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About Dove from United States:

Re: With You (87,749) (87,751) by Dove from United States
B, I think the meds comment Edward made was in response to comment 87,664 not you. At least that's what I thought when I read it but maybe not.
(Monday 28 January 2019; 16:09)
This site (87,750) by Dove from United States
It's funny, I took a break from visiting this site in 2015 but it feels like I never left. It's the same sh*t minus MimiL and Andrew. And the sweet girl from Denmark. What happened to the girl from Sweden that nobody liked?
(Monday 28 January 2019; 15:52)
Re: Butterfly (87,714) (87,717) by Dove from United States
Thanks B.
(Sunday 27 January 2019; 00:46)
Tanaka (87,709) by Dove from United States
How come people here don't like Tanaka? Did he do something that I missed?
(Saturday 26 January 2019; 07:25)
Butterfly (87,701) by Dove from United States
I was watching the Butterfly video and started wondering if the video was based on the movie Butterfly with Pia Zadora. She has the same haircut and wears the same type of nightgown/sexy dress Pia wears in the movie. Also the brown color theme is similar. The movie is about a young, beautiful, and sexy girl who gets it on with an older man who she sees as a father figure she thinks she loves because he offers her security but then at the end she leaves him for a guy her age who she really loves loves.

I know parts of the Butterfly video are supposed to be a parallel to the Vision of Love video, with VOL being what she thought she wanted and envisioned for herself, but then by Butterfly the house is decrepit and she feels trapped inside. Other aspects remind me of the Pia Zadora movie, though.
(Friday 25 January 2019; 19:03)
Touch My Body (87,700) by Dove from United States
I think I would have liked the TMB video more if Nick Cannon had been the actor in it instead of the guy who was in it. He's goofy and silly but better looking than the guy they got. No shade. At the end of I Stay In Love when Nick picks her up she has a huge genuine smile that makes her look so beautiful. She smiles that way in UOMF too, I think that's part of why I like that video so much. I know they're not together anymore but that moment they had was real and it would have been nice to encapsulate it in the TMB video.

Which brings me to my next thought, if there is a video for One Mo' Gen I think her current boyfriend should be in it. But not in a vulgar way, just shots of them being around each other. I've noticed she has that beautiful smile back and I think he's part of the reason for it. Maybe footage of when they first met or snapshots, thinking of the Running video by No Doubt. When she sings, "Did you like when I put my lips there?" It can show her just kissing his neck, that way it takes it down from pornographic level to innocent innuendo.

The LSB was so cute. JD seems like a fun guy, I can see why MC likes him. The costumes were fabulous. I especially loved her dress and how she came down on the swing. I only watched it once but it kinda seemed like she paid the actor from Glee dust which was kinda sad because it was obvious he was a huge fan who went all out to impress her. I feel like Kelly Clarkson encounter on The Voice went the same way. That's part of the reason I don't want to meet her. Even though meet and greets are like 30 seconds if she blows me off I would be devastated because in my mind we're related and friends. Plus she's an Aries and Aries people usually don't like me.
(Friday 25 January 2019; 18:40)
Re: MC fan Instagram accounts (87,683) (87,684) by Dove from United States
Some kids were reporting fan accounts for "impersonating a celebrity" and getting them suspended.
(Wednesday 23 January 2019; 17:20)
New found appreciation for older songs (87,682) by Dove from United States
It's funny because a lot of the songs that weren't my favorites before I've been enjoying lately: Prisoner, Did I Do That, Boy (I Need You), Now That I Know. Still don't love Touch My Body, though. Mariah reinvents her sound every three albums. (I'm sure in five years TMB will be my fave.)
(Wednesday 23 January 2019; 16:02)
MTV Unplugged (87,671) by Dove from United States
In the spirit of keeping it moving: I love the Unplugged album and I wonder if she'll ever do anything like that again. I think about this often and make lists of what six or seven songs I'd like hear her sing on it. It changes all the time but before Caution came out it went like this:

1. Betcha 'Gon Know (The Prologue)
2. Meteorite
3. Lullaby
4. Money ($*/...)
5. Dedicated
6. Candy Bling
7. I Wish You Well

I also would love if they remastered audio from the Daydream tour and released that as an album. All her tours but the Daydream tour is my favorite. I know it's dubbed but the dubbed vocals are heavenly and I would love to listen to them in high quality.

