
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

The petition is in full effect (64,515) by Marissa from USA
Sign, share, tweet and post in Instagram comments where you see people complaining about Mariah's social media representation. You might think the letter attached to the petition is corny, but the reality is that saying "Mariah come back to your social media because the Bulochnikovs are cheapening your brand" would have flushed all hope that anyone would listen down the toilet. If you are tired of these social media antics, now is the time to put your money where your mouth is and at least see if this will work.
(Thursday 21 July 2016; 19:32)
Re: What's with the stockings? (64,445) (64,451) by Marissa from USA
I'm not surprised. Brett has always seemed sleazy to me. This is the same guy who resigned from producing the Oscars after sharing the sentiment "rehearsal is for f*gs". The Bulochnikovs actually seem to be more his speed than Mariah.
(Tuesday 19 July 2016; 20:10)
Re: Adam and Marissa petition (64,382) (64,401) by Marissa from USA
Okay, I'm looking into creating it. Do you all have any ideas of a standout title to give the petition?
(Monday 18 July 2016; 19:22)
Re: Petition or nah (64,375) (64,400) by Marissa from USA
I wasn't referring to optimistic or positive lambs in general, I was talking about the ones who think Stella can do no wrong and have become attack dogs for her to the point where they will go off on other lambs in defense of her, as if she's Mariah.
(Monday 18 July 2016; 19:20)
Re: Petition or nah (64,368) (64,371) by Marissa from USA
I like the idea of hitting JD up, but I think we need more than that just in case he doesn't tell her. Maybe contacting Kris Buckle, Tanaka or DJ Suss One will work too. I don't necessarily think they'll show Mariah the petition directly either, but I am trying to increase the pressure on them by letting them know that we are not going to keep leaving the same repetitive complaints on Stella and Mariah's Instagram forever and do nothing else. For all we know they could have installed apps to block social media comments, so our complaints could have been falling on deaf ears anyway. But we all know how impulsive Stella can't handle it when people talk shit about her in the media (remember her Page Six lashout and the "Stella is improving my finances" TMZ bs), so she just might fall into the trap and either respond or do something about it. The press caught wind of us being furious with the lingerie at the club stunt, so if this is spread widely among the lambily it might gain the same level of attention.
(Monday 18 July 2016; 1:34)
Re: Poor Mariah (64,361) (64,369) by Marissa from USA
Where did you hear that Tommy and Mariah still speak? She subtly drags him in every single interview when he's brought up and often won't even speak his name publicly, so I'd be shocked if that was the case.
(Monday 18 July 2016; 1:19)
Petition or nah (64,365) by Marissa from USA
The worst part of this era for be has been the disconnection from the fans. I'm tempted to start a petition to ask Mariah to come back to her social media in hopes that the media will catch wind of it and the issue can no longer be ignored by the Bulochnikovs. We could use that picture that showed Mishka's name next to the title "social media manager" as proof so the Bulochnikovs couldn't pretend that it's actually Mariah who's been posting the bullshit. We would all need to share it vehemently among the lambily. I truly think the lambs at large hate the social media change and the utopian unicorn lambs who agree with everything the Bulochnikovs do are in the minority now, so I think most people would get on board. What do you all think?
(Sunday 17 July 2016; 20:56)
Re: A question for all (64,353) (64,362) by Marissa from USA
Damn, you all are reaching for answers. I think considering the travesty of MIAM that Mariah emerged from we have given this era a lot of bonus points that it may not have deserved. That's especially why I made a point to ask what else was great about this era besides her voice. Getting her voice back together is no small feat, but it's not being applied to any new music so I can't fully jump for joy about it. If I had to answer the question, I would say her getting her body back in shape has been the best part.
(Sunday 17 July 2016; 20:50)
A question for all (64,334) by Marissa from USA
If you had to choose, what has been your favorite thing about the 2015-2016 MC era besides Mariah's singing voice improving?
(Saturday 16 July 2016; 6:43)
Go away (64,290) by Marissa from USA
On what planet do celebrities have pictures of their manager's kid on their Instagram and even worse, tag them? Stella and Mishka need to let it go. No one is interested in who this kid is or her blank stares. I typically don't go after kids but if she keeps getting shoved in my face every five minutes eventually manners are going out of the window. I don't give a shit if this girl eventually gets famous if she shows the world that she has real talent, but grooming her to be another Kardashian, having her ride the coattails of a legend with nothing to offer? Stella should be ashamed of herself. So far I'm not seeing anything she has to bring to the table besides acting too grown. Stella, dahling, how about you "empower your girl" by handing her a book instead of a selfie stick? At this point, I don't feel bad for being critical because they are going out of their way to shove themselves in our faces daily and believe me, they know it's pissing us off. You typically don't know who artist's managers are without some digging, and you certainly don't know who the hell their kids are, so it's clear that they are strategizing and basking in this attention.
