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About Gigi from USA:
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Re: Unreal (72,488) (72,492)
by Gigi from USA
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When I discovered this board, Mariah had just started her SSFT and I saw nothing but praise coming from almost everyone. It wasn't until the over-sexualized photos (taken by Mishka) on her Instagram that I saw fans expressing concern. Mariah Carey or not - it's human nature to wonder what's going on with a person when they suddenly start wearing lingerie out in public for no reason - especially when that person is a mother with two young children. You can shout from the rooftops on how we're such bad fans for saying things out of love and frustration, but I can guarantee Mariah would rather read comments of concern expressed by her fans who have supported her for years - over what is being said by the general public. The general public's comments are much, much worse. I don't think there's anything wrong with fans holding Mariah to a higher standard, because she set it for herself. She has been doing the complete opposite of what she has stated in interviews in the past and it's worrisome. I know no one is perfect, but you can't create drama for yourself, put it on public display and not expect people to talk - good or bad. I know if I was potentially heading down the wrong path, I would want the people who love me to tell me the truth.
(Saturday 11 February 2017; 2:21)
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Re: Bad ticket sales (72,448) (72,451)
by Gigi from USA
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I'm seeing well over 20 tickets available in Columbus, OH on Ticketmaster. I'm wondering how they are going to pay Mariah, Mariah's entourage and dancers, Lionel and his crew (plus other production costs) with tickets being as low as $21.86 each along with the Buy 1 Get 1 Free promo?
(Friday 10 February 2017; 0:13)
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Re: Almost 10 million views (72,447) (72,450)
by Gigi from USA
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Yes, but unfortunately, the song has completely dropped from the iTunes Top 100 Songs Chart according to Doipod which updates in real time.
(Friday 10 February 2017; 0:01)
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Article: Mariah's ex-husband slams new "love" (72,402)
by Gigi from USA
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Well, there goes my hopes of them ever getting back together.
(Thursday 9 February 2017; 3:03)
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Re: Weird era (72,386) (72,394)
by Gigi from USA
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That's my concern too. Yes, the video went #1. Heck, even my 64-year-old mother saw it (along with the fishnet gym picture). And guess what? She called me and said, "Honey, I know you like Mariah, but something is seriously wrong with that woman." It was unfortunate to hear, but I can't defend her anymore. Clicks mean nothing.
(Wednesday 8 February 2017; 23:38)
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Re: Weird era (72,327) (72,336)
by Gigi from USA
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Definitely Mishka for me. At first, I thought it was a cute aunt/niece type of relationship. I know a lot of lambs were tired of seeing Mishka in every picture with MC, but it honestly didn't bother me. It only started bothering me when Mariah's Instagram started going downhill with all of the risque pictures being posted and it was revealed that then 12-year-old Mishka was the one taking them. As a mother, the thought of a child taking racy photos of an adult makes me cringe (especially the nude tub picture). Not even counting the endless times I've seen pictures of Mishka at bars, nightclubs, etc with Mariah hanging out like she's one of her adult best friends. After I saw the MW clip of Mariah saying she wanted to continue working with a 12-year-old on a professional level - I have to admit that my level of respect for Mariah plummeted.
(Tuesday 7 February 2017; 22:28)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey's bad weekend record sales (72,285) (72,287)
by Gigi from USA
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This is what I don't understand - why would Stella focus more on creating this bogus story that Mariah burned a $250K dress (when only fans know it's not the same wedding dress) just so her video can get views? It immediately put a sour taste in people's mouths. It made people think of a million ways they could've used that money, which in turn made people not want to put any more money in Mariah's pocket by buying her new single. I noticed even on TheShaderoom's Instagram (with over 8.1M followers) - people were feeling the song initially until the bogus story surfaced that Stella didn't bother debunking. People would've naturally gravitated toward YouTube to watch the video after hearing the song. I know I did after Lady Gaga's performance of "Million Reasons" at the Super Bowl - which I never knew existed before last night. No one would've thought anything of that dress and could've just enjoyed the song without that fake story.
