
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Re: A disertation on being negative (65,898) (65,909) by Marissa from USA
I understand what you are saying and have been labeled as a "negative lamb" myself, but I feel like a lot of people who are chronically dissatisfied with her career follow it out of inertia and habit rather than having genuine hope that things will improve. Nothing that lasts over 10 years is a phase. It's a way of life. That's like parents who have a son that's had 6 boyfriends and still think that him being gay is "just a phase". Mariah will never stop lipsyncing completely. She will never bury all of her diva habits and lingo. She will never go back to making albums that are 85% ballads. Nor will she ever sit down in an interview or Snapchat video and give us a play-by-play of what happened to her voice since 1996. Especially as someone who is considered one of the top 3 singers in history, she will never straight up acknowledge vocal damage, the same way Whitney never did. As a person who set the bar for her vocals as high as a skyscraper from the very beginning, there is too much pressure for her to be perfect for her to completely come clean, which is why she lipsyncs in the first place. Expecting her to go back to who she was 20 years ago is like expecting a person who's been dead for 20 years to dig their way out of their graves and go for a jog around the cemetery. A lot of people think I'm negative but Mariah has actually implemented some of the improvements I have wanted to see which is why I'm still here. If she was steadily pissing me off since having dial-up internet was normal then I wouldn't make myself miserable watching her every move. At the end of the day, I'm not trying to silence you because anyone who doesn't violate the rules of this board has a right to be here whether I agree with your opinions or not, but even as a fellow "negative" lamb, I can't pretend to relate to having Mariah chronically disappoint me to that extent nor can I act like there's any hope of her changing in the ways that you would prefer.
(Monday 5 September 2016; 20:52)
Re: The Truth (65,887) (65,896) by Marissa from USA
How do you even have the patience to continue to watch her career closely if you've been dissatisfied for the past 15 years though? And what is the point because if she's hasn't implemented whatever changes you've wanted in that lengthy span of time, what is the payoff of continuing to emotionally invest in her? Do you have a breaking point regarding when following her career wouldn't even feel worth the effort?
(Monday 5 September 2016; 3:30)
Re: Will Mariah extend her Vegas residency? (65,786) (65,822) by Marissa from USA
As much as I didn't like the idea initially, over time I have become sold on the Vegas residency. It has proven to have boosted her relevance and quite a few big stars have been busting their behinds to make sure they get a chance to see her while she's out there. I like the fact that it provides Mariah and her kids with more stability too, even if only briefly. On one hand, I wouldn't mind if she stayed there and continued to do this for years to come. On the other hand, I want her to move on to something else mainly so I can fully see how great of a manager people claim Stella is. I've never cared enough about any of Mariah's managers to watch closely at how they perform, but none of them have developed a mini cult following of attack dogs either, so I just want to see her put her money where her mouth is to at least justify why some people are as devoted to her as they are to Mariah. The Vegas deal was already closed when she came on board and it's a big enough project to hide behind even if she's not that great. I want to see how she will handle different projects, particularly rolling out an album. Until Mariah comes out and officially brands herself as a legacy artist is comfortable constantly touring off of her old music, the true test of a great manager is how well they handle the roll out of a new album. (#1 To Infinity doesn't count because no matter how well you roll it out, no one is buying a damn greatest hits album in 2015/2016. That project was hopeless.) MC's boost in relevance can definitely blow smoke up the lambily's asses, but if it doesn't translate to album sales or #1 hits, who really gives a shit? I'm keeping my eye on the prize.
(Friday 2 September 2016; 9:21)
R-E-S-P-E-C-T, stop being petty (65,713) by Marissa from USA
The real tea is the fact that the same people always complaining about why Mariah receives so little respect compared to other legends are the same ones that support an adolescent posting trashy, desperate and overly-edited photos of her on social media and will hold a grudge against you if you speak out against it. So many people wanted to use not signing or shitting on the petition as an opportunity for petty revenge against "negative" lambs but don't realize that they are shooting their own selves in the foot by supporting antics that put a ceiling on the respect Mariah gets. But keep being petty though while everybody but (caps) Mariah gets their due respect even though they have accomplished much less in comparison to her. All of these stunts are going to make Mariah yet another classic case of "she won't get the respect she deserves until she's gone".
