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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

I'm also not pissed because (67,040) by Marissa from USA
Upon further research, the general consensus from what I'm reading online about the Empire episode is that the song is amazing. Infamous is not my cup of tea, but if society at large is enjoying it (which is always the ultimate goal, half of the rage people experience when MC puts out a song that they don't like is really fear that the general public will have the same unfavorable perception), I see no reason for me to get myself worked up about it. Literally every non-lamb tweet that I'm seeing is saying that it's a bop. I'm counting this as a victory whether I'm really into the song or not.
(Thursday 6 October 2016; 8:35)
Why I'm not enraged over Infamous (67,039) by Marissa from USA
1. Given the somber context that the song was debuted in on the show, it was impossible for the smash hit wonder, club banger song that everyone wanted. Infamous 100% fits the context of the episode of Empire. The criteria for the song was to be a safe bet for Jamal to regain his confidence in singing. The context was basically rigged against anything truly awe-inspiring to begin with.
2. The fact that Mariah's appearance was extremely short with no character development and it appears that she will not have a recurring role makes it hard to get into any material that she puts out regardless of how good it sounds. If you think a quick, forgettable appearance is going to make it effortless for Mariah to start snagging #1s again, you're sadly mistaken. She has to be consistently visible in mainstream media if there is going to be a major surge in interest for her again. Even with her best effort musically, I still don't think this Empire micro-appearance would have been enough for any significant results.
Ultimately, I don't think it was as big of a missed opportunity as people were making it out to be. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
(Thursday 6 October 2016; 8:19)
Re: Infamous is ok (66,856) (66,861) by Marissa from USA
I happen to be one of the people who didn't think the song was that bad, but are people allowed to have an opinion though? Just because you're a fan doesn't mean you have a moral obligation to be ecstatic about everything she puts out. That's not even realistic. What if the song just isn't someone's taste? As long as someone isn't cursing her out or being extremely disrespectful, I don't think that makes them a bad fan.
(Friday 30 September 2016; 2:15)
Infamous opinion (66,839) by Marissa from USA
The song served its purpose. It aligned with the dramatic theme of Empire. Do I like it? Not really. I appreciate the fact that Mariah didn't use autotune for her voice, but at the same time her mid-range is definitely not her greatest asset in my opinion. If only something could have been done in either a higher or lower register. Overall on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd rate it a 6. Not worthy of the rage that Infinity or Triumphant got, but not worthy of a "yasssss queen" either.
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 19:24)
Re: MC on MC (66,763) (66,785) by Marissa from USA
My biggest issue with Miley's comments is not what she said, but the hypocrisy of it all. "It's about what she's wearing, and it's about her. What I make isn't about me. It's about sharing my story; it's about someone being connected to what I'm saying." How on earth is twerking, acting like a wannabe thug and sticking your tongue out constantly, "sharing your story" or inspiring people to connect with your work? She's one to talk. In terms of the comments itself, I don't blame her for feeling that way. Mariah leads with the narcissistic diva personality gimmick and not the substance that she actually has, so what else are people going to think? This is the type of stuff that happens when you're 46 but want to conduct yourself like you're 21. People come at you crazy and think they can talk about you any type of way without respect. I don't feel bad. Even if Miley felt this same way about Patti Labelle or Aretha Franklin for example, she probably would have never said that because she most likely respects them as legends. Mariah doesn't want anyone to see her as a legend but as an "eternally 12" year old, so she can't get shocked or mad when someone's talking about her like they're in 7th grade gym class instead of like a grown ass woman. At the end of the day, Miley's comments mean nothing, so who cares? Next.
(Wednesday 28 September 2016; 19:46)
Re: Mariah's meet and greet disaster-nadia (66,733) (66,757) by Marissa from USA
I still don't believe him breaking a rule is enough to be the reason for all meet and greets getting cancelled. All she has to do is ban him from coming back and keep it moving if it was really that big of an issue. It's not adding up why every other lamb would have to get punished moving forward. I feel like the meet and greets got cancelled for something deeper than that.
