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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

MC20 cheers (48,129) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

Splashes of hot cocoa with butterscotch schnapps would go great with AIWFCIY at #13 and Merry Christmas at #12 on Swedish iTunes today, right? I'll be having warm Christmas wine with raisins, nuts and spices like I always do. *plays Merry Christmas CD*
(Monday 1 December 2014; 22:18)
Might as well face it (48,124) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Just because you yourselves can't handle splashes without drinking a whole bottle doesn't mean everybody else can't. And what does Mariah's 20 year old schtick about florescent lighting have to do with anything other than comedy? That's how weak your material is, that you have to use filler to make a post because your examples are as flimsy as it gets. You really should get help for your addiction to bullshit. I'm sure if you reached out to Mariah in earnest, she would put you through rehab. Or at the very least she would pray for you. Merry Christmas.
(Monday 1 December 2014; 18:20)
What Mariah can learn from JLo (48,112) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Why the Mariah-is-a-lush innuendoes weaved in with backhanded compliments about her voice? Why do people spread malicious rumours with no basis in reality? Mariah is in great shape vocally and always has been. The only difference is that the frequency of her live performances has increased magnanimously from her debut to now. There is a difference in texture but that has always been true from era to era as well as the fragility of her voice being an issue. That's part of Mariah's charm in the first place, that neither her music, lyrics or vocals sound the same year after year. We all have our favourite albums, eras, live gigs, looks, collaborators and whatnot but it should always come back to a genuine love of MC the artist and not who's cool to Stan for at the moment. Criticise her all you want but don't use lies and rumours to bolster your claims. It's pretty low the lengths some people will go to to put Mariah down and slander her. To what end? If you really want to lavish praise on a "singer" who doesn't drink any alcohol at all? Your best bet is actually JLo. I've heard it's done wonders for her voice. She doesn't have any vocal nodules either. Yeah, good luck with that.
(Sunday 30 November 2014; 10:52)
Bill and Supernatural (48,064) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Well of course it's about Luismi. Mariah really hit us over the head with that meteorite. I swear it's freaking Lamb-Knox up in here, nothing gets past you.
(Tuesday 25 November 2014; 10:53)
Miss Understood (48,055) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
My entire post on Mariah's history with Derek checks out 100%. I deliberately refrained from filling in the blanks because it's never necessary when you present facts anyway. The story tells itself basically. Who knew the truth would be such a controversy in this day and age? It's literally old news. The only thing open to interpretation, as per Mariah herself, are the full inspirations to her songs which we all know she writes, almost always, exclusively by herself. But I don't understand the opposition to Mariah drawing from her own rich experiences to inform her music. Why is that idea so offensive to some of you? A good writer writes what they know. Most songwriters write about things they have gone through or witnessed first hand and sometimes it's specific enough to pin down the inspiration but many will mostly generalise so everyone can relate. It shouldn't take a genius to know the difference but I bet some lost souls are out there still trying to figure out who Supernatural is about.
(Monday 24 November 2014; 23:49)
Dennis / B and DJ (48,048) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's a known fact that Derek Jeter had two dreams growing up: to play shortstop for the New York Yankees and marry Mariah Carey. Everybody knew, teammates, friends in high school, coaches, his family for sure. He would listen to her songs on his walkman because it calmed him down before every game. That's how much of an impact she made on him before they even met. Then he saw her at the MSG concert on October 10th 1995. They would officially meet in November of 1996 at a benefit for the Fresh Air Fund. In December, Mariah moved out of the Bedford mansion and would officially separate from Tommy in May the following year. During '97 Mariah and Derek were seen orbiting each other at baseball practice, video shoots, cameos in interviews, dinner dates etc. But both remained mostly tight lipped about their obvious involvement with "no comment" comments. Their off and on relationship carried on into '98 through Mariah getting a quickie divorce in March and the last time they were romantically linked in public would be at Puffy's birthday party in November '98. Mariah remained on friendly terms with his sister and was later seen attending two functions with Derek in 2003, for his Turn 2 foundation and in November 2006 for Joe Torre's Safe at Home foundation, where she performed Hero. That's the last time they have been put in the same place at the same time as far as we know. Fun fact: DJ has been nicknamed Mr November by baseball fans since 2001. I mean, what are the odds?