(Monday 29 August 2016; 22:01)
Re: Mimi on Empire (65,662) (65,665) by Marissa from USA
I am so excited for this Empire role. One thing I like about Lee is that he keeps it real and will not put up with any over-the-top divalicious mess if it stands in the way of him having an excellent finishing product. The only slight disappointment I have is the fact that it seems like Mariah will be playing Mariah just with a different name. I was hoping for something more out of her comfort zone. Either way, ultimately I'm just glad to see her doing something that is indisputably mainstream so the younger crowd can get more acquainted with her rather than an "almost but not quite" opportunity.
(Saturday 27 August 2016; 20:11)
Re: It's oh so quiet (65,643) (65,646) by Marissa from USA
Is it still down? I see the widget here on MCArchives website and I just pulled it up a few seconds ago and it's still working. That would be great if that was the case but I don't want to get my hopes up as of yet. The silence is yet another manifestation of the incompetence of her social media management. How are you back in Vegas and there's zero talk about it on your social media? I didn't even know the exact day she was coming back until I came here and saw people talking about opening night. The silence is weird.
(Saturday 27 August 2016; 2:40)
Re: Stella take note (65,537) (65,540) by Marissa from USA
I beg to differ. I think Mariah's vocals have been the best part of 2016. I haven't gotten nervous at all anytime she has grabbed a mic this year, which is not something I could say two years ago. It may not sound straight out of 1992 but she could still knock it out of the park.
(Tuesday 23 August 2016; 1:54)
Re: Article: Nick Cannon talks having sex with Mariah Carey (65,443) (65,445) by Marissa from USA
Not surprised by his comments and I don't have the energy to get mad anymore. At least they're not together while he's rehashing this. I think the lack of respect on both sides was what led to the downfall of their marriage. He didn't respect her privacy or boundaries and after a certain point she started to treat him like a "peasant with benefits" and steamrolled over what he wanted (wanting to wean the kids off of the pacifiers, wanting to emphasize the kids' education, etc). I think they loved each other but didn't respect each other enough to be the united front they needed to be to make a marriage work.
(Saturday 20 August 2016; 1:44)
Re: Vocals (65,405) (65,407) by Marissa from USA
My favorite "version" of Mariah is TEOM era. Although she was sweet, I found 90-95 Mariah's personality boring and suppressed. To this day I still almost never watch interviews from that era because I know she wasn't being herself. TEOM era was perfect. She wasn't just happy. She had a spiritual joy that radiated from her. She embodied the lyrics of Can't Take That Away. She was grounded, humble, secure, grateful to have such a successful comeback and the diva antics were infrequent enough to actually be fun. Even a hater couldn't help but like her back then.
(Thursday 18 August 2016; 22:41)
Re: New billboard (65,372) (65,378) by Marissa from USA
Thank you, I was trying to figure out what was making it look awkward. She does look beautiful though.
(Wednesday 17 August 2016; 10:01)
Re: Billboard photo (65,343) (65,358) by Marissa from USA
Eh, I've seen much racier things. I'm actually shocked that this was banned. My issue with this picture is how awkward it looks. I can't put my finger on what it is but it looks uncomfortable.
(Tuesday 16 August 2016; 23:11)
Re: Style (65,304) (65,307) by Marissa from USA
Maybe she just doesn't have taste. If she didn't like the way she was dressed during AI, which was the best she has ever looked, that is the only answer. To Mariah, a fashion hit is something extremely expensive that puts her in danger of having a nip slip. That's it. I have tried to convince myself over the years that Mariah is a style icon when she's really not. I guess I wanted to believe it so bad because with a closet like the one in NY, there's no excuse to look mediocre. She's had some hits every now and then but generally speaking, fashion is her weakness. It doesn't matter what top notch stylist she hires because she's so rigid in what she's willing to wear. She won't carry a purse, wear jeans, wear a blazer, wear a jumpsuit, wear a suit, wear anything that would cover up her boobs, etc. so all anyone can do is get her outfits that go the overtly sexual route. Also, keep it up M with these Mariah lookbooks you've been posting. I love them. Even though I think hell would have to freeze over before Mariah would consistently experiment with different looks, at least we can dream.
