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About Tevin from USA: A laid back guy that loves Mariah!

Photoshoot (105,940) by Tevin from USA
Who cares about the numbers, it's time to hear new music or reimagined music from Mariah.
(Sunday 10 March 2024; 17:50)
this is a reply to message 105,936
Photoshoot (105,929) by Tevin from USA
I hope you are right. I need more Mariah music.
(Sunday 10 March 2024; 03:13)
this is a reply to message 105,928
Mariah never lied or let anyone on (105,921) by Tevin from USA
I too loved Eternal Sunshine. I didn't like a couple of the songs on the album, including Yes and. I wish Mariah and Ari could have worked on an original song together and not just a remix. I could definitely hear Mariah being on a song like Bye, or The Boy is Mine. Also True Story (sonically not lyrically, could have been on Caution). For any of you lambs that may have heard Ariana's new album, which song could you imagine Mariah singing or collaborating with her on?
(Saturday 9 March 2024; 02:30)
this is a reply to message 105,916
New layout (105,920) by Tevin from USA
I love this new layout.
(Saturday 9 March 2024; 02:24)
this is a reply to message 105,919
Hero (105,887) by Tevin from USA
I'm sitting here watching TV and all of a sudden I hear Hero playing. It is for a trailer for Cabrini (I don't know if the movie is any good or not), but anyway, it's cool to see another Mariah song being used to promote a movie. We had Fantasy in Free Guy, ABMB in ABMM, and now Hero in Cabrini.
(Thursday 7 March 2024; 04:22)
Release (105,879) by Tevin from USA
Personally I don't see a problem with Taylor doing what she is doing. 1. It's just business. 2. No one is forcing her fans to purchase those extra albums. 3. Please re read point #2, no one is holding a gun to her fans heads and making them buy the items. If they don't want the items, great don't buy them, if they do want the items to support Taylor, then cool buy the triple release deluxe version of a reissued album (lol, you get the point). I have adult female friends who are obsessed with Taylor swift, they say they have no problem spending their hard earned money on this stuff. Now when it comes to younger teens or kids who may be influenced to spend money on all this reissued Taylor albums, well if their parents are cool with it, great, but if they aren't, then they should do like my parents did for me when I was young, and told me, no, or find a way to save up to buy something. Basically what I'm saying is, Taylor isn't doing anything wrong. She found a way to continue to leverage her brand. It's just business, and no one is forcing anyone to continue to buy or support her stuff. If anything blame the fans. Shoot how many projects have Mariah done that fans bought in to, for her to then drop it like it never existed, at least Taylor sees her stuff through to fruition. Anyway enough about her, back to Mariah. Where's MC 16 at?
(Wednesday 6 March 2024; 17:25)
this is a reply to message 105,872
Angels Advocate (105,828) by Tevin from USA
Was [The impossible] ft Jodiec [sic] ever leaked? I would love to hear how that sounds.
(Friday 1 March 2024; 17:18)
this is a reply to message 105,825
Let's be kind. We didn't know what is upon us (105,807) by Tevin from USA
Usher too. Even with his Superbowl performance, his album (I personally only liked a few songs) didn't do as well as his past work.
(Wednesday 28 February 2024; 02:27)
this is a reply to message 105,806
Controversial (105,803) by Tevin from USA
So true. There should be college courses on her voice.
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 20:47)
this is a reply to message 105,797
Controversial (105,802) by Tevin from USA
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 20:46)
this is a reply to message 105,791
Cardi B (105,794) by Tevin from USA
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 17:14)
this is a reply to message 105,793
Controversial (105,790) by Tevin from USA
Ok the question that I'm about to ask isn't ment to cause negativity or shade. Since we have been talking about Mariah's career tragetory and eras the last few weeks, I started to ask myself this question, and I'm curious to hear everyone's opinion. If Mariah's voice did not deteriorate (she can still sing by the way), do you think her career tragetory would have been different (from where we are currently at now), or do you think it was inevitable that she would be put in "legacy" status, due to her age, and ageism in the industry?
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 16:01)
TEOM era will probably the last great era (105,769) by Tevin from USA
Most people never have that level of success in their music careers. The fact that Mariah ruled the 90s and then had that amazing era in 05-06 (I'd even include 07, because of the TMB hype), was truly a blessing for her. All I hope for, is for one more top ten hit single and solid well crafted music/albums after that. I really want to see more of Mariah the artist and not just Mariah the "number one Hot 100 chaser", or half hearted just throw some music out there singer (looking at you Save the Day). I'd say, it's time to start experimenting with different sounds and types of music and or keep releasing back catalog vault items.
(Monday 26 February 2024; 22:24)
this is a reply to message 105,768
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,762) by Tevin from USA
Ok thanks for checking.
(Monday 26 February 2024; 03:01)
this is a reply to message 105,758
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,747) by Tevin from USA
So true, yes he was one of the main reasons why TEOM was a success, but I could never forgive him (and Mariah) for not releasing Migrate as the second single of E=MC2. Did anyone ever mention on here that Migrate should have been a single? Lol.

