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About Zachariah from Croatia: Mariah Carey fan and professional member of automotive community - both got me feeling emotions.

Please (108,134) by Zachariah from Croatia
Let's just hope that the song will be good and not boring.
(Friday 7 February 2025; 11:58)
this is a reply to message 108,133
Barbra Streisand and Ariana collaboration (108,116) by Zachariah from Croatia
I am tired of collaborations. I don't approve this.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 10:34)
this is a reply to message 108,113
The Grammys (108,114) by Zachariah from Croatia
It is an absolute travesty that Butterfly wasn't nominated for an album of the year. It is a masterpiece and since then, I don't follow Grammy's any more.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 10:06)
this is a reply to message 108,111
The Grammys (108,108) by Zachariah from Croatia
I don't even understand what is she singing about. I can only focus on her first three albums - the rest is just a noise in my ears. And I tried.
(Tuesday 4 February 2025; 15:51)
this is a reply to message 108,106
Covers compilation album (108,103) by Zachariah from Croatia
With You I am Born Again with John Legend, live, is an absolute legendary performance.
(Tuesday 4 February 2025; 10:46)
this is a reply to message 108,102
A bit harsh (108,099) by Zachariah from Croatia
No worries, I understand totally. Her music just means so much to me that I really find it healing in some ways.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 23:03)
this is a reply to message 108,092
A bit harsh (108,090) by Zachariah from Croatia
It's a bit harsh to say that her voice is gone, come on, have some respect. Her voice is still here, obviously with some struggles, but it is still there. Regarding the stage presence - we don't know what is she going through or if she is just catching the momentum.

Feeling sad watching her old videos? Come on, you should be happy for them and enjoy them. We were lucky to be alive in the same time as she was and be able to enjoy them and her talent.

I swear to God, sometimes I get so mad with the negativity here.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 12:26)
My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,078) by Zachariah from Croatia
For me, Charmbracelet was more of an therapy album, almost like a gospel theme one. Actually, it would be awesome if she would redo a whole album with a more gospel vibe. It has spiritual and anthemic vibe. I play it when I really need calm and spiritual vibe in my life.
(Thursday 30 January 2025; 21:17)
this is a reply to message 108,075
My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,064) by Zachariah from Croatia
You are not. In one moment I was wondering, am I on some kind religious self help web page or on a Mariah Carey news page.
(Monday 27 January 2025; 08:16)
this is a reply to message 108,057
Music Box 30 (108,032) by Zachariah from Croatia
I think she does them every day in her home or a studio but because of her perfection or an expectation of perfection that she thinks people expect from her, she gets stiff and or like a vocal puppet.
(Wednesday 22 January 2025; 18:14)
this is a reply to message 108,031
Music Box 30 (108,030) by Zachariah from Croatia
Well, my thoughts about him are very negative so I would not enjoy it. Snoop Dog? Wow. That's a surprise.
(Wednesday 22 January 2025; 12:16)
this is a reply to message 108,028
Music Box 30 (108,023) by Zachariah from Croatia
I was shocked that she decided to sing. I honestly thought that nobody will sing at his inauguration. I guess I was wrong.
(Tuesday 21 January 2025; 20:32)
this is a reply to message 108,021
My observation (107,981) by Zachariah from Croatia
Agreed, times are tough in the world and every day I see more people struggling with mental health or health in general, finances, relationships, superficiality. Something needs to change. Empathy is missing and it is an alarming thought.
(Thursday 16 January 2025; 10:42)
this is a reply to message 107,979
Article: Mariah Carey shares busty New Year's post (107,912) by Zachariah from Croatia
Simply stunning.
(Friday 3 January 2025; 13:03)
Top posters 2024 (107,911) by Zachariah from Croatia
O wow, I am on the 8th place. Wow. So cool.

Happy New Year everyone and may 2025 be the end of the cocoon regarding releasing albums.
(Friday 3 January 2025; 11:11)
this is a reply to message 107,895
Merry Christmas from Croatia (107,850) by Zachariah from Croatia
Hi guys, I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and to thank you for being here and spreading the word about Mariah. It means a lot to me to just log on here and read your opinions about her and her music. I hope 2025 brings new music for us, maybe in a form like a rock-grunge album. I think it would be so unexpected and epic. I love you all.
(Wednesday 25 December 2024; 10:22)
Passion (107,815) by Zachariah from Croatia
I don't think is that. She can sing and she can hit the notes. It is hers saturation for creating the new music. She has done it all.
(Saturday 21 December 2024; 14:19)
this is a reply to message 107,814
Week 3 (107,806) by Zachariah from Croatia
I think she will release a banger in February and then another banger right before the summer. An album will drop right around in early September.
(Thursday 19 December 2024; 14:54)
this is a reply to message 107,805
Have you heard? (107,776) by Zachariah from Croatia
I had two accidents (one was my fault, the other one not) while Mariah was playing but then again - I only listen to Mariah in my car since I drive and own a car (since 1999) so...
(Thursday 12 December 2024; 14:32)
this is a reply to message 107,775
So happy (107,770) by Zachariah from Croatia
I am so happy for number 1 position again. So so happy.
(Tuesday 10 December 2024; 12:34)
In vain (107,751) by Zachariah from Croatia
They are all fighting in vain, because for the last 5 years, Mariah has the biggest hit of each of those year. Facts.
(Wednesday 4 December 2024; 14:18)
Billboards top artists for the 21st century (107,726) by Zachariah from Croatia
Well, let's be honest - Mariah was huge by the end of 20th century, so this is a valid list.
(Friday 29 November 2024; 10:43)
this is a reply to message 107,724
New music? (107,671) by Zachariah from Croatia
It will never happen. Celine's music is boring as hell. Mariah really doesn't need that.
(Wednesday 20 November 2024; 11:39)
this is a reply to message 107,670
Christmas shows (107,637) by Zachariah from Croatia
I have few things to say regarding this matter:

1. You guys are lucky to even to get to see her in this time of the year. I adore Christmas, although I am more an introvert and alone 90% of the time those days, but I love to see city streets with Christmas decorations and such. I like the vibe. I would do anything to go to see her, but it is what it is.

2. I don't mind her just standing there and not move - she was never a dancer and I am fine with that. Looking at the monitor - that is really annoying and I really would like to know why is she doing that, but it must be the lyrics, or looking herself in the monitor to see if the hair is ok or just a logistic part to see where is she standing or something like that - I really don't know what else could be.

3. Her tour starts way to early. She should do just December next time - from 1st of December until 20th. That's it. She had a lot this year and she should get her rest.

4. Vocals are very good from what I hear and I don't know why is she using back tracks.

I don't think she has dementia or anything like that - it is just stress and making sure that everything goes well. Look at it this way - I use notes at my work. Every day. As I am sure you all do. This is her work and yes, notes are in order to make sure that everything goes well.
(Wednesday 13 November 2024; 10:00)
Article: Mariah Carey heralds the holiday season (107,574) by Zachariah from Croatia
It is beyond epic.
(Friday 1 November 2024; 10:32)


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