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About Boy from The Netherlands :
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Just makin' the most of life (108,404)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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I mean indeed, when artists receive such a specific award, it's usually based on their accomplishments and achievements throughout their career, anyways. I don't think you understand me nor my intentions. That you miss something or wish for her to navigate and present herself as an artist the way she did back in the day is just knowingly wishing for something that will never happen again. In the '90s, she was on a leash, whitewashed and her image was heavily controlled. Now, she's a prisoner of her own set standards and the expected demands of her fanbase. She simply can't and won't live up to those standards anymore.
As an eager and ambitious artist, she has plateaued multiple times throughout her career. Like you said, she is relevant now because of the musical legacy she created in the past. A lot of you will probably never admit it but Mariah has been a legacy artist for the past decade or so. Maybe that's where some of the disappointment comes from.
Reality is exactly what she presents us. From her Drew Barrymore interview to the two guys she gave an interview. For more than a decade now, she can't walk on her own and wears clothes that make everyone wonder how she even moves or breathes. She has created this world, this cocoon, Mariah World one she probably resents but also feels comfortable and safe in. She's probably frustrated and disappointed, too, because for an artist like Mariah who clearly had a lot of excess, privileges, and label support due to her personal relationship with Tommy it must be a hard pill to swallow that she can't even get a proper push or budget anymore. Her label just wants to profit off her catalog and Christmas shtick.
For more than a decade now, she's had a couple of wins for her standards. And in her current situation, she's just trying to enjoy the respect and recognition she gets while she's still here. But just because she talks about lighting or eternal 12 doesn't mean it's over for her or that she needs to stay home. I'm not saying, don't have expectations, I'm just saying at least let them be realistic.
"She smiles through a thousand tears and harbors adolescent fears. She dreams of all that she can never be she wades in insecurity and hides herself inside of me."
(Sunday 23 March 2025; 01:32)
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108,399 |
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Just makin' the most of life (108,399)
by Jamie from UK
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The reason she is still relevant and receiving icon awards is because of her early career, those days influenced everything and everyone. If none of that had happened and she came out as she is now I'm afraid she wouldn't be getting and awards. We're nostalgic because she was amazing then, we lived through it and we miss it. None of us are saying she isn't relevant anymore as a person, but music career wise unfortunately no is buying her new stuff. Even her Christmas mania is based on an early period of her career, and let me guess when that was, oh yes its the time we're all nostalgic about. Mariah is a legend and she's reached icon status but it's not for her current music career, unfortunately it's her past.
(Saturday 22 March 2025; 09:36)
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Just makin' the most of life (108,385)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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Pfff, you guys are so nostalgic and stuck in the past. What's with this boomer mentality? It's 2025, and you're still rambling about American Idol, Nicki this, Nicki that, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Jewel something like be for real. Yeah, maybe the average 40+ person would mention them but today's main pop girls are Charli, Sabrina Carpenter, Taylor, Billie, Olivia Rodrigo, etc. And guess what? Mariah is still more relevant than ever.
Even Miley Cyrus just gave Mariah her flowers, while Celine Dion (love her though) showed up and got no recognition from Taylor on stage. That's the industry it picks and chooses who it respects. But Mariah? She doesn't need that validation anymore. Billboard literally just named her the #1 pre-2000s female artist of the 21st century, and #12 overall. These aren't just opinions or some delusional fan made resume these are some serious facts.
And this whole "Mariah needs to be serious" mentality. You just want Hero Mariah just like Tommy did. But she was never just that girl. She loves the hood, she's camp, she's extra, and she's always been the dramatic woman we saw in Mariah's World. It's wild how so many of you refuse to see the bigger picture Mariah isn't just a pop star, she's an institution in pop culture.
She can't reverse her age, physical condition, or mental state, nobody can. Even Beyoncé the queen of perfection isn't selling like she used to and still gets called overrated. Madonna? People call her a grandma on stage. Taylor? Gets dragged for her dancing. The whole "perfect pop star" image is a 90s corporate fantasy. Pop culture, audiences, and marketing have evolved y'all just refuse to evolve with it.
And let's talk relevance. Mariah can show up at an award show, turn her head to the left, and it's an instant viral meme. Since the NYE disaster, she's been more relevant than ever. Yeah, people associate her with Christmas, but they also respect the hustle. She's so "irrelevant" that she keeps collecting Icon Awards left and right.
And about Mariah being a "ditzy diva who lost track of reality"? I love Wendy Williams, but we all saw how that ended. For someone who supposedly doesn't have it together, Mariah is still living life on her own terms, blowing her money as she pleases, and not under a conservatorship. That alone is a win in my book.
And honestly, people need to realize that she's just a 50 year old, half a billion dollar worth rich woman living her best life on yachts cruising the coast of Capri in the winter. She is completely unbothered. She doesn't care about you, me, or whatever is happening online. Her career doesn't define her anymore, it hasn't for a long time. She collects her checks, enjoys her sparkling drinks, and keeps it moving. So why are you stressing yourself out over it?
