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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Nathan Morris (49,867) by Bill (49,913) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I don't know why people want to paint him as her throat doctor, psychiatrist and personal trainer all rolled into one giant BFF after that tacky libellous FB post. Mariah will make him eat his words. Such a dumb move, Mariah isn't some punk. She might not be vocal about her dislike but she knows how to cut you off at the knees if you try to come for her for no reason. I wonder what Wanya Morris and Shawn Stockman have to say. Doesn't really matter because it works itself brilliantly, Mariah could easily duet One Sweet Day with a slew of male singers she's worked with in the past and even new collaborators. Usher, 98°, Joe, Dru Hill, Michael Bolton, Justin Timberlake, Trey Lorenz, John Legend, Miguel, R. Kelly, Elton John, Eric Benet, Trey Songs etc. A lot of this is plain sexism. Mariah has achieved all her successes on her own merit, hard work, determination, humility and unmovable faith. She's been without a manager for the better part of a year proving she is very capable managing herself even at her most vulnerable. She hasn't even come close to falling apart like so many of the haters want. She has kept her composure and not cowered or let critics get the best of her. Mariah is actually someone who lives by her own advice, it's the reason she's so loved by us lambs, her integrity and complete lack of cunning or deception. She isn't perfect but that was never her claim. Betting against by Mariah Carey never paid off for anybody. It won't pay our now.
(Sunday 8 February 2015; 2:07)
Mariah (49,886) by B (49,909) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
B, leave the shame to those who deserve it. Be proud, your posts are always fair and balanced. So please don't let [censored] people stop you from enjoying your trip to Vegas and the amazing experience that is sure to be. I'm confident Mariah and her team will deliver a great show just like she did at the Beacon. We all know none of them will ever tell her to her face even a whisper of all the stupidity they post online. They don't really want Mariah to do better, they just want to make airs. Be thankful that when the going got tough you didn't join the weak and easily impressionable in their ranks. Let them compete about who can be the most negative and faithless [censored]. It's quite amusing if you let it be. I'm really jealous of all the lambs that get to go to Vegas this year, like you, since I am grounded (doctors orders) and can only travel by land or water. I might still chance it to New York (shhh) but Vegas is too risky. Mariah, please come to Europe for a concert, I don't care where. As long as I don't have to fly there, I'm there.
(Sunday 8 February 2015; 1:30)
Whatever happened to empathy? (49,869) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
How convenient that just a few weeks after Mariah announces her Las Vegas residency all of a sudden Nate has so much to say about how hard it's gonna be: yada yada yada. I guess it's just a coincidence that Boyzi II Men are in the middle of their own residency the second year in a row, right? People don't do things like post disparaging things on Facebook without a reason, without it benefitting them in some way. It's not because he cares about Mariah Carey's wellbeing. When is the last time a good friend and college of yours from work, with a lot less success that isn't even singularly theirs, made a FB post telling everyone you know that you don't do your job well and potential clients should be made aware of it? This is why we can't have nice things.
(Saturday 7 February 2015; 8:38)
So you went to Mimi on your contacts and pressed delete? (49,819) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's one thing when random people off the street have an opinion on Mariah's singing and all the unsolicited, presumptuous advice that go along with that. It's another when someone who claims to be a fan either wants her to undergo surgery and risk losing her voice like Julie Andrews did. Or the ones who spread malicious rumours of addiction to substances as the culprit to any hiccups Mariah has, privately or publicly. Then you have the ones who want her to retire all together. Which category Nate falls into is debatable but like 99% of all the people who comment on Mariah Carey, Nate actually has/had access to her, and until this very moment I assumed they were more friends than just former collaborators. Why would he try and sabotage her Vegas gigs like this? It's actually very slanderous because he's giving the public the impression that he has insider knowledge when he obviously doesn't. Someone with access to Mariah doesn't make thiat kind of underhanded statement that is designed to make fans hesitate on going to Mariah's #1's show. This is not just someone having an opinion, this is a competitor attacking Mariah Carey The Corporation. I don't even understand how anyone can deny that there is an obvious agenda in the industry to dethrone Mariah. Boyz II Men and Mariah have the longest running #1 song in Billboard history and now any possible live duets of One Sweet Day etc. are in jeopardy? Thanks a lot Nate, OAN Mariah, you need to sue for slander and defamation.