(Monday 6 February 2017; 22:54)
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Re: Mariah Superbowl - setllist (like Diana Ross) (72,281) (72,283)
by Gigi from USA
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Either way - Lady Gaga did a great job and I noticed even the conservative "grandmas" on Facebook (I'm from the south) commented that they enjoyed the show.
(Monday 6 February 2017; 21:55)
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Re: Radio has started playing I Don't (72,193) (72,195)
by Gigi from USA
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Unfortunately, it is no longer in the top 10. The iTunes website hasn't updated yet, as it was showing "I Don't" at #44 last night. The "real-time" reports show the song is currently at #23 - which is still good but I'm wondering how far it'll drop after Lady Gaga's performance at the Super Bowl tomorrow. I'd imagine there will be a boost in her songs sales like WBT after NYE.
(Sunday 5 February 2017; 1:21)
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Question about charts (72,146)
by Gigi from USA
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I honestly have no idea how songs are measured in terms of chart success. I know there was a huge push for AIWFCIY to hit #1 in 2016 and I honestly thought it would with all of Mariah's TV appearances, normal Christmas radio airplay, huge streaming success and the Carpool Karaoke episode going viral. But it only charted as high as #13 on the Billboard Hot 100, right? How is that possible? I understand that the song is 20+ years old and most people already have it, but the song even reached as high as #5-7 on iTunes. So my question is, what needs to happen for "I Don't" to reach #1 if AIWFCIY didn't?
(Saturday 4 February 2017; 11:32)
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Re: Video (72,126) (72,142)
by Gigi from USA
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I'm with you, Licia. I'm so tired of hearing the term "goat" I could scream.
(Saturday 4 February 2017; 10:17)
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Re: Wedding dress (72,110) (72,118)
by Gigi from USA
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Right? And how does that help Mariah's image? If Stella really cared, she would've had Mariah do a giveaway to a deserving bride who couldn't afford to purchase a wedding dress like Evelyn Lozada (Basketball Wives) did after she divorced Chad Ochocinco. It would've been a great promotional tool and it would've showed the public that Mariah still has a good heart.
(Saturday 4 February 2017; 2:14)
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Re: FB Live chat was fake (72,060) (72,064)
by Gigi from USA
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Same. As soon as I heard how many people were in the room with her, I immediately turned it off. It was like hearing one of those fake audience laugh tracks on a TV show. Kinda freaked me out.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 15:13)
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Re: Is Mariah manic or is this her? (72,032) (72,036)
by Gigi from USA
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Unwell. I knew something was terribly, terribly wrong when I saw the MW clip of her saying she wanted to continue working with 12-year-old Mishka on a professional level as her Social Media Manager.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 10:21)
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Re: Full song listen (71,986) (71,987)
by Gigi from USA
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YG is the worst part of the song IMO.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 17:20)
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Re: I Don't longer tease (71,945) (71,947)
by Gigi from USA
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I agree. I was actually excited about new music until I saw the video teaser and listened to YG. My gosh - what is happening to her? Is it bad that I want James Packer to release his side of the story now? Damn, I feel bad for him. I can't imagine that someone of his stature would willingly agree to be in a fake relationship with a superstar just so she can bash him later in order to promote her fake reality TV show and new music. I just can't. James, please come through. This nonsense has to end.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 10:18)
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Alanis Morissette (71,446)
by Gigi from USA
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This article popped up on my Facebook newsfeed tonight regarding Alanis Morissette's former manager embezzling nearly $5M from her over the course of four years (2010-2014). Strangely enough, Mariah is mentioned in the article as having been represented by this manager. She attended his charity event last year along with Beyonce. It's an interesting read on how easily celebrities are scammed out of money when they don't keep up with their own finances. Allegedly, he used Alanis' money personally and falsely listed the cash withdrawals as "sundry/personal expenses" to avoid getting caught. I would be lying if I said I didn't worry this was happening to Mariah with every member of her entourage sporting expensive designer handbags, designer clothes and Stella constantly bringing along her friends/family members on trips. Sad story.
(Thursday 19 January 2017; 10:37)
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Re: MW Ep 6 - Hero (71,426) (71,431)
by Gigi from USA
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Yes, please share your thoughts RibbonB. We need a silver lining.
