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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Mariah, the Sybil of her own life? (49,174) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Can we talk about the fact that Mariah predicted the trajectory of her and Tommy's relationship with "Prisoner" almost word for word? Same goes for what happened with Nick: "Thanks 4 Nothing" comes to mind. Mariah's been known to say she hasn't ever really been in love. I don't really wanna believe her. Just going by the album (Butterfly) she wrote and produced during her romance with Derek one can tell she was a woman in deep love. The universe can't be that cruel to someone so obviously capable of deep emotions and lovable unto herself. It's time the real life male version of VOL, Dreamlover, Whenever You Call, came along and swept our girl off her feet. Well, out of all her significant others, Derek Jeter is still the only one unmarried and childless. Mariah must have felt some type of way about him for all those years for blatant references to still show up in her work as late as Memoirs. I wonder how she explained it to herself: creative expression? I know life isn't all about romantic entanglements but I really ship MC with DJ. Now more than ever. But yeah, what do you guys think about Mariah's sometimes uncanny clairvoyant lyrics, which songs do you see becoming a reality in the near future?
(Thursday 15 January 2015; 3:01)
Bill and Music Box (49,151) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
MB was the first album of Mariah's I ever heard in its entirety too. It was my older sister who borrowed it from her friend when I was in fifth or sixth grade. I used to sneak and play it when she wasn't home, singing along and learning all the lyrics. Before I knew it, I was a Mariah fan. When I later heard Fantasy (the volume was turned down really low) for the first time in a very noisy woodshop class in Jr High and could distinguish Mariah's tone through all the melee, I knew I was a lamb, even if the term wasn't yet in vogue. Daydream would be the very first cd I ever bought in my life with my own money. It's still in my top 3 MC albums OAT. I tell you though, time sure does fly. I mean, can you believe how fresh Fantasy still sounds?
(Tuesday 13 January 2015; 23:10)
2015, the year of the butterfly (48,885) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Hey lambily, like many of you have already expressed, I too am super-excited about what Mariah has planned for her silver anniversary this year. The promise of a special edition release of "Mariah Carey" with all the bells and whistles is enough to make a lamb giddy. More than any new material I really really want Mariah to get proper celebratory moments for achieving longevity and maintaining her legendary status in a business as fickle as the music industry has become. This is a rare milestone and I for one feel nothing but pride and happiness that Mariah is still making high quality music and singing in a league of her own. No disrespect to all the other great vocalists from now and then, here and gone like the wonderful Whitney Houston and fantastic Celine. But I deem this the year of the butterfly because I know Mariah is gonna bless us with musical gems this year. I still hold a candle for the redemption of MIAMTEC. Happy New Year lambis, I just know we have much good to look forward to.
(Thursday 1 January 2015; 22:55)
B and Mariah's theory of relatability (48,786) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I completely echo your sentiment B. It's the media and those with a vested interest in her getting bad press that arbitrarily change their portrayal of Mariah (or don't, depending on your perspective). Mariah has stayed intrinsically the same at her core for all these years. Even though Mariah is as scandal free as they come with no real vices and with the most family like entourage I can think of considering her stature it's like the media and general public are dead set on projecting an image of her being the total opposite of who and what she is in real life. When I first heard of Sandra Bernhard's defence of Mariah act I was surprised but now I think it illustrates perfectly just how easy Mariah is to like once you get to know her. Maybe I'm reading to much into Sandra's "Mimi's" but to me only someone who has been won over personally by Mariah would be as effusive with her nickname. Maybe they actually became friends against all odds? So the moral of the story is: Mariah doesn't need to change anything because once most people get to know her in, real life or study, they turn into docile lambs. Those of us on whom she's made a positive impact on will always come to her defence. Merry Christmas MCA.
(Thursday 25 December 2014; 18:00)
Nikki and the 7 year bitch (48,768) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Bless you for trying to make sense of nonsense. The whole purpose of that frivolous lawsuit is for that woman to never work again. As in retire. Nobody with half a mind would buy that she was underpaid and mistreated by Mariah for seven consecutive years. Wouldn't her friends and family have made her see the light much earlier if that were the case? 16 hour days with no meals? Isn't it Mariah who makes all her employees sign contracts to ensure that she gets regular breaks, food and rest, to avoid what happened in 2001? I don't even bother with these kinds of stories. They just do not compute. We all know Mariah likes familiar faces. For her to drop you like a bad habit doesn't speak well of you.
