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About MC85 from Canada:
I’ve been a true lamb since the Butterfly era but of course had enjoyed her music prior to that! High school years were rough for me and when friends asked what was wrong with me I didn’t know how to describe it, so I sent them lyrics to particular MC songs since she’s always been able to put my feelings into words. To this day she brings me such joy; I can be having a truly awful day at work and then one of her songs (even one I’ve heard 5000 times) will play on the store radio and I’ll instantly be in a better mood. I believe in spreading positivity and sharing love, appreciation and enjoyment of Mariah with her true fans!
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???? (107,431)
by MC85 from Canada
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This is such a great sentiment and well-written post. I couldn't agree more.
(Monday 30 September 2024; 17:14)
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107,430 |
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by Shezz from Pk
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Robert Anthony, I think we are forgetting the live performances she was giving early last year. I made an effort not to see them because they made me uncomfortable. And if MC is one thing, she's self conscious and cares how she appears. I think she made a conscious decision after that that she'd rather fully lip and only look bad to the handful of us who notice rather than sound bad and off key to the entire world.
To the average listener, the vocals she's recorded for this year's live shows seem very much live. Do I wish she could still sing live? Yes I do. Am I going to renounce my lambily passport if she keeps lipping? Never in a million years.
I'm more interested in the music she releases to add to her catalog that I'll be listening to until I'm old and have no teeth. Will I care then whether she lipped or sang live 40 years ago in Beijing or Rio or Vegas? I think not. There are much bigger issues in the world to lose sleep over.
(Monday 30 September 2024; 11:41)
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A Daydream release in 2024 (106,296)
by MC85 from Canada
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So well put. So sad.
(Friday 26 April 2024; 00:14)
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A Daydream release in 2024 (106,273)
by jaker20 from US
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This is not a shade at all, but I'm just being real. I never really got the whole Taylor Swift thing, I can barely listen to a few songs. I can't really point to a specific reason why. We have hit a point where music is disposable, almost to the point of just reading their diary. Releasing an album with 31 songs and many artists are doing this because that's how the charts work. Nicky Minaj and Drake have been doing this as well. Again, not a shade, just being real. We love everybody.
(Tuesday 23 April 2024; 20:16)
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Good Lord, just enjoy the show (102,720)
by MC85 from Canada
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You have no reason to apologize jaker20, at least in my opinion. Somehow I continue to feel shocked that the majority of posters on the board here consider themselves fans and claim to love MC and yet exclusively only post complaints, negativity and vitriol.
[...] Either deal with it and continue to be appreciative of her for the joy she's brought you or [...] off and stop spending your time crapping on her. I also wish her voice was in phenomenal shape. I would love a new album. Etc. whatever. She. Is. Human. Most of the posters here however seem to not realize that.
(Saturday 13 May 2023; 17:01)
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102,713 |
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Good Lord, just enjoy the show (102,713)
by jaker20 from US
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I'm sorry for causing drama, I knew as soon as I clicked submit, I regretted it immediately. You all have the right to criticize MC, but sometimes the words so extra. The suggestion that she has to get a surgery is a bit much, but I know you have every right to say what you want.
I was just disappointed. I enjoyed the show, and then when I come here, it's all negative. And it is the same all the time. Maybe I am just not getting it. Maybe I am living in another dimension. But some lambs are just happy to see Mariah, and maybe I have low standards lol, and then each time after that, you come here and it's all negative.
I already know that her voice is not the same. So I don't have these high standards, so I just enjoy the music and seeing her out and performing on stage having fun with everyone is all that matters. I'm sorry again, I didn't mean to be harsh.
(Thursday 11 May 2023; 17:38)
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Observation (102,428)
by MC85 from Canada
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I agree with you Lady B. This is partly why I rarely post and haven't been visiting the board as much these days. Life has been especially hard lately for so many people, including me, and the world often seems like it's on the brink. Mariah and her music have always been and always will be a beacon of light in my life and I've been needing that more than ever lately.
I consider myself extremely lucky and am beyond grateful that Mariah continues to provide me with utter joy, the sense of peace, and the much needed reminder that I'm not truly alone thanks to her music. I just don't see the point in picking someone apart, criticizing them and constantly expressing disappointment towards them when they have given me so much life. That's just me though. I dunno
(Saturday 1 April 2023; 07:09)
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Observation (102,419)
by Lady B from USA
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Many people on this board who post negative things about Mariah like to hid behind they "care" and are "fans", but are being "honest" and sometimes that means tough love. I'm on record as saying I think that's largely malarky, and they snidely deride me when I say that, But for a "fan board" very few folks wished her Happy Anniversary, and none of the regular critics. Indeed, plenty of posts before and after, but very few on the day of. Compare that to other fan boards of other artists, which have a higher percentage of posters who are actual, well fans.
