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About maleRN from USA:
male nurse
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Article: Miley Cyrus fangirls over fellow M.C. Mariah Carey (105,345)
by maleRN from USA
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"Miley Cyrus has never been afraid of spilling some tea and speaking her mind, so it didn't reaaally surprise us when she threw some Mimi shade. Miley spoke to Elle US about 'seeing through her shtick'. 'I've never really been a fan, because it's so much about Mariah Carey,' she said. 'That's part of her shtick, I can see through that.' But she didn't stop there. 'That's part of what makes her a gay icon, like, it's about Mimi. It's about what she's wearing, and it's about her. What I make isn't about me. It's about sharing my story, it's about someone being connected to what I'm saying.' Damn." Reported in Cosmopolitan 2017.
(Saturday 10 February 2024; 18:48)
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First posting (45,730)
by maleRN from USA
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I've followed the Archives for a long time without posting. Katy Perry pushed me over the edge, ha. I don't know why she aggravates me so much. I think it has something to do with the way she repeatedly disses her fellow female artists. You don't see Beyonce or Gaga disrespecting their peers, but supporting them. She's had three successful pop albums now, but in my opinion, that success is based on tacky music videos, a sexualized image, and autotune. Her live performances are sort of painful to listen to. It irks me that she has the audacity to turn MC into a caricature. It's so reductive (no, I am not a Madonna fan) and condescending. Even the line insinuating that she sucks at Carey-oke is laced with sarcasm. MC could shade the mess out of her with "Thirsty". So many lines in the song could apply to KP. It might be the mature thing for MC to take the "high road", but I kind of hope MC has some fun with the video and goes to town on all these disrespectful girls.
(Friday 1 August 2014; 22:34)
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