(Friday 6 February 2015; 14:11)
Mariah just tweeted Fifth Harmony (49,766) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Now playing Like Mariah by Fifth Harmony. I love it. I appreciate and enjoy you. Congratulations on your album." But let's ignore and pretend it hasn't already been retweeted almost 10,000 times in less than an hour because Mariah Carey should retire anyway, right? The only people who take negative [censored] fans seriously are tabloids. That's a fact. Mariah has made it a point to rise above and focus on the positive, but we all know her shade is legendary once you make the mistake of crossing her. *plays Like Mariah*
(Wednesday 4 February 2015; 20:48)
Mariah's latest tweet / Bobbi Kristina (49,763) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"My thoughts and prayers continue to be with Bobbi Kristina. Sending love and support to the family. God Bless." She's still alive and hopefully the rumours of her progress are 100% true. Stay positive in your prayers and in your own lives. Miracles happen every day if you let them.
(Wednesday 4 February 2015; 19:49)
That's my brand / The Greatest Hits (49,722) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So now you're composing lists of my disjointed quotes? If you're gonna quite me then do it right, in context. What you did is the equivalence of someone posting lyric lines from different songs and even albums ignoring any underlying textures or themes. It's as arbitrary as it gets. Pick an entire post to pick apart, one at a time. Even professional Mariah Carey critics generally stick to reviewing one body of work at a time. It's not like there aren't plenty of my posts to choose from. I've been clear since before post #1, in my profile, That if you come for Mimi, you come for me. I cut for Mariah and that's never gonna change. A wise woman once said: When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time. I told you all several times already, what more do you want? And you don't have to tell me twice who you are. I heard you the first time.
(Wednesday 4 February 2015; 0:04)
Spare me the song and dance (49,694) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
There you go again. Like, where is all this passion and compassion where Mariah is concerned? And don't be ridiculous, I've never offended a lamb in my life. There is no mistaking my posts for anti-lamb or you would have been quoting me instead of trying to rewrite my posts like we all don't have eyes and fingers to scroll with. And stop contradicting yourself. You are, in fact, calling me out for being positive. Just like I address and call out the negativity. Why is it so hard for you guys to stand in your shit? I'm never ever going to apologise or shrink to make room for Mariah bashing. You can dish it out but you sure as hell can't take even a tenth of what you put out. As they say in the movies: You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you. That isn't me telling you to shut up, by the way. You should keep posting, just know that I'll be ready to post more of my positivity. Action-reaction, yin-yang, ebb-flow, you catch my drift. But unlike some of these random posters I don't have a hidden agenda. And no, Mariah Carey is most definitely not a stock to be bought and sold according to the whims of the market. You do not own any parts of her. Slavery is illegal, in case that statement confused you. Mariah and the Lambily have a mutually beneficial relationship. Don't pretend like being a lamb is anything like being a breast of burden when the only real downside is having to deal with the sheep among us.
(Tuesday 3 February 2015; 14:05)
The silence of the lambs and the roar of the sheep (49,679) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
You're not pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. Let alone Mariah's. Do you really think she can't tell the difference between a lamb, a sheep and a wolf in sheep's clothing? We all know who we are here. Mariah and those closest to her coined the lamb term. It's curious (well, not really) how some of you will avoid using the word as if it's dirty or something. It's very telling, very telling indeed. This is the internet and this particular message board is open for anyone in the public. Which we love by the way. (Free speech and all that jazz.) Why wouldn't at least one of the readers/posters of this particular site be anti-Mariah Carey at any given moment? The truth is, Mariah has had genuine haters since day one and many of them have kept hating through 25 years and 18 #1's. If you deny the validity of that, chances are you live in a glass house. You know what's truly delusional? It's thinking Mariah Carey is the only person in the world that doesn't have irrational people disliking her every move That's a given in pretty much any other comment section online these days. Perhaps you wanna go on record vouching for every single poster, that's ever made a comment or otherwise interacted with others, since the inception of MCA in 1998? I'll wait. So if you have a tendency to take my posts personally, well go figure, hit dogs hollers.
(Tuesday 3 February 2015; 7:39)
Why do we play this game? Everybody hates Mariah (49,651) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's foolish and downright false of you to misrepresent that just because I or anyone else chooses to stay positive, it's because we don't see or acknowledge the negatives. We do, but it's just not what choose to take away from it. That's a trait we all know is a Mariah Carey trademark and I think we all should foster. Obviously you don't agree but that's your loss, not Mariah's or the diehard lambs. Mariah has built her entire life on seeing the glass half full all through the turbulence of her youth and childhood to her struggles and triumphs as an accomplished artist. More than any other singer-songwriter she has made it a point to give voice to people who need to hear something explicitly positive and written anthems that carries so many of us through our daily lives. If the positivity message rubs you the wrong way and you just can't help but jump on the negativity bandwagon then why are you surprised your lamb card is being called into question? You mistake my posts for pleas for your sympathies when in reality I'm not at all interested in changing your mind. I have no control over negative people and what they chose to emphasise. I don't know why you get so personally offended Mariah inspires positivity and loyalty that doesn't waver just because the tides turn. Meanwhile, Mariah just re-signed with Sony, is undertaking a grand Vegas residency, doing a guest spot on "Empire", producing #1's Mariah 2.0 and celebrating 25 years of longevity and managing herself.