(Wednesday 29 March 2023; 16:09)
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Biggest non #1 hit after 33 years (102,391)
by MC85 from Canada
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I have worked with and still do work with lots of much younger people, from early teens to mid-to-late 20's and they all know and can sing along to "Obsessed", even well before it had it's little semi-recent viral moment. So that's my choice, though definitely "Without You" isn't far behind though WU isn't as familiar to the young'uns.
(Friday 24 March 2023; 19:37)
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102,376 |
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Biggest non #1 hit after 33 years (102,376)
by Horacio from United States
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Which MC single that did not reach #1 on Billboard Hot 100 has had the best longevity since its release? I think Spotify numbers in the last few years help determine modern reception and enjoyment in the general public. Contenders: Without You Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) Oh Holy Night When You Believe I Know What You Want It's Like That Shake It Off Obsessed #Beautiful
(Thursday 23 March 2023; 00:25)
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"It's a Wrap" on the Hot 100 (102,260)
by MC85 from Canada
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Thank you everyone for your input.
(Friday 24 February 2023; 01:16)
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"It's a Wrap" on the Hot 100 (102,257)
by JC from USA
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And the correlation between TikTok and streams is becoming less significant. Here's a great article from Billboard.
While there were certainly some indicators in 2020 that showed promise, going viral on TikTok is not a leading indicator of commercial success.
That said, the large reach of these viral TikTok sounds will undoubtedly capture an entirely new audience for MC, which benefit her catalogue overall. With that said, I'm glad she and team understand the importance of seizing the opportunity.
(Thursday 23 February 2023; 19:30)
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"It's a Wrap" on the Hot 100 (102,251)
by MC85 from Canada
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Does anyone know why it hasn't chatted yet? It seems to be very popular and the Spotify numbers are good. Even the young'uns where I work are walking around singing it or recognize it when I'm singing it lol.
(Thursday 23 February 2023; 03:44)
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Funny dream I had (102,180)
by MC85 from Canada
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Hey guys. I don't post often but I always love to read everyone's thoughts and comments here. I figured I had to share this with everyone as it's too funny (and oddly specific) to keep to myself.
So last night I had a dream about MC and long story short, the gist of the dream was that our girl announced she'd be releasing a brand new album on February 27th called "Delights of Love" and the lead single was called "L.O.V.E." and was already doing well on radio. The album cover was a random blue design with a faint image of MC's face in the background lol.
Not sure how I feel about the album or single titles but a new album on February 27th sure would be fantastic.
(Sunday 5 February 2023; 03:37)
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Funko Pop (101,575)
by MC85 from Canada
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Thank you so much for your post. I haven't heard/read the recent Twitter space that you're referring to but that makes me sad. I'm not saying I'm a blind fan who refuses to acknowledge any faults of hers, but as I said in my other post, I just don't personally like contributing to critical posts or comments about her. I get enough of that in day to day life and it can hurt and I just don't feel she deserves that.
Anyways, I'm so so on board with a Jazzriah album. Would be a dream come true for me.
And in regards to a release of Someone's Ugly Daughter, I really hope Mariah releases her original lead vocal version of the album and if she wants to, sure, the Millie collaboration of it. I just neeeeeeed to hear the original.
(Monday 31 October 2022; 14:19)
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Funko Pop (101,572)
by Mara from United States
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What a wonderful first post MC85, and so incredibly true. Mariah herself alluded to that in a recent Twitter Space. She alluded to the fact that her fans can be critical or hard on her and said something along the lines of oh, no we love the Lambily, or something of that nature and the host didn't pick up on it too much. It was regarding a question if she had ever watched the fan made YouTube videos dissecting her voice. She sounded down in tone and said yeah she has seen some of them but doesn't always like to watch. Maybe someone else knows what I'm referring to. Mariah is and nobody can take that away, a living legend. She is a world treasure in the music scene. There are not many left in her league. She has maintained her legacy pretty well considering how fast paced this industry is. She's broken records that don't get the recognition they truly deserve. She still lives with those little girl insecurities and gets hurt by hurtful things said about her. It's funny after the vocal criticism, she comes out and does All I Want accapella on Instagram. She's aware of what's being said. That's why I think she should come out and do a jazz album. I think gospel is too big for her now to do comfortably anyhow. I'm nobody to tell Mariah Carey what to do but a life long day one fan. I've watched her changes and it's funny because every vocal change on each album other than Charmbracelet and maybe MIAM, I thought were different but they still sound great. The change in Butterfly to the raspiness in Rainbow and #1's. They all fit. Her voice is amazing. I really think now is the time for JazzRiah to make an appearance as she still looks amazingly attractive and young and has the tone and deliverance for it. Something like her Jimmy Fallon appearance with Big Jim on the piano. She can just go off. A lot of younger artists have already done it so it's not going to age her. Either that or redo Someone's Ugly Daughter which could be in the works as Millie Bobby Brown was on Jimmy Fallon saying she has been in the studio with Mariah.