(Tuesday 27 September 2016; 22:52)
Re: Mariah's meet and greet disaster (66,709) (66,716) by Marissa from USA
These rumors have been swirling for a while now, but what evidence does anyone have that this actually happened? Let's just say I think the guy is um, "unique" for going to damn near every Vegas meet and greet that Mariah's ever had and essentially paying her consistently so he can feel like they are real friends, but I think his well-publicized "uniqueness" makes him a target for rumors like this even if there's no proof that anything actually happened. When an extremely reliable source can confirm this, then I'll believe it because it isn't fair for someone to get accused of something that no one can prove.
(Monday 26 September 2016; 18:57)
Re: Encore (66,664) (66,673) by Marissa from USA
Can't Take That Away. That song is everything to me and she hasn't performed it in centuries.
(Sunday 25 September 2016; 0:09)
Re: Video (66,495) / Mimi L. (66,511) (66,514) by Marissa from USA
They are exploiting the fact that Mariah's lonely because they know good and well that it is not normal to hang around a "client" 365 days a year, including romantic trips and Christmas. When was LA Reid, Randy Jackson or even JD around this much? I can understand how tempting it can be to want to go along for the ride for the "Adventures of Mimi", but at the same time, you have to at least stop and think that if a person wants their entourage around that (caps) much, they are clearly dealing with some unresolved issues with loneliness and it isn't healthy to enable them all the time. But of course, they don't care about that. From the outside looking in, it doesn't even look like Mariah has that much one-on-one time with her kids anymore compared to before her new entourage came on the scene. Now the only time you see her with her kids is if she's in a setting where the Bulochnikovs are running rampant in the background, and that is not quality time to really be able to teach and cultivate your children. MC's entourage situation gives a whole new meaning to "it takes a village to raise a child". If I were Nick I would be furious at the fact that all of those tacky, anything goes people are around my kids on a daily basis. We can pretend that it's different because these are Mariah Carey's children, but the reality is that kids mimic what they see and after a while they're no longer going to be bulletproof to what's going on around them.
(Tuesday 20 September 2016; 19:12)
Is the depth still there? (66,450) by Marissa from USA
I also wonder what type of lyrics we will get from Mariah with her next album. Since the Bulochnikovs have stepped on the scene, it seems like they have drained all of the depth and substance out of Mariah that once existed. I fear that that will show up in her lyrics. When does she even have time to reflect and look within herself to come up with good lyrics when she is surrounded by her entourage all day, every day? Hell they might even be giving input into her music. If I hear "Nobu Nobu Nobu Nobu" or "empower your girls" in a song, I'm burning the album. I'm afraid that there will be no vulnerability in her music anymore because it seems like the one thing she's been running from all of 2016 is looking within and acknowledging any other emotion besides "having fun". (I put that in quotes because you can see in her eyes that she is not as happy as she once was in life. It's almost like she's memorized a script and acting out what she thinks happiness looks like rather than it flowing naturally. It just feels forced to me. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.) What do you all think?
(Monday 19 September 2016; 2:43)
Getting MC back to the top of the charts (66,422) by Marissa from USA
In my opinion, Mariah only has 3 musical routes that she can take to get back to the top of the charts in today's musical climate without compromising her musical integrity are: an infectious pop summer jam, a sultry, baby-making song a la The Weeknd's "Earned It" or a raw, honest stripped down love song a la Hello by Adele. Everything else is bullshit. Another "hip-pop" collaboration isn't going to cut it because she keeps working with here today, gone tomorrow rappers. People don't realize that the Fantasy remix and IKWYW worked for MC, not just because she was working with rappers, but because she was working with legendary, one-of-a-kind, hip-hop veterans. If she's not gonna get people of that caliber, I say forget it. I'm tired of half-assed wannabe Fantasy remix revivals. I'm fine with MC doing a love song as a single but she must (caps) let go of this WBT formula that has yet to get her another #1 for a ballad since then. WBT was great but times have changed and she needs to take a new approach. When Mariah did step out of her comfort zone, we got the brilliance of Meteorite. As we could see with VOL, the Fantasy remix and Meteorite, when Mariah gets into that trailblazing state of mind, the music is untouchable. When she sticks with formulas and creates songs that remind her of her past work, it's basically a guarantee that the given song won't even break the top 20 on the charts.
