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About Andrew from London, UK:

Iconic response (89,122) by Andrew from London, UK
Icon Award? Turn it down Mariah. Turn it down. J Lo got it before you? Turn it down. How Mariah Carey would that be? Haha. "Thanks, but I still don't know her, and I definitely don't know you."
(Thursday 11 April 2019; 21:43)
ABMB concert graphics (88,992) by Andrew from London, UK
The graphics moving from the SSFT black and white arty footage into the colour shots of Mariah and her kids in a studio at the key change is pretty spectacular. Really classy. And she's in normal clothes again. Awesome.
(Thursday 4 April 2019; 16:44)
Re: Reception (88,986) (88,988) by Andrew from London, UK
That Madonna is respected by white people and Mariah is not is arguably true. And arguably what both women aim for.
(Thursday 4 April 2019; 10:53)
Re: Reception (88,973) (88,976) by Andrew from London, UK
Perhaps. Not here she isn't but maybe in your corner of the world. It is, is it not, axiomatic, that Madonna is considerably more heralded and respected world wide. I wish it were not so, but I think it is, not being someone who makes believe things because it is comforting.
(Wednesday 3 April 2019; 15:40)
Re: Reception (88,972) (88,975) by Andrew from London, UK
Yours is just an ad hominem attack because you have nothing for a rebuttal. That you were "called out" on a nonsense post must be painful.
(Wednesday 3 April 2019; 15:37)
Re: Reception (88,967) (88,971) by Andrew from London, UK
"[Mariah] has stayed away from drugs as coping mechanism, and she hasn't developed an anti social personality disorder like Madonna." This is, arguably, highly innacurate or just not true. Mariah, from several sources, is rumoured to be, or have been, addicted to alcohol, weed and/or prescription drugs. She is an alcoholic, of that much everyone can be certain, as obviously constantly evidenced. The weed is rumoured not only from sources that have known her personally but also from fans waiting for her. It also explains the drastic vocal degradation of somebody who doesnt even sing much but instead lip syncs. As for the prescription drugs, she looked pretty whacked out in the Christmas tour reading from an autocue. This is merely conjecture here but I question why it was needed if she were not so out-of-it, which she appeared to be. That she probably allowed herself to indulge in all of this to a point where somebody has materials on her which could end her career isn't necessarily "holding it together". And in relation to comparing her to Madonna: Madonna isn't the butt of jokes and I would say has a lot more respect than Mariah anywhere and forever. That Mariah released Caution and it got better reviews that she normally gets is great. But let's not run away with that and use it to pretend like everything is fine and dandy Chez Carey. However, that the Stella years of fruitcakeness are now over, the lambs themselves can certainly allow themselves a small sigh of relief. Perhaps, not a huge one.
(Wednesday 3 April 2019; 13:46)
Re: The last karaoke (88,962) (88,963) by Andrew from London, UK
Would you call it a Mariah Carey song? It is very obscure, it was not written by her, she says she doesn't like it and it doesn't fit anywhere into her catalogue of the last decade and a half.
(Tuesday 2 April 2019; 17:33)
Re: The last karaoke (88,958) (88,960) by Andrew from London, UK
Mariah's Theme does not have pace. It stops and starts and is sung way too slowly and I dare say somewhat awkwardly. The piano rifts separating the verses is too long and awkward and doesn't fit the song. This is not a good song to sing along to - which was my original point. Whenever You Call is. Lead The Way is a brilliant song but is not sung in a singalong-able way. TTR also suffers from snail-pace whispering and impossible octave screaming at the denouement. And so on and so on.
(Tuesday 2 April 2019; 14:54)
Re: Bye Bye (88,957) (88,959) by Andrew from London, UK
"And you never got to see how good I've done. You never got to see me back at number one." That line is desperately sad and moved me to tears. We all seek approval from our parents. It's very relatable. Unfortunately she then starts talking about teddy bears. Two songs with teddy bears in them in one album. Suffice is to say Mariah had started to get a bit iffy with lyrics around this point.
(Tuesday 2 April 2019; 14:50)
Re: The last karaoke (88,945) (88,953) by Andrew from London, UK
Once more you on here completely miss the point of the text. Ballads with crescendo, pace and key change that are worth singing in Karaoke do not include Mariah's Theme or Bye Bye or Supernatural and is just absurd.
(Tuesday 2 April 2019; 10:01)
The last karaoke (88,911) by Andrew from London, UK
Whenever You Call. It's as if Mariah recorded it in 1994. And it's the last powerhouse ballad with pace and momentum she ever recorded, unfortunately. The last karaoke ballad. When someone posted here that they want Mariah to make "real music" again, I believe this is what they meant. Songs not overproduced, not layered with cut and paste vocals, not templated as a slow beat with an octave higher scream at the end - just classic songs with moving and universal lyrics. Not "Cos when you love someone you just don't treat them bad." Although it is nice for Mariah to let her kids write her lyrics.
(Saturday 30 March 2019; 13:25)
Re: Final verdict (88,880) (88,885) by Andrew from London, UK
You no longer have validity. Mariah Carey and Emotions have very tense vocals; the restriction in tone is evident. Only on Music Box richness of tone emerges. There is a loss of thr jarring edge. On Merry Christmas, well, my old American pan pal from Farmville used to say to me that that was the peak vocally. And it was. Daydream has vocal flex. The belts were missing but the voice was elastic. It is this Mariah, I think, that everyone hears in their head. Daydream as a vocal is magic.
