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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Apologize for typos (68,035) by May from Denmark
Sorry. I suck writing in the mobile. Title meant to say "new music". Love you all.
(Sunday 6 November 2016; 12:45)
Nice to know nee music prep (68,034) by May from Denmark
I was so glad to hear in that small E. interview the day she performed in Toronto that she is indeed working on new material. So in the end is not all dinners and casual appearances for the paps. I wonder what kind of path she is taking musicaly. With all the things going on I wonder. I love Mariah and lately her public character seems to be getting cartoonier (I think I just made up that word haha). I don't care her outfits in the least, almost inspired in Dale Bozzio but contemporary as Gaga, one could say she is looking "Gagaesque", aren't so many looking like that lately including Bey-Bey and miss Spears? Why does it bothet so much when Mariah does it, cause she is even more daring street-wise? Anyway, going out of topic. I care zero her clothing choices though this very last one with the see through leggings may upset some, I care about her music and I wonder if Mariah still has anything to write anymore. If we think about it her she has everything and except for a romantic turmoil what else is there to write from her? She can't write anymore Make It Happens, can she? Anyone recalls TGTBAW? Wouldn't a song like that fit perfectly with what is going on today? Such an underrated song and so up to date lyrically. I did like her last effort for Empire, sounded sexy. I know some didn't like it and the background may have sounded dated, but the melody was beautiful and the lyrics were nice though I could see an improvement. Mariah used to write so good but last years she has fallen for too much slang, brand names and naming people I'm not interested in. Mariah needs to do it personal but relatable. I loved BGK but all those names, I don't care if you slept in RaeRae couch Mariah, find a word for it so that I can follow the song in my personal way, you have your life. I want a meaningful song. I love party songs, who didn't love ILT, the slangs were on point in there at least. I don't know what to expect anymore. Maybe nothing and just wait? Haha.
(Sunday 6 November 2016; 12:44)
Re: This is why Mariah is still wearing the ring (68,030) (68,033) by May from Denmark
What can James possibly get out of this planted story? It doesn't even sound like something he would allow to do. He is a very private guy. TMZ while not retracted the article about the prenup it has updated, in very small letters at the end of the article, that Packer denies the things said in the prenup. Paraphrasing because I don't recall the exact words but you can check it. I'm guessing TMZ (and the DailyFail) are not putting them down because is giving them clicks and comments. Here is the thing. The only confirmation we got is from Mariah camp that they argued and are trying to work it out and from Packer's camp that the prenup is untrue. That's it. The rest is gossip, rumors, speculations.
(Sunday 6 November 2016; 12:25)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,911) (67,926) by May from Denmark
I feel it's the extremes. Her previous team was useless, they promoted her zero and her rep was trash by the end when they were fired. Now is overly public and while she was getting great promo thanks to Vegas and the tour now everything is havoc and terrible. Mariah keeps appearing in random places but no worthy interviews, no announcements, and no one from her camp fixing this drama. If they hope for all of it to go away as usual this time they are failing. It's like they are throwing fuel to the fire with these public stunts. Mariah darling, just stay home, it's too cold outside anyway.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 20:20)
Re: Clear up rumors (67,909) (67,925) by May from Denmark
I understood that she wanted to stay in LA because she was planning on making her Vegas show a permanent job and she mentioned something about wanting the children to have stability and a place they all could stay together without her going back and forth. I just find it so weird that she wants Packer to buy the house. All these weird stories, the late public appearances with Tanaka, the strange stunts with the ring putting it here and there. Everything is so mega confusing I'm honestly not paying attention anymore. I won't say anything about her rep. It has been in decline since Glitter. In fact, a lot of this feels Glitter all over again. The cray-cray calls, back then I remember the whole ordeal with that lawyer who swore seeing her cocaine stash, the suppose suicide attempt and stalking Luis Miguel. It's as confusing and crazy. I was not minding the outfits out of stage and the poor choices in it but this relationship and money stories are exploding out of proportion.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 20:16)
Re: Dark, evil era (67,819) (67,843) by May from Denmark
Or she is being that because she has been everything else before. Oh, she was a tiger just now, I thought this was supposed to be the dark and evil era, she should have chosen to be a black cat then, to go along with the conspiracies. If I were her I would have dressed as Trump, there's nothing more evil and scarier, and Tanaka could have been Putin, there we close the circle of nutjobs.