(Sunday 18 September 2016; 4:14)
Empire single (66,413) by Marissa from USA
I'm glad Mariah's putting out a song that will basically promote itself by being on Empire, but I hate the fact that Jussie/Jamal's goat vocals have to be a part of the track. His vibrato is out of control. The only male singer I really want Mariah to collaborate with is The Weeknd. That would be perfect.
(Saturday 17 September 2016; 23:20)
By the way (66,290) by Marissa from USA
The main point of my previous post was not just to rant, but to demonstrate the contrasts between the MC 5 years ago and the MC now, that leaves fans confused as to who the real MC is or how to move forward as fans of someone who has changed drastically.
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 20:41)
Re: New Insta pics (66,243) (66,289) by Marissa from USA
Honestly, people downplay how hard it is as a fan when everything your favorite singer since "1902" said she would never do as little as 5 years ago, she has started doing. She said she'd never do a reality show, yet "Mariah's World" is in the works. She hated if anyone ever insinuated that she had any work done, yet her face has obviously been altered for the worse by either plastic surgery or botox. Finding any footage of MC cursing used to be like finding a needle in a haystack, yet one of her new hobbies is cursing out TMZ reporters "just for laughs". She said she'd never judge on American Idol, but after the "nice monetary moment" that they offered her, there she was. She used to say that she didn't do gimmicks and used to throw shade at the people who did, yet she's on a campaign to win over sexual deviants with poorly edited, skanky photos. And don't jazz it up to be an "evolution" or "metamorphosis" when it really is someone just living out of alignment with their integrity. As a fan, you don't know what to do with yourself. Do you declare it a phase and wait it out? Was the classy MC actually the fake image all along and this is who she's always been but finally got the courage to be reveal it? It's very confusing. I overlooked diva rumors about MC and became a lamb because from my own assessment she was smart, principled, eloquent, grounded and had substance. From the image I see now I wouldn't be able to stand by those qualities with equal certainty today. People forget that Mariah solidified us all as fans because of not only music, but a personal brand that she sold us on, and when every aspect of that is getting uprooted you expect people not to react? That's like your favorite Italian restaurant of 26 years randomly changing 98% of their menu to Mexican food, keeping their same name, expecting the usual customers to abandon their original desire for lasagna and shut up and order some beans and rice. What the f***? We don't even know or understand the person we are a fan of anymore but people just expect us to sit back and chill? Most "negative" lambs are coming from a place of confusion and a sense of abandonment than they are hate.
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 19:31)
Re: New pictures (66,251) (66,286) by Marissa from USA
Oh my goodness. At least you're being honest.
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 18:26)
Re: New music (66,235) (66,246) by Marissa from USA
Not only would it be a smart move, but it would be a heck of a lot easier. Maybe there's a lot of red tape/politics involved in releasing her old stuff because I've never understood why someone with an arsenal of potential hits would keep going back to the drawing board instead of using what they already have. I don't care what year she actually recorded the particular song as long as I've never heard it before and she can successfully perform it live.
