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About Dove from United States:

Re: Unplugged concert (88,105) (88,106) by Dove from United States
Your link didn't work but I watch the YouTube videos of that Jamaica concert often and the only lipped song was Fantasy. The rest were live and her voice sounded great. Small parts of some of the songs are lipped but enough of it is live that I can tell the voice is still there. She could pull off an unplugged concert if her chords are moist. The quality of the YT videos is super low but sometimes I just listen with my headphones and it sounds so good to me.
(Tuesday 19 February 2019; 19:10)
Unplugged concert (88,100) by Dove from United States
Actually, instead of Vegas, I would rather she do the unplugged-type concert somewhere with humid weather. Like Jamaica. MC sounds awesome in Jamaica.
(Monday 18 February 2019; 22:40)
Pictures (88,099) by Dove from United States
There are pictures I really like of Mariah that I would love to own in a magazine. I love how she looks in the pink dress at the AMAs (my avatar pic) because her face looks relaxed and natural. Also one in the redeeming New Year's Eve performance ensemble. All the pictures don't have to be new.

Since there is no advertising in the magazine, it might have to cost more, like $20, but just make it full of quality content so that fans will still want it. Since the answers to the fan questions will be written down, answer them thoughtfully.

I take back the digital concert being $12-$15. Most of her fans can probably afford $20 if they need to charge that much to make a profit. I was just thinking her fans are older and probably have kids and don't spend a ton of money on themselves.
(Monday 18 February 2019; 22:38)
Re: Thoughts (88,096) (88,098) by Dove from United States
I meant a full sized one with full page picture spreads. But yeah, kinda like that.
(Monday 18 February 2019; 22:14)
Thoughts (88,095) by Dove from United States
I guess what's frustrating about JLo is that she's everywhere which makes it seem like she's more successful and her fans get a bunch of sightings, pictures, and performances. If MC doesn't have good relationships with media outlets I wouldn't be upset if she released things straight to consumers. I liked the magazines Taylor Swift put out when Reputation was released. She could choose the photographer and pictures and we would get a whole magazine full of Mariah content instead of paying for just the 2-3 pages we really want. She could have fans send her questions and pick the best ones for a long interview. She could share some stories and personal pictures next to the artistic professional ones.

Also an unplugged type concert. It wouldn't need to be a physical copy - just release it digitally. And don't be greedy, $12 - $15 for a digital concert is a fair price. The concert with the orchestra would be nice. Or if she sang all the songs on Caution on the stage in Vegas, rehearsal style. No audience needed. That way she could do it a bunch of times until it's to her liking but still sounds unplugged and raw.
(Monday 18 February 2019; 15:38)
Re: My Caution world tour setlist (88,077) (88,079) by Dove from United States
With You
A No No
The Distance
Fantasy (dance break/costume change)
Giving Me Life
One Mo' Gen
8th Grade
Stay Long Love You
Encore: FLAB (or Hero, I guess)
(Sunday 17 February 2019; 00:32)
Re: J.Lo (88,032) (88,033) by Dove from United States
I'm usually not such a mean girl. I'm old. After I read my comment I even felt bad. I thought about it and honestly I guess I'm just jealous of JLo's success. But I'm over it now.
(Wednesday 13 February 2019; 22:10)
Re: J.Lo (88,027) (88,029) by Dove from United States
Good points. Well, since I ragged on JLo now I feel like I have to say something nice about her to cancel out the bad vibes I put out. I mean, it is obvious JLo does work really hard and is disciplined. Even though the Motown tribute still sounded bad (to my ears) it does sound like she's been taking voice lessons and trying to improve. She no longer sounds like a dying animal. Also, it's cool that she was able to break out as a singer when she was almost 30.
(Wednesday 13 February 2019; 13:20)
Re: JLo (88,026) (88,028) by Dove from United States
I listened to some of JLo's hit songs and the only parts that are pleasant are the parts she's not singing. She truly is a terrible singer. Supposedly she's gotten better but I listened to the Motown tribute and it sounded whiny and monotone. This really does prove that having the right image and people behind you can buy you success.