(Wednesday 2 November 2016; 10:25)
Re: Leave the kids out of it (67,828) (67,842) by May from Denmark
But Tanaka has been years with Mariah as her dancer and in recent years closer friend. So he is known to the kids and they might not feel his presence out of place. Nick usually does this whole holiday event, this year couldn't be. As much as I think Mariah is being childish I don't think that the kids are going "oh another man" and be all confused. We don't even know what Mariah told her kids about Packer and the whole wedding. Yet again all we can do is assume. And lots of assumptions are going on lately on the board taken as facts, the same with gullible people eating every gossip rumor from the most disputable magazine sources. I'm more concerned as to what's happening with a new album and music. Wasn't Mariah working on it? I suppose every non-Christmasy project is being put aside as Christmas is in the air. Too much to hope this year, but I would like Mariah to sing a new xmas song.
(Wednesday 2 November 2016; 10:20)
Re: Stella pictures removed? (67,599) (67,658) by May from Denmark
No, Stella pictured were not removed neither the ones with the children. The very last picture of Stella and Mariah has been and it is still up there. That was around the time lambs wanted to see less Stella in the pics and it was granted, there was no more Stella after that picture. Also they were seeing together having dinner just yesterday so I don't believe she was fired or their friendship fell overboard. To be honest I'm not buying a single article about the split or anything. Nothing is remotely clear. People (general public) just want more of this drama because it is Mariah Carey and people just disliked this idea of her having it all including a known billionaire. We really need an official annoucement, anything, even a Snapchat from Mariah saying something simple as "*wink* don't believe everything you see" and smile in her cute way. Instead she is going for dinners. I'm more amazed at the news Janet converted to another religion just to be with a guy and ditched all the rights for women she has been fighting for so long.
(Saturday 29 October 2016; 15:07)
Re: Packer went beserk on dancer (67,582) (67,588) by May from Denmark
But if it were true that Mariah was scared of Packer and he had drama with Tanaka, why would Mariah promote Tanaka to creative director and give him free will to do the choreographies? Why didn't Packer blow up then and instead decided to go with Mariah on holiday? Something is not adding up.
(Friday 28 October 2016; 10:44)
Re: This is KickAss? (67,573) (67,576) by May from Denmark
Being from South America I can tell you we are very much used to being stood up by mega stars. Mariah isn't the only one and she isn't the first one giving promoters drama as an excuse, it happens all too often, yes, promoters there suck and the major one that deals all is the same one in most countries down there, it's like a monopoly, it's also very unorganized, an usual complaint when big names come. Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Adele, Christina, Selena Gomez, a bunch of artists had cancelled South American tours, generally the excuses are the same "I hurt my knee", "my voice is wee", "the promoters scammed me". I just don't know if others fans are as aggressive as the lambs. The insults in Mariah's FB are outrageous.
(Friday 28 October 2016; 1:52)
Re: Mariah's World (67,570) (67,575) by May from Denmark
I feel that this whole split up announcement (as it has already been officially announced) came to light only to minimize the damage the tour cancelleation could create and is being used to divert the attention. According to what has been said, Mariah and James haven't been together for a month. As soon as the tour drama came up, the news about the split surfaced and it's the only thing the celeb news talk about. It only left Mariah's social media suffering the SA fans complaints and the news now just simply mention she "will be touring SA 2017" and move on. So my opinion is that this whole "they are seeing if they can make it work" might hint that they aren't really split, they will be fine with each other next month and the reality, sorry, "docu series" will happen as scheduled. I could be wrong of course haha.
(Friday 28 October 2016; 1:28)
Re: The Weeknd (66,950) (66,958) by May from Denmark
I'm going to day it out loud, no more duets please. I'm genuinely tired of it. I want Mariah a hundred percent, no more rap/hip hop. Raw Mariah.
(Sunday 2 October 2016; 23:24)
Re: Is it really decent or is it "Infamous" (66,909) (66,947) by May from Denmark
I agree this is a bonus as an extra until the anticipated end of year show. I think the song is good but here is my honest take on it, I feel that Mariah decided to do this very generic RnB sound just to play ot safe because the song it's for a tv show. I don't watch Empire, so I'm not sure if the song is this way because it is related to the character that she is playing. I believe she wanted to make something that will be appealing to the general public. In my opinion she could have given a little bit more, overall by the end of the song, it seems like something is missing, and that autotune with whatever Jussie was singing or trying to say should have been cut. I won't throw dirt to the song because I definitely think it's much better than Crapfinity (from which I only liked the chorus and final note). "Infamous" has something sexy to it, probably the tone which she sang it with, I like that very much, but I don't find anything in it memorable or catchy, if it was for an album, it would be a filler, a nice filler that is, but still not one to wow unless it gets some arrangements. I listened to it a couple of times but I still can't hum it like I did with "You're Mine" which I did like and enjoyed. I thought the song was going to be horrid after reading some of the reviews here, probably that's why I wasn't sad about it haha. But I've seen a fair amount of positive reviews elsewhere and people on YouTube liking it. To conclude I would say the song needs a bit more of Mariah's pow, that one that is so characteristic of her and was very lackluster in this new song.