(Friday 15 July 2016; 4:03)
Re: Marriage and faith (64,281) (64,288) by Marissa from USA
Marriage does has something to with God if you identify as a Christian, as Mariah does. If you don't then it can be whatever you want it to be, whether it's marrying for love, tax breaks, a green card, for the 6th time or for power of attorney. A lot of people talk from the Christian perspective on here because Mariah is the one who branded herself as such throughout the years. People are simply responding to what she put out there. On another note, I'm extremely curious as to when and where this wedding is going to be and how James will be able to stomach the traveling circus being invited to the honeymoon (you already know it's going to happen). I love Mariah but if I were James and knew that marrying her meant marrying her entire team forever, I wouldn't go through with it.
(Friday 15 July 2016; 1:51)
Re: In all honesty (64,237) (64,240) by Marissa from USA
The statement "all lives matter" is not offensive in itself. The reason people get offended by it is because it is usually said as a rebuttal or clapback to silence the Black Lives Matter movement. All lives do matter, but there hasn't been an epidemic of all lives being taken from police officers, it has been black lives, which is exactly why the statement "Black Lives Matter" is relevant and "all lives matter" gets on people's nerves. It's relevant because right now black lives aren't being treated like they matter, which is why BLM's importance is to serve as a reminder that they do matter, not as a means of being elitist or exclusionary for fun. When the Paris bombing happened, no one said "all countries matter", but they respected the fact at that time Paris needed and deserved the attention. People should apply that same attitude to the killing of black human beings instead of trying to one-up them. I always say that unless you are dealing with a sociopath, assume that people already see "all lives matter" as a given and common sense, thus it doesn't even need to be said. As a black person on the other hand, I can't assume that people will value my humanity, so I will continue to remind them.
(Tuesday 12 July 2016; 22:26)
Re: Brett Ratner (64,232) (64,235) by Marissa from USA
Lmao not "closet bopping" though.
(Tuesday 12 July 2016; 20:52)
Social media disconnection (64,217) by Marissa from USA
My issue with Mariah's disconnection with the fans via social media and the Bulochnikovs stepping in is the fact that Mariah is not behind-the-scenes controlling the message that she wants to put out there. In fact, there are no messages that she tries to get out to the fans. I can understand if she wants someone else to actually post or type on her various social media channels, but that is no excuse to give up on at least thinking up meaningful messages to deliver to your fans. I'm tired of the routine of posting a photo, inserting a hashtag that states the obvious and logging off. Her physically disconnecting from social media and letting someone else post is understandable, the mental disconnection is inexcusable. For all we know, RaeRae could have been the one typing up Mariah's tweets and captions for years, but you could tell that Mariah was present with her fans and at least coming up with what to say regardless of who actually delivered the message behind the scenes. At this point, I think Mariah just sees fans as a means of getting paid and people who she can rely on to kiss her ass and blow up her ego. If she felt that connection that she once did, social media would be the last thing on earth that she would pass the buck on.
(Tuesday 12 July 2016; 10:20)
Re: Re: Never thought I'd say this... (64,126) (64,131) (64,150) by Marissa from USA
But who said I wasn't doing my part though? You can't assume that I'm doing nothing just because I voiced my frustration about Mariah's deafening silence. I'm actually not pushing her to do anything because I know that unfortunately she listens to nothing that the fans think or say. I was simply venting. It's not that Mariah making a statement would ease anyone's frustration with the injustices happening. That's not the point. I believe that if you have any black heritage and an epidemic of negativity is happening to your people, you should use your platform for something constructive, not pretend that you don't see what's going on. Some might disagree with me. And I hold any other black or mixed celebrity to that same standard and am disappointed in anyone who fits that criteria who's been ignoring these situations, not just Mariah. I'm not going to let her off the hook because she doesn't look black (like I feel many people are subconsciously doing), especially because she has gone out of her way to associate with black people for a large chunk of her life, so clearly she identifies with us on some level. Trust me, the fact that to this day people still don't know what race Mariah is is really saving her from being dragged even more for her silence.