It would also be cool if the whole Caution album had a live version, like with a real band.
(Tuesday 22 January 2019; 11:16)
Re: If it was me (87,649) (87,654) by Dove from United States
MusicfanJ, I think we were all thinking that when the awkward Instagram pictures and videos were surfacing. It was a weird time for all of us.

Whatever is on these recordings, I don't think it would be that damaging to her career. MC has a loyal fan base and the people who would have a problem are the people who don't buy her music anyway.

I just hate the thought of the assistant making money off of things she stole from MC.
(Sunday 20 January 2019; 19:49)
Re: A No No (87,644) (87,648) by Dove from United States
I agree. I hate the countdown posts.
(Saturday 19 January 2019; 23:53)
If it was me (87,647) by Dove from United States
I always try to put myself in the position of "if it was me" and if I was a world famous celebrity and I was being blackmailed I think I would just go with it and embrace the narrative. I wouldn't let anyone blackmail me into concealing a part of me that is or was real.

I think about people who are icons like Elvis, The Beatles, Marilyn Monroe, The Kennedy's; even recent ones like Amy Winehouse and Britney - what makes them interesting are the grittier parts that are embarrassing but also make them feel human to us. It's even better if they overcome, we all want to watch people be victorious.
(Saturday 19 January 2019; 23:52)
Re: Random thoughts (87,639) (87,646) by Dove from United States
The background of those videos look good but her face looks weird in them, like the film is stretched out. Infinity, CTTA, and #Beautiful too.
(Saturday 19 January 2019; 22:22)
Random thoughts (87,630) by Dove from United States
When Mariah first hired Stella some were saying right away she was bad news based on the Illuminati jewelry. I was happy Mariah was getting new representation and gave Stella the benefit of the doubt. How could we judge a person based on a few pictures? I figured Mariah wouldn't hire her if she sensed anything was off.

Looking back at that time, Mariah was having a lot of weird moments. She looked stoned at the Walmart shareholders concert, the wearing of lingerie out in public, just odd behavior.

Some pointed out that Stella seemed as though she was trying to be a star and I didn't see anything wrong with that. If I were famous and my friends wanted to be famous, I would help them out. After watching Mariah's World though, I see it differently. They made a comment on how Stella tries to sue everyone and she just seems mean and abusive. She doesn't seem like a person who is loyal (to anyone but her children) or with a strong moral compass.

Then that report came out about the hairdresser being caught at the airport with tons of prescription drugs. She wasn't that great of a hairdresser either.

I don't think the recordings are sex tapes because Mariah is older and so are her fans. That wouldn't be so damaging. I think it's recordings of her using drugs and acting like a fool. Anna-Nicole Smith style. I still don't want to see them, I want to see Mariah doing well and succeeding.

Mariah met Stella through Brett Ratner and I've never trusted him because the videos he makes with her are not good. Someone who cares about you won't let you look bad and charge you tons of money for it. (She can and has made good videos: Fantasty, AIWFCIY, Honey, the MSG concert, UOMF.) I think they're all a bunch of coke heads who saw a jackpot in Mariah who I see as a vulnerable person even though she's not a girl anymore.
(Saturday 19 January 2019; 04:12)
Mariah sues personal assistant (87,620) by Dove from United States
$327,000 a year. She should hire me to be her personal assistant, I'm at least loyal. I used to babysit when I was a teen and young adult during weekends and school breaks. The mom was super rude to me, and promiscuous, and drank a lot, and would disappear for days. I could have recorded her when she was drunk and acting a fool or told people about her behavior. That would have really embarrassed her, we lived in a small town and she presented a different image to the world.

There were times when I really resented her. I could have just quit but I really grew to love the kids and I didn't have to deal with her much because she worked a lot and was hardly around. Plus, they had a really nice house and I liked being there just as long as she wasn't. The house was always super clean and they always had good food, a pool, a theater room. She wasn't mean to her kids and always made sure someone was looking after them when she was working or doing her shenanigans. Her personality was kind of like Stella in Mariah's World.

I'm thinking about this and it never seriously crossed my mind to expose her dirty laundry. I would daydream about it when she would talk to me condescendingly or bust a Hasselhoff eating a hamburger but in real life I could never be that cruel. She is human and she was my employer.