(Sunday 2 October 2016; 15:05)
Re: New billboard (65,382) (65,395) by May from Denmark
This billboard is giving me Glitter vibes.
(Wednesday 17 August 2016; 20:19)
Re: May from Denmark (65,322) (65,394) by May from Denmark
It's fine to disagree. The fashion outlook is at the end of the day a very subjective one. I don't care about the age to be honest, I'm not those people who think "dress according to age". For me it doesn't rub. I love Iris Apfel, Baddie Winkle, Betsey Johnson, Tara McPherson. They are all women who don't care their age, they wear and look the way it makes them happy, I admire their determination even if sometimes I don't agree with some of their fashion, I always liked that about Mariah, she is bold and stands her ground. She is always on a fashion rollercoaster, I can practically by now expect anything from Mariah. If people laugh at others because the way they dress and look they are not nice people, really should Mariah accomodate herself to fit the ideal some mean people want her to be, just so she can "socially fit" her age? I don't like some of her choices but I don't think she should ditch the sexy and bare skin because she is 46. She may do it in other ways but still, I don't think that Mariah dressing as a lawyer or journalist will make the mean people stay at bay and not ridicule her. Now that she finally is physically fit people are finding other things to try to put her down.
(Wednesday 17 August 2016; 20:13)
Re: Next album (65,329) (65,347) by May from Denmark
Yes. She needs to record something with a piano, like she has been showcasing throught her Vegas show and tour with the new arrangements for TGIFY and such. The reason why songs like Hero or Without You work so well up to this day is because they are simple, is just a piano and minimal instrumental sounds. She can't miss the chance now that her voice is sounding great and she is in the spotlight. I'm all positive she will come up with something good this next album and I'm rooting for her. I love the very end of this video, she looks and sounds beautiful.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 18:52)
Re: Style (65,326) (65,341) by May from Denmark
Thanks M, you are a sweetheart. I didn't want to make you feel bad because I know you took the time and work. By the way, they don't look fake, what program or app did you use to make them? I agree that Mariah doesn't have a specific style, but we can all agree that when we think of a mini skirt or low cut blouse Mariah comes instantly to mind, not counting the leopard haha, too obvious. I would actually like to see Mariah being dressed more by Elie Saab, those dresses are sexy but they still look very elegant and make the feminine figure stand out graciously rather than cheap. Lots of stars have wore them and they look great in those dresses.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 18:31)
Re: Faded (65,289) (65,314) by May from Denmark
Faded is beautiful but to me what makes Cry more appealing and significant is the lyrics. The part where she says "I should have known that you were tired of me" is so sad, the whole chorus saying "til we both break down" just makes my heart sink. Perhaps to me it became more personal, one of those kind of songs she can write and have people give their own meaning. For me that was always her magic and I'm glad she hasn't lost it, she can still make relatable music. Vanishing is superb but is also from another time, a time when she felt she needed to show her potential, I feel that Can't Let Go and the likes are on the same league, bow at days like you said, she is more raw, I would even say natural and casual, it feels less a showcase of vocal gymnastics (which I love and can appreciate) and more closed to the person, almost private. It has different effects on me.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 0:46)
Re: Texting before "Faded" (65,297) (65,311) by May from Denmark
Those are really well spot on Mimi L. Didn't even notice some. They make sense.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 0:28)
Re: The Mimi/Riri race (65,300) (65,310) by May from Denmark
I'm not sure Mariah is up for doing what people want anymore. I am liking the change of wind, I truly wonder if her new style will be reflected on her music as well, sort of dark and sexy like Long Ago or The Roof. I guess it all depends when she will throw a release, if it's summer I'm guessing she might go for something fast and hype, something cheerful like Beautiful, YDKWTD. Meteorite had a chance, no more failed Infinities. Maybe after MIAM she is done with ballads and slows. I would like to listen more of her voice with real instruments than so much overproduced artificial sounds from a machine. She defo needs to tease with the new music incoming, the interviews, the gorgeous photoshoots, the soon to come docu-series, she needs to give music soon after that. I'm ok waiting a whole year but no more 4 or 5 years.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 0:24)
