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About Lila from United States:
I love Mariah I love to travel, dance, and eat.
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Re: Mariah sues personal assistant (87,632) (87,652)
by Lila from United States
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It goes without saying that there would be some level of scandal. That can't be avoided should something of that nature exist and be released. Many A and B celebrities wouldn't be immune to that and many of them also do not have images akin to Cardi B's. I'd say Cardi more of an outlier than the rule. Classy is something many fans see Mariah as. I don't think that's the first word most of the general public would use unless referencing her 90's persona. So, I don't think that's anything to worry about in the sense that she'll be crucified because so many thought she was so classy these days. If another big name singer's performance on a big platform on NYE had gone as poorly as Mariah's had on NYE, a time of the year where there's usually not a lot of competition for headlines, they would've been big news too. That didn't have to do with high standards for Mariah but the nature of news and her being famous. Not to forget, she and her partner in crime were keeping the ball rolling with talk of suing DCP and them foiling her. Things would've blown over a lot sooner had they not egged it on. I think this would be similar to that. It would make headlines and be talked about because she is very famous and it would make for good gossip. People would talk, criticize, and joke but I think most of the public would chalk it up to yet another antic in a long line of ridiculous antics and eventually it would all blow over as long as there was no one egging it on.
(Sunday 20 January 2019; 16:19)
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Re: Mariah sues personal assistant (87,615) (87,621)
by Lila from United States
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I thought the same as soon as she said it would ruin her personal and professional life. That's a strong statement and she's not a politician, so while a sex tape could have some impact, it wouldn't ruin her life. However, a video of her doing anything harder than marijuana would. She and Nick's co-parenting relationship could tank, her credibility and stableness as a mother could and would be questioned, the gossip sites would have a field day, and the public would always attribute any perceived strangeness, real or not, to her being high and hope that she's keeping herself right "at least for the kids sake". The wording of Mariah's suit was worded so that they didn't have to disclose just exactly what is or what they think are on the tapes and intimate is just another word for personal, so I think that was used to emphasize her claim that any taping was done secretly, though I question just how secret it really could've been with the way they all acting during those years. 
(Friday 18 January 2019; 17:25)
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Finally, something I like (86,137)
by Lila from United States
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Honestly, I don't like most of the album but I appreciate there's something that I do like on it. I'm really liking Giving Me Life, Stay Long Love You, and Caution. Thanks to Edward I also really like Runway.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 20:42)
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Re: AMA choreography (84,675) (84,696)
by Lila from United States
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A big credit to her. We know how the game goes, though. 
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 21:21)
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AMAs (84,694)
by Lila from United States
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I wasn’t impressed and it was nothing spectacular. However, with the bar being so low due to many performances in the past few years being so bad, it feels like she has to at least be given a B just for the performance not being a hot mess.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 21:08)
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Re: Nick Cannon's mind games (84,501) (84,522)
by Lila from United States
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I sound far from uneducated. However, my post was right on the money when I said you sound paranoid and pressed. Let's add idiotic to the list. Mariah and Nick are famous. Their marriage was high profile. One saying anything about the other still grabs headlines. That's not uncommon at all for western societies that are very celebrity driven and which celebrity romances, relationships, and marriages, past and present, play a big part in. This happens to many celebrities. Nick isn't some anomaly. Uncensored is a show where celebrities talk about their lives and experiences, so it's not as if he wasn't asked about his relationship with Mariah or how they met. There is someone in front of him asking these questions and then he answers them. The show is then edited to make it seem like he or anyone else in front of the camera is just freely talking and there's no one in front of him or her. None of the situation has nothing to do with the subconscious mind. Do take off your tin foil hat and put away your ridiculous conspiracy theories because, while I conquered reading a long time ago, you're proudly wearing your dumbass-ness. It's not cute.
(Monday 8 October 2018; 02:49)
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Re: Nick Cannon’s mind games (84,484) (84,494)
by Lila from United States
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You sound paranoid and pressed. Nick has said countless times that he and Mariah are not getting back together. The end. The only people who are worried about Nick wanting to get back with Mariah are fans like you because ya'll want to feel as though he's sitting around eating his heart out when all his actions say otherwise.
(Sunday 7 October 2018; 15:18)
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Re: Snooze fest (84,426) (84,455)
by Lila from United States
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Basically all of this. Boring song. I don't understand why she thought it was a good single choice. I'd rather just have the full album at this point.
(Saturday 6 October 2018; 20:46)
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Re: What if MC said my last album and my last tour (82,121) (82,142)
by Lila from United States
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Happy for her for her decision to solely focus on her kids, which is a good thing to do. I wouldn't feel too sad. She's already created so much music. Her legacy will be what she's already made it to be. It's not going to go away if she stops making new music.