(Monday 24 November 2014; 20:49)
B and Subtle Invitation (48,032) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Lol, Mariah wrote that more to Derek, than about him. Wasn't nothing subtle about that invitation. Lol. Just goes to show how much you can get across without using your mouth as a megaphone. Derek Jeter has been MC's muse for decades now. (Not complaining.) Maybe Thirsty figured it out and that's why he got his jumpoff's panties in a twist about it. His cheating on Mariah is worse than his big mouth even though he's done his damnedest to sully her with words. MC and DJ are my fantasy OTP, but only if he will love her and respect her as much as she would love and respect him. If not him, then I'm sure there is some great guy out there who will. You single boy-lambs should step your game up and take care of business. Just a subtle invitation.
(Monday 24 November 2014; 7:09)
So Def Jam is Sony 2.0 and Team Mariah's going rogue? (48,026) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So this Instagram post is quite the revelation. "Well if Def Jam aint gonna push any records well I guess we gotta do it on our own. [...]. We like this premise, not the no support from your label BS, but the go-getter moxy and confidence it takes to want your hard work to her recognition. A thousand times yes. I'm personality here for it 120% mulatto. Is this past of the big announcement, the revenge of MIAMTEC?
(Sunday 23 November 2014; 20:57)
Me I Am Mariah... The Songwriter (48,009) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I also really want Mariah to write an entire album by herself, meaning no co-writers even on the melodies or at the very least half of the material. I don't mind her co-producing though. Diane Warren has had the same guy tweak her songs and make them into well produced demos without taking any writing credit for decades I wanna say. I'm sure he gets generously compensated for his work or it wouldn't have lasted as long as it has. Mariah could do the same for at least one of her albums. It's really the only way non lambs will be permanently shut up instead of repeatedly omitting her name as the songwriter to her own songs unfortunately. But really, I enjoy Mariah immensely when it's just her voice, a piano and a few layered background vocals with minimal production, from VOL and Vanishing to Cry and Camouflage. Those kind of songs also tend to be her most personal. Mariah must already have a few albums worth of songs and ideas she never collaborated on. She's so freaking prolific it's ridiculous. We have ourselves an embarrassment of riches when it comes to her. We're really very lucky.
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:49)
My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.
1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.
What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)
Darryle and Nikki / Williams (48,004) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Can you believe I forgot all about that thirsty chick? Talk about 15 minutes of shame. When will these bishes learn not to come for Mariah for no reason? It never works out in their favour. Ever. The Wendy Williams' buttkissers should let her know that. Her audience is something out of "The Wave", they never question any of her contradictory reporting. I guess it helps when you have the collective memory of a single goldfish. Wendy lies with the ease of a sociopath and I find that disturbing. She's really just Howard Stern with a wig on.
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 0:57)
Mariah's biggest fan at 18 months old (47,996) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

This is why Mariah will always be a hero. I found this video randomly on twitter. It made me smile and simultaneously brought tears to my eyes. It testifies to how music can be such a powerfully healing entity in this world. I'm sending this little baby-lamb all the love and hope I have in my heart for a full recovery. Count your blessings and pray for all the little ones who suffer on this Earth that there is a better place beyond this existence.
(Friday 21 November 2014; 1:55)
Nikki at Andy's left side (47,990) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I couldn't agree more with your post. Mariah has earned the right to decide when and when not to be asked questions about other female artists. Notice I don't use the word singer as that term is used as loosely as diva these days. It's not Mariah's problem if other female artists wants to talk about her indiscriminately. Mariah's team has seen Andy's show, as she herself has, I'm sure. WWHL is a complete and total messfest if any of you don't know. MC kept it classy as always but still delivered with her classic Eminem shade. Lol. That moment has been gifed and hung up on the Shade Hall of Fame just like "I don't know her". What more do people want? BTW which Aussie girl are you talking about, aside from Kylie Minogue, that has talked about Mariah?
(Thursday 20 November 2014; 23:36)
Matt Fishel - "Oh Santa!" Roc & Roe version (47,972) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm usually disappointed by Mariah covers. Firstly because the vocal delivery is almost always like bad careyoke but especially production wise. This guy, Matt Fishel, is one of very few who actually made a Mariah song his own. I just love it. I hope she's heard this rendition. Enjoy.