(Wednesday 24 December 2014; 0:01)
Otti and Eddie Morales' Beacon whispers (48,766) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Boomerang, I love your posts too, In fact I went and read all of them, again. I always end up doing that when I see a balanced post, it's usually a pattern and yours don't disappoint, even in hindsight. Now to the rumour that The Elusive Chanteuse Show is coming to Europe next year. Allegedly Eddie, MC's choreographer, told some lambs at one of the Beacon shows that Mariah is going on a world tour next year. Whether it's the continuation of TECS or MC25 is up for grabs. Could this be that big, elusive 2015 announcement that was teased in November, back stage, on tour? Did you get to see her during the CB tour? Of all the times to be working abroad I had to pick the only time she ever had a concert in Sweden. Still not over it.
(Tuesday 23 December 2014; 22:23)
Sofia and Camp Mariah (48,753) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It booggles the mind doesn't it? How more relatable do you get than Mariah Carey as far as megastars go? Just look at who her friends are, the same people going back decades, before fame in many cases. And then the fact that several of her die hard fans have even been able to work for her professionally shows just how accessible she really is. Mariah's not very concerned with only keeping celebrity friends. In fact Lenny Kravitz and Brett Ratner are some of the people she's known since she was a teenager. She also has maintained her professional relationships from era to era. She's not fickle at all in that way, very loyal to the one who are loyal to her. Never mind her love life, I mean how much more accessible do you get than marrying some guy no one ever heard of after a month and a half of dating? And what exactly is diva behaviour anyway? Buying her mother a house, putting her whole family through school, donating a million dollars to a camp for underprivileged kids etc. But let her joke about overhead lighting and suddenly she's a diva. Let her sing live when she's nursing a cold and she's lost her voice forever. Mariah's critics are always more dramatic than she will ever be.
(Tuesday 23 December 2014; 13:55)
B, the rampage: did I do that? (48,749) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
B, I freely admit I enjoy gloating a little too much but I can't help it. Blame Mariah, she's the one who decided to show off and show out at the Beacon night after night. It ain't my fault, dammit. Also: no lambs were harmed during the posting of these messages.
(Tuesday 23 December 2014; 12:21)
Memoriah (lol, not Memorial) (48,727) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Memoriah is everyone's favourite singer, in hindsight, The general public forget how she was recieved all the way from VOL untill now. She was always criticised for one thing or another, true or false, throughout her career. There was never a time she was untouchable or truly insulated from detractors. Even at her most popular other celebrities would single her out to make some disparaging remarks or jokes at her expense, always completely unprovoked. Sometimes I wonder if most of the resentment isn't because of her being a very succesful and independent woman of color. It's easy to forget that Mariah comes from a country where her mother's side of the family completely disowned her. Also, Mariah has very many people of color in her inner circle, she's said that some will even ask her why, as if there is something wrong with that. Yeah, racism is still a factor in why some people might never like Mariah. It's the truth even if it's hard to swallow. But I guess it falls under the "not everybody's gonna like you" category. *plays Outside*
(Monday 22 December 2014; 18:14)
Memorial, everybody's favourite singer (48,725) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

If we want to relive the splendour of whatever era, song, film roles or any other stellar moments, we have our CD's, DVD's and YouTube. One day I know we'll look back on this era and smile as we remember how she wowed us all, from #Beautiful, Almost Home, the AIWFCIY performance on Jimmy Fallon, TAOLG lamb serenade-jazz-extravaganza, the MIAMTEC in-house concert, to TECS, the first annual Beacon residency and even the Rockefeller virus that went around infecting the masses.
