Wednesday 27 July 2011

Mariah Carey on HSN: 5 diva lessons learned

Mariah Carey has been getting a bad rap over her recent appearance on HSN in which she peddled everything from her jewelry to bags and fragrances. We think she was doing her. And by "her" we mean she's too rich to care what we think, so she why not let it all hang out? We actually think that couple of hours she spent on TV gave us some valuable lessons. Here's five things we learned from Mariah on HSN.

1. Being a fabulous mom is tough. Having babies and raising them can be difficult and you should be able to express just how much it sucks openly. From her 47 weeks of pregnancy (isn't that more than 11 months?) to the bloated feet and inability to have long fingernails, Mariah isn't about sugarcoating the experience. And we know that aspiring divas can now totally avoid motherhood, because Mariah scared the bejesus out of them.

2. People should be told when they're wrong. If Mariah didn't give that corny name to a piece of jewelry, she will tell you. So what if some marketing person is feeling like they've just been thrown under the bus? The businesswoman in her isn't about to let you think she had anything to do with it. If a model isn't wearing a bag correctly, she should be told. After all, how else does one make the world bend to your desires if you don't tell them how?

3. Express your love as much as you can. There's so much hate in this world that it's refreshing to know that Mariah has no problem expressing her love - more than 70 times during the HSN appearance alone. Can we ever really express our love too much?

4. Who needs math? We're still wondering about that 47 weeks of pregnancy, but Mariah couldn't be bothered to remember numbers - unless it's her bank balance. And as for how much an item costs, what's the HSN host being paid for? Duh. Mariah proves that you don't need advanced math skills to get by.

5. Know your best angles. Even rich and fabulous stars have body issues. And it's nice to see that Mariah not only acknowledges hers, but also makes sure the cameras are not shooting them. After all, fabulosity doesn't just happen. It must be carefully micro-managed.

(The Hollywoord Reporter)

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