Re: Style (65,304) (65,309) by May from Denmark
I know you did an effort M but those look ridiculous on her, the blue one is awful, I can imagine Joan Rivers in her late age wearing two of the ensembles, too far from Mariah's style, don't think we will ever see her wearing a palazzo. Sometimes I cringe at some of her outfits, sometimes she looks amazing and others I wonder, it's like there are days when dhe dressed like an "elevated" Courtney Stodden. I recall this small backstage video where a stylist says she is there to help Mariah put on those skimpy clothes, like not so pleased. Stylists give options, the client makes the choice at the end, guess Mariah only goes for one thing, anything that resembles the size of a hand towel. I don't think any stylist can help, surely some tried. For Idol she looked really good in most and even liked a couple of futuristic-types, they were unusual but fit for her sexy style. I don't mind the "bra era" but only if she wore interesting bras, if Kim K was doing it, we would see next week all girls on IG and SC doing it. Haha. I bet you, like those blouses with crossed laces that Mariah wore in the mid 90s but only became fashion because of Kim, it will be the same with the bra.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 0:12)
Re: 25 Times Mariah Carey's Instagram... (64,971) (65,007) by May from Denmark
Somehow though, I feel that they are paying attention on Stella's camp. There aren't thousands of emoji anymore, no more million of hashtags, it's been weeks since the last pic of Mariah with Stella published on her Twitter and IG and Mishka seems to be learning some Mariahisms. There's some effort at least. I've been liking the late candid pictures. I am in love with her current photoshoot, finally Mariah looks audacious and as hot like in Emancipation. The red dress killed me, so perfect. I don't know about Packer, at times he seems very shy and introverted but it's like his hands are of another man, they are always touching in places hahaha.
(Saturday 6 August 2016; 0:29)
Re: Human chair (64,996) (65,006) by May from Denmark
No, there can't never be enough oiled men. I wished I had a human chair, sometimes I need opinions from my furniture when no one is around. Ofcourse you were not joking about Wendy, she is the most Mariah obsessed, bet she has MC picture fixed on top of her bed, the one on the throne haha.
(Saturday 6 August 2016; 0:17)
Re: Webmaster questions (64,622) (64,628) by May from Denmark
Just wanted to say thank you very much for keeping up this website, it must also require a fair amount of effort and time. It has helped me go through some of my negative moments as a fan and find the light in the end to keep supporting Mariah's music. In a time when I had big doubts about her as a songwriter, Shelly's light hearted posts, Edward's beautiful coherent and rational words kept me afloat, this community has done a lot for me as a fan, I even enjoy those Andrew vs everyone posts that come up sometimes. The only site where I could vent my frustration and not be shunned away has been this one and only this one. I had taken a big break once but it is always nice to come back and see many new people with great views. Wished I saw more of some of the old ones but reading fresh newcomers is also great. Thanks for your hard work.
(Monday 25 July 2016; 13:21)
Re: (64,623) plus my view on the current (64,627) by May from Denmark
That website was dead long before that. It hardly had any relevant pictures, was not up with all that was happening, articles were few, the forum community it started like thw one in the time Mariah was pregnant didn't last a month, it was shut down and the normal forum (where lots of opinions were deleted and users banned) kept running but no one likes a place where you can't express 100% what you actually feel, even if it is venting for a moment. This is the only place from all forum communities where what lambs/fans/casual listeners can be open. That is except the illuminati freaks hahaha. And then they had their space for a time. So being open now, I will say that the only reason preventing me from commenting anything or checking as often is because now this community feels more like Stella archives and the shared hatred by some. It got to a point where I can't be bothered as everything some lambies talk about is Stella, it's like an obsession and while I don't care about her I won't make her bigger either. All the small talk about her make her more relevant than Mariah. I understand there's no current music but I think people are placing energy in the wrong places. I love Mimi L. and other posters but right now I prefer to take a step back until the Stella tide passes by. I will keep up with the site, it's the best one out there, it truly is an archive and nothing beats its simplicity and organization, plus it has some of the best lambs in it that makes it worthy reading.
(Monday 25 July 2016; 13:08)


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