I know that Britney and Taylor and Gwen are not the best singers but they have unique and pleasant (in my opinion) voices. Britney and Gwen have major "it" factor. Taylor writes songs that relate to girls her age. They're not as deep as singer/songwriters of my time (Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, etc) but I still find talent in her. JLo's talent is that she looks good and dresses nice and knows the right people. It's just hilarious to me that she's gotten as far as she has. You proved your point Motolla. Let Mariah have her throne back.
(Wednesday 13 February 2019; 12:55)
JLo (88,019) by Dove from United States
JLo is the real life Sylk. MC is so shady lol.
(Wednesday 13 February 2019; 00:29)
Jewels memoirs (87,974) by Dove from United States
I read Jewel's book a few months back (Never Broken: Songs Are Only Half the Story) and I remember thinking as I was reading it that I really hope Mariah's book is similar. It feels authentic and has stories about her life that most people didn't know and talks about the songs and how they relate to her life. Sometimes we interpret a song a certain way (as it relates to us) but it meant something completely different to the person who wrote it. I recommend it, it's a good read if you like these sorts of books. I do.
(Saturday 9 February 2019; 02:18)
The real Mariah (87,972) by Dove from United States
The real Mariah is in the songs. Maybe she wasn't singing her first choice genre on Music Box (for example) but she still wrote those lyrics and those melodies. All those "Mariahs" are different sides of her.
(Saturday 9 February 2019; 00:42)
Re: Lady Gaga (87,946) (87,947) by Dove from United States
I haven't seen it. I'll check it out.
(Thursday 7 February 2019; 09:58)
Hero (87,941) by Dove from United States
Okay, I just watched recent performances of Hero and some are good. But some are not. It's a hard song and I feel like it's pretty hit or miss. I love the one with the NY Philharmonic - I feel like having the live orchestra helped her sing better.
(Thursday 7 February 2019; 00:28)
Lady Gaga (87,933) by Dove from United States
Mariah is still my #1 favorite artist but I think I've been sleeping on Gaga. She's everything I want in an artist. I loved A Star is Born, Shallow is one of the best songs I've heard recently, her Superbowl half-time performance was wow. She really commits to whatever she does. I also really respect that she stands up for things she believes in and isn't afraid to be controversial and non PC.
(Wednesday 6 February 2019; 16:15)
Re: Mariah / Super Bowl (87,929) (87,932) by Dove from United States
I don't think I can take listening to Hero anymore. It just sounds so sad compared to live performances from back in the day. I didn't mean that in a a shady way, it's just that her voice is not the same. It's still beautiful but it's different. The voice on MIAM is completely different from the voice on Daydream or Mariah Carey or TEOM. I enjoy them all but they're different. It's one of the many things I love about MC - we get a new artist every three albums. Hero now doesn't sound like it did in 1994 and that's okay. MC has songs that her current voice sounds great singing that are just as good if not better than Hero.
(Wednesday 6 February 2019; 16:05)
How I relate to The Roof (a very long story of me) (87,928) by Dove from United States
Butterfly came out in 1997 when I was a Freshman in high school. I remember listening to the album and it was so different from what I was used to from her at the time. Initially The Roof wasn't one of my favorites on that album. I didn't get it until I experienced for myself what she was singing about.

Backstory: I married pretty young (the first time) to someone I should not have married. When I was in college I became pregnant the first time I "did the deed". I was raised in a religious house so I was super scared and didn't even tell my parents until right before my son was born. I lived in a different city so they didn't know what I didn't want them to.

My son's dad and I did get married and stayed together over a decade (with a few separations in between) but we weren't ever really "in love". When I say "in love" I mean: friendship, passion, commitment. I didn't trust him and was not attracted to him at all. I just did it with him because I was curious and he was kinda pushy about it. I was 19 and the only virgin among my friends. I was not talking to my family at the time and was going through a rebellious phase, I guess.

When I found out I was pregnant I bounced out of my rebellious phase and I wanted to do the right thing so I married him and tried really hard to be a "good" wife. I was so unhappy though. I confided in him and told him secrets and he would throw them in my face to make me feel bad or post what I told him on social media when I wasn't acting how he wanted me to. I wasn't allowed to have friends or go anywhere without him except school or work. That whole time I only saw my family a handful of times except a few times through those years when I tried to leave him.

I like to wear fun colorful dresses and heels all the time because I like clothes and beauty stuff. When I was married to him I could only wear jeans and solid colored shirts that were not bright and no makeup. He wouldn't directly tell me I couldn't wear stuff but for example when I was pregnant I started gaining weight and so I tried extra hard to look cute by doing my hair and makeup because I couldn't control what my body was doing and he would say things like, "Who are you getting dolled up for? Are you going to try to seduce the Doctor?" (When I would go to my doctor's appointments.)

Or if my friends from school dropped by to visit me he would be in a really bad mood after so it wasn't even worth it to have them over. Or when I would run in the morning he would yell at me that I was going to be raped and killed. A lot of controlling behavior that was paralyzing to me to me at the time

So anyway after a few years of living petrified like that, I met another guy. I met him while I was still with my ex-husband but it was innocent at first. I mean, I thought he was super good looking but of course I never did anything about it while I was with husband.

I felt super frumpy and unattractive and I didn't think anyone could even see me as someone to like. He would always be where he knew I would be like where I worked, or where I would eat lunch, and he always tried to talk to me. I thought maybe he just thought I was an "easy" girl since I already had a baby because that's what my mom and grandma used to say. That some men who are "players" go after girls with kids because they see us as "easy". DTF. Pardon my crudeness.

