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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Dennis, B and the Merry Christmas musical (48,470) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Will Mariah use any ideas from her Christmas themed musical project for Broadway during these shows? That's a very good question Dennis. Maybe Mariah is actually preparing for Broadway with these back to back performances at the Beacon Theatre? It would explain why she thinks nothing of adding two consecutive dates just based on the high demand for tickets. Well done, you might have just cracked the code. Now, B is also right to worry, Broadway is a sport in many ways. But because of the nature of a Christmas musical being really only doable late November-December it wouldn't be quite as grueling. Mariah proved she only gets better with practice on TECS so I have no doubt she can pull it off brilliantly. Also, she would get to sleep at home amid humidifiers galore. I'm sure she would deck out whichever venue she ends up at with humidifiers etc. in her dressing-room. Also, Broadway is about the ensemble cast, so Mariah wouldn't have to carry the show all alone. Wow, if this turns out to be true beyond speculation, It's a surefire hit. Mariah would end up with a at least a Tony nomination, she's a great writer after all. But I really look forward to her comedic acting. I've decreed that this has to happen now. In fact it's all I want for Christmas. Someone tweet Marc Shaiman, he has to be Mariah's partner in this. Sweet Jesus, make it happen.
(Friday 12 December 2014; 2:27)
Welcome back RJJ12 (48,468) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It was about time too. I can't believe you managed a whole month without the internet, bravo for that alone. About your observation that the board is slightly different than a month ago: I think more lambs showed up and showed out because of the Rockefeller event to defend Mariah because she was being treated so unfairly in the media, social or otherwise. Not to mention on YouTube, other forums as well as message boards across the internet. Of course, the haters that be stayed loyal to their cause of bashing Mariah at all costs, so naturally they rejoiced over all the negative attention. But like you so keenly pointed out there has been a lot more good, uplifting posts drowning out the bad than the other way around. It's why I tried to list all the positive lambs but had to give up midway because we were just that many. That put things back into perspective for me. Love is all around. Happy Christmas everyone.
(Friday 12 December 2014; 1:28)
AIWFCIY is #8 on Swedish iTunes / The Beacon (48,435) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
But Merry Christmas is down from last week's high of #12 to #62. Still, it's remarkable how more people downloaded All I Want For Christmas since the Rockefeller event. It had dropped to just #17 right before ask hell broke loose. I guess Mariah will just have to take it any way she can get it. Also, BET need to televise at least one of the Beacon Shows or better yet, live stream it.
(Wednesday 10 December 2014; 6:20)
Nikki and Grammys (48,430) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It is quite odd how thoroughly Mariah was shut out from that particular award, isn't it? No offence to Mariah's debut album or TEOM but she's had better artistic albums even by her own measure. Butterfly [...] now MIAMTEC comes to mind. Not even a single nomination in the R&B categories for 2015? Who else is when bothering to make the kind of grown R&B records that Mariah does? Very few, that's who. Everybody else sound like, everybody else. That's why I was over the moon when she did #Beautiful with Miguel since he's one, if not the only, other artist actually making real R&B. I used to wish they'd collaborate back when I first heard Adorn. They need to do more songs together. Also, Tommy apparently wanted to fashion his relationship with Mariah based on Celine [...] Rene's as well as Gloria [...] Emilio's. But both Celine [...] Gloria have a healthy power dynamic and autonomy with their husbands. There's is no boss telling their spouse what to do, say, act, wear, sing, write or who to socialise and work with in their relationship. Considering how desperate Tommy was, about keeping Mariah insecure, I'm not surprised about why she was shut out of The Grammys for the entire run of their relationship. If you get it, you get it. If you don't? Oh well.
(Wednesday 10 December 2014; 1:37)
AIWFCIY is #11 on Swedish iTunes (48,382) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yay. Seems even bad press can't hold her down for long. Lol she was just #17 before yet now the song is actually up from the earlier high of #12. Merry Christmas lambs.
(Sunday 7 December 2014; 19:44)
Brava, brava twothousandeighthundrednineteen times over, yayMariah (48,381) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
TiffMelody, thanks for that post. Sometimes it feels like there are more haters on here than lambs but it's really just the opposite. Thank you to all the rest of you for showing love, support but also appreciation that Mariah Carey is sill here instead of wishing her away. We about that lamb life.