(Monday 22 December 2014; 16:30)
ktktkt and the vocal gift that is present Mariah (48,724) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
We all enjoy Mariah for many of the same reasons yet also for the opposite reasons sometimes. And by that I mean, things like favourite eras, ideas of which might be her signature songs, who we prefer as her collaborators historically etc. Not to mention all the very personal reasons most of us connect with Mariah beyond just regular stanning that make us such staunch defenders of her not just online but in real life. But isn't it funny how if you ask the Lambily to date Mariah at her "vocal peak" or "prime" you'd find the dots all over her 25 year career evenly spread. Daydream was my first favourite everything but I personally love the Butterfly era the most since the first time I heard the album. I think that's her peak artistically, vocally and as a songwriter. MIAMTEC is, to my surprise, rivalling that for me right now. I love that about Mariah, that she's still digging to give us gold, not looking for any reason to quit even as bleak as It sometimes gets both on and off stage and I'm just so thankful that we are still talking about Mariah because of performances she's doing right this minute, an album she released this year and how beautiful she looks today, instead of being relegated to speaking of her in past tense.
1. Butterfly
3. Daydream
The rest of Mariah's catalogue I enjoy more or less equally, meaning whenever I hear the albums now I easily revert to feeling infatuated like one remembers past adolescent crushes. What do your lists look like?
(Monday 22 December 2014; 16:07)
There's like people called haters... and we give them positivity (48,716) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

3:40 Mariah: "We are all just living in the moment of being positive and there's like people called haters (no no, Cindi Cindi, one more thing) and we give them positivity. You see I can't even get a minute. Bye." So basically THTB have been on Mariah's radar since 2001, at least? Yeah, that sounds about right, probably why the Lambily formed in he first place. The only question is why you haters are acting brand new? You all been at it for decades, come rainbows come sunflowers you were always there, hating. Congratulations on your dedication. Pity you haven't actually been successful in your endeavours since Mariah is still the same quirky person she always was, but don't dismay, it's the thought that counts. Maybe in another 25 years you will have actually made some small impact with your whining and complaining about non issues or made up disasters. I mean, if you believe in yourselves enough and all that jazz, you could totally make it happen. Don't let anyone ever take away your hate. If anyone deserves to be hated on, it's Mariah Carey, right?
(Monday 22 December 2014; 12:57)
LC and NyHotShotta / Me. I am Mariah... Full of Grace (48,713) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Thank you guys for those illustrative videos. We all know who is in denial and has delusions of the real state of Mariah's vocals and it's not anyone in the Lambily. But you better believe I'll find great pleasure in the fact that they will go out of their way to avoid addressing the obvious facts that Mariah hits the same notes through every era as if time has somehow stopped for her. Her tone has matured, acquired even more depth, like fine wine but she's kept her vocals in great condition and her range not just in tact but perhaps even more elastic. She deserves to get an honorary degree from Juliard or something for sustaining this level of excellence for over 25 years as a professional singer. Yet they continue to call it a lie when the 100% truth is that Mariah Carey sounds in some respects better than she ever has since her debut. They are simply dishonest and therefore irrelevant to any real discourse. None the less, it's more than a little amusing to watch them contort and twist into every balloon animal imaginable except the proverbial elephant in the room. It's not that Mariah has never fallen down, made mistakes or done every single thing perfectly. It's how gracefully she lands and resiliently picks herself up again that is such a treat. I'm a lamb and I'm proud.
(Monday 22 December 2014; 12:07)
Team Mariah prepping/sound checking back stage, warming and stretching her vocals before the 4th Beacon show (48,686) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

Yes Mariah, if you got it flaunt it. Also, a negative Lamb is an oxymoron. You're either a lamb or a moron on oxy. Meanwhile, Mimi is snatching everybody's lives, wrapping it in her custom holiday-paper and giving it back, all in time for Christmas.