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 5:25)
New Insta pics (66,240) by Marissa from USA
So after the latest conservative pic like this one, I've decided that I'm not saying anything else on this messageboard about her Instagram photos for as long as I can stand. She knows that the fans are constantly begging her to show some class and doesn't care. She knows that she is worth more than this, but doesn't care. I'm going to sit back and see if pandering to the sexual deviants of Instagram finally gets her another #1 or gets her to sell millions of albums again. I have my hypothesis that this approach will make a marginal difference between album sales of MIAM and album sales of whatever she's putting out next. Granted it will probably get her way more views to Mariah's World, but it won't make a big difference where it really matters unless she releases unparalleled music to accompany this. Regardless, I've officially given up hope that the mysterious, classy Mariah of yesteryear will ever return, and by yesteryear I am not talking about the 90s, but within the past 5 years. She's gone. I don't know how the longsufferers of 15+ years still do it, but it hasn't even been a full year of these antics and as a fan I feel defeated. I will always want to hear Mariah's music and see new performances but personality-wise, as of now I've outgrown her as a lot of people have and are probably struggling to come to terms with it. I'm over getting shocked and outraged about the same old, same old. If it's not about the music, new projects, performances, or the world's most omnipresent manager (or unless her family members pop out of the woodwork again), I'm withholding my opinion.
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 1:28)
Re: Mariah Carey cancels Meet & Greet again (66,174) (66,206) by Marissa from USA
Is this that superfan who does a meet and greet with Mariah at least once a month? Whoever that person is, either he has the hookup or he has a shitload of disposable income.
(Tuesday 13 September 2016; 2:49)
Re: Mariah is lost (66,134) (66,155) by Marissa from USA
I agree with everything you said except patching things up with her siblings. Her mother, yes, but her siblings don't even deserve eye contact from her. They have proven time and time again that they are abusive, heartless and exploitative. Mariah may be lost at this point in her life but I really don't think reconnecting with hateful and disloyal family members is going to make matters any better. I don't believe in keeping family close when they are abusing you just to say that you have family. Blood doesn't make you family, love, respect and loyalty does. If anything maybe she could do one of those genealogy searches and try to reconnect with cousins, aunts and uncles from her parents sides, but those siblings have gotten all of the chances that they need from her. If the only way your family will stop publicly bullying you is if you shower them with money then they aren't worthy of being called family.
(Monday 12 September 2016; 0:29)
Re: You can't have it both ways (66,115) (66,116) (66,118) by Marissa from USA
Don't get me wrong, I wish we could live in a world where we could have our cake and eat it too, but we don't. I don't think she shouldn't have respect because of her nudity, I'm just saying that in the world we live in, she won't get it. In this sexist world, women don't have the luxury of being able to constantly present themselves in a sexual way without being branded as a slut, even if it's not true. It's unfortunate but it's reality, and if someone isn't comfortable with the consequences (as MC clearly isn't when she wants to change the subject on any sexual topic and constantly clarify that she has slept with very few men), they shouldn't toe the line. My chest is the same size as MC's and although it's very easy for me to look porno I keep cleavage to a minimum because it is important to me to be seen as the intelligent, respectable woman that I am and, unfortunately, I know I wouldn't get that half as much if I dressed the way MC does. That's why it bothers me, because I know Mariah wants people to believe that she's prudish but at the same time she's giving them fodder to put her in the category of a loose woman and when people respond to what she puts out there she wants to play dumb and backpedal. She puts an image out there but isn't prepared to own it when shit hits the fan. If that's the case, why not just dress the way you claim you want to perceived in the first place rather than doing the opposite, only to end up backpedaling anyway? It doesn't make sense. So yes, she may want (caps) it both ways, but probably for another 30 years until this world changes its views on sexuality, she won't have it and the lambs will have to continue to defend the paradoxical and contradictory image that she's created.