(Sunday 7 December 2014; 19:08)
Billy and Make It Look Good MCIIY T-shirt (48,349) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah was pregnant then [...] thus too big for her normal wardrobe. Me thinks that T is TeenNick's. One of those that you can buy all over NY like: I'm with stupid, don't shoot. [...] My boyfriend's gay. Let someone tell me again how MIAMTEC isn't all about the great abandoner. Nice catch Billy.
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 17:14)
The time for Mariah is now (48,346) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
1. DemBabies haven't started school yet [...] won't for a good while. How many kids get to kindergarten in all corners of the world?
2. She's still in [...] good voice when the stars align.
3. The divorce is almost over [...] done with so she'll soon be officially single again.
4. Remember how Mariah used to release an album a year in the 90's? Presence never hurt any artist. It's when you go away that the sharks start circling your catamaran, tasting your blood is in the water, even though you're alive [...] well. She needs to reassert herself as Head Diva O' The Day, Mariah's nobody's shrinking violet.
5. MIAMTEC is still virtuality unheard. No videos other than the tour concert clips. So Team Mariah could start promoting it all over again if done right. Sleeper hits still happen so why not Mariah.
6. Why should Mariah be forced to retire at 44 when Aretha, Patti, Celine, Tina, Diana, Shania, Barbra [...] Shirley are still being celebrated, lauded and releasing new albums? Even Madonna who is no where near the singer Mariah is still make music, tours [...] works on films. Why not Mariah?
7. Just like Debbie Gibson shared in her beautiful letter Mariah told a journalist: if Debbie can do it [...] she's young, then why not me?
Yes Mariah, why not you?
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 15:38)
Gloria, Mistaken, Will, DK, Brad, Deedre, Ryan, Otti, R&B Junkie, John John, Ernesto (48,333) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Et al. Thanks for showing up [...] refusing to drink the stale kool-aid from 1990 that's been making the rounds in the media about Mariah. Back then the talk was it wasn't even her singing her own songs [...] then it was that she couldn't sing live. Then she was accused of oversinging [...] just showing off. Now it's the blatant in your face lie that she's lost her voice, overnight, like freaking Ariel the mermaid? Where were they just a few weeks ago when Mariah had us feeling Emotions like it was 1991 on The Elusive Chanteuse Tour? The haters that be, want it to be true so bad they go around harassing lambs calling us delusional [...] wishing alcoholism on her. Apropos of Thirsty things, have any of you tried the Butterfly drink? We don't have it here in Europe yet, or do we?
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 4:03)
Martyn, Marc Shaiman and that other [censored] (48,330) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yeah, that was me fangurling over Marc Shaiman below. Who wouldn't after this nice letter he posted on Facebook? Mariah is very aware of the comments, allegedly she posted this on Twitter: "I'm fighting a cold. Give me a break" [...] someone screencapped it before it got deleted. Probably haters attacking her under the guise of fandom. Then the champion of all fools went on Twitter [...] said this: "Mariah Carey, wish I could have been there to help. Lets talk." Where was all this altruistic caring in 1997 [...] through all her troubles with Tommy [...] Sony? Such opportunistic behaviour has rarely been seen since MJ [...] that's saying something. [...]
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 3:05)
Carol from Spain / wake up and smell the smear campaign (48,276) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Your post is perfect. Mariah was never cut any slack all the way back to her debut. Then things got worse on the tabloid end when she left Tommy, only to culminate in her exiting Sony because of his strategic sabotage of the Glitter soundtrack. Vicious, hateful people were so ready for Mariah to quietly lay down [...] die. But she made it through the rain with Charmbracelet [...] and her most extensive world tour that still gets lauded by fans as some of her best live vocals. We all know what TEOM did for her with WBT becoming the song of the decade. When E=MC2 came along her whole life changed. Marriage, with the sole purpose of starting a family. Also, Mariah was finally getting acting recognition in Hollywood courtesy of Lee Daniels. Enter DemBabies [...] it was like Christmas in Mariah's life. That's also when negative stories start spreading like wild fire on blogs [...] forums again. Then AI happened with all its artificial intelligence courtesy of the producers and Roman's revenge. It didn't matter that MC was looking like a million dollars after just having had twins, charting worldwide with #Beautiful [...] slaying it live even after nearly breaking her neck in her fab armslings. After many delays MIAMTEC comes along [...] the label won't support it? The abandoner leaks the divorce [...] gets all the sympathy? MC tours Asia/Oceania successfully only to be ridiculed by her own countrymen for singing AIWFCIY a song she wrote? Something's rotten in Denmark [...] I can smell it from here.