(Sunday 21 December 2014; 11:43)
ktktkt, enwar00 and Mariah Carey showing off at the 3rd Beacon Christmas concert (48,653) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yes, Mariah is that chick that actually sounds better than when she hatched 12 long years ago. Not to quote myself but: Mariah's in great vocal shape and always has been. Pull out them crickets and act like you hear because at this point you have to actively want her to fail you refuse to acknowledge that fact. Don't be mad at us lambs that your bullshit arguments stink. That's what happens when your only sustenance comes from tabloids, gossipmongers, rumourmills and the Chinese whispers of fellow haters. Haters like calling us lambs delusional for standing by Mariah yet they never have anything to say when they see a video like the one you posted KT. Just watch them all ignore that marvellous tone, fluidity, agility and plain ridiculous musical genius with which she sang on the 18th at the Beacon. I'm just praying Team Mariah knows hpw to document these shows if only for her legacy. Enwar, we all know the haters' predictable and dull scripts by now. I'd be surprised if half of the so called "realists" on this board even thumb that video up. It's laughable how it is said with such certainty that Mariah Carey can't sing anymore. That she needs to seriously consider surgery because of her nodules and blah blah blah. Imagine if she ever listened to any of the noxious advice with built in negative assumptions about her? If you walk like a duck and talk like a duck? Chances are, you're a duck. Hit ducks are known to quack.. This message was brought to you by: Pink Yet Lavender.
(Saturday 20 December 2014; 5:33)
MIAMTEC is #7 on Idolator editors favorite 10 of 2014's best albums (48,628) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Spare us the over-the-top grief about Mimi’s All I Want For Christmas Is You performance: She’s been using those golden pipes for over 20 years, and she’s still supplying greatness today. Case in point? Me. I Am Mariah…The Elusive Chanteuse, her most insanely-titled record to date, and certainly one of her most true to her artistry." Hmmm, the delusional lambs really do get around, don't they? Anita Baker, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Marc Shaiman, Debbie Gibson, Britney Spears, not to mention the Lambily Fanguard of which I am a proud member. Pretty good company if you ask me. If you're not on Team Mariah then guess what? Christmas came early this year and I say, good riddance.
(Friday 19 December 2014; 3:50)
Do you still beat your wife and other designed-to-fail questions (48,606) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Weeks ago a poster popped up out of the clear blue to ask me: "Are you always that angry?" That was it, no actual reference to anything I had written or anyone else's posts. So it was obviously just their own weak attempt at projecting an unfavourable image onto me, painting me as "always angry" just by the framing of that in this open forum. It's a trick lesser journalists will use to incriminate their subject and conjure up sensationalism where there otherwise isn't. So when I saw this exchange by Marissa: "I'm with Randy. If everything is fine with MC's career and image and nothing needs to be changed, why is her name constantly being dragged through the mud and why doesn't she get the same respect that Aretha, Patti, and Barbra were getting at her age?", I had a bit of déjà vu. How do you answer a question with that much built in assumption without hanging yourself? The assumptions being:
1. Mariah is 100% at fault for any and all slander she surfers from the general public.
2. Mariah has lost all the hard earned respect she has earned for over 25 years in the business.
3. Other divas never suffer at the hands of the public and are always respected in the entertainment industry no matter age.
4. Every single piece of information we hear about Mariah is 100% true, especially if someone who doesn't know her or is "Incognito" claims it.
5. Mariah can't be trusted to handle her own affairs and needs to be micromanaged down to the color of her panties.
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 15:02)
Mariah Carey - Christmas Special 2014 (full concert) in Beacon Theater December 16 2nd day live (48,595) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

Thank you Lord for this amazement just uploaded. Enjoy, I know I will. I'm so excited. *squeee*
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 3:13)
Shelly, WW and DJ (48,593) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Listen, WW is especially foul because she always misrepresents one of her producers as an in-house lamb so she can get away with telling blatant lies. She's basically using us dedicated fans to help smear Mariah's good name and lend her ridiculous, oft even slanderous tabloid storytelling, the credence it so obviously lacks. I rebuke it as thoroughly as I'm sure Mariah does. Like you, my heart aches for MiMi to the point where I dread the day Derek Jeter decides to really settle down with a girl not named Mariah. If it's meant to be we'll know soon enough because if he cares for her even half as much as I suspect Mariah still cares for him, he will reach out to her somehow. Maybe not in the whirl of things but eventually. No matter what, Mariah will love again. That's who she is.
