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About Lainsky from Philippines:
A Mariah Carey fan since "Love Takes Time." However, "Butterfly" remains my favorite album of all time. Timeless!
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Article: Mariah joins Filipino fans in early Christmas celebration (107,334)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Yes. Indeed, the queen has spoken. I am grateful to be Filipino or Pinoy celebrating Christmas as early as September. I made sure that on the last day of August, I included my favorite MC's Christmas song led by AIWFCIY. Merry Christmas to you all fellow lambs from all over the world from the Philippines.
(Sunday 8 September 2024; 04:36)
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Do You Know Where You're Going To (107,244)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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It's an original by Diana Ross and one of my favorite Mariah covers. I remember when I played #1s and it came to this song. Whistling singing towards the end, my housemate was like, "Is that her singing those notes?" Proudly, I said yes. And it became one of my favorite remakes of her. Below are my top 10 lists with some comments.
1. I Still Believe (better than Brenda K) 2. Out Here On My Own (you can feel her emotions, should've been a single) 3. Open Arms (best female version) 4. Without You (could have been No.1) 5. Do You Know Where You're Going To (should've been released) 6. I Want To Know What Love Is (the remake that leaves you wanting for more) 7. Sweetheart (could pass as her original) 8. I Didn't Mean To Turn You On (better than Robert Palmer's) 9. I'll Be There (used to play over and over) 10. Bringin' On The Heartbreak (love her rock-pop-r&b version)
Of course, O Holy Night is up there too. The rest are just... was not working for me.
(Monday 26 August 2024; 05:11)
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Article: Mariah Carey reflects on 25 years of Rainbow (106,722)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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I've been listening to Mariah's theme "Can't Take That Away From Me" now that we celebrate Rainbow's 25th anniversary, both original and remixes. I have developed a new appreciation for this song. When it was released in 2000 with "Cry Baby" as the B-side, I preferred CB over CTTAFM. Like Mariah, my taste in music has transitioned from pop to R&B/Hip-hop. But now, I like it more. And I could not help but think about this if the relationship between Mariah and the label had not gone awry, it could have been released and promoted well and possibly have gone to No.1. Well, if that relationship remained okay, I guess other singles have gone to top, such as How Much (if also released - the sound and Usher was so popular that year), Butterfly, Breakdown, and Sweetheart. Well, we can only wish now and imagine while enjoying this expanded edition of the album.
(Sunday 16 June 2024; 13:00)
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Inspiration for MC (106,354)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Last week, I saw this video from Vanessa William's latest release Legs (Keep on Dancin'). She's 61 and can still sing and dance like in her 90's career. She was already popular back then when Mariah was in her third year of success. Perhaps she and this music video can inspire our MC performance-wise in her live concerts and on releasing her next album single. Besides, Vanessa said something nice to her when Virgin Records dropped her just like that.
(Monday 6 May 2024; 05:06)
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Mariah's moves (106,250)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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It was the first time I saw this video of her from one of her concert tours during the Butterfly era. She's so graceful and beautiful in her natural curls. I truly love this performance dancing sexily with class while showing off her great vocals. I believe she can still do these moves in her concerts and perform for her fans like she used to. The truth is, it is a bit painful to watch the video clips and uploaded videos of her current performances from TCOM. I don't mind her lipsyncing but what about performing something like this that surely will entertain the audience? Just saying. Don't get me wrong. I still love her and will always be a fan. But the paying people deserve more than what she's showcasing at the moment.
(Monday 22 April 2024; 05:16)
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Funny story, Mariah related (Caution) (106,018)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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I could not agree more. Personally, Caution is her best work since E=MC2. And again, A No No could have been the lead single followed by Caution, Giving Me Life, and Stay Long Love You. Caution and GML are so Billboard Hot 100 Number 1 materials. Just saying.