(Monday 2 February 2015; 23:12)
Why do we play this game? / everybody loves Mariah (49,626) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Not everybody loves Mariah, shocking I know. Some people actually even hate her with a passion. So it's not like you're alone when you bash her. Isn't that the very point you're making anyway, that no one enjoys her as an artist anymore and you're just keeping it real? Tommy Mottola claims he's Mariah's biggest fan. I'm sure he's crazy enough to still believe it because, for all intents and purposes, at one point he was her #1 champion. And yet we all know how methodically he went about trying to destroy Mariah, to the point where even Sony had to let him go once he personally bullied one of their top selling artists of all time to leave the company. Guess who else is always so adamant about his love for Mariah? Nick Cannon, that's who. You'd never know he cheated on her, deliberately embarrassed her in the media or favorites anti-Mariah tweets. So, saying you're a fan of Mariah Carey since 1901 means nothing. MC is always treating her fans like gold, never takes them for granted or forgets to thank and give back to her lambs. She's always doing things to show appreciation for her fans. Do you think she did the Jazz and Blues Festival to line her pockets? No, that was for her Jamaican fans that have never seen her in concert. What have you done for her lately? This resting on your laurels bullshit has got to go. Shout out to Nick and Tommy's proxies.
(Monday 2 February 2015; 16:45)
I'm lamb and I'm proud (49,620) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's funny how anyone is allowed to post slanderous things about Mariah under the guise of fandom but random artists get defended without ever being attacked. Don't get me wrong, defending people you love is never wrong. So I don't really mind it, it's just a daily irony on this particular site. But it's all good because I'll be here to rub it in when Mariah shines, which let's be honest, is a guarantee at this point. I'll be quoting all your ill wishes right back to you when the time comes. No one could pay me to relinquish the pleasure of watching you dig your own graves. I hope you're smart enough to have several "outlets" to express your toxicity. Jessie, it's the thought that counts, us real lambs have already made it a point to see all the available clips from Jamaica. It's very arbitrary whose videos get posted or even linked. I suggest you share those videos on Twitter, FB, etc. where they will be appreciated. Hashtag #Lambily #L4L. Shootout to Travon.
(Monday 2 February 2015; 16:06)
Say a little prayer for Bobbi Kristina (49,589) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
If you haven't heard the tragic news, Whitney's daughter Bobbi Kristina was found in a tub face down the other night, and is now in a medically induced coma. There is still hope so say a little loving prayer and wish her well. And to all of you who are struggling with life, you are not alone. We are all just humans put on this Earth and sometimes we get lost or discouraged. But I honestly believe the universe is rooting for you even if you don't always feel it. Be blessed.
(Monday 2 February 2015; 1:37)
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater / Monday morning quarterbacking (49,573) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Oh relax a little will you? Is complaining over situations you have zero control over really that much fun? I feel sorry for the ones that can never appreciate the good. Deliberately choosing to ignore anything positive for the sake of harping on any malfunction. I hate to break it to you but Mariah isn't a robot. She has good vocal moments and bad moments and that's always been true. I don't mind the kinks of her performances and technical issues being exposed because it just means she'll be aware and have a chance to correct them before Vegas. I don't know why some think she's completely oblivious to her own choices on stage or worse, doesn't care what she looks or sounds like. You all have to remember that the video clips are courtesy of random people. She has no control of who does the filming or editing. Not everybody wants to see Mariah succeed or show her at her best because they have been dogging her for so long they look like fools when she performs beyond expectation, which is more often than not. I've watched all the available footage of the Jazz & Blues festival and I thought her live performances were very fresh and new. But that could be just me being a fan. It's no secret that I'm partial to Mariah Carey as an artist. But that's sorta the point or anyone could claim they are Mariah fans when all they ever wanna talk about are the negatives. What's wrong with taking the good with the bad? Please come to Europe Mariah, we you too.