Also how did he botch the MOIA roll out? Obsessed was a great first single choice.
(Sunday 25 February 2024; 14:36)
this is a reply to message 105,744
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,746) by Tevin from USA
RA, do you have a link to that interview?
(Sunday 25 February 2024; 14:30)
this is a reply to message 105,740
General public or bad decisions (105,666) by Tevin from USA
I agree, Caution was such a vibe.
(Thursday 22 February 2024; 15:32)
this is a reply to message 105,657
This is what we asked for (105,649) by Tevin from USA
Thanks T.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 19:59)
this is a reply to message 105,641
General public or bad decisions (105,617) by Tevin from USA
Personally I think life just happens. At least in respect to the post TMB era. Had Mariah not ran off with Nick, had LA Reid not stupidly picked Bye Bye over Migrate, and had Mariah not disappeared because of tragic events (miscarriage) which is completely understandable, she could have kept up the promotion of E=MC2, which was still a great album in the eyes of the public. I mean Obsessed did well and so did Beautiful, so at the GP was still crazy about Mariah. I think it just came down to a few bad decisions by the Corporate Morgue, and Mariah (right or wrong) not putting 100% into stuff because she wanted to start her family life, which is great. I'm sure she would give up a ton of her success just to have the blessing of having two wonderful kids.

Anyway I always wondered, had Mariah not met Nick and fully stayed in "work mode", had the E=MC2 tour happened, I would think that Mariah would have definitely ruled the charts at least until the mid 2010s, rather than fading away in 08, with a small popular blip in 09 and 13 respectively.

Man oh man, I wish the E=MC2 concert would have happened. Imagine the hype and party feel that would have brought. Can you imagine the high notes from Migrate kicking in and opening the show. Shoot maybe Mariah would have went full or mostly pop then afterwards, instead of slow mid tempo RnB that she went back to.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 19:46)
this is a reply to message 105,612
Yes, And so close to top 10. Now or never (105,614) by Tevin from USA
Thanks for the clarification.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 19:16)
this is a reply to message 105,609
Yes, And so close to top 10. Now or never (105,608) by Tevin from USA
Ok so I'm confused, if the OG reaches the top ten, does Mariah get credit or no? Some people say yes, some say no. I'm confused, how does this all work? How can a remix overtake an OG song?
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 15:30)
this is a reply to message 105,601
Herd mentality (105,588) by Tevin from USA
Edward please don't leave.
(Monday 19 February 2024; 22:35)
this is a reply to message 105,576
Writing (105,572) by Tevin from USA
I really hope within the next couple of years Mariah starts writing and possibly produce songs for other people. Whether for pop stars or rnb singers, up and coming or established. What singers would you love Mariah to write and or produce songs for?
(Monday 19 February 2024; 16:38)
Yes, And? lyrics (105,545) by Tevin from USA
Sorry I don't agree with you. Some people like listening to songs around their young children. One of the reasons why I became a fan of Mariah was because my parents used to play her music all the time around me as I grew up. If she cussed up a storm back in the 90s and early 2000s, my parents would not have played her music around me and guess what, I probably would not have become a fan.

My point is, it's easy to look at it through adults eyes, but some people may not like to play explicit lyrics around their kids. Also (this isn't always the case), but I find more and more in today's music that lyrical content has become so lazy now that cussing and other explicitness can be freely said in music. There's one thing to have a strong emotion behind a song to use a cus word, there's a completely different reason to just be lazy and throw in words here and there, because you formulate a strong thought or emotion into a lyric. Basically what I'm saying is that many popular songs have lost their depth.
(Sunday 18 February 2024; 18:25)
this is a reply to message 105,532
Signed copies (105,524) by Tevin from USA
How long before you think the oversaturation will catch up to her (Taylor). It's like they know Midnights was not that great, but they are trying to milk it for all its worth.
(Saturday 17 February 2024; 23:39)
this is a reply to message 105,521


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