Thank you for your post and welcome. I don't always post but I always read and your message was sweet.
(Saturday 29 October 2022; 02:41)
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Funko Pop (101,574)
by MC85 from Canada
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Thanks for your reply. I love your comment how she's been providing her artistry the best she can. That is such a beautiful way of putting it. It's a reminder that, even though her voice has naturally changed since she is, after all, a human being, and started 32 years ago, it doesn't mean I will ever stop being thankful that she and her music exist.
She isn't immune from criticism and obviously isn't perfect, but who is? And I just don't feel the need to criticize somebody that I love, just as I try not to do in real life relationships.
(Monday 31 October 2022; 14:10)
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Funko Pop (101,571)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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Thank you for posting this MC85, and I am glad you decided to post this because we all need some positivity around here. It has been disheartening to read some of the harsh criticism towards Mariah. It's, in my humble opinion, unnecessary. Having the need [to] state your opinion doesn't exclude you from being [a] human being and more compassionate, regardless of how strongly you feel about it. Sometimes I think some of you must be unhappy in your own lives to come here and want to put down and bash, yes bash, someone who's done nothing to you but provide her artistry as best as she can over the years. We love everybody.
(Saturday 29 October 2022; 01:07)
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Funko Pop (101,569)
by MC85 from Canada
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Hey all. I'm a long time lurker and never ever post here but I just wanted to shout out Joachim for bringing some positivity into the mix.
We can all agree MC's voice is not what it used to be but reading everyone's unnecessarily (imo) verbose and vitriolic comments lately is pretty disheartening.
Aren't we all here because MC has been a majorly positive influence in our lives? Hasn't she helped us all through the bleakest of times? Hasn't her artistry helped some of us feel more understood and maybe less alone in the world? I know she has been and done all of these things for me thankfully.
She's a human being with deep insecurities that we are all aware of and personally I feel she deserves a bit more understanding and a bit more love.
(Saturday 29 October 2022; 00:39)
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Funko Pop (101,546)
by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
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Ok, it's disheartening to read this board lately, and I agree with all you that the Saudi Arabia concert was awful. But do you remember the performance when she received the Billboard Icon Award? That is only three years ago, and then she sounded really good, and it was completely live. I've listened to the Honest Vocal Coach on YouTube recently, and I have to agree with her, if Mariah got more fit, sang almost daily, cut back on the alcohol, I think we still can have some good vocal performances from Mariah, I haven't lost faith yet.
So, I wanted to bring a bit of positivity to this board after almost all of us have slaughtered Mariah's latest performance. I got my Funko Pop vinyl figure today, inspired by her Fantasy video, it stands next to my LP player and I'm so happy about it. Too bad we can't share pictures on this board, or else I would have attached a picture of it on to this message. I bought her Christmas Funko Pop figure four years ago, so now I have two Mariahs in my living room, after all, she is my religion, Mariahcareyism.
(Tuesday 25 October 2022; 19:46)
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Re: O Canada (96,460) (96,477)
by MC85 from Canada
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Andrew, your response reinforced and cemented everything I said in my message. I don't see a need to further engage with you after you perfectly proved my point. I hope that seeing that I received 37 "likes" for my initial message will provide you with an opportunity to reflect on how you treat other people.
(Saturday 31 October 2020; 13:58)
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Arrogant and toxic (96,452)
by MC85 from Canada
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I've been creeping this board for years, to read genuinely insightful and kind-hearted comments from other fans yet I've always found it confounding that most people seem to be fine with Andrew from the UK consistently putting people down for their opinions, statements and comments.
I'm genuinely curious as to why this person is still allowed to use this board when nearly every single message he posts includes some sort of demeaning, hurtful or downright rude remark to another board member.
Shouldn't we all be celebrated for having our own opinions and for sharing our love for our favourite artist? Am I missing something?
(Thursday 29 October 2020; 06:03)
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MC30 iTunes purchases (95,282)
by MC85 from Canada
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Hey all. Forgive me if this has already been discussed and I might be the only one still actually purchasing music on iTunes, but I've been having a bit of trouble. So I've bought everything pre-Daydream EP's every Friday but for a number of them, even though the entire album/EP downloads, I can't play certain tracks either on iTunes itself or once I've transferred to my iPod (I'm old school yes). Like if I queue up any of these tracks it just automatically skips to the next one. Out of 13 tracks on the AYNAF EP only five will actually play for me. Anybody else had this problem? Thanks in advance.
(Sunday 30 August 2020; 06:05)
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The Rarities plus hello (95,011)
by MC85 from Canada
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Hey all. I've been creeping this message board for many years now and finally bit the bullet and created an account. I'm so pumped to share my enthusiasm for our girl with you all, and especially share my supernaturally ecstatic excitement for the new album. Can't wait to share my love with you all.
(Thursday 20 August 2020; 10:31)
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