(Sunday 10 July 2016; 20:07)
Re: Never thought I'd say this... (64,120) (64,126) by Marissa from USA
Here is my thing, yes MC is an entertainer, but we live in a society where people pay 40 times more attention to entertainers thoughts and opinions than we do to scholars and politicians. This is the exact reason why I love when entertainers take a stand on something, because they will be heard compared to a Senator in Montana who no one knows. We especially need more white and racially ambiguous-looking people speaking out because people feel like "here they go again complaining" when black people speak out, but when non-blacks or people who don't look black take a stand it tends to legitimize the movement more. It's sad that that is what it takes, but it's true. This whole situation reminds me of the quote, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." If it was "safe" for her to say "Pray for Paris" and address the Malaysia Airline crash victims, why is the taking of innocent black lives forbidden to be discussed or "too political" for her? A loss is a loss, but it seems strange that anytime it involves oppressed people (like gays or blacks) it's too political to be spoken of. What do you work so hard to get a platform for if you are going to be acting just as scared to take a stand as a rookie? Just a thought.
(Sunday 10 July 2016; 10:46)
Re: Never thought I'd say this... (64,111) (64,116) by Marissa from USA
If you do not use your celebrity platform to advocate for something, your fame has no value but serving your ego and vanity. I can understand why in the beginning MC didn't want to be controversial or political because she did not want to put her career at risk when it was so new and fragile, but the woman is a legend now. She can get away with taking a stand without being blacklisted by the music industry. Look at Beyonce. She played the game so she could ascend to the top and then reminded the world that she didn't forget about her fellow black people nor the fact that she's black herself. The level of atrocities that is happening to blacks in her own home country is disgusting and should not be ignored. This is the same woman who has said several times, "If your father is black, you're black." The same woman who has been surrounded by nothing but black people up until this past year. Who has black kids. There is always something crazy happening in the world so I'm not expecting her to become a news anchor, but the country is having an all-out race war. This is a non-stop epidemic of violence. You at least say that you are praying for peace. I am disgusted that she is more comfortable being criticized for having her boobs out than she is for taking a stand on social issues. If you know that people are going to talk shit about you anyway, you might as well let them talk about you for doing something noble. Use your platform for something besides showing off your diamonds. I know the positivity police are going to come out soon, so please note that all of the things that we complain about with Mariah are byproducts of her abandoning her connection with the fans. The same complaints keep arising because we are not being listened to like we were for over 20 years. Fan letters aren't being read, messageboards aren't being checked, WWLD is defunct and social media conversations have been axed. A lot of the things that we talk about are quick and simple fixes if she actually tried to hear us out like she used to. You all can shout at us all you want but it is hurtful to watch someone you loved pull away from you after you have supported them for years and it is hurt that is really what is underneath the surface of what seems like anger.
(Sunday 10 July 2016; 1:48)
Re: Mariah's behavior (64,107) (64,108) by Marissa from USA
I think Mariah was naive when she said she believed that she could give her kids a stable, normal life. That will not be possible until she retires. She can't be active in her career and simultaneously provide normalcy for her children. And it's not just Mariah, no celebrity has the ability to do that. Her kids appear to be very sweet and not bratty at all, but I think as a parent, especially if you are rich, you have to make a conscious decision to expose your kids to how the other half lives so they never develop an entitled attitude. It's okay for an adult who is grounded in themselves to start living the luxurious life and never look back, but you don't want your kids to think that everyone owns a private plane, yacht and Rolls Royce. And let's be honest, as long as they are with Mariah they are going to think that throwing on a $500,000 diamond necklace at 7 am is normal. None of this makes Mariah a bad mother, but it's clear that her goal of giving them a normal life is not being achieved. Ironically, the only normalcy they seem to be getting is from their visits with Nick, so at least they have some exposure to a life that is less over-the-top. If I were Nick I wouldn't want my kids living such a fast-paced, grandiose lifestyle at such a young age. I'd rather them not take part in that until they're old enough to realize that private planes, 5 star hotels and luxury cars are privileges, not basic human rights.
(Saturday 9 July 2016; 21:03)
Re: Mariah's World on hold at E (64,079) (64,085) by Marissa from USA
Speaking of Mishka, from an opportunist perspective, Stella and her entire family got the sweetest deal on earth. Stella can always have her kids on the job without penalty, they all live with Mariah, Stella's parents make long visits and travel with them, they are allowed to be a part of every romantic scenario with Packer (which is unnatural), they spend every holiday together, she got hired by a legendary musician when she only had ratchet reality TV experience, she got MC to hire her cousin, Mariah has no issue with Stella's prepubescent kids being in grown folks scenarios, the kids get casted in her movies and put in her reality show, etc. It's all tacky and disturbing, but this work scenario is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunist's fantasy. Only in "Mariah's World" would anyone not find this disturbing.