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 2:53)
Bill, MimiLamb, John John, Gilles, Nikki, RJJ12, Otti, Mara, B, Luke, Manny, Jared and lamb (48,590) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I appreciate reading your positive posts. There will always be some ducks on here who act like everything is horrible when the rest of us know for a fact that they aren't. I'll take optimism over doubt any day. Because guess who else lives by that mantra? Mariah Carey. Shocking, I know. But some will always wear their beer goggles and not see reality for what it is; a creative product of unbridled imagination. We're so lucky that we still have Mariah giving us, if not her all then at the very least her best. When most people would have cowered away and been perfectly justified in doing so, she will stand on stage singing her heart out for us to the point where she is brought to tears. Letting all the world see her being so vulnerable is braver than most of us would ever be. If there ever was a time, now is the time we, the Lambily, should shower her with our love and dedication. I trust Mariah Carey to know a 120% what to do with her own life before I ever let random, caustic, anonymous posters dictate anything regarding the supposed reality about someone as inspirational and uplifting as Mariah has been to me for most of my life. Like, why you try so damn hard?
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 2:27)
Signature songz (48,582) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yes, that's songs with a Z. Mariah is quite simply an embarrassment of riches because one can argue she has unlikely signature songz like "Oh Holy Night" that have been around for over a century which has been sung a million ways from here to every Sunday. Yet, hers is now the standard, the benchmark from which all other singers will be measured for as long as anyone who ever heard her rendition is alive. It's always credited as "Mariah Carey's, Oh Holy Night". So ironic that songs she actually does write herself she often has to claim publicly just so people can know she crafted them from scratch. But I digress, I'm talking about MC's signature songs and their abundance. Let's not even talk about "Without You" or (in no particular order):
2. Anytime You Need A Friend
3. Hero
4. One Sweet Day
5. Emotions
6. Vision of Love
7. We Belong Together
8. Fantasy
9. Butterfly
10. Always Be My Baby
I'm sure every lambs list differs a little bit but I doubt it's by very much. Tis the season y'all, so be jolly.
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 0:02)
New AIWFCIY acoustic guitar version with unheard vocal adlibs (48,580) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

It's so incredible how this guy managed to get a hold of what must be Mariah's original master from either '94 or '10 to do such a stellar remix. You guys just have to hear the genius of it all. The jazzy improvs? It's absolutely brilliant.
(Wednesday 17 December 2014; 23:28)
Mariah Carey is perfect at being Mariah Carey (48,533) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
She doesn't need to change one hair on her head, one note in her songs, one lyric in her catalogue, one glove on her hand, one flick of her wrist, one swerve of her hips, one slit of her dress, one heel of her shoe or anything else you seem to hate that makes her 100% Mariah Carey. It's a little late to be giving her advise when she's been doing everything right all her life. Not always perfect, but right. Everything she does, she puts her heart and soul into. That's why she was ever successful in the first place, not because of some algorithm of strategic moves designed to get people to like her. 18 #1's, singer songwriter of "Song of the Decade" twice, writer of the last Christmas classic AIWFCIY, pioneer of the HipPop merger, a favourite amongst her peers, her idols and aspiring singers yet still the one to beat even after 25 years in the business. But somehow Mariah is in dire need of your wisdom? Don't make me laugh, bless your little hearts. Please find time to enjoy the Beacon performances, just a tiny bit, inbetween all your grinching. Merry Christmas Mariah, show them how it's done.
(Tuesday 16 December 2014; 6:34)
AIWFCIY is back at #8 on Swedish iTunes (48,519) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's been the top Christmas song this year even though it's the oldest on the chart. Mariah is still the one to beat 20 years in the Christmas game. You gotta love that.
(Monday 15 December 2014; 8:20)
MIAMTEC makes iTunes best of 2014 R&B albums (48,518) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yay. Did you guys catch that? I'm really optimistic Mariah will give this epic LP its just dues before moving on to her next project. It's not right to let it go without people really hearing it. I want a BET unplugged to showcase Mariah's voice because her lyrical artistry as well as her musicianship as it is right now. This is Mariah at her best since I don't know when. But yeah, just wanted to share what I found out on Twitter with you guys. Happy Mariah Carey.
(Monday 15 December 2014; 7:24)


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