(Monday 15 August 2016; 23:28)
Re: Company (65,129) (65,137) by Marissa from USA
Mariah has an extremely codependent relationship with her entourage. I used to think that she was just an extrovert and enjoyed having people around, but now I think it's deeper than that. She uses these people as a shield from having to look at herself and her decisions. Naturally her team has to be around her while she is touring, performing and promoting, but on a romantic trip with the man that you are "in love" with? Unnecessary. The only people needed on this trip were bodyguards and maybe a nanny. Everyone else is irrelevant. I also no longer believe that Mariah's in love with James from what I see on the surface. Despite the leaked photos in the beginning of their relationship, she did seem genuinely happy and in love with him. Then after he proposed to her it's like he went from a partner to a prop. He's seemed like a publicity tool ever since. What logical reason would there be for having his and hers yachts when the person you are "in love" with has one of the largest yachts in the world? It's not like there is no room. Any time you choose a partner who you are not excited about, you are settling and downgrading even if the person is richer than you. On one hand I think Mariah's a sweet, fun and generous person, but on the other hand I don't know how James takes it. With the omnipresent entourage, her music playing in the background everywhere she goes, lighting and angles obsessions, and age complex, being with her also seems like a never-ending ego fest and I don't know how many people would want a lifelong commitment to that situation.
(Wednesday 10 August 2016; 21:02)
Stella and cyberbullying (64,834) by Marissa from USA
I can't sympathize with this situation at all. If her agenda was less about showing off Mariah's lifestyle and more about protecting her and her daughters' mental wellbeing than she would have privated both her and her kids' accounts a long time ago. It's a very simple and attainable solution, but notice how she's willing to do everything but back out of the spotlight. I only sympathize with people who are getting bullied about things that they can't control like facial features, their race, mental illness, physical handicaps, etc. I'm not going to feel bad for someone who keeps giving the world fodder to drag them. If she was willing to bite the bullet and do what most managers do, which is fade into the background instead of trying to be the star of the show, her problems would be solved.
(Sunday 31 July 2016; 19:43)
Re: Panties in a bunch over petition (64,789) (64,812) by Marissa from USA
Do you know how I would go about that? Is there a certain email address for the E Network that it could be sent to?
(Saturday 30 July 2016; 20:31)
Panties in a bunch over petition (64,782) by Marissa from USA
Some lambs have some of the lowest self esteem I've ever encountered in life. People have been trying to start Twitter and other social media wars with me over this damn petition. The same lambs who have busted their asses calling into radio stations to make MC's songs go number one, go out and buy 5 or more copies of her albums to boost sales and defend her even when she is wrong, are the ones who feel insecure and unworthy of making a simple request of Mariah and think anyone who does is a sinful heretic. I can understand a petition not being your style or not wanting to sign it, but cruelly bashing it and the lambs who signed it is ridiculous. Some lambs are angry about this as though a petition is the same thing as holding a gun to her head. Calm down. People may not care or agree, but one thing no one can convince me of is that the petition is disrespectful. She has the freedom to ignore it or say no and it was worded in a very kind and polite way. All I know is that over 250 people have signed it so far for a reason, so the issue clearly isn't a figment of 5 or 6 lambs imaginations. Anyone who feels the need to be disrespectful and heartless about lambs just wanting Mariah back can kiss my ass, and like Mimi L. said before, I'd also like to thank them for the unintentional publicity.
(Friday 29 July 2016; 21:49)
Can we address the elephant in the room? (64,758) by Marissa from USA
Regarding the video Mimi L just posted, why is it that Mariah can never go out and have fun without getting wasted? Every. Single. Time. I've never seen her leave a club looking even slightly in control of herself. I'm sorry, but at 46, this is not normal. If every time someone went out to eat, they wouldn't stop eating until they threw up, we would say that they had a problem, but if she gets f***** up every time she goes to the club without fail, she's just "living her life?" Can someone please explain to me how sweating, slurring words and stumbling can still be appealing to take part in at almost 50? I think if you drink to that level often, you are running from something.
(Thursday 28 July 2016; 21:43)
Re: Clash and Complex (64,701) (64,703) by Marissa from USA
With antics like this video, this, this and this, hasn't she already "resorted to being a celebrity"? The only difference between Mariah and other celebrities is that she can sing, but as of 2016, she's slipped into low brow stunts just like everybody else. The air of mystery doesn't exist anymore.
(Tuesday 26 July 2016; 23:25)
Question (64,652) by Marissa from USA
Edward's point about the dwindling amount of lambs made me think of this question. What dealbreaker, if anything, could ever make you want to leave Mariah's fanbase? I don't mean refusing to buy anymore music, but choosing to stop being tuned into the daily happenings of her life.