(Sunday 1 February 2015; 23:04)
Sam Hunt's live cover of Always Be My Baby in Anaheim (49,526) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I love how the audience at a Sam Hunt concert, who is a country singer-songwriter, are zealously singing along to every single lyric of ABMB. That song is 20 years old and still resonates with people of all ages and across genre preferences like it's nothing. Who else but Mariah can claim something like that? Very few, that's who. I'd love Mariah to work with him, he has a clear affinity for R&B in his music and I just know Mariah can incorporate country selements seamlessly into her sound. She already did with Babyface on Music Box with Never Forget You and JOWAWC on Merry Christmas. Two cents.
(Sunday 1 February 2015; 4:08)
Diva sings the blues and all that jazz (49,507) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Emotions, Vision Of Love, Touch My Body and We Belong Together. The Elusive Chanteuse Show needs more legs, preferably a European one. Mariah looks so good and sounds even better, more confident and playful with her instrument, honouring the theme of the Jamaica Jazz & Blues Festival, like the pro she is. She's doing new riffs, runs and just plain reinventing her catalogue, 27 years post her first record deal, and I'm in awe. I can't wait for the longer clips of Emotions and WBT especially. Now all she has to do is make a quick stop to the DR and get rid of that extra baggage a.k.a. "Thirsty".
(Saturday 31 January 2015; 11:05)
Mariah Carey is managing Mariah Carey, Chris (49,481) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Why is that so hard to believe? Because she actually gets to take full credit for sound moves on and off stage? Mariah was managing her own career when she signed with Sony back in the 80's before she had a penny to her name. She was never anyone's idiot to begin with. Let alone 27 years down the road. I love that she's trusting herself to make the right choices and not relying on other people as much as she has in the past. It makes sense that motherhood has made her more assertive and even more self reliant than she always was. That explains why she thinks nothing of firing nannies who try and undermine her position as a mother. Just like it explains why her last few managers didn't last. It's only fitting that she be in total control of her career at this point. Keep it up Mimi, I can't wait for all the fruits of your labour to ripen for the lambs to devour. I only hope you touch down in Europe with the Elusive Chanteuse Show sometime this year so I can see you in a regular concert.
(Friday 30 January 2015; 20:45)
Siddity like Aaliyah, Mariah's career stays winning / Vítor Henrique Pereira from Brazil (49,474) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Thanks for filling in the? I just copy-pasted the lyrics to "Like Mariah" without really looking and didn't see it wasn't 100% complete. Fifth Harmony is huge in Brazil right now, right? The best thing about them is that they always sound a 1000% better live than they do on their CD's so I can't wait to hear them perform and dance to "Like Mariah". They are on par or even better than Destiny's Child were IMO at the same ages and that's saying a lot. The synergy around Mariah is so positive right now, 2015 is gonna be her year. Are you excited about the Jamaica Jazz & Blues Festival?
(Friday 30 January 2015; 18:21)
Mariah is almost home a.k.a. back at Sony / who needs a manager? (49,465) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
According to Billboard (the next issue) it's not just a rumour and I for one am frigging jubilant about out it. It always irked me that Tommy was fired right after MC signed with DefJam. She was billed into leaving. Sony was her musical home in so many ways and she was robbed of all the goodwill and relationships she'd formed there since 1988 having to essentially start over as an artist after Tommy's terrorist tactics against her. Yeah, and Mariah apparently brokered this whole deal without a manager, just like she did the Vegas residency. I called it, leave Mariah alone and she will make better decisions for herself than anyone can do for her. Never underestimate Mariah Carey. We it, now let's see how long before the joey tries to take credit for this too.
(Friday 30 January 2015; 5:09)
5H lyrics to "Like Mariah" (49,426) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Fifth Harmony feat. Tyga

Love it when you call me baby
When you're lighting up my phone
Makes me want you like I'm crazy
I'm running home, I'm running home
Just to hear your heart beat
You're so sweet like honeycomb
Got to have you near me
You're the best I've ever known

You make me get up, get up like this is my song
I'ma get up, get up, yeah, yeah
You got me humming, humming, to the beat of the drum
To the rhythm rhythm, yeah, yeah

You're loving takes me higher, you set my heart on fire
When you touch by body got me signing like Mariah
There is no denying, your kisses keep me flying
When you touch by body got me signing like Mariah
Singing like Mariah

[Verse 2:]
Your name is written on my lips, you're the only one for me
Every single litlle kiss, is like a dream, is like a dream
I don't need even make a whish, cause all I want is you
When you do it like this, I just lose my cool

[Bridge & Chorus]

[Verse 3: Tyga]
Uh, T-Raw I'm fire
If you're looking for that fly love, I'm your number one supplier
Wanna try you buy it
You wanna ride with the hottest in the city, se your heart on fire
Yeah I do it it, I do it, do it, ain't nothin' to it
If you with it, I know she with it, so come and do it
Got that pretty, that pretty pretty
You're so [?] like Aaliyah, Mariah Carey, you stay winning
Top down ridin', I'm big Poppa
She love when I fly it, Lambo pilot
Hop inside it, sit on my lap, angel body
I'm a King need a Goddess, gotta love it


The pitch is obviously higher because it's ripped but I already like it. A lot even. Ally, Camila, Dinah, Lauren and Normani (whistles) all delivered vocally. Bo$$ got them an audience with Michelle Obama, it's only right they get to meet Mariah and perform for her too. I love how my faves each other without me ever lifting a finger. When you touch my body, got me singing like Mariah.
