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About Lee from UK: Favourite Songs: All I've Ever Wanted, Underneath the Stars, The Roof, Outside & Butterfly.
Favourite Albums: Music Box, Daydream & Butterfly
Instagram: @leemdylan

Live performance (43,416) by Lee from UK

For some reason I thought Mariah's trick of performing a song 3 times and then pasting the best bits together was a recent phenomenon. This video from the Charmbracelet era shows it something Mariah has done for a while now. From about 3:20 onwards, Mariah's use of the microphone stand varies. In some shots she is using it and in other shots she is not. It keeps alternating back and forth.
(Saturday 10 May 2014; 1:02)
What's in a name? (43,112) by Lee from UK
I think it is very clever that they are cashing in on her name. Putting her name in the album title is a very good move. It will increase the likelihood of this album coming up when people search her name. It will give old school fans who haven't listened to her for years something to think about. It harks back to the Thanks Giving Special: Here is Mariah Carey. To me it sounds like a re-intorduction which will pique the interest of those who have been fans since the beginning.
(Thursday 1 May 2014; 9:07)
The Elusive Chantuese (43,111) by Lee from UK
I wonder of this is an inside joke or if they got the meaning of aloof and elusive mixed up. I have never heard anyone call Mariah this before. Perhaps it is in relation to her behaviour during interviews or the fact she is always late. The Tardy Chanteuse would probably more accurate. The only thing eluding Mariah at the moment is another number one.
(Thursday 1 May 2014; 9:03)
Me. I am Mariah (43,106) by Lee from UK
I am calling bull crap on the origins of this title and the picture that goes with it. 3 year old Mariah drew a picture with this title? It's cute but I don't believe it.
(Thursday 1 May 2014; 8:30)
Physical vs digital (43,038) by Lee from UK
I used to be a hardcore collector of Mariah's physical singles and albums; both CD and vinyl. This was mainly so I could hear the remixes which often contained extra vocals or backing vocals. When the music industry began shifting to digital singles, I always felt uneasy about it because I enjoyed having a hard copy with the cover art and the credits right there in front of me and I could see my collection. I always felt I was missing out by purchasing the singles and albums digitally. These days, however, I couldn't care less about hard copies as digital singles don't lose their sound quality and they are backed up and don't get scratched etc. I just wish some of Mariah's older 12" remixes were available on iTunes so I could recreate my physical collection digitally. I know I could rip the songs to my computer but the quality is never the same. Does anyone else feel the same way?
(Tuesday 29 April 2014; 22:19)
Song writing (42,606) by Lee from UK
Recently, I have become obsessed with Sara Bareilles, I think she is such an underrated songwriter and performer. I know Mariah and Sara write in completely different genres but I think together they could create something special.
(Monday 14 April 2014; 15:19)
Vocal quality (42,114) by Lee from UK
I don't think anyone is saying Mariah should copy Ariana's style. What I am saying is Ariana is a good singer and Mariah hasn't sounded half as good or consistent in her live performances lately in that same way as Ariana has. I don't care if Mariah has been singing for 20 years and Ariana has been singing for 20 minutes so don't start with the age related vocal deterioration crap. I enjoy listening to live singers without having to cringe and make excuses for their vocals before they have even walked on stage to sing. For me it is all about quality of live vocals. Although nothing will ever beat Mariah's SNL version of Vanishing, if Mariah walked on stage tomorrow and sang it live in one take with her current vocals and then Ariana sang it immediately after, I'm pretty sure I would enjoy Ariana's version more. I could replace Ariana for Beyonce and my feelings would be the same. Beyonce constantly gives flawless live performances. I only say this because Mariah's vocal inconsistencies leave me feeling disappointed.
(Friday 14 March 2014; 19:52)
Arianna, filling a void left open since 1998 (42,083) by Lee from UK
Am I the only one who actually couldn't care less if Arianna is ripping off Mariah's earlier work? I am a massive fan of Mariah's earlier work and have been longing for it to return ever since (the disaster that was) Rainbow. If Mariah is not going to give it to us, then I'm sure glad someone is. In all honesty, we can bitch as much as we want, but Arianna actually has talent. I'm not saying she will ever be as big or as adorned with accolades as Mariah is, but for me she is filling a hole where Mariah's earlier work left off. For that I take off my hat.
(Thursday 13 March 2014; 10:54)
Dav, wedding song (41,581) by Lee from UK
I love Butterfly, it is one of my favourite songs. But is Butterfly not essentially a break-up song about letting someone go but hoping they will eventually come back?
(Friday 21 February 2014; 16:24)
Lamb_O_Chop (41,502) by Lee from UK
Without wishing to start a war of words, honey, it wasn't just your emoticons that were off in your penultimate post. You went from expressing your annoyance of people recommending how Mariah should change to recommending how you would like Mariah to change yourself (in no more than about 7 sentences). I myself have no problems with the words she uses (just the attitude that goes with them) but you must be on another bloody planet if you feel she doesn't use the word "festive" very often.
(Wednesday 19 February 2014; 18:11)
How about actually performing the music to promote it? (41,486) by Lee from UK
I don't understand why Mariah isn't performing You're Mine on her TV appearances. Talking about a song and acting aloof during interviews is not the type of publicity this song needs. This song needs to be heard (preferably a number of times) in order to be enjoyed. In all honesty, I used to look forward to Mariah being interviewed as she always gave us funny moments like when she would visit Rosie O'Donnell. With the way she has presented herself so far this era, I would rather her just turn up, sing and go home. Remember when it was all about the music as opposed to "Does my hair look good over my shoulder, no sitting on my shoulder, no I'll flip it behind. No good, sitting on the shoulder, over the shoulder, let me flip it again." Just leave your bloody hair alone and sing the damn song. You'd think she was promoting a L'Oreal product as opposed to a song.