(Tuesday 26 July 2016; 2:30)
Re: Petition (64,599) (64,600) by Marissa from USA
I think anyone in their right mind knows that a petition won't get Mariah to fire Stella. That's a personal decision and they've grown too close for a petition requesting such a huge overhaul to even work. It's something so extreme that even if a petition for that got 10,000 signatures, it would be laughed off within 5 minutes and ignored. I think that 90% of the issues that people have with Stella would be resolved if her family no longer had a stronghold of Mariah's social media/PR, so the amount of people who would even want her to get fired would likely decrease. If Mariah reconnects with her fans, a lot of the possible stunts that Stella might attempt to pull wouldn't stand a chance because Mariah would finally have access to other perspectives besides people on her payroll, so a firing wouldn't even be necessary in my opinion. Everything else like her child constantly being an adults-only situations, her 9 layers of blush and endless "empower your girls" motivational speeches are annoying, but I think the majority of us are desensitized to it all now.
(Saturday 23 July 2016; 21:01)
Re: Petition (64,573) (64,585) by Marissa from USA
Expecting Mariah to magically hear about requests without being tuned into social media is like expecting someone who already hung up on you to hear the rest of your phone conversation. MC running her own social media is the only way we'd have a chance of her becoming aware of any other requests or concerns we might have. If Mariah isn't tuned in and listening to us, aside from not getting the emotional connection back, every desired improvement or vision that we have talked about is hopeless. Set list requests are useless, people begging for Mariah to perform in their country, or people simply wanting her to know how much they admire her might as well shut the hell up. Right now she lives in a vacuum and everything we want Mariah to know and see is filtered through people who don't have zero emotional investment in the lambily. Also, for someone who is suddenly so concerned about how journalists might represent Mariah, it seems strange that the issues that you wanted to petition about were the most likely to humiliate her. Her own fans publicly calling her out on lipsyncing, photoshop, and cheating lambs from quality meet and greets in a petition? On what planet is that flattering or immune to getting negative media attention? That is the type of mess that Wendy and tabloids live for. If you are going to fake concern for her representation you're gonna have to do a much better job than that, because you just undermined your whole argument.
(Saturday 23 July 2016; 10:48)
Re: Petition (64,551) (64,567) by Marissa from USA
Apparently your priorities aren't straight either or you would have come to us with a petition made and ready for each subject that you brought up instead of talking shit. Put up or shut up. Don't get mad at us because you have yet to make a move beyond whining on this messageboard. I think the reason people have been able to get behind this petition is that it doesn't come across like we're just trying to boss her around, nitpick or pull her in 300 different directions. It's coming from a place of love rather than having a checklist of 100s of hoops Mariah has to jump through to be good enough for us, which is usually the state of mind that you have. Do you want to do what's effective, or do you just want to hear yourself talk, because petitions like "Mariah, stop airbrushing", "Mariah, you're too fat for my standards, tone up" and "Mariah, you're embarrassing us by lipsyncing" are only going to make her and anyone close to her defensive.
(Friday 22 July 2016; 20:10)
Re: Petition (64,530) (64,531) by Marissa from USA
I can't guarantee that this petition will change anything but to me, it's better than nothing. People including myself come here to bitch and moan about the same social media issues almost daily. I think signing a petition is a more constructive way for people to express discontent than on Mariah's Instagram comments that are probably being blocked or are never read. My intention with this was for this hopefully to gain media attention (just like how our discontent with her lingerie outfit did) so more pressure can be put on the Bulochnikovs to either step down or step it up with their social media representation. This reminds me of how people say, "I'm not going to vote because it's not going to make a difference." It might not, but there is a possibility that it could, so why completely throw away your power? Maybe you personally aren't bothered by MC's social media trainwrecks, but for the people who do have an issue with it, I suggest that they try to do something and hope for the best. Also, I think it is rather rude and negative to declare something a failure before it even plays out. At least people are trying to use their voice for something ultimately good which is MC reconnecting with her fans. I'd take that over outsiders posting photos of her hand in her crotch and photoshopped pictures that are so blurry that it looks like someone put butter on the camera lens, but hey. I guess I'm acting like an out of control paparazzi by wanting better representation for a legend.
(Thursday 21 July 2016; 21:35)
Re: RibbonB and Mimi L (64,525) (64,527) by Marissa from USA
I'm not active on Facebook either, but thank you for the shout out and support.
(Thursday 21 July 2016; 20:23)
Re: The petition is in full effect (64,517) (64,523) by Marissa from USA
Thanks to those who have signed it so far. I don't have an Instagram account, but can someone make sure to post this link in the comments of "mariahdoingthings" Instagram photos? It is a quite popular account and whoever is behind it has also disliked the social media stunts, so I think he or she could get the word out.
(Thursday 21 July 2016; 20:11)


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