Do I cringe sometimes at the diva act? Sure. Do I wish she had more energy? Maybe. But am I gonna sit here writing an essay about how she supposedly became an "unserious" artist? No. If you're so obsessed with nostalgic Mariah, go watch old performances on YouTube. But free yourself from this toxic outdated way of thinking. She's still here, still winning, and still making history whether you like it or not.
(Thursday 20 March 2025; 23:07)
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Mariah the wonderful human (108,365)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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There are so many bitter queens on this board. Was I saddened and heartbroken to see my lifelong icon on stage, clearly struggling with mobility issues and moving stiffly? Yes. But people forget that, at the end of the day, she is not just a public figure or a manufactured pop star who exists to obey a delusional, overly demanding fanbase.
Give her some slack and show some empathy. She will never be her former self, just as we will never be the same people we were ten years ago. She had her glory days, the golden era of pop. Now, I'm just glad she's alive, somewhat enjoying the rest of her life with her kids.
It's really unhealthy to claim to support someone while being so eager to tear them down. Does it hurt me to see her in this state? Yes. But I understand that she's human too, with a very complicated past, and she has lived a life that only a handful of people in the world could ever relate to.
If you don't approve of her anymore, then move on. But don't continue bullying a woman, a mother, in her 50s. Accept her as she is or let her be. Don't project your own version of her onto the world. Just move on.
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 21:17)
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Dream collaborators (101,158)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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I would love to hear Mariah working with artists like JP Cooper (would be heaven, especially if they do a gospel/acoustic moment), mnek (those two voices harmonizing with each other ughh), [...] (upcoming talent), [...] would be interesting I think (as Sam also writes his own material) and last disclosure would be really interesting. They could give a whole new sound. New remixes/ club bangers. Would love for Mariah to just reinvent her sound again and push her self creatively like she did working with [...] and Blood Orange that was fresh. Just hoping here for some dope new sounds. What are your thoughts?
(Thursday 8 September 2022; 00:13)
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Re: The Rarities - track by track review (sorry) (95,956) (95,964)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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Yasss keep this energy. So happy for you.
(Sunday 4 October 2020; 17:39)
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Snippets new album (95,473)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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Am I the only one who heard the snippets from the new album? Fyi it’s amazing especially One Night. It’s my favorite already.
(Thursday 10 September 2020; 20:24)
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Billboard Hot 100 (86,968)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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#7 on the Hot 100. Let's gooooo. Don't stop the support.
(Monday 10 December 2018; 21:31)
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Re: Goodbye (86,906) (86,934)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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Snakes in the grass it's time to cut the lawn. You shoulda' known that it's bigger than you Get me websmaster on the phone, case closed.
(Friday 7 December 2018; 18:39)
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Mariah's last try (71,763)
by Boy from The Netherlands
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I was listening to Donnell Jones' "Where I Wanna Be" after I listened to Mariah's snippet from her new single. I was just in the mood. While streaming I came across We Belong Together in the suggestion bar. And I thought F it just listen for the "nostalgia". I must note that I haven't saw the WBT video in years. While I was watching the video (partly) my brains was spontainly connecting stuff. I know I know there are a lot of theories going on here. But the parts that got my attention were just so "coinciding" with Mariah's curent life. I feel like that Mariah and her "team" are literally recreating the concept of her WBT video. The whole james and the dancer thing. How they like showcased that Mariah chose a younger boy (a.k.a true love) in contrast to her older fiancé (who has financial security but isn't the true love for her). How she just dramatically sings in the booth and removes her wedding ring. Mariah and her team are orchestrating this whole comeback thing for a while now I guess. The whole break up "anthem" thing started with You're Mine (Eternal) and this supposedly new single is kind of the third attempt to recreate the WBT magic. They kind of even have the familiar construction as WBT with the Donnell Jones' "Where I Wanna Be" reference aka the Babyface reference in WBT. The new years eve disaster aka the Glitter disaster. So they can capitalize on that. I must say as devoted I was and somehow still am because I am commenting on here for the first time in years. Her music is just simply said really really wack. Even the way how she sings in the snippet like wow really? It's so dated and little girlish. I am impressed of how she lowered her standard as a musician. For me her musical downfall really began around E=MC2 with that I'm that chick' esque songs. Like come on... You are the woman who wrote Slipping Away, Music Box, impeccable remixes and other really high quality shizz. As I am writing I will give her new "song" a change. After that I am just dropping the mic with her. I know as a reader it feels like as I am abandoning her but I must accept that Mariah is a human being with her own taste and opinion and maybe she finally is becoming the person that she is showcasing to the general public. And beacuse I have no right to change nor judge her I must let her be and move on with my life. And finally stop stressing over why such a musically gifted person would destory her reputation like this.
(Sunday 29 January 2017; 19:49)
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