(Tuesday 27 January 2015; 12:36)
And the smearing of Mariah by Nick continues (49,419) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Thirsty's campaigning against Mariah like it's 2016. Anyone who doesn't admit to it can go kick rocks and play in traffic. Nick Cannon is a narcissistic phony set out to ruin Mariah Carey. He's Tommy Mottola 1.3. It makes me sick to think how Mariah is stuck with him untill the day he dies. All these stories "alleging" negatives on MC always have Nick Cannon painted as Prince Charming even when he has zero to do with whatever fairytale horror they are telling the kids these days. More than another #1 hit, Mariah needs to lose the miss, known as Thirsty, ASAP. His connection to her has jinxed her successes for the past 6 years because he was always inserting himself into her professional life and finding ways to not be around when she really needed him. No wonder she felt pressured to let him direct all those videos. I mean, how do you end up busier after you get married and have kids than before? Many of you guys are always talking about all the things Mariah should do to get back on track (image wise and otherwise) when the elephant in the room, the huge boulder weighing our girl down, is Nick Cannon.
(Monday 26 January 2015; 23:10)
These husbands ain't loyal, until it's too late (49,333) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Typical, Thirsty is latching onto Mariah like a kangaroo baby to its mother's teet. Hasn't it been 100 days yet? I guess letting go ain't easy, is it baby?
(Wednesday 21 January 2015; 3:07)
How do you solve a problem like 18 #1's? (49,332) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Let me laugh thoroughly at this foolishness. So basically, Mariah has to be explicitly instructed to emote genuine sadness and joy when she sings, because otherwise she just won't? Oh, okay, my bad, I thought the only prerequisite to posting on this board was actually liking Mariah Carey for the songs she has done for 25 years that have made history on the charts worldwide. Pity Mariah draws from personal experience so much when she writes her songs, it's really hurt her career. Generic pop is where it's at and the more basic a vocal range the better. Great observation, only, how are artists supposed to get across the emotions of their songs if not through their voices? This new and obviously relevant musical direction is gonna be interesting to see as it unfolds. Really, it's got Mimi written all over it. In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd just call it miming. I'm willing to bet it's gonna be bigger than lipsyncing.
(Wednesday 21 January 2015; 2:58)
Darryle and Fifth Harmony (49,320) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah already gave her implicit approval when 5H recorded "Like Mariah" (sampling ABMB) and AIWFCIY (not my favotite ). Not to mention she favorited Dinah's: "Mariah Carey is mah life" in November last year. Mariah has always embraced young talent whether they be singers, musicians or rappers from Brandy, Aaliyah, Destiny's Child, Kelly Clarkson, Britney and now the girls of 5H. It's a myth that has never had any merit that Mariah inherently has a problem with younger talented female artists. She doesn't. Her relationships with Beyonce vs Christina Aguilera and JLo vs Janet are pretty illustrative of that fact if one is still not convinced. But I guess too much is never enough. Also, I can't wait to hear "Like Mariah", I love 5H independently since last year and think they are about to blow. They've been covering her songs since their inception on X-Factor. Their Mariah connection has always done them well. I wouldn't be surprised if 5H showed up in Vegas to support Mariah on or off stage. Here's to hoping.
(Tuesday 20 January 2015; 16:46)
Mariah sans glove on Ellen (49,210) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I noticed it right away. It made me smile, MC's doing great if she's comfortable in her own skin again enough to go without her trusted glove. That's been like her little crutch for more than a year now. Don't get me wrong, I think it was genius to make it a part of her ensembles (much like MJ did). Yeah, Mariah's gonna be alright, not that I ever doubled it but it's such a relief to see her looking like herself again, laughing it up, and her little French maid ploy for the lambs was hilarious. Caution, good times ahead.
(Thursday 15 January 2015; 21:49)


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