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About Nikki from usa:

Congratulations (104,525) by Nikki from usa
Don't mind them. A lot of people here are actually Celine Dion or Madonna fans that also like Mariah's 1993 work and they're upset she deviated from it. We will never hear the end of it. You can tell who they are because every gossip about Mariah that is negative they will believe as unquestioned truth and anything positive requires a receipt. They can't tell if she's singing live, singing with a track, or lip syncing. They just assume if she sounds bad it's live and everything else is trickery. There are a lot of gay people here and they get really upset about that topic for some reason, but you are not the only straight man here. English does have far too much slang, and too many abbreviated terms, so I can understand how confusing it must get for non native speakers. Welcome.
(Tuesday 12 December 2023; 20:32)
this is a reply to message 104,501
MC, Ariana and JHud (104,524) by Nikki from usa
I'm actually wondering if Ariana and Mariah are working on something together.
(Tuesday 12 December 2023; 20:19)
this is a reply to message 104,515
Article: Mariah Carey dethroned (104,490) by Nikki from usa
How was it removed from Spotify playlists? I see it as an option when I look for the track. But, Billboard changing its rules out of nowhere and right after they featured Mariah on their award show seems weird.

Exactly, how much more is streaming worth when Mariah is literally leading everywhere else from radio to actual sales? It's not like the streaming gap is massive. Is clicking a button on demand in the convenience of your own home really speak to what the public is into more then actually buying the song with your own money or calling up a radio station to hear it combined?
(Sunday 10 December 2023; 03:27)
View from here (104,199) by Nikki from usa
Bye Bye is when she first spent time with Nick. They were married 6 weeks later. She wasn't preggers then. That happened later. I do agree with Andrew, Mariah fell after #Beautiful and has been extra careful since. She broke her rib and dislocated her shoulder. The nerve damage she received down her left side got better, but she never stated if it fully healed, only that she did get full movement of her arm back. She's always worn high heels. They've just got higher and some of the corsets she wears aren't good for breath control. I think she's hyper focused on body structure for her diaphragm while hitting notes.
(Friday 24 November 2023; 09:18)
this is a reply to message 104,184
Jimmy Kimmel (103,988) by Nikki from usa
Interesting talk coming from a Madonna fan. Perhaps we should go over her appearance and never ending face warp while she tries to relive her youth on stage and does the same things she's done for the past 40 years? But, hey, Mariah's only had an annual hit over the past 5 years, a hit Christmas movie special that went #1 in 100 countries, and old songs so good that they went viral after newbies heard them. What does she know about sales?
(Wednesday 8 November 2023; 06:55)
this is a reply to message 103,973
Mariah, please be ready (103,987) by Nikki from usa
Honestly, that's my concern as well. I know what she's still capable of vocally, but there have been so many times where it's just basic upkeep and vocal maintenance as her problem. She's not even trying. She still has a good arsenal of vocal abilities and now that she's older she's got richer low notes accessible to her too. Over the past couple of years, it doesn't look like there's a whole lot of prep, planning, or management before performances. She just wings it. If she's going to draw this much attention to herself and then not deliver, I don't see things ending well. Her hardcore fans will always love her, but this is the public entering the chat.
(Wednesday 8 November 2023; 06:46)
this is a reply to message 103,979
Article: Mariah Carey's savage insults to Wendy Williams go viral (103,986) by Nikki from usa
Yes, we saw that list, but it also showed who got the work done and some of that was the woman herself, Stella, Stella's daughters and some of it was Mariah. However, none of that includes going under the knife. There's no "surgery" to speak of. So, no, she didn't. The rest you can speculate all you like, but at the end of the day it is just speculation. Carey has been very upfront every year about whatever diet she's on and the exercise routine. She's had just about every body type over the years.
(Wednesday 8 November 2023; 06:38)
MC should come clean (103,020) by Nikki from usa
So, we're just making things up now? Mariah hasn't been dropped. Epic is just another branch of Sony, Mariah's under Legacy for older artists. They're not going to get rid of her, she makes too much money every Christmas along with her back catalog. She has a 3 album deal and has only delivered 1. If they dropped her, they'd have to pay for that. Which didn't work out well for Virgin. She delivered different compilations with new music in 2019 and 2020. She can release an album when she wants to, but there's no rush in such a climate. She just finished producing a Broadway show and was discussing making her memoir movie. She's doing a lot behind the scenes. Her deal doesn't include touring, she has a specific deal with Live Nation. The way you all rip her vocals apart no matter what she does just doesn't surprise me, she's not rushing to release new material. Madonna's deal is done, not sure why she was brought up in this convo at all, did she even get a new one?
(Tuesday 18 July 2023; 10:53)
this is a reply to message 102,983
Boyz II Men performance (102,789) by Nikki from usa
Mariah stated that she did hundreds of hours of recording sessions in 2020 - quite frankly, she might be able to give us multiple albums over the years from those sessions. Yes, I'm sure she's exaggerating as she tends to do, maybe not, but it still sounds like she recorded a large amount of tracks.
(Tuesday 30 May 2023; 13:12)
this is a reply to message 102,684
Randy follow up (102,788) by Nikki from usa
Almost Home - Mariah actually did write a song for that, but after she turned it in they practically re-wrote the entire thing. That's not what she wrote, but that's why they gave her a writing credit. She was still under contract, so when studio time came for her to sing it and she saw the finished project wasn't her song, she still had to sing it. The second part of songwriting is "how" you sing it, I'm not sure how much of the original of Mariah's writing in that sense made it to the final product either. However, it sounds like Mariah's style during the climax with all the extra Mariahs.
(Tuesday 30 May 2023; 13:06)
this is a reply to message 102,694
Just stopped by to congratulate (102,787) by Nikki from usa
Congratulations on 25 years MCA. That's a lot of commitment.
(Tuesday 30 May 2023; 12:24)
Rainbow was bigger than Daydream (102,785) by Nikki from usa
20 years has passed since I talked to one of Mariah's old team members, so I'll spill. No, the actual promotion for Rainbow was extremely limited whereas they spent millions promoting Daydream. Rainbow was self-promoted more specifically by Mariah than any other album since her debut. Rainbow wasn't supposed to happen. The next project was Glitter, so her promo budget was cut in half. Half for Rainbow and half for Glitter. Mariah made a deal with Walmart to get more funding for her album, but it came with a promotional tour of their stores. It was the first time Mariah toured the Midwest since her debut. She not only did a lot of promo on any tv show she could find and anywhere Walmart wanted her to promote, but she also did any local radio station where ever she was. It was non stop interviews and performances. There was no "2 days rest" for live vocals while she was working 15 hour days, she did when she could. Baby girl's voice was sore for most of '99 when album promo officially began.
(Tuesday 30 May 2023; 11:12)
this is a reply to message 102,745
QOC (101,706) by Nikki from usa
Sources for the definition of trademark, Bill? Surely, you can look that up. Or did you mean for the legal process of a trademark and and objections? I'm pretty sure I specified how that works, but anyone can look that up too. It's not a story I'm referencing. I would be mind boggled if you were asking for proof of Mariah's headlines over the past decade as if she's never been called the Queen of Christmas before since you've been on this board for over 20 years. Everything else is on public record and it's not hard to search.
(Wednesday 30 November 2022; 07:39)
this is a reply to message 101,666
Macy's performance (101,705) by Nikki from usa
No - it's a moving float. All Macy performances are mimed by everyone. That's like saying it's ok for Britney to mime during a music video, but not Mariah because she's a Class A singer. Dude, it's a music vide, they all mime it, that's how its done. Macy's is never a live event because the float is moving down a street.
(Wednesday 30 November 2022; 07:31)
this is a reply to message 101,669
Chart question (101,665) by Nikki from usa
What's interesting about that is all 3 hit the top for very different reasons. Fantasy hit because of a radio leak. Mariah mania was in full swing and people were crazy for new music from her. The leak was legit because they had to rush everything. The album is the same pic in black and white, sepia, and a close up crop of her face for the cover. They had to rush the music video and release. The song also covered multiple formats making it a shoo in.

