Tuesday 27 July 2004

Mariah to work with Mase?

Another one of Kanye West's dreams has come true: He's gotten a chance to work with his favorite rapper of all time, Mase. The two have collaborated on a remix of West's "Jesus Walks" and may be touring together this summer.

While Mase's presence on certain parts of the tour is not yet set in stone, the "Jesus Walks" remix should be coming out soon. "I took a different approach than what Kanye talked about," Mase said. "Kanye touched on how radio does certain things. I began to talk about how the labels and artists do certain things. I said something to the effect that, 'It ain't about who's hot no more/ Or beats that knock no more/ So who cares who flops no more?' "

Besides the TS and West, Mase said he might also be doing tracks for Mariah Carey and Faith Evans.

(MTV News)

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