(Wednesday 18 January 2017; 18:26)
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Re: Bryan and MC (71,286) (71,287)
by Gigi from USA
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Who is judging, though? From what I've read, Mariah's World is hardly focused on the music, but rather her growing relationship with Bryan T. The show seems to be the only project she's promoting right now, so I think it was a fair question to ask. Stop thinking that people are being judgmental or unsupportive just because a question is asked or a person has an opinion on something. No one on this board is out to get Mariah. We love her and we're all just trying to understand what the hell is going on in "her" world. Isn't that the purpose of having a message board in the first place? To discuss different topics? Geez.
(Sunday 15 January 2017; 13:20)
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Bryan and Mariah (71,271)
by Gigi from USA
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I know a lot of us think the relationship is fake, but does anyone think the relationship is real? I want to believe it's a real relationship, because I can't bring myself to believe that Mariah would stoop so low just for ratings. However, I don't see any evidence outside of Mariah's World or public events to support that it's real. Mariah is a very touchy-feely person and I haven't seen them hold hands, kiss or embrace each other since those Hawaii pictures. Bryan always seems to be walking in front of her or somewhere off in the distance just so we know he's present. There was no denying she was into Luis or Nick. Heck, she even held hands with James on occasion lol. It's all so strange to me.
(Sunday 15 January 2017; 0:32)
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Re: Mel B (71,240) (71,242)
by Gigi from USA
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I came across this YouTube video last night and it's one of my favorite televised performances. I know a lot of people don't care for Infinity, but I like it. She does seem to sing this entire song live (whistles and all), but I guess I'll let Andrew be the judge of that. 
(Friday 13 January 2017; 23:25)
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Confirmed: "Molly" is an actress (70,922)
by Gigi from USA
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This was posted by TheMariahReport on Instagram an hour ago. So much for Mariah's World being a "docu-series".
(Friday 6 January 2017; 23:14)
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New Instagram photo (70,819)
by Gigi from USA
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I'm trying to understand why the big bottle of alcohol behind her was needed in the picture? Especially with rumors swirling that she was either drunk or high during NYE and worse that she may be an alcoholic. Stella and Mishka photoshop everything else, why add fuel to the fire by keeping it?
(Thursday 5 January 2017; 10:08)
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Blind Gossip article (70,802)
by Gigi from USA
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Speaking of Nick Cannon, has anyone read this Blind Gossip article? This could explain why Mariah has so many projects (ie the tour with Lionel) lined up out of nowhere.
(Thursday 5 January 2017; 0:38)
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Re: A smear campaign botched (70,743) (70,747)
by Gigi from USA
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Wow. You really do sound like Stella. lol. I'm starting to believe the rumors now. Anyway, she may have gained a few more followers and an increase in "likes" per post (because that's the most important thing in the world, right Stella?) but the general public has not changed their views. If anything, from my observation, it has gotten worse. People are downloading/streaming WTB because it is a great song, period and NYE reminded them of that. They are following her because it's the thing to do. Heck, I'm even guilty of following individuals who make the news because it's human nature to want to be a part of the latest buzz if you have access to it (especially in train wreck situations like this one). I love Mariah, but I honestly do not see where DCP has anything to gain from this alleged "smear campaign". There are photos and videos of the female stand-in singing "Emotions" during the sound check. Therefore, I do believe there were technical difficulties, but I also believe more could have been done on both sides. I hate to say this, but Mariah is still trending on Facebook and I've read/seen nothing but negativity. Poor Lionel has fans begging him to drop her from his tour. All in all though, I think people are tired of hearing about it. They want it to die, but it won't with Stella still running to the press and firing people for no real logical reason. And I'm sorry, but I find it very suspicious that the marijuana dispensary photos were conveniently published right after the NYE performance. I can't help but to think Stella is behind a lot of this. I feel like she's creating bad situations so she can be Wonder Woman and save the day, but she's failing at this too. Another reason why I don't think DCP did this for "ratings" - no one is going to change their NYE plans this coming December just to see if an artist is going to lip sync or fail on stage. Generally speaking, people normally do three things on New Years Eve: go out, go to sleep, or turn on the TV to watch the ball drop. I'd only foresee a huge ratings increase if they invited Mariah back (which we all know won't happen).
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 12:54)
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