(Friday 5 December 2014; 14:16)
B, Mara and Lambily vs the haters that be (48,275) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
B, I totally understand if you need a break but don't let them break you. That's what THTB want. Doesn't it make you admire Mariah even more for taking these harsh unjustified criticisms all her life and turning them into Vision Of Love, Vanishing, Make It Happen, The Wind, Hero, Anytime You Need A Friend, One Sweet Day, I Am Free, Looking In, Butterfly, Outside, Close My Eyes, Can't Take That Away, Petals, The Rainbow Interlude, Through The Rain, My Saving Grace, Sunflowers For Alfred Roy, Fly Like A Bird, Side Effects, I Wish You Well, Languishing, Cry, Faded, Camouflage, Supernatural, The Art Of Letting Go, 100%, Almost Home, Right To Dream, I Pray, Imperfect and even Triumphant? *plays Heavenly (No ways tired)* Wishing you all a very merry Christmas. We love you Mariah, don't let the haters drown you in their negativity. Thanks for joining the ranks again Mara, there can never be took many Warrior Lambs United.
(Friday 5 December 2014; 12:57)
Sharon and the ladies of The Talk defending Mariah like Warrior Lambs (48,271) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Gotta love Sharon, Aisha, Sara, Julie and Sheryl for being consistently fair to Mariah when the rest of the world want to rip her throat out. I put 20 on 10 she's gonna be on there performing live one of these days. Wendell Williams who?
(Friday 5 December 2014; 11:20)
Marc Shaiman deletes Mariah Rockefeller haters on Facebook (48,261) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"People I had great respect for have posted it in fun and I am totally heartbroken by that. Well, I guess I'll be getting a head start this morning deleting people." I say, good for Marc Shaiman, I look forward to them working together again. Maybe he's part of her next project? If not, he definitely should be. Walter who?
(Friday 5 December 2014; 6:20)
You hating hard, ain't gon' feed ya, I'ma let you starve (48,256) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Have you guys ever noticed how the people who are bashing Mariah's vocals, weight, image, songs, parenting, acting skills, etc are all the very same people she wants nothing to do with anymore? They are the ones who were talking shit about her for no good reason and then they're surprised she doesn't even mentions their name. Why are you so obsessed with Mariah if you ain't even a lamb?
(Friday 5 December 2014; 2:49)
Mariah the vocal baby angel slayer (48,243) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So now Mariah's vocals are suffering from denial but it will all go away if she just stops making excuses? What excuses has she made and when? You'd think every time Mariah didn't hit a belted G5 a baby angel dies in Heaven the way some of you want her crucified. In whose universe is that sentiment even remotely sanctioned lamb behaviour? The Rockefeller performance was great. No one in the galaxy sings AIWFCIY like Mariah. No one. Same goes for every other song in her catalogue. Ask DJ Clue. That's why fans of lesser singers get so damned pressed that even when Mariah doesn't sing every note perfectly she still slays them all on their best day. It's a free world so go ahead and be a hater for life if that's what makes you happy. But I'm a lamb for life and loving it. *plays the Glitter soundtrack*
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 23:39)
Eternally 12 vs elusively 21 / Nick Cannon (48,241) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Last night Nick favourited this on Twitter: "Did Nick Cannon get Mariah's voice in the divorce?" It got de-favourited sometime in the last 12 hours. Nick Cannot's such a douche he gives Tommy a run for his money. It's funny how random people want Mariah to be an alcoholic so bad they'll make up rumours and spread it like manure. She couldn't possibly be emotionally and physically affected over things that have been going on in her personal life. She's been suffering from broken bones and a broken heart since at least last year. People who won't see that are obviously not lambs. All they want her to do is sing-sing like it's 1996. They'll dog Mariah for her eternally 12 spirit like she's promoting teenage-pregnancy, gang-violence, drug-abuse and unsafe sex but it turns around and salivate over her early 20's. They Mariah hate, it's like it's a fetish at this point.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 22:59)
AIWFCIY live at Christmas in Rockefeller 2014 (48,194) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