If you watch Mariah's World you can see the dynamic and how Stella treats people but the lines get blurred because they all act like they're friends who are just messing around with each other. I get the impression that Mariah was not used to working with people who are so unprofessional and sees them more like friends than employees.
(Friday 18 January 2019; 16:55)
Re: Mariah sues personal assistant (87,612) (87,613) by Dove from United States
I don't really care what the recordings are of. Whatever it is, she needs to just keep it moving. Things have gotten better lately and she just needs to just continue in that direction. We've had enough embarrassing moments in the last few years and I'm more interested in focusing on the good ones she's about to make this year.
(Friday 18 January 2019; 13:01)
Re: R Kelly collab (87,592) (87,593) by Dove from United States
Yeah, I guess you're right.
(Thursday 17 January 2019; 14:28)
R Kelly collab (87,589) by Dove from United States
I wish Mariah would remove the R Kelly collaboration from streaming services.
(Thursday 17 January 2019; 12:16)
Re: New mess (87,578) (87,581) by Dove from United States
Honestly, the only thing Mimi could ever do that would make me stop buying her music is molest children. Anything else is just endearing.
(Wednesday 16 January 2019; 23:36)
Mariah looks incredible (87,559) by Dove from United States
Mariah looked incredible when she performed The Distance on The Tonight Show, With You at the AMAs, and the hits medley at the iHeart Music show. I love her ensembles lately. Just caught this one.
(Tuesday 15 January 2019; 12:21)
Re: Portrait (87,490) (87,499) by Dove from United States
Yes. I think the costume should be white because in my mind our spirits are white and I like the idea of the skater representing her spirit - by herself in the dark with a spotlight on her while having to not only walk but perform on ice, which is slippery. Someone get MC on the phone. Actually though, I don't think Portrait would be a good single, but I do think it should have a video. I think all her songs should. Two to three high budget ones, a few low budget ones, and the rest performance videos.
(Tuesday 8 January 2019; 02:09)
Re: MC and judging R Kelly (87,494) (87,496) by Dove from United States
I don't believe it's fake outrage. I think people's brains try to convince them it didn't really happen so that they can go on living their lives. When we are confronted with so much evidence (people's testimonies are evidence) we snap from our dream world and want to do something about it. He's using money and connections to commit his crimes and get away with them so by not supporting him with your money you're not contributing to or enabling the abuse. I don't think MC needs to make a statement but I don't think she should work with him again, no matter how talented he may be. The world is full of talented people. Also, I think the victims want us to be outraged and do something about it, otherwise they wouldn't be talking about it. Better late than never. Being a celebrity is a privilege and we (the public) choose who gets to be famous with our money. Let's choose right.
(Tuesday 8 January 2019; 00:39)
Licia Re: R. Kelly (87,489) (87,495) by Dove from United States
Your post made me think some more and the reason I find it easy to disown R Kelly is because I was never that into him to begin with. If it was Mariah Carey that would be harder because her albums have been the soundtrack to my life since 1990 when I was a little kid. I think I would still listen to her music that I already own, but I would not buy any new stuff.
(Tuesday 8 January 2019; 00:30)
Re: R Kelly (87,488) by Dove from United States
There are plenty of talented people who aren't abusers. I choose to support them. I Believe I Can Fly was a part of my childhood but I'm going to scrub it from my brain. I worked for child protective services a long time ago and the big thing I learned in my time there is that there are a lot of sick people in the world. Most of the time people don't believe victims. Even the victims' own families a lot of the time. Mariah Carey is not the abuser and as far as we know she wasn't present when the abuse took place. If she was aware I'm sure she wouldn't have worked with him. For me the peeing on an underage girl in a video was enough to disown him but as a celebrity who has had false accusations made against her maybe she believed he wasn't guilty. A lot of times the brain doesn't want to accept something so terrible, uncomfortable, and shocking so we block it. We put our blindfolds on because it makes us feel better to pretend it's not real. Most of the time it is, though, so I believe the victims 100 percent of the time.
(Monday 7 January 2019; 14:26)
Portrait (87,475) by Dove from United States
The visual for Portrait should be a routine by a ballerina or a figure skater in a dark stage or arena. With a spotlight on the skater or dancer. Something like this. This is just one of the first one that popped up when I serached figure skating routine. It would fit the song better of course.
(Monday 7 January 2019; 01:23)


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