(Friday 8 July 2016; 10:22)
Re: Mariah's World on hold at E (64,080) (64,083) by Marissa from USA
I have been thinking the same thing. We as lambs are traditionally so used to seeing MC around an incompetent team that has overstayed their welcome that we think the most basic shit is impressive. It is the Mariah Carey name and brand that has afforded her all of these opportunities that people attribute solely to Stella. The only difference between Stella and other managers is that she actually did the basics of her job and tried to max out the opportunities that the Mariah Carey brand could get. Hell, half of us could be "great" managers when you are working with a client with as big of a name as Mariah Carey. Even at her worst, big brands were still lining up to work with her. Call me if she turns a has-been like Pebbles or Ashanti (no shade) into household names again and then I'll sing her praises. People need to start giving more credit to Mariah for her career pulling together. Stella didn't have the power to force her to lose weight, start dancing more, or get her voice back. If MC didn't have her own internal motivation to do that stuff, she could have easily fired Stella for challenging her comfort zone and gone back to her old ways. Mariah changed because she wanted to change. I'm not saying that Stella played 0 part in that, but I don't think she deserves half of the credit that she's been getting.
(Friday 8 July 2016; 10:03)
Re: Physic (64,054) (64,060) by Marissa from USA
The issue isn't fans having an opinion about her personal life. The issue is people try to pass off opinions as facts. As long as we remember that there's nothing we know for sure (caps) about her personal life then there's no issue. It's not realistic for fans to be opinionless when she's been stressing her private life, whether it's the jetset lifestyle, James or dem babies more than she's emphasized new music. Mariah puts herself out there for people to have opinions. You can't witness 100 bra reveals, see her in several drunk Snapchat videos and see her entering the same type of long distance relationship that she used to claim was unpleasant to handle and not develop questions about her personal life. If she really wanted a private life then she would make a much greater effort to do so. Mariah has been a "purist" before. Look at 90-95. She knows how to make things all about the music and nothing personal. I think people just don't want to accept that Mariah may actually be enjoying this cheaper form of attention which is celebrity over her craft.
(Wednesday 6 July 2016; 19:45)
Re: "The wedding will not happen" (64,024) (64,028) by Marissa from USA
I don't think that they lack chemistry. I think what makes me question the legitimacy of the relationship is how infrequently they are together, and how elated MC seems despite the fact that he's almost never around. Especially when she let it be known on numerous occasions how unhappy she was with Nick's frequent travelling. How do you go from loneliness and misery, to happiness and excitement within two years, when you've entered the same type of relationship again that strained your marriage? If I really loved someone, I would be frustrated and sad with them always being away from me. I don't care how many times you Skype, Facetime or call each other. Eventually it's gonna get on your nerves that someone you allegedly love only comes around about once a month max. He seems very busy as does she, so even after they get married it seems like their lives will never stabilize together. Again, I don't understand it, but I want her to be happy.
(Monday 4 July 2016; 22:35)
Essence Fest slayage (64,013) by Marissa from USA
She absolutely killed it. She has been giving great performances for a while now so I wasn't worried or nervous for this performance. She looked beautiful and confident.
(Sunday 3 July 2016; 20:54)
Re: Wow (63,923) (63,938) by Marissa from USA
I find it interesting that you are using "Mariah doesn't care what you all think" as a way to silence critics, but how does it not disturb you that you are a fan of someone who truly doesn't give a f*** about you or what the lambs at large think? How are you presenting the fact that Mariah no longer cares about us as a badge of honor when she used to be one of the few celebrities that had a deep, ride or die connection with her fans? I've said it once and I'll say it again. The fans are the reason Mariah is worth $500+ million, has 18 #1s and has sold hundreds of millions of albums. It will be a cold day in hell before I feel like I'm a worthless peasant who has no place to speak. Mariah is doing us a favor by continuing to be active in her career but we are also doing her a favor by continuing to support it. This entire process is mutual. You can't have one without the other. I understand being annoyed with the influx of critical messages on here because I think at this point we've all made our point that the outfit was a mess and then some and it's probably time to chill, but to minimize our worth as fans when a lot of us have been holding her down since 1990 is extremely insulting and inaccurate. I'm not trying to be mean, but it really bothers me to see that other fans have lowered their standards for her to the point where they can be totally cool with Mariah giving no thought to the lambs' perspective especially when a lot of us are coming from a place of genuine concern and think that's the way loyal fans should be treated. It isn't right and shouldn't be accepted as normal.
(Wednesday 29 June 2016; 8:51)
Re: TMZ (63,872) (63,899) by Marissa from USA
I totally agree RibbonB. If Mariah strengthened her relationship with God, a lot of the mess that we all are concerned about would clear up. Drinking, frequent partying, surrounding oneself with shallow chuckleheads and disrespecting yourself are things people do when they are spiritually lost and trying to fill the void with empty, worldly bs. The stunts she is pulling will never give her what she really wants. Only drawing closer to God will.
(Tuesday 28 June 2016; 10:21)


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