(Wednesday 19 February 2014; 12:51)
You're Mine videos (41,435) by Lee from UK
I was really hoping to see more jungle in the videos for You're Mine. What was the point of going to a jungle in Puerto Rico to film this video when actually the exact same scene could have been recreated in a studio. It seems like a wasted opportunity to me, I feel this way about a lot of Mariah's videos lately. Still, at least this video is 100% better than H.A.T.E. U.
(Tuesday 18 February 2014; 14:58)
BET performance (41,067) by Lee from UK
I actually enjoyed listening to this song being performed live. That is actually a good test for me. The first time I heard Vision Of Love and Emotions, they were live performances. If I enjoyed it live, I will more than likely love the recorded version. Mariah's voice sounded great, the chorus sounded pre-recorded but I've come to expect that from Mariah's layering techniques.
(Monday 10 February 2014; 8:00)
Stuck in a YouTube loop (40,827) by Lee from UK
Does anybody ever go to YouTube to listen to a specific live performance by Mariah and then get stuck in a loop of listening to lots of her live performances? Then an hour later you're like "What did I actually come on the internet for?" Seriously, if I'm listening to one performance I'm listening to ten more suggested performances even if I've seen them all like 100 times. I remember the days before there were lots of YouTube videos and you had to buy CDs of her live performances from EBay.
(Tuesday 28 January 2014; 20:41)
Cold weather and Mariah's voice (40,372) by Lee from UK
I find it fascinating that even though it looked a lot colder during her NYE performance than it did during the National Tree Lighting Ceremony, Mariah's voice managed to prevail and sound just find. What I am trying to say is a big fat "I told you so" to all of those people on here who cited the "cold weather" as a reason for Mariah sounding crap during the Tree Lighting. Mariah doesn't need your unfounded excuses.
(Thursday 2 January 2014; 14:08)
NYE performances (40,356) by Lee from UK
I loved Mariah's voice on the NYE performances, but that was such a badly produced medley. In fact it was worse than the American Idol medley. The songs didn't blend well together at all. The transitions between the songs were too jarring. Other than that, I enjoyed "The art of letting go".
(Wednesday 1 January 2014; 20:51)
Surprise release (40,226) by Lee from UK
I think if Mariah released her album in the same way as Beyoncé, nobody would notice outside of America and it wouldn't sell as well. I mean, Mariah gets next to no promotion in the UK and as such, she doesn't perform very well on the UK charts. The only people who buy her music in the UK are her fans who follow her career and know when the music is going to be released. There is no way a surprise release with no promotion will improve that.
(Saturday 14 December 2013; 20:35)
Lamb_O_Chop (40,154) by Lee from UK
Honey, darling, I almost missed your attempt at condescension due to the unnecessarily lengthy post by Marc Charles. I think it may benefit you to re-read my previous post as, from what I can infer, you seem to have taken my words for an attack on Mariah. In actual fact they were more of a plea to those making unfounded excuses and calling them reason.
(Monday 9 December 2013; 23:56)
Stop making ridiculous excuses for Mariah's vocals (40,113) by Lee from UK
What's with all the BS excuses for Mariah's bad vocal performances? It was cold, she was drunk, she has nodules, yadda yadda. In spite of the circumstances, she should still be able to sing her own songs. It sounded awful; It's bad luck and try again next time. I would much prefer to hear these underwhelming performances than to hear one that has been edited to within an inch of its life with parts from one performance overdubbed with parts of another performance. I really don't care for post editing, superimposed whistles and high notes either. These tricks may fool older people in the general public, but when your a fan who knows the little tricks of the trade it's a little patronising to assume you can get away it.
(Sunday 8 December 2013; 13:24)
Copy and paste performance? (40,070) by Lee from UK
Correct me if I am wrong, but it appears Mariah is up to her "do it three times and copy and paste it together" trick. Here is a fan recording of Joy to the World and here is the televised version. Notice the way she is holding the mike at the end in the televised version but in the fan version the mic is clearly in its stand whilst Mariah waves both of her arms around.
(Thursday 5 December 2013; 21:09)
Stuccato (40,069) by Lee from UK
I love Mariah's Joy To The World, but I'm a little underwhelmed with the Rockerfeller performance. I do not enjoy it when Mariah uses stuccato instead nice smooth vocal runs. It leaves me feeling uncomfortable.
(Thursday 5 December 2013; 20:51)
My mistake and Bublé (40,042) by Lee from UK
I've only just read back my post and realised I'd typed 2003 instead of 1993. Sorry about that folks. I don't know if I am going to enjoy the Mariah and Bublé duet as I assume they will sing AIWFC. Michael's version is much slower and I don't know how Mariah will fit into it. Maybe they will surprise us and sing a completely different song.
(Sunday 1 December 2013; 17:57)
1991? (40,030) by Lee from UK
Are we sure that version of Hark The Herald Angels Sing was from 1991? It seems to me she is wearing a wedding ring and correct me if I'm wrong but she wasn't married until 2003. I guess it could be an engagement ring.
(Thursday 28 November 2013; 19:19)
Letting Go mini performance. (39,880) by Lee from UK
Mariah's impromtu performance was hilarious. "And that was my bad side as well, oh hell. And I see you filming me, what the ..." I hope her new album contains these kinds of vocals. I hope when Mariah performs Letting Go live that it is this simple with a piano and just her singing and riffing. It is so beautiful. I could listen to it all day long.
(Sunday 17 November 2013; 20:03)
High note (39,809) by Lee from UK
In my original post on this song, after listening to it on Facebook, I said it could do with a high note. Looks like I was right.
(Thursday 14 November 2013; 22:37)


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