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About Carlos from Brazil: Happy brazilian lamb!

CD single preorder (105,446) by Carlos from Brazil
I just bought my copy. I live in Brazil but a national store is importing the single here. I am happy about the new song and hopefully all the US lambs support it a lot so it can surpass the original version.
(Thursday 15 February 2024; 17:31)
this is a reply to message 105,423
Superbowl (105,304) by Carlos from Brazil
Dou you guys think there's any chance she could appear alongside Usher? That was said a few months ago but I guess Usher was just teasing.
(Wednesday 7 February 2024; 11:52)
Daydream era - unknown performance (105,106) by Carlos from Brazil
I also find it amusing that none of those artists seemed to care about a collaboration with Mariah, mostly Bruno Mars who was supposed to be the feature on Fall In Love At Chritmas but wasn't a holiday person at all.
(Friday 26 January 2024; 11:56)
this is a reply to message 105,102
Wendy Williams talking about Mariah (105,004) by Carlos from Brazil
Hey guys, I know Wendy is a Mariah "hater" but someone uploaded a full 5 hours of Wendy talking about Mariah on her show. Here is the link to part one. It covers many Mariah stories about Nick, the divorce, the Las Vegas show, etc. I wonder if Norman, a Wendy assistant who is a lamb, maybe lurks here on the board.
(Friday 19 January 2024; 11:59)
Tanaka (104,709) by Carlos from Brazil
I spilled my coffee when I read Conturella hahaha and then you guys brought up Mishka from the grave. Where is this family? Back to Russia? Stella's era was unbelievable.
(Friday 29 December 2023; 11:44)
this is a reply to message 104,698
I saw on Facebook (103,194) by Carlos from Brazil
There is also a Mariah Carey Barbie Doll in the making. It will be made by Matel Signature Collection and will feature the doll wearing the red dress Mariah uses in the AIWFCIY (Make My Wish Come True) video.
(Wednesday 16 August 2023; 13:03)
this is a reply to message 103,187
Bye Bryan (103,017) by Carlos from Brazil
What are you saying? He is still following Mariah.
(Monday 17 July 2023; 13:02)
this is a reply to message 103,015
The greatest songwriter (102,941) by Carlos from Brazil
I think the "problem" with Mariah as a songwriter in terms of being reconigzed is that her voice is so powerfull/beautiful and it's just so "in your face" that people can't manage to look more deeply into her. It's like it's impossible for people to understand that behind the talented superhuman vocals there is also a formidable songwriter/producer and the fact that she is super pretty doesn't help either. It's a "too good to be true" moment.
(Thursday 29 June 2023; 12:52)
this is a reply to message 102,936
Observation (102,463) by Carlos from Brazil
While we are here bashing Mariah as a singer, as an artist and as everything else why don't we talk about how irrelevant we are as a fanbase? Some self reflection is also needed. Some people here are so proud of following MC since day one while we sit and talk at a freaking messageboard. In a social media era this is like we send each other pigeons with messages.
(Tuesday 4 April 2023; 13:15)
this is a reply to message 102,462
#Beautiful (102,365) by Carlos from Brazil
Are we going to die without hearing that unreleased remix? It would be too sad.
(Tuesday 21 March 2023; 11:56)
this is a reply to message 102,364
Die For You (102,312) by Carlos from Brazil
Since you sort of mentioned Tanaka haha. Do you guys think something is happening? I don't think he is with MC anymore. I hope I am wrong and everything is ok, because I think they are a great couple. If he is not, do you think Mariah will find love again?
(Wednesday 8 March 2023; 12:08)
this is a reply to message 102,311
Rarities re-release (102,137) by Carlos from Brazil
Same amazing tracks.
(Thursday 26 January 2023; 11:48)
this is a reply to message 102,132
Caution (102,099) by Carlos from Brazil
Maybe she knows everything will happen for her on Christmas time for probably the whole eternity and then she is a little lost with other projects. I guess she maybe lost the will or the inspiration. The Christmas success is of course a blessing but comes with a price. Maybe if AIWFC wasn't so successful Mariah would have to step it up like never before to keep her "business" and keep going strong and relevant.
(Friday 20 January 2023; 11:58)
this is a reply to message 102,096
Whoopi Goldberg mocks Mariah (101,898) by Carlos from Brazil
Darlene Love can have that poor and shitty "Queen of Christmas" title. I've always tought Mariah was much more that to anyone. She is the "Queen of Music". Nothing less.
(Monday 19 December 2022; 17:01)
this is a reply to message 101,895
Mariah and Dolly and Patti and other stuff (101,748) by Carlos from Brazil
The bus is sooo cool. I saw a footage on [YouTube] of her leaving the apartment and going to the bus and you can see what to me looked like a huge TV with an image of a fireplace haha.
(Wednesday 7 December 2022; 12:12)
this is a reply to message 101,746
Mariah wearing pants at the premiere of "Spirited" (101,612) by Carlos from Brazil
I love the pants. Made her look younger. She looks stunning this season. I also love the mini dress or mini skirt she wore on the streets with Tanaka by her side.
(Wednesday 9 November 2022; 11:58)
this is a reply to message 101,610
Who should play Mariah on her biopic series? (101,590) by Carlos from Brazil
She really looks like Mariah.
(Thursday 3 November 2022; 16:49)
this is a reply to message 101,589
Re: Global Citizen (101,343) (101,344) by Carlos from Brazil
Why Mariah's performance is the only one not uploaded on Global Citizen's YouTube Channel? There is only the actual live transmission but not the separated performances.
(Tuesday 27 September 2022; 13:02)
Re: Little Mermaid - Halle Bailey (101,286) (101,287) by Carlos from Brazil
I was also believing it was a gospel album but a lamb asked her about it on twitter spaces if it was a jazz themed album and she kinda said it's more like some jam sessions with live instruments. I am more inclined now to believe it's a bunch of songs maybe old and new with some sort of arrangements just like that We Belong Together Mimi's Valentine Mix.
(Wednesday 21 September 2022; 15:45)
Re: Another taste of honey (101,268) (101,275) by Carlos from Brazil
I am so sad about it too Mimi L. I can't die without knowing what D.U.N.C.E. means haha and the theory you said about. Wow Mariah is a genius for it and it makes so much sense!
(Tuesday 20 September 2022; 12:54)
Re: Honey 4K (101,221) (101,225) by Carlos from Brazil
I hope in the Honey minidoc that Mariah would tell us what is D.U.N.C.E. because I know that must be some inner joke of hers.
(Friday 16 September 2022; 13:07)
Exhausted and angry (101,116) by Carlos from Brazil
I got myself a bit worried after listening to the Meghan podcast. When she asked Mariah to describe herself in three words she said exhausted, angry yet hopeful or something. I hope Mariah is ok. She really sounded very tired.
(Thursday 1 September 2022; 12:56)
Re: BET performance (100,604) (100,605) by Carlos from Brazil
It was so goooood! She and Latto finally did it. What a performance!
(Tuesday 28 June 2022; 12:55)
Re: Just an opinion AIWFCIY (100,401) (100,404) by Carlos from Brazil
How could Mariah "lift" "You are not alone" when "Hero" is from 93 probably written in 92 and Michael's song is from 1995?
(Monday 6 June 2022; 13:05)
Re: Why I want another #1 (100,357) (100,360) by Carlos from Brazil
Sorry about that. What's happening is Netherlands? That's next level poor taste.
(Monday 30 May 2022; 13:10)


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