OSD was massively promoted by the label because Boyz 2 Men had just switched to them and it was their first single with the label. A lot of tragedy had happened that year with a freak storm and a terrorist attack that killed a lot of people. The nation was in mourning and then Selena was murdered.

Mariah created buzz for Honey. She released the music video to late night MTV a month before officially debuting it. When she did, it made it to the top of the video charts before she released it to radio. By then, they were greedy for the song that caused such a commotion on music channels.
(Thursday 24 November 2022; 06:11)
this is a reply to message 101,617
QOC (101,664) by Nikki from usa
It would be nice if people who talked actually had a clue what they were talking about. Trademarks are for products and goods, not censorship. Literally, nothing would change on how anyone used the phrase. None of these women's lives would've changed. Everything would continue as it always has. Mariah didn't "lose" anything, in fact, she generously stepped aside. The objection wasn't qualifying. All Mariah had to do was respond and the trademark was hers. She chose to remain quiet. After the 3 month period lapsed the case is closed. Mariah literally gave up a name for a merch line for no other reason than someone had a problem with it and she's painted as a villain while her quote unquote fans talk about checking her morals.

A trademark isn't a copyright. Some folks deserve some humble pie themselves. I find it interesting how many hear MC get dissed by ignorant haters and immediately take their side without question. Trademarks are for products only. It doesn't give her a "monopoly" on the holiday season. It's a product line. It doesn't change how anyone uses the expression. It only prevents others from selling other products under the phrase. It's not that deep or encompassing.