She made it. I stayed up to watch it and it was worth it to see the crowd sing along and Mariah in void spirits. Also, Roc and Roe are almost old enough to join the chorus line. Wouldn't that be awesome? Anyway, enjoy.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 3:57)
Break a leg Mariah (48,186) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm excitedly waiting for tonight's live performance, less than half an hour left. [...] Obviously AIWFCIY is on the set list but I really want Oh Santa or OCAYF with Pat too. Fingers crossed we get a smiling and relaxed Mariah. Merry Christmas everyone.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 1:40)
Mariah's sweet tweets (48,175) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Check out Mariah Carey's tweet: 1."Last night's situation was beyond my control. I apologize to all that showed up, you know that I would never want to disappoint you." 2. "You've kept me here, in your hearts, and I keep you in mine always. We are lambily. There for me."
(Wednesday 3 December 2014; 21:53)
Good riddance / Rockefeller NYE cancellation (48,172) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I can't wait for Mariah to get her divorce from TeenNick. It's clearly messing with her head having to deal with it. Like why is Nick still living in the Bel Air house? Property issues are known to stall the process. Mariah isn't a machine, these things affect her and throw her off her game. It's unfortunate that she was so late to the Rockefeller centre they had to send her home. I feel sorry for all the people who waited in the freezing cold but shit happens. She is human after all. Mariah should put out a public statement apologising for not showing up on time to perform though. Hopefully she gets a redo at the live taping later and maybe sneak it into her performance.
(Wednesday 3 December 2014; 21:01)
B, Justin and lambily / rumours (48,157) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
What's the weirdest/funniest rumour(s) you've ever seen/heard online about Mariah? That time she married Nick Cannon after dating him only six weeks. It took me weeks of trolling MCArchives and Mariah Daily to realise it wasn't a practical joke or some behind the scenes leak from a romantic comedy, especially since I first heard it from friends who don't normally keep up with her goings on. Never mind that it all turned out to be true. It's still the #1 rumour I've ever heard about Mariah.
(Wednesday 3 December 2014; 1:52)
You ain't none of my amigo (48,153) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Who cares how many times you've seen her in concert if you don't appreciate it? You're the one whose views of Mariah are stuck in some weird timewarp complete with distorted audio. I don't care what you call me as long as Mariah calls me lamb. Why is it such a sin to genuinely like Mariah and be proud, loyal fans? Some of us don't have to put in any effort at all for that to be obvious beyond a shadow of a doubt. When you can't ever say anything nice about Mariah without attaching some sort of negativy? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck? It for sure isn't a lamb.
(Wednesday 3 December 2014; 1:19)
If our boyfriends were Mariah Carey albums (48,150) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
A different take on the tone of all of MC's albums using ex-boyfriend types. It's also quite funny. Enjoy.
(Wednesday 3 December 2014; 0:34)
Do you still beat your dead horse? (48,144) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah is a great artist. We now have almost 25 years where she has wowed us with her musicality, year after year, never slowing down. No other singer songwriter of her calibre has been as prolific. No other vocalist of her generation has been as influential. No other diva has ruled as many charts or managed to reign over so many different genres, sometimes even simultaneously. But that's not why Mariah will be remembered. It's her persona that's really cemented her place in the pantheon. Her lyrics have uplifted millions of people and given them hope and faith in another day when they were down. Her music is timeless and her voice is so unique, any successful impressions of it don't exist. Mariah is also very charismatic and authentic. She's very easy to like. You'd have to have serious issues to go around trying to convince her lambs that she's some lost soul riddled with "problems". Get over yourselves. No one is buying it. Ask Eminem and Christina why.
(Tuesday 2 December 2014; 18:51)


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