2022; 22:07)
this is a reply to message 101,856


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