There is no current trademark on any of these things which gives Carey the right to use it. All she had to do was respond. She actually stepped aside and let the 3 month time limit lapse. She didn't "lose", there was no "battle", and she was denied for simply not bothering to respond. She let it go and she didn't have to. She's literally been called, "the Queen of Christmas" by every publication and it's uncle for the past decade. These ignorant stories do make her look bad and many of you pile on top. MC did something kind and you helped paint her as a villain.
(Thursday 24 November 2022; 05:27)
this is a reply to message 101,655
Article: It costs Mariah $150,000 "just to walk out the house" (100,423) by Nikki from usa
I listened to this interview and feel this excerpt is slightly out of context. Nick was discussing business and how much he was learning from his marriage to Mariah. She does big international things and he's dealing with big money and acquisitions through their marriage.
I don't think he was describing Mariah walking out to the grocery store. It sounds more like album promo with "security" and "jets". The big money deals she's involved with. Also, James never gifted Mariah a boat. He rented one for her for a week while they were on vacation.
(Friday 10 June 2022; 06:58)
Re: Lawsuit (100,409) (100,421) by Nikki from usa
Lawyers are laughing as this is redefining "frivolous lawsuit". He's not suing for copyright infringement. He's trying to sue for having the same title song and the same "theme". Neither can be copyrighted. Songs with the same title and love song themes have both been around since the dawn of time. This is publicity.
(Friday 10 June 2022; 04:03)
Re: I think her voice is shot (100,413) (100,420) by Nikki from usa
People like to attribute everything to her vocals, but there's been legal issues in the past. I don't mean lawsuits. Everybody is teaming up these days and that means more channels to go through. Even TGIFY had to be put on hold for the single release because all the artists were in, then their managements had a change of heart and they had to redo things before it was given the green light. Currently, MC had a project with other artists that didn't make deadlines even though it was finished. There's no money in the music biz anymore so now everyone needs things done a certain way. I don't think this has to do with her voice, I think she's got a lot of people involved in this project with their own brands.
(Friday 10 June 2022; 03:57)
Re: Big Energy (100,313) (100,340) by Nikki from usa
You're not wrong. It's just that's not the only thing important to her when it comes to music. Mariah didn't allow OS to be streamed or accounted for on charts. So, she wasn't doing that for a hit. I think people forget there's not much money in music anymore and Mariah knows she's not going to get much help from her label in terms of promotion. She's been using her music as promo for other money making ventures instead. Fantasy being in the movie Free Guy and in BE has certainly given the track new life. It was a valiant effort, but I don't see it hitting #1. I do think it's possible for one of Mariah's old tracks to hit the top spot, or an old track sung in a new way. 90's is retro right now, so she has a shot.
(Saturday 28 May 2022; 03:52)
Re: Why I want another #1 (100,326) (100,339) by Nikki from usa
We could address some elephants in the room. Celine, Madonna, Barbra, and Taylor are white. They also reflect consistency. They stay in their musical lane and to the script of the image they cultivated. Mariah's genre hopped in music and in style. The 2 biggest things is really behind the scenes and promotion. Mariah really doesn't try to control her own narrative or be seen. That's the only reason J.Lo has a career right now. Celine plays ball with the industry. The Grammys always want female artists to cover male rock songs. Dion played ball and won a major category shortly after. Meanwhile, Ariana Grande didn't and she let the cat out of the bag that they wouldn't let her perform unless she did another dude's track. Mariah doesn't play ball. She did have the biggest success of '05, yet wasn't allowed to accept a single award on stage during the live broadcast. That had nothing to do with her clothing apparel. I do see a lot of respect for Mariah these days, just not from these old organizations. I think she'd do well to toot her own horn a little and be present in the public eye. She'd go a lot further. She needs her own platform.
(Saturday 28 May 2022; 03:45)
Re: A-List never dates an A-List (100,329) (100,338) by Nikki from usa
The Rock - I think they'd have the cutest babies.
(Saturday 28 May 2022; 03:20)
Re: Grammys revelation (100,084) (100,100) by Nikki from usa
I can't say Mariah didn't warn us. She said the Grammy's were boring and hasn't attended since she was forced to accept her Grammy wins backstage after the show.
(Wednesday 6 April 2022; 05:15)
Re: MC trousers (99,894) (99,895) by Nikki from usa
Lorry Hill? Seriously? Her pictures don't match up to proper years and she misuses angles to try to make a case. There's a difference between surgery and contouring. Great for gossip, not legitimacy. Mariah's tooth thing is still current. Her after photo just has it from a flipped angle. I don't know if she's had any work done or not, but this is far from an accurate source. Trying to decipher things based off pictures with heavy makeup, lighting, clever angles, and you don't know what other kind of "help" they're getting isn't going to turn up anything but conjecture. Especially, when she can't even get the time period right. I'm referring to her channel in general - not just Mariah.
(Friday 11 March 2022; 23:40)
Re: MC trousers (99,887) (99,892) by Nikki from usa
According to some of the medical records Stella leaked, Mariah was getting butt injections. However, those are temporary. They take time to build up and only stay if you keep getting injections. Seems like she was trying a new look, but decided not to keep it. None of the mentioned cosmetics involved surgery, but there was some freezing of fat. Also, not everything on there was done to Mariah. Stella and even her underaged daughters had some things done under her bill.
(Thursday 10 March 2022; 06:13)


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