(Wednesday 19 November 2014; 7:28)
St Nick and the Apologists (47,970) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I apologise, I take it all back. None of the songs on MIAMTEC are about Nick, especially not Thirsty. Just like Mariah never wrote about Tommy, Derek or Luis in any of her lyrics. And Nick only meant to add forever to his Mariah tattoo, not cover it up into oblivion. Mariah never sang "And I know you cheated motherf*****" in Tokyo. Nick's crude appearance on Big Boy's radio show never aired on 3/27, Mariah's Anniversary. Nor did he continue to disrespect her on Howard Stern a few days later or reveal how he came up because of the women he slept with. James Cannon never posted anything on Facebook that began with "Here a thing" right after Nick never leaked to a friend in the media that he and Mariah were separated. Nick never deleted his Instagram or tweet how Thirsty was his favourite song. In fact, everything is so great between Mariah and Nick, the only reason they are getting a divorce is so they can get married again. That's why they didn't renew their vows this year, everyone does it now. A remarriage is much more original. In fact, that's Mariah's big 2015 announcement. Coming soon, to a reality TV near you.
(Wednesday 19 November 2014; 3:42)
Adam and the thirsty one (47,958) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Calling Thirsty out on his ish is hardly bashing him. The only reason I even care enough about what he has to say is because he habitually makes Mariah look bad all the while proclaiming his undying love for her. He's the consumate poster child for passive aggressive behaviour. The way he gleefully talks about Mariah like she's just another notch on his belt. Not even Eminem at his most delusional can top the soundbites Thirsty has made part of YouTube canon. He's the real slim shady. He also uses other people as proxies to cast doubt on Mariah as a parent. Why? Maybe that doesn't bother you but I'm not here for that and never will be. So you're wasting your time if you think I care what someone who stans for Tommy and Walter wants me to post about. I love how you think the only reference to Thirsty on MIAMTEC is thirsty. What about Cry, Faded, Money, MILG, Camouflage, OMT, BGK, IAW? In fact I'd venture to say the only songs not inspired, even tangentially, by Thirsty are #Beautiful and Dedicated. But whatever makes you sleep at night I guess.
(Tuesday 18 November 2014; 5:39)
Nikki and Thirsty (47,938) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Thirsty is in fact very vindictive. Why else would he be on Big Boy's tabloid show giving lip about his stareffing on Mariah's birthday? I mean, he couldn't have picked any other day to group his wife in with all the women he sexed, just because? It's not the false and negative rumours about Mariah that ping the alarm. It's how pristine Thirsty always comes across in those same stories. Thirsty is the real jumpoff, all the women he's bedded are more famous than he is, even after Mariah woke up and smelled the desperation disguised as her spiritual soulmate. Mariah doesn't realise how much personal information there is about her online and in her music. She writes her own songs for crying out loud. She might as well have published her diary in some cases. Thirsty just did his research and played the right beats. We all know Mariah is very spiritual, she makes it a point to write gospel influenced songs on every album since her debut. Mimi is fiercely protective of her inner child and is attracted to that quality in others. She's made a conscious habit of not being promiscuous. Unfortunately these and other personal things are public knowledge for anyone to use in order to get close to her. BTW, from where did you get the ludicrous idea that Mariah has always wanted a man to "help" and take care of? And how was Thirsty going to better her career in any way? He was supposed to be her husband and the father to her kids, not her manager.
(Sunday 16 November 2014; 19:34)
Mimi's idol, Aretha Franklin, was spilling insider tea back in 2012 (47,912) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It would seem Mariah was the last to know about Mr Thirsty and his idea of privacy. Queen Aretha all but spells it out in this clip at 02:25. Do you now see how integral Thirsty was and still is to all the noxious rumours that have been swirling around Mariah since 2011? How does someone of Mariah's stature and constitution fight soundbites originating from the one person presumably closest to her? Thirsty is a snake that slithered his way into her life for little more than a come up. Why else would he suddenly get that giant tattoo of her name on his back, nearly go broke buying her a diamond engagement ring mere weeks into their courtship, propose in the most grandiose of ways and get her to marry him after no more than six weeks of dating? Funny how tight lipped Thirsty was back then, to the point where his own family didn't know he was even on the same planet as Mariah, days after they were "secretly" married. He obviously knew "here a thing", for one, couldn't handle it. Funny how Mariah's people never had that problem. Every disgusting piece of tabloid and blog garbage that is mass reported about Mariah can be directly linked to Thirsty and his camp being the main source. I honestly can't wait for MC to have a nice Caribbean vacation after her Jazz festival gig in Jamaica. In fact, she should go island hopping, and if she happens to land on the Dominican isles for a fortnight, well, all the better.