(Friday 22 March 2024; 03:25)
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106,016 |
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Funny story, Mariah related (106,016)
by Stacey from USA
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Last weekend I was visiting my mom and my sister. She came with her two kids (11, 10). Her kids were asking for something and she kept saying no. It made me think of Mariah's song A No No. I played the song and she commented, "Hey that's a great beat." I said you should play this song whenever your kids ask for something, lol. I made her a short ringtone. It got me to listening to more from Caution. While it's not my favorite, it definitely has those amazing arrangements, chords that just sound different yet so fresh. Giving Me Life, Portrait, and Caution are amazing songs.
(Thursday 21 March 2024; 02:47)
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Billboard Hot 100 (105,319)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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I did not realize that Ariana's "Yes, And?" went to number for a week. I mean, I used to visit the chart every week, especially the late 90's and 2000's. And every Christmas season since AIWFCIY went to No.1. Other than those times, not so often. The truth is, I miss seeing Mariah in the chart, not only during Christmas. I know her prime years are behind us, and it will take a miracle to see her again on top. However, I still believe it is not impossible. Thus, I hope her next release (if there is truly one) will do that for her like another TEOM moment. Well, we can only hope for nowadays, and there's nothing wrong with staying positive. 
(Thursday 8 February 2024; 04:21)
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Snooze and Giving Me Life (104,419)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Have you heard or listened to SZA's Snooze? The first time I listened to it reminded me of Mariah's Giving Me Life and Bliss. Of course, MC's songs are better. I just thought if only radio stations or streaming platforms give equal opportunities to both young and old singers, Mariah's chart success might continue. GML is a top-ten hit material like Snooze. It only proves that Mariah's songs are usually ahead of their time. And it's okay if AIWFCIY did not or will not make it to No.1. It has already made its impact and record. Let's give another old artist a chance. 
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 04:44)
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Discounted singles (103,234)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Thank you, Randy my thoughts exactly. I appreciate your informative response on this. I remember that time I always looked at the Billboard Hot 100 to see how Mariah's latest single performed, only to be disappointed with Butterly and Breakdown and wondered why (not knowing then the chart rules) they did not chart. However, I was like, "Yey" when My All made a splash at No. 1. I felt the same disappointment with Sweetheart and When You Believe, but I went up and jumping with Heartbreaker and TGIFY. Oh well, those were the days we can only reminisce. 
(Monday 21 August 2023; 04:57)
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103,225 |
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Discounted singles (103,225)
by Bill from the UK
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Being the UK there weren't any tactics like this, other than the CD singles being released in "two parts" to sustain sales in the second week, and make rabid fans like me buy every version for different remixes or the alternative cover art (shout out to the UK exclusive Always Be My Baby artwork). I have been known to narrow my eyes in suspicion at the "one week only" #1s. I agree with what you say about My All and Thank God I Found You. I wouldn't say it applies to Heartbreaker and One Sweet Day though, because they had quite long stays at the top (especially OSD), plus Heartbreaker's great video would have helped as that whole thing was a hoot. This is why I roll my eyes when the (ducks) yaas queens lay down the "she's had two hundred thousand number ones" trump card. It's like, ask Joe Public to name 6 of them. Go on I'll wait. And yes, we all love Loverboy for all sorts of reasons (my affection for it is because it's such a mess), but there's no way that would have even cracked the top ten stateside were it not for it being sold for a penny or whatever it was. I always felt the UK's chart position of #12 was justified. It didn't warrant a top ten position, but deserved to knock at the door and be asked to the party, only to be sent away.
I've had too much wine.
(Saturday 19 August 2023; 22:17)
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Discounted singles (103,215)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Do you think Mariah's singles, which were made available for $49 upon their release or a week after, would reach No. 1 if they sold at their original price? It was just a thought I have been thinking about recently. Heartbreaker and TGIFY have become controversial because of their discounted price. Both skyrocketed to the top of the Billboard Hot 100. There's Honey and OSD too. However, OSD was really popular on the radio like Fantasy. These two singles are destined to be on top.
(Saturday 19 August 2023; 04:50)
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For The Record (102,422)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Yap, ditto. I totally agree that it's very Mariah but sounds new at the same time. I wish it was released and went to No. 1 too. It's too beautiful to be an album filler. A gem lost in mishandling the E=MC2 singles.
