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About Todd from Sydney, Australia: My Jack Russell is fond of Infinity

Re: Best written song 90-99 (95,337) (95,346) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Well it's obviously "Boy (I Need You)" or "Did I Do That".

I kid, I kid. I think "Outside" takes it out for me.
(Wednesday 2 September 2020; 15:03)
Re: Rarities tracklisting - real? (95,261) (95,278) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Everything Fades Away needs to be included. It's one of her best songs and it pains me that it's not in streaming services, same with Slipping Away. The alternative All In My Mind doesn't particularly interest me, so I'm not too concerned if that teaser doesn't eventuate into anything. If the list is legit, I'm most excited to hear the cover of Out Here On My Own.
(Saturday 29 August 2020; 22:21)
Re: ABMB (95,163) (95,170) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
It's often played [here] too, but it's a song I've never really liked. Oh do I have to return my lamb card now?
(Monday 24 August 2020; 12:26)
Re: He should be banned (95,106) (95,120) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
You're welcome for the reminder. I have completely turned into Patsy in this lockdown. Drinking and smoking don't count in 2020.
(Saturday 22 August 2020; 16:02)
Re: There For Me (95,109) (95,119) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Yeah I'm with you - I've always liked it. Another one of my favourite "rarities" is "Help Me Make it Through the Night" - wouldn't be mad if that made it on there. As far as STD - I quite like it. The chorus is stuck in my head, as is the LA LA LAAAAH bit. Also, it has been picked up by radio in Australia, which hasn't happened since #Beautiful, so that's nice to see. I'm just glad it wasn't another "I Don't".
(Saturday 22 August 2020; 16:00)
How is everybody? (95,018) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Completely off topic - how's everybody doing with this shitshow of a year? It's f**king bleak here in Melbourne. Allowed out for one hour a day, and we have an 8pm curfew. But on the plus side I'm making my way through all of Aldi's wine range and have a newfound appreciation for Everybody Loves Raymond and Absolutely Fabulous. Hope you are all doing well.
(Thursday 20 August 2020; 15:04)
Re: Lauryn Hill (94,993) (95,002) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So... a Mariah Carey song with JD squeaking "you know who this is" and Lauryn Hill saying "one time, one time"? I kid, I kid. Looking forward to hearing it.
(Thursday 20 August 2020; 02:59)
Lauryn Hill (94,970) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Well I might have to eat my words. I've spent most of my life actively disliking Lauryn Hill. Something about her voice just makes me squirm. But who knows - I couldn't stand Bone Thugs but then "Breakdown" became one of my favourites. If this carries on, next year she'll release a song with Katy Perry or Sam Smith.
(Wednesday 19 August 2020; 13:41)
Re: Great documentary (94,420) (94,422) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I'm going to have to rewatch the Oscars performance. The Oprah performance seemed like a much more even playing field. One thing I've always remembered about this song is the music video. I think MC looks incredible, for starters. But also, I've always thought there were some faces being pulled by WH - take a look at 4:10 and 4:23 of the video on Whitney's Vevo channel on Youtube - she has a bit of a smirk, and both parts are big "Mariah" moments.
(Monday 22 June 2020; 02:44)
Re: What More Can I Give? (94,303) (94,304) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Damn. I thought I'd just get some requests for the mp3 to be emailed. I'll just pop those worms back into this here can. But also, murder should cause more outrage than looting.
(Thursday 4 June 2020; 14:04)
What More Can I Give? (94,274) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Now would be an excellent time for the Jackson estate to put up 'What More Can I Give' on all platforms. Somehow I ended up with the MP3, it's a good bop, and doesn't sound as early 2000's as it should.
(Tuesday 2 June 2020; 07:57)