(Friday 29 March 2019; 01:56)
Re: MIAMTEC and Caution (88,812) (88,814) by Andrew from London, UK
Caution has never been a trait I associate with your posts. But, if it is Number 5 for you, at a guess, the rest of the top 5 read as: 4. Delusion 3. Faux positivity 2. Passive aggressiveness and 1. Dishonest.
(Wednesday 27 March 2019; 00:53)
Re: MIAMTEC (88,770) (88,785) by Andrew from London, UK
Because Caution is clever but altogether a bit uninspiring. There isn't a single track to propel it forward. Mariah's uptempos often gave you the feeling of being hurled into the next track, giving the album a feeling of pace. On Caution it is missing along with, really, any memorable hooks to bop along to. Imagine Music Box without Now That I Know and I've Thinking About You, or Emancipation without Say Something and Get Your Number. Then make the other tracks sound samey and then remove any vocal histrionics. Bam, you got yourself a Caution album. MIAM was at least upbeat mostly.
(Monday 25 March 2019; 08:33)
Re: Okay, please nobody get mad (88,743) (88,744) by Andrew from London, UK
Let me guess this straight. Actually, it's Disney, so let me get this gay. Some people would want Mariah to play Ursula the Sea Witch who tricks Ariel. Out. Of. Her. Singing. Voice. Her singing voice. Is it April 1st yet? Suggest Bill Cosby for the Mermaid's singer teacher Sebastian, Miss Vanjie for the butch King Triton and MCA Webmaster Eric to play the dashing Prince Eric. Not because we know that Eric is dashing. But just to have him censor everyone else's part so much that they quit.
(Friday 22 March 2019; 12:39)
Re: Randy (88,724) (88,736) by Andrew from London, UK
If you are mad at Randy for repeating his grievances with somebody's else's actions, well... you can see the irony here, surely.
(Thursday 21 March 2019; 23:23)
This is Mariah (88,655) by Andrew from London, UK
It is not a bloody remix. It's as much of a remix as WYC with Brian McKnight. I think you all have to accept that Mariah will never care about her music launches again. She makes a few songs every few years, but tours with fake vocals to milk her legacy until the voice packs up. What we want and expect and debate is not what she is capable of giving. This is Mariah without massive record producers pushing her. She was only ever so big and so grounded as those who helped her.
(Sunday 17 March 2019; 13:25)
Re: The remix (88,627) (88,632) by Andrew from London, UK
Eddie, don't interrupt. Still waiting for the Mary Ann Tatum fake account which said that it's not a real remix. Either that, or it's not a real claim made by B. Again. Benefit of the doubt... so, B, where's the link?
(Friday 15 March 2019; 22:00)
Re: Stefflon Don (88,605) (88,615) by Andrew from London, UK
Now, now. It's only (another) lie if the account does not exist. So give him a chance. B, the link to the fake account, please. We can let Mary Ann know to as for it to be taken down. She may even be chuffed someone bizarrely made a fake account of her.
(Friday 15 March 2019; 09:26)
We Are The World (88,597) by Andrew from London, UK
Shuffling through Mariah on Spotify in the car, WATW came up. I forgot how much I love this. The whistles make the song and I was smacking down on the steering wheel. "And there seems no hope at all": she was, perhaps, singing to that slack-jawed bitch that tried yelling into the microphone with "and urgh change can urnly curm". Mariah was dignified and absolutely made the song with her constant but occasionaly tones. There really was no hope at all for that woman.
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 19:36)
Re: Stefflon Don (88,578) (88,596) by Andrew from London, UK
I have never called myself a "lamb". I have posts stating as such many times. I am a lifelong fan. Another misrepresentation. But I am glad I am popular. My ex went on a date last year with a Mariah fan who mentioned this board and said there was a Londoner he hated on it called Andrew. No press is bad press, right? Lol. So, the link the the fake Mary Ann account, please. We can let her know.
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 19:31)
Re: Stefflon Don (88,594) (88,595) by Andrew from London, UK
Post the link to the fake account then. Would be interesting to see.
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 19:22)
Re: Stefflon Don (88,570) (88,572) by Andrew from London, UK
"According to several sources the Stefflon Don remix isn't the official remix. Mary Ann replied that it was just Stefflon doing her own thing and that she hopes it's great and boosts the song."

Please post links to the sources you have read.
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 00:20)
Re: Everything Fades Away (88,569) (88,571) by Andrew from London, UK
It is Will Downing - that was debated and settled here many times. It is Will Downing. On a very Music Box sounding track no matter what jealous, reductive, if not downright false, denigration is put forth, as almost everyone who had the full, complete album when they were younger will testify. Mariah just loved some of us more than others.
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 00:02)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,529) (88,532) by Andrew from London, UK
"Just turn a-rowond." EFA is the perfect ending to the album because the album is almost one non-stop powerhouse vocal. EFA is as if Mariah is leaving the studio and driving into the sunset streets with the top down chilling out and being pensive. The piano melody is haunting especially when accompanied with "It only fades, it only fades..." floating over it. "Every everythi-yeng fades awaaaay" and "Nothing ever stays the same babe, nuth-ing ever stays the same" make the song worth listening to alone.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 01:56)


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