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About musshu1981 from spain: i love mariah

Article: Mariah Carey's very good, very bad two weeks (96,351) by musshu1981 from spain
This lamb has 3 books and 4 rarities.
(Monday 19 October 2020; 17:28)
Article: Is Mariah Carey "sick" of Christmas? (79,586) by musshu1981 from spain
I think this article is pointless. A human being is sick and needs to recover. That's all. Should be better and article about the illness or how many times she'd been sick blah blah than Mariah is "sick" of Christmas hahaha come on man. You can do better.
(Wednesday 29 November 2017; 11:00)
Article: Mariah Carey's new single sells 3,400 copies (79,472) by musshu1981 from spain
It's a Chirstmas ballad from a movie and we are in half on November. Lets see how many copies are sold and the end of Christmas. It's too soon.
(Friday 17 November 2017; 10:40)
Article: Five Foot Two is everything Mariah's World wasn't (78,574) by musshu1981 from spain
At the end of the day both [reality series] are bs to me. Like you said, Mariah [focused hers] into a promo, everything looking perfect. And Gaga focused [more [on how] lonely she feels, but at the end, the show, the Superball flowers and [censored] when she [was] seeing some else already but she was [feeling] lonely but that [wasn't] in the show. All [on] tv is like movies, fiction, everything, every detail is made up to get impressions. Some will get your impressions and some will get mine. I'm not into [reality series] at all so I dont give a... [It's] true that I would like to see Mariah as a regular person but we see her [as a] product, her diva character, the singer, she'd being building this all her career, she [doesn't] share her [real] intimacy, she never did, she just [acts] for the rest of the world, being Mariah Carey, Mimi or whatever role she wants to play but never herself [because] if she gives that to all of us she [won't] have anything left, close your eyes, listen to her music and you can see how Mariah feels and thinks. It's fine to me with the reality [series] and all this bs as she still [releases] new music, people.
(Wednesday 27 September 2017; 11:06)
Article: Mariah is stiff as a board in Hip Hop Honors performance (78,460) by musshu1981 from spain
Looks like you all forget Mariah was 25 years old when the MSG, and now she is 47, and with a few more pounds and years, you all like criticize her a lot. Do you know she is human right? She can't stay like in the 90s forever people.
(Wednesday 20 September 2017; 19:21)
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