(Thursday 30 March 2023; 04:21)
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102,421 |
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For The Record (102,421)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Yes, it's so good. How I love this song from the beginning. It has the typical Mariah sound but also something new. In my fantasy it's a number one.
(Wednesday 29 March 2023; 20:17)
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MTV 90's (102,341)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Most people are not watching TV nowadays because of the internet. Well, last night, I missed browsing the channel and stopped at the MTV channel. They were showing the 50 Greatest Heartbreak Songs of the '90s on their MTV '90s Hits program. There's Celine Dion, Whitney, Bryan Adams, All-4-One, and of course, Mariah Carey at No. 2 with "Without You", and Toni Braxton's Unbreak My Heart is at No.1. It brings a lot of memories. I remember I was waiting for any Mariah videos every chance I got. But the most memorable was when Honey was released. My jaw dropped seeing the new Mariah then. That music video remains her best for me. The same goes with the Butterfly album, the other single videos, especially Breakdown and The Roof almost. What a throwback weekend.
(Sunday 12 March 2023; 04:15)
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B's Break My Soul (100,693)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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What do you think of Bey's latest single? Honestly, it reminds me of Mariah's Meteorite. Now, I am beginning to wonder why if it's Bey, suddenly it's a top 10 hit? When it is our dear MC, it's now a real struggle breaking into the Hot 100? Why? Just thinking of Meteorite (2014) and Caution single, which are all so good and Top 10-worthy songs! Why? Feeling frustrated that's all.
(Monday 11 July 2022; 05:43)
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New cover song (100,644)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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If you will be given a chance to pick an old classic song that Mariah Carey would be willing to record and release as a single, what would it be and why? I would have it say either "Break It To Me Gently" by Angela Bofill (1981) or "Love Me Like The First Time" by Brenda K. Starr (1985). Well, I believe that these two classics fit into Mariah's vocals like "Out Here On My Own" and her voice can give a whole new life to these songs. I am more biased to Bofill's track since she has done already a tribute to Brenda. What do you think guys?
(Monday 4 July 2022; 05:06)
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Re: No email updates (100,359) (100,365)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Thank you, Webmaster! I really appreciate it.
(Tuesday 31 May 2022; 04:37)
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No email updates (100,359)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Just want to ask if the admin has cancelled the email subscriptions to receive the latest news from this site or is it just me? I no longer receive an email from MCA, something I always look forward upon logging in to my email account. Thanks.
[Webmaster: I see that you are no longer on my mailinglist, so I've added you again. This evening you should receive the newsletter.]
(Monday 30 May 2022; 12:15)
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Re: Why I want another #1 (100,326) (100,358)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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I could not agree more. Another #1 will make a lot of positive difference on Mariah's status as an artist. If Cher was able to pull it off, I still believe (singing) that she can do it too or even better. Based on her history, whenever she makes a "comeback" she scores at least a couple of #1's. All she need to do is to record and release that major pop R&B album with massive pop R&B hits that is relatable, not only to her older (sorry but true, including myself) fans, but more importantly, to the untapped younger music enthusiast. And also right timing of release is crucial. Hopefully, it happens this year because she's 52 or 53 already!
(Monday 30 May 2022; 12:13)
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Article: Mariah Carey turns 53 (100,040)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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If you are going to look at the news in past, clearly she was born in 1970. However, it seems that the recent articles (and Mariah herself), including this one, finally acknowledge that she was born in 1966. That makes her 53 years old. Anyway, it is just a number and she still looks young and hot at this point of her life. Happy Anniversary MC!