Even though I had a small crush, I kept him at arm's length because I was married and afraid. One time my childhood friend from my hometown came to visit me and we went to Target to get a few things she needed and we brought my son with us. Well my ex-husband got in his car and started following us around with this crazy look in his eyes. My friend was super freaked out. She drove us to the police station and told me I was not going home. I wasn't allowed to have my own bank account or money, except an allowance he gave me, so my parents had to help me which was so embarrassing. I was able to finish school which was good. (But not so good because I didn't make enough money as a social worker and eventually had to go back to school to be a nurse.)

Anyway, during this time that I was separated from my ex-husband the guy I had a crush on and I started talking more. I liked him because I was sad and experiencing PTSD but he was super patient and always listened to me for hours when we talked on the phone. The first time we hung out we went to an outdoor Halloween carnival. I mean we were not on a roof but we might as well have been because I felt like I was on top of the world. I felt so in love with him and elated whenever I looked at him. When he held and kissed me it felt right and thrilling. He kissed me in the dark under the stars by the car before he drove me home. I feel tingly all over thinking about it, even now. I felt like I was going to dissolve into a billion pieces. We had the passion and friendship part but he wouldn't commit.

Eventually I got back together with my ex-husband which I know was stupid but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. I left him five times before I left him for good. I started things back up with the crush guy after my divorce but one of his girlfriends became pregnant and he chose to stay with her, which I think was the right choice.

I'm married again now, to someone different who I love and who is super kind and more than I could ever hope for or deserve... but sometimes I still close my eyes and envision how it felt when crush guy hugged me and those few dates I had with him which were magical. The Roof captures that moment exactly. Even her adlibs perfectly capture the passion of being with someone you really love. #Beautiful and Make it Look Good remind me of that guy too.
(Wednesday 6 February 2019; 13:07)
Superbowl (87,926) by Dove from United States
I don't think the Superbowl is appropriate for Mariah right now either. But hypothetically (and just for fun) if it were to happen, I would want her to do upbeat songs that weren't hits but should have been: Migrate, Meteorite, #Beautiful, Thirsty, Cruise Control, You're Mine (Eternal) (Gregor Saltor & Funkin Matt remix), etc.

Songs from E=MC2 and forward. Let go of the old catalog, we already have enough perfect and magical recorded performances from back then. (Maybe just one slower song from back then and I'd choose The Roof.)

It seems risky but I remember becoming a fan of The Who (and others) after watching/listening to their Superbowl performances. I'd never heard any of their songs in my life so they were all new to me anyway.

Honestly, the old songs are tired and need to be retired for now. I love them, and they have a place in my heart and in my life, but we need some new magic and there's a bunch hidden in her most recent albums that most of the public has never heard before.

Okay, so performing is not her forte but she could still have a good show. Taylor Swift is not the best singer or dancer and she always has super entertaining concerts. MC needs to hire the right people to put this together.
(Wednesday 6 February 2019; 11:30)
Re: Global superstar (87,859) (87,868) by Dove from United States
I bought her last album and I feel disappointed she performed there.
(Sunday 3 February 2019; 07:54)
Saudi Arabia (87,812) by Dove from United States
My response was more to the whole thread in general but especially the post saying places like Norway, Spain, and the US are as bad as places like Saudi Arabia; and the person saying people feel good about themselves for sharing information on the internet. I don't believe people should keep quiet when they know something is wrong and people communicate with each other mostly on the internet these days.
(Thursday 31 January 2019; 00:51)
Saudi Arabia (87,809) by Dove from United States
It's important to take a stand against unacceptable behavior in general, whether it be on the internet or in real life. Everybody can't know 100% of everything but we can educate each other. Being more informed can help us determine what's important to us.

I don't know much about Saudi Arabia but from what I do know, it reminds me of the place in A Handmaid's Tale where they're doing terrible things (especially to women) but go on living as if they're doing nothing wrong. Terrible things happen everywhere but, for example, in the US people still have rights and even the poorest people don't have it that bad (compared to other countries) because there are lots of safety nets. Not saying it's easy, just relatively better. I know there are countries who take care of their people better than the US but I don't think it's that bad here. I don't feel unsafe or desperate to leave.
(Thursday 31 January 2019; 00:18)
Mimi L (87,800) by Dove from United States
Congratulations Mimi L.
(Wednesday 30 January 2019; 15:26)
Re: Article: Mariah urged by activists to cancel Saudi Arabia concert (87,768) (87,769) by Dove from United States
"Madge made porn or Cardi B performed at the AVN awards?"

I'm pretty sure those things weren't forced on them. Feminism is about giving women a choice.
(Tuesday 29 January 2019; 11:27)
Re: This site (87,753) (87,764) by Dove from United States
Mimi L you were one of my favorites. Andrew too, except when he was attacking Mariah or my opinions.
(Tuesday 29 January 2019; 01:25)
Re: Saudi Arabia (87,703) and outrage culture (87,760) (87,763) by Dove from United States
Hey, we don't know what people do or don't do in real life.
(Tuesday 29 January 2019; 01:24)


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