(Wednesday 25 April 2018; 12:53)
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Re: Don't kill me (81,924) (81,929)
by Lila from United States
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Same. I'm not necessarily worried about a lawsuit. More about what Stella will drag out in terms of accusations and possible pictures. Many of those pictures that we did see were inappropriate. Hope there aren't any that are even more inappropriate. Hopefully it won't be anything too crazy.
(Tuesday 17 April 2018; 15:22)
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Re: Damizza spills tea (81,923) (81,928)
by Lila from United States
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Shut up.
(Tuesday 17 April 2018; 15:06)
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Re: Damizza spills tea (81,888) (81,913)
by Lila from United States
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To chill out, I'd have to be worked up in the first place. Don't tell me to chill, don't try to patronize me. You're the one that replied to my post in the first place, anyway. If you didn't have anything to back up your statement then just say so or ignore my post all together.
(Tuesday 17 April 2018; 01:01)
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Re: Damizza spills tea (81,872) (81,883)
by Lila from United States
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Please explain how he was "most likely" the reason. I've seen this written a few times but no one ever says just how they think that came about. This loser was just like everyone else perfectly okay with going all with Mariah's stupidity as long as he was along for the free ride. He was right there drinking and partying along with her and he was perfectly okay with playing the man she was cheating on her ex-fiancé with, and those horrible beach pictures. His career was never anything to ring home about and now he hasn't done anything worthy of a paycheck since Mariah dubbed him her personal dumbass but live off of her. Which, if people are okay with then fine but call it was it is. Then all of a sudden he saw Stella as so horrible and helped get rid of her? I don't see how he had the time when he was spending his not being any different from her and still isn't. At this point, that's just a made up narrative to me.
(Monday 16 April 2018; 12:48)
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Re: Damizza spills tea (81,871) (81,881)
by Lila from United States
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You're certainly no intellectual and your reply to my post wasn't. You got back what you gave. He's not a loser because I say so. He's a loser through his own actions.
(Monday 16 April 2018; 12:28)
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Re: Damizza spills tea (81,865) (81,866)
by Lila from United States
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If you don't see how he's a loser, you need to pick up some glasses. I said what I said. He's a loser and long term relationship my ass. Skillful? There's a laugh. He's living off of Mariah and he's nothing but another loser she picked up to take part in her messy narrative from the past three years. He's no different from the rest of the Stella brigade. Pick up some common sense.
(Monday 16 April 2018; 00:38)
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Re: Damizza spills tea (81,838) (81,858)
by Lila from United States
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I don't see how anyone could. 1. An alleged doctor who had no previous medical history on Mariah came in a room, talked to her for 2-minutes, in which he simply told her she had BPD, and then two orderlies tried to sedate her. Nothing about an evaluation of her mental state or any questions asked at all, yet this alleged doctor diagnosed her as having Bipolar Disorder, just as sure as he or she knew the sky was blue? Unbelievable. For all this doctor could've known, this nutcase drugged and dragged Mariah into the ward against her will. Seemingly out of nowhere two orderlies tried to sedate her but no mention of any behavior exhibited beforehand that would call for a sedation. Hospital personnel cannot and will not sedate someone unnecessarily. This is real life, not medical edition Misery. 2. He said that he and Morgan had a 5150 "done on" Mariah. How and why? In California a 5150 is reserved for health professionals and law enforcement to file. Mariah was already in the hospital. He's alleging that she was so far gone that she couldn't form a sentence, tried to throw herself out of a moving car, and wanted to go to Big Boy and "confess" everything. There's no way that behavior magically 180'd. If the doctor perceived her behavior as being a danger to herself or anyone else, he or she would've called for a 5150 on their own. Doctors don't need a family member let alone an employee for that. Yet funnily enough, this nut alleges that they arrived at the hospital and Mariah asked, "do I have to do this" and what can only be assumed as calmly walked in and is seemingly okay until two orderlies try to sedate her. If the doctor didn't feel like she was a danger to herself, there would be no 5150 and nothing they could do. 4. Closed an $100M Virgin deal. Set up the Super Bowl. Locked her and Jay-Z in a room to do a song together. Produced multiple songs but never asked for credit. All of this but expected no money in return and wasn't worried about it? I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell to anyone who believes that anyone is that pure of heart. Funny how he said he didn't care about any of that stuff but kept bringing up all that he allegedly did for her. He wrote a book that he knew anyone would only care about because of his connection to Mariah and put out stories to the tabloids. It's always amusing when someone so transparently tries to throw in your face all that they claim they've done for you and sell you out while poorly labeling it as altruism. 5. He said that Tommy "stole" If We by offering Ja Rule 250K. Then he goes onto say that J. Lo stole a lot. Huge and unfair leap as he then gives no information on just how he came to find out that she was purposely stealing anything. Nothing but a play on the lamb's irrational, ridiculous, and conspicuous hate of Jennifer Lopez. 6. He claims he got BPD, PTSD from seeing Mariah be committed and her smacking and kicking him in the process. Yeah right. But lets say he did. He then says he went into depression for 10 years because she wouldn't admit to hers which caused him to be in denial about his. That her denial made him a liar. WTF. He knew she had BPD as he alleges he was there when she was diagnosed. A grown adult is responsible for their own actions. Mariah admitting to having BPD had nothing to do with him. He nor Mariah's asshole of a brother had the right to publicly out her BPD or anything else about her. There is nothing caring about doing that. The public are not doctor's at large. There is nothing that public knowledge of her condition can do for her. Only Mariah can help Mariah. 7. So nice that he complimented Tanaka and Morgan. It's always nice when one loser acknowledges their loser peers.