(Tuesday 29 March 2022; 05:31)
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Re: Rank the (US) #1s, it's too quiet (99,914) (99,918)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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19. I'll Be There 18. Vision of Love 17. Hero 16. Thank God I Found You 15. One Sweet Day 14. Touch My Body 13. Someday 12. Don't Forget About Us 11. All I Want For Christmas Is You 10. My All 09. I Don't Wanna Cry 08. Dreamlover 07. Always Be My Baby 06. Heartbreaker 05. Emotions 04. We Belong Together 03. Honey 02. Love Takes Time 01. Fantasy
(Wednesday 16 March 2022; 08:19)
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Re: Caution - what a hook! (99,858) (99,860)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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I could not agree more Matty. My thoughts exactly on this single. She used to do that, releasing the song similar to the album's title. That's why I was wondering why. It's the best song from that album IMHO.
(Monday 7 March 2022; 04:00)
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Sweetheart (99,720)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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I did not know that this song is also a remake until someone commented on my list of her best cover songs. Honestly, I could not believe it! I guess I am a fan who simply enjoy her songs without paying too attention on details. So, I made a research (yes, I did not read her memoirs) online and saw this.
Well, I love this song when it came out as well as the music video. Rearranging my list, this cover belongs to my top 5.
(Friday 18 February 2022; 14:28)
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Re: Mariah cover songs (99,640) (99,641)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Oh yes, I missed that one out lol. I have to rearrange it because it's in my top 3. Thanks Rashidi. I knew I was missing something I can't believe it. Now it's top ten and Out Here On My Own comes after I Still Believe.
(Saturday 5 February 2022; 17:00)
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Mariah cover songs (99,637)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Lately, I have been listening to almost all of Mariah's cover songs from her studio albums. I could not help but notice something. I kept repeating some of these cover songs. We all know that some are album fillers while the rest are released as singles. Probably, she has done a dozen remakes from her catalog or even more. What are your favorites? Here's my top nine list.
1. I Still Believe - sounds better than the original (sorry Brenda) 2. Open Arms - released as a single in my country after Fantasy, it could have been a number 1 hit in US or UK 3. Do You Know Where You're Going To - simply love her rendition, especially the whistling part at the end 4. Without You - let the song speak for itself 5. I'll Be There - fell in love with her more with this remake 6. I Want To Know What Love Is - she's almost there in this one but still sounds good 7. Bringing On The Heartbreak - wish she cover another pop-rock song and make it her own 8. I Didn't Mean To Turn You On - love her take on this, it would be nice for her to cover another dance track like this 9. Against All Odds - the full voice and high note display is remarkable
I guess nine is okay for a change. I don't listen to others that are not on the list. There's One More Try (MIAMTEC), Beautiful Ones (Butterfly), and The Wind (Emotions - this is a remake, right?). Again, covers from her albums only. Tributes are excluded. Care to share yours?
(Saturday 5 February 2022; 07:49)
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Article: The story behind Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" (99,569)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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Reading this archive story made me think. If Mariah and Jermaine can do two amazing songs in just two days and another two more amazing songs in just another two days, can't they do it again? At least for her upcoming album, if there's any. Perhaps, they just need someone to push them like Reid or some sort of inspiration to make another sure-fire number one hit.
(Monday 31 January 2022; 03:41)
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Re: Your relationship with the Number Ones, today (99,524) (99,558)
by Lainsky from Philippines
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It is better late than never responding to this discussion. Thanks to Randy for the initiative. But let me rank it according to the play frequency since I love a list. The first five are almost every week, while the next five are twice a month. It depends on the mood. The rest are once in a while to seldom played.
Honey - Album and remix version We Belong Together Fantasy - Album and remix version Emotions Love Takes Time - I love to play it on a Sunday I Don't Wanna Cry - Same as LTT Always Be My Baby - Saturday jam along with the top 3, including the remix Heartbreaker Dreamlover Touch My Body
One Sweet Day, Someday, I'll Be There, Hero, Don't Forget About Us, My All, Thank God I Found You, Vision of Love - These are ranked from once a month to rarely played.
Some side note, I often play her non-number one singles, such as Breakdown, Butterfly, The Roof, Sweetheart, I Still Believe, AYNAF, Lead The Way (and most Glitter singles), Shake It Off, For The Record, Caution, SLLY, and Out Here On My Own.
(Friday 28 January 2022; 05:18)
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