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About przsyks from USA: A TRUE Lamb for many, many years!

Article: Mariah Carey's new single sells 3,400 copies (79,476) by przsyks from USA
Yea not sure what was the point of this article. A little premature to write such a thing, we haven't made it through Thanksgiving yet. I also find it interesting how the writer seems to leave out how Mariah has been sick the past few days, therefore not able to promote anything herself. Funny how these writers are silent when things are going well for her, but when they think there's blood in the water they go on a misguided attack. Dumb article.
(Friday 17 November 2017; 15:53)
Article: Mariah's Lambily defend singer from sexual harassment (79,332) by przsyks from USA
Funny how this comes out now when 1) these harassment claims are coming out left and right now. And 2) when her and Stella part ways. Interesting.
(Thursday 9 November 2017; 18:22)
Article: Mariah Carey reflects on how dreams were realized (79,160) by przsyks from USA
So nice to see a positive article for a change. However said to see no one but myself commenting on this. Seems like when it's something negative, everyone and their mother has something to say, but a much deserved achievement and complete silence. No worries, congrats MC on yet another great moment, may your star (pun intended) continue to shine. The [censored] lambs support you all the way.
(Friday 3 November 2017; 14:17)
Article: Carey on (78,878) by przsyks from USA
Andrew who are you to tell her or anyone else what to experience and where to experience it? Mariah like everyone else is a human being and things are going to effect her in her personal life that may show up in her performances. That's life. Just be thankful that she even chooses to go on stage when she is going through something. Some artist will cancel the show all together. Get over yourself and give her a break. Sad when the writer of this article has more positive things to say than her [censored].
(Thursday 19 October 2017; 18:25)
Article: Carey on (78,877) by przsyks from USA
Nice to actually see a positive review, for a change. Maybe the witch hunt to bring her down is starting to end.
(Thursday 19 October 2017; 18:21)
Article: Mariah begging Britney Spears to be personal trainer? (78,786) by przsyks from USA
"An article in the latest issue of Star." Yea that's all I needed to see.
(Thursday 12 October 2017; 15:45)
Article: Now he's touching her body (78,784) by przsyks from USA
Wow these comments. Some hateful so called "lambs" out there. The same people whinning that she should focus on the music are the same ones flipping their wigs over what she wears and who she dates. Deplorable.
(Thursday 12 October 2017; 15:44)
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