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About Candy from Hong kong : Been on every day for the almost 20 years

Re: Article: Mariah works out wearing fishnets and stiletto heels (72,105) (72,113) by Candy from Hong kong
Agree. I have been very sad also, and very angry, especially that Mishka took that gym ass photo and proudly post it, and Stella also post it n writes "you're welcome America" underneath it on Instagram. It's sickening how this mother-daughter team promote a legend in such trashy way, and keep brainwashing MC that she should dress n take photos like this. I have been here on MCArchives every day for almost 20years. Back then a MC album release is the biggest event in my life, once class is finished I would rush to the CD store to buy a copy, sit and listen to the whole album, read the booklet, treasure it as a piece of art, her and her music uplift me, inspire me. These recent months I find myself full of negativity and sadness after I read her news and photos. It's horrifying, my whole body feel sick, and I don't understand. What's with the middle finger, f word, excessive alcohol, fishnet every day and "my schedule doesn't allow me to get married" when the guy had proposed a few different dates for the wedding? What was she so busy about when she'd achieved so much in the past 27 years that she can't hire a wedding planner and take out a week to get married? I am afraid when MC leaves this world, her money will go to Stella and her daughters. It's like she is brainwashed to agree to do whatever they wants, when she should put Roc n Roe first.
(Saturday 4 February 2017; 1:31)
Re: Tommy Mottola (71,798) (71,801) by Candy from Hong kong
I've been believing this for about 10 years. I like Tommy Mottola actually, how he styled Mariah and kept what happened with Mariah during their relationship/divorce more private. Mariah been writing songs and singing about the "abuse" for many years in different albums, bad-mouthing Mottola. When I saw the Barbara Walters interview when dembabies were 6 months old, how she said she trust Nick "sometimes", she basically has no respect for her husbands. Not on TV neither in real life. MW confirms that she also has no respect for her fiancé. I hate those songs/interviews which she about the Mottola abuse very much. He helped her a lot with her career. Same as Packer, he gave her a 10 million dollar ring, and the way she took it off in the video is disgusting. He respected her enough to design and presented her the ring, she was emotionally cheating on him on TV for the whole world to watch.
(Monday 30 January 2017; 16:36)
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