(Sunday 11 September 2016; 1:32)
You can't have it both ways (66,115) by Marissa from USA
Other celebrities have done worse but most of them are not even 1/4 as talented as Mariah, so stunts are the only hope they have for career survival. I don't flinch if I see JLo or Madonna doing something risque because vocally they don't have much to offer, so how else would they stay relevant? Mariah is one of the top 3 voices ever, which is why it's so disappointing to see her acting like she has nothing to offer but nudity. You can't just say that that is the price people have to pay in today's society for sales because look at Adele. She never wears anything risque and is one of the few artists that can still sell millions of albums in a world where everyone illegally downloads. There's no excuse. My issue is that MC wants to have her cake and eat it too, and send mixed messages to the world. One minute she wants everyone to respect her artistry, lyricism and take her seriously, but the next minute she's posing nude or half naked for "the gram". One minute she wants to stress her prudishness and how few partners she's had, the next minute she's showing up to the club with lingerie and taking booty selfies. Which is it, because fair or not, she's never going to be able to have 2 perceptions of her simultaneously. Lambs want Mariah to be exempt from being held accountable to the way she presents herself to the world. It's okay for Mariah to put out as many hypersexual photos as she wants, but the minute someone calls her a ho you're ready to fight? It's "fun" for MC to talk about being eternally 12 in every interview, but the minute someone sees her as ditzy and dumb instead of a deep songwriter you're ready to slash tires? You can't have it both ways. If you support the hypersexual behavior then you also support the consequences of her never getting as much respect as she has earned.
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 23:57)
It's not just about Mariah (66,103) by Marissa from USA
Does anyone remember that Mariah has kids? Or a fiance? The people who are cheering her on are seeming to forget that her actions impact others too. It's not just all about Mariah and being sexy at all costs anymore. I think this overly sexy era has been extremely disrespectful to her kids, man and herself. Mariah's always been sexy but it's never been this cheap or felt this desperate before. Also, there's a huge difference between having a bath for a music video and a professional photoshoot than amateur photos that clearly look like a sexy selfie you would have sent to your man. These photos look like ones that you'd be embarrassed would leak from your iCloud, so let's not even compare. One is artistic and the other one is thirsty. My main point is not that she should completely stop being sexy because she's a mother, it's that she should be more tasteful and more selective with who she shares this stuff with. She could have still taken those some pictures, but why not just send those to James instead of Instagram's 500 million users? Because to me at this point it seems like she is more motivated to turn on 40 year old men who live in their mother's basement in the Instagram comments than she is her own man. What happened to the Mariah who didn't even want to show us her bedroom on Cribs because she wanted "something left for herself"? Oh and the same people who are masturbating to her Instagram photos do not give a shit about buying her album. Don't let this cheap attention that she's getting fool you into thinking these people will do anything for her beyond an illegal download. So it really isn't worth to stoop so low to court their attention.
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 20:37)
Prophecies come true (66,048) by Marissa from USA
Here's a snippet from a post I wrote in June of this year: "But hey, continue to encourage one of the greatest singers of all time who has nothing left to prove to act on the same level as a Kardashian. Let's stay on the lookout for the nude selfie that is likely to happen in the near future and scream 'slay Mimi' once it's released. " (sarcasm) I knew it was only a matter of time.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 22:11)
Makeup, botox and plastic surgery (66,005) by Marissa from USA
What has been going on with Kris Buckle's makeup looks for MC lately? It's making matters worse than they are. Mariah has been having way too many drag queen makeup incidents within the past year and as someone who's been doing her makeup since the 90s, he should know damn well that he's making her look ridiculous. I love him but he needs to pull it together. Also, I'm very disappointed in Mariah if she had something beyond botox (and it looks like she got some damn cheek implants). I know there are a lot of celebrities who've had it but she was always acting shocked, appalled and insulted if anyone even insinuated that she had any work done, so to see her look more and more like Michael Jackson or a wax figure is frightening as evidenced in these photos, photos, photos.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 1:12)
Re: Mariah's face (65,956) (65,964) by Marissa from USA
Whatever work she got done, it wouldn't be even a quarter as obvious if she would stop wearing those damn lashes. To me everything looked relatively normal, but it looked like she couldn't even open her eyes because of those horrible lashes.
(Wednesday 7 September 2016; 16:53)


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