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About Musti from UK:

Re: MC video in Aspen (90,582) (90,595) by Musti from UK
Someone stitch me up please.
(Tuesday 13 August 2019; 09:20)
Re: The new Jerry O'Connell show (90,521) (90,523) by Musti from UK
I'd be pretty surprised if they're actually close. We all know M can hold a grudge. And Whoopi has had it in for M for years. Didn't she also shade M during the Glitter era? Sit your ass down Whoopi. She is the least interesting member of The View and her shady manners only make her look like a bitter old woman.
(Saturday 3 August 2019; 11:58)
Re: Steaming vs. legitimate sales (90,489) (90,492) by Musti from UK
Wendy mentioned this too on her Hot Topics yesterday. She said Mariah will always be her #1. I'm not bothered by OTR breaking the record. Sometimes the social reasons that make a song popular far outweigh the need for the song to be amazing. Besides, OTR is a good song. Just nowhere near OSD's standard.
(Wednesday 31 July 2019; 13:45)
Re: Mimi Town Road (90,317) (90,320) by Musti from UK
Well he's practically asking her help to end OSD's reign. But the song is already huge and his coming out hasn't affected its growth. M should jump on this. It seems like she hasn't yet decided whether she wants to remain contemporary or become a legacy act. This can help her make up her mind.
(Saturday 13 July 2019; 14:10)
Re: Cosmopolitan (90,269) (90,271) by Musti from UK
Same reason why she still lies about her boobs.
(Wednesday 10 July 2019; 14:03)
Re: Cosmopolitan (90,266) (90,267) by Musti from UK
Except she first said the same thing during the Charmbracelet era which was 17 years ago. You'd think she'd be well over 5 by now.
(Wednesday 10 July 2019; 11:00)
Snoop Dogg (90,248) by Musti from UK
So it seems Snoop is not impressed with the bottle cap challenge. I'm not sure that he was dissing Mariah per se, as this video suggests. But he has been noticeably absent from Mariah's circle since TEOM. Is there bad blood between them? I remember rumours that Snoop wasn't happy about Say Somethin' being pushed as the last single from TEOM despite being the first track to be leaked. I hope everything is alright between them.
(Tuesday 9 July 2019; 12:59)
Re: Mariah is hilarious (90,235) (90,247) by Musti from UK
I love her cheeky side. She's so funny. And I love the comments. From a range of artists to Apple Music and Instagram itself, everyone is loving this.
(Tuesday 9 July 2019; 12:33)
13 weeks (90,227) by Musti from UK
Do we have a new contender? Old Town Road has been leading Billboard 100 for 13 weeks. If it ties OSD at 16 weeks I wouldn't be bothered. At least it's a much better song than Despacito. But I hope it doesn't go over 16 weeks.
(Sunday 7 July 2019; 05:17)
Re: Mariah Pride (89,806) (89,809) by Musti from UK
"I think gay people need a month in which to be proud as much as Morgan Freeman needs a month to be taught about black history."

I agree wholeheartedly. I'm not opposed to having days/months dedicated to minorities in order to celebrate the long road that we have traveled but, at the end of the day, these notions only serve to reinforce our minority status. Neither gays nor blacks are minorities anymore. We are proud to be who we are every single day and we have all contributed to the culture of the globe far more than the straight white male.

Having said that, I want me a Rainbow tee with the lollipop. Bring on the merch Mariah.
(Sunday 2 June 2019; 12:15)
Re: Mariah shares post of her and Celine Dion carpool karaoke (89,776) (89,786) by Musti from UK
That's probably true. This is mainly why I think an aria would be a good fit for them. Belting is really where the competition lies for female singers. There's no such thing in an aria. Everyone has a role and you have to sing within your range. Celine knows she can't demand the soprano part. I doubt I'll ever get that duet or an aria but, like I said, let a bitch dream.
(Friday 31 May