(Sunday 15 April 2018; 16:13)
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Re: Incoming (81,816) (81,836)
by Lila from United States
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I watched it. The where was a restaurant. The rest of your questions I can sum up in these words: This is the consequence of successful women letting unsuccessful men with questionable characters into their lives. This man is stuck in 2001 because Mariah foolishly annexed him into her life and paid his way with no regard to the outcome. You can't just pull the rug out after that and assume that a person with no identity or success of their own is just going to gladly fade into obscurity. Ultimately, he doesn't really care if Mariah is using her Bipolar Disorder to gain sympathy, true or not. He just wants to once again have his name in connection to hers. No other reason seems plausible. Nothing he has to say about Mariah ever leads me to believe that he should still have something to say about her or has unfinished business with her over 10 years later. So if she is using it for sympathy why care? Her business not his. He just wants to relive the connection anyway possible. Still, he's great insight into Mariah's current dumbass's future. 
(Friday 13 April 2018; 20:01)
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Re: The chasm (81,773) (81,800)
by Lila from United States
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I actually agree with this. It’s a fact that what Mariah says and does are two different things and so I can’t blindly believe her or give her the benefit of the doubt. Her own actions brought that on. However, I want nothing more than for Mariah to turn over a new leaf, take control of her life, and become a better and more grounded person. It’s certainly an amazing space to be in. The question is will she follow through, will she walk the walk. I hope she does. Time will tell, though.
(Thursday 12 April 2018; 19:58)
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Re: (81,759) (81,766)
by Lila from United States
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I'm glad you got help. I also struggle with anxiety and depression and have a habit of bottling it up. I had to go to therapy and work through it but I kept everything bottled up for so long because it can be so awkward talking to people, at least for me, but I had to do what I had to do. I couldn't put it off any longer. Bottling it up was making everything way worse; I was cracking under the pressure.
(Wednesday 11 April 2018; 21:01)
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Re: Love the meme (81,711) (81,720)
by Lila from United States
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The meme was totally funny and it is nice to see her doing something that would spread to all of Twitter and not just her fan base. It even got picked up by some IG gossip blogs. It was nice to see her being talked about for doing something funny and in a good way. Lots of positive comments.
(Monday 9 April 2018; 20:47)
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Re: Love the meme (81,711) (81,719)
by Lila from United States
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The meme was totally funny and it is nice to see her doing something that would spread to all of Twitter and not just her fan base. It even got picked up by some IG gossip blogs. It was nice to see her being talked about for doing something funny and in a good way. Lots of positive comments.
(Monday 9 April 2018; 20:47)
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Re: The greatest album closing track (81,628) (81,629)
by Lila from United States
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Yes for the Loverboy Remix. That’s my #2 and my #1 is Fly Like A Bird.
(Saturday 31 March 2018; 21:30)
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Re: Mariah IG birthday pic (81,589) (81,608)
by Lila from United States
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I saw that too. They really didn’t have to put his business all on the street, but since they did, laughs all around.
(Friday 30 March 2018; 22:13)
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Happy birthday M. (81,546)
by Lila from United States
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I hope you have a great birthday with the twins and they bust out some of their funny to keep you entertained.
(Tuesday 27 March 2018; 14:34)
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KCAs 2018 (81,509)
by Lila from United States
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This year was even cuter than last year. I don't know how that's possible. Everyone looked great and happy. The matching outfits were even cuter. M looked even better this year. Really radiant and happy. I always love the family moments.
(Sunday 25 March 2018; 04:33)
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