Re: Through the Rain/Make It Happen (Rise Up NY) (94,091) (94,093) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Yeah, her voice has changed. It's most apparent when she's trying to sing like she did in 1994. She can't. Neither can I. It's a massive problem in her case because essentially she's a 1990's singer (yes I know TEOM was in 2005 but nobody thinks of MC and instantly goes to 'Shake it Off'). The songs need to be rearranged to suit her current range. Drop it down a few keys lady. I loved the version of "You and I" she did, and the cover of "Help Me Make It Through the Night" from Tennessee. I think she could still sing these songs and sound incredibel even if she'd just rolled out of bed. I suspect there's an element of "I have a six octave range and imma use it even if I sound like a balloon being let down" related ego getting in the way, which is a shame. But I get the sense there's a bit of grounding going on in Mariah's World right now, so potentially that ego is dwindling a bit?
(Thursday 14 May 2020; 03:12)
Re: We're in this together (93,327) (93,332) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
In Australia, the government is more concerned with the economy and football than they are people's health and for the most part have buried their heads in the sand. If we were still able to travel, Scott Morrison would probably be in Hawaii.
(Thursday 19 March 2020; 23:51)
Re: "Everything Fades Away" (93,307) (93,309) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Everything Fades Away is such a good song that I spent an afternoon in January figuring out how to get it into my Spotify app.
(Tuesday 17 March 2020; 12:55)
Charlie Puth (93,304) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
If any of you follow Charlie Puth on Instagram, you would have seen him singing "I Still Believe". He's probably one of my favourite male artists - so I love that he's showing love to my favourite female artist. Unless it's in fact a tribute to Brenda - in which case he can move along.
(Monday 16 March 2020; 23:43)
Re: Butterfly (92,532) (92,537) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I always find it so interesting to hear how one person's treasure is another person's trash. There are songs on Butterfly that I don't think I've given a second listen to - like Fourth of July and Babydoll. Or those Daydream songs that sound the same between Always be My Baby and Long Ago. But then again I think Through the Rain and Art of Letting Go are her best songs this side of the year 2000. So what do I know?
(Wednesday 22 January 2020; 06:45)
Re: I Stay In Love (91,262) (91,287) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Were you at The Peel?
(Wednesday 6 November 2019; 09:46)
MCIIY (91,219) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I can't help but notice the omission of all but three of the songs from her second Christmas album on this Christmas Spectacular she's just dropped. I also remember her saying in one of her Christmas concerts something along the lines of "This is from my second Christmas album, Merry Christmas 2 or whatever they ended up calling it." Potentially not her favourite festive moment. I'm also glad she didn't include the Bieber version, but had secretly hoped for a Michael Buble duet.
(Friday 1 November 2019; 21:32)
New favourite (90,775) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I think “Everything Fades Away” has just overtaken “Art of Letting Go” as my favourite MC song. For this week.
(Tuesday 10 September 2019; 12:30)
Re: Caution (90,738) (90,742) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I wonder that given most people would use Apple/Spotify or similar, how do these streams influence that number, if at all?
(Monday 2 September 2019; 03:48)
Mariah and Ellen (90,726) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I was watching some MC and Ellen clips on YouTube the other day. Does anybody get the feeling that Ellen actually can't stand Mariah? She hasn't been on for ages, and compared to how Ellen interacts with other guests, she's always a bit standoffish and condescending with Mariah.
(Sunday 1 September 2019; 00:22)
Re: Videos (90,702) (90,705) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
My favourites: Honey, The Roof, Heartbreaker, My All, and It's Like That.

The ones I can do without: Infinity, I Don't, You're Mine, I Want to Know What Love Is and One Sweet Day.
(Friday 30 August 2019; 12:18)
Re: The new Jerry O'Connell show (90,511) (90,514) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Did you also catch Whoopi throwing some shade? Someone said that Heartbreaker was 20 years ago, and Whoopi says "20 bodies ago".
(Friday 2 August 2019; 14:55)
Andrew (89,737) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Mr Andy - are you going to see MC at Royal Albert Hall?
(Monday 27 May 2019; 10:58)
Vocal texture (89,442) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I loved the BBMA performance and speech. I adored the opening of "Emotions". That rasp and the way she said the first "higher" is why I love her and her voice.
(Friday 3 May 2019; 15:23)


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