(Friday 14 November 2014; 20:58)
Nathaniel on Australian radio about touring with Mariah (47,895) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
His 5 minutes part comes on at the tail end of the 11/11 podcast from today. Unlike a certain Buffon, Nathaniel was very sweet and professional when he spoke of his experience. I hope he gets more international exposure. His tone is very pleasing to the ear. Who knew he could hold his own so effortlessly on a song as sacred as OSD? I don't know if even Trey has ever attempted that. Mariah even sang her parts a lot differently than I've ever heard, probably because she was responding to Nathaniel's foreign musicality. I really want them to do a proper duet in the studio. Hot tamale.
(Tuesday 11 November 2014; 21:09)
Mariah the boss (47,888) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah does best when she trusts her own inner voice and keeps her faith as a compass when things get rocky. She didn't sell her songs during those early days before Warner and Sony were fighting to sign her, even though she was a dirty poor, hungry and desperate 18 year old girl. Why? Because she knew her worth as a singer songwriter and was confident enough, thank God, to trust that her vision of love would come to be. Going with her passion has paid off more often than not. M's worst decisions seem to come about from letting outside pressures into her head. That's why her being without a manager right now is a good thing IMO. It's going to force her to figure out what she really wants out of her life at this point, streamline it if you will. The longer MC is without a manager, the better. Being the boss of her own enterprises will do her a world of good as well as those who work for her. Them being directly accountable to her, even for a short period of time is always going to be a good thing. Keeps everybody on their toes. Mimi deserves to be happy with her children, live a full, passionate and long life with a man who loves her for the real person she is, and dembabies too, as genuinely as she will love them. Mariah's never going to give up making music, fingers crossed, and she doesn't owe me, or anyone else for that matter, anything. She's already given the public her all for close to 25 years. Now is the perfect time for us lambs to pay her back with our loyalty.
(Monday 10 November 2014; 14:55)
Reuben, Across 110th street (47,886) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's Bobby Womack's signature song. He passed away just this June and so I guess Mariah's paying him tribute in that way. Remember: "If you think you're lonely now" (wait until tonight, girl) from WBT? That was his other song she played homage to along with Babyface's: "I only think of you" (on two occasions). R I.P. You are missed.
(Monday 10 November 2014; 10:51)
Walter Afanasieff joins the cast of "Dead To Me" (47,863) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Walter is a douche sexist. He's illiterate to boot. According to him and his yes-men and radio-sycophants, Mariah makes up words like "emblazoned" in the lyrics she writes for her songs. I literally have no words. Who wants to bet he'd be singing to a different tune if Mariah was dumb or desperate enough to let him back in her life? You Wally fangurls need to retire your campaign because this man can only hurt Mariah. He is not pure of heart. All of his so called "tough-love" advise for Mariah is slanderous, belittling, patronizing and just evidences how much he has no respect for her as a full human being. Any shallow regard this idiot has for her is completely anchored in what she can do for him and probably has always been. He's a fairweather friend at best and that's being generous. This backstabber was a Tommy Mottola proxy and by the looks and sounds of it, he wants those days back. He is now as dead to me as dinosaur bones.
(Sunday 9 November 2014; 4:39)
Bill and Emotions (47,855) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Can you believe Mariah might be even better when she finally makes it over here? I am so excited. Also, if you listen closely at the 03:40 whistles, you can hear her harmonising with herself. I don't think I've heard her do that since AIYM on the debut album. It's like an angel couldn't help but sing along or something. Mariah's voice is anointed. No god, real or imagined, would ever take that away as long as she cherishes her gift. Thankfully, Mariah's already hip to that.
(Saturday 8 November 2014; 15:04)
The elusive chanteuse completly and totally slayes Emotions live Adelaide (47,848) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

This is Mariah's best rendition of Emotions this side of heaven in a long time. When will insert your lesser faves? Run and tell that. I am 100% done with humouring anyone who dares call themselves any variety of lamb who dismisses a moment like this but goes on tangents for days on end over 00:16 second clips of questionable origin. I'm gonna keep relying on my lying eyes and so so def ears. "Miss Mod" better get her act all the way together and bring it to Europe next year. Or, I will hunt her down. That's all I know.
(Saturday 8 November 2014; 0:33)
The Elusive Chanteuse Show Shanghai Concert in total (47,818) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

This might be my favourite Chinese show sonically. I'll die if Mariah doesn't bring the Elusive tour to Europe next year. And I'll die just the same if she does. It is what it is I guess. Fly like a bird, take to the sky and land on my continent. Please God, make it happen.
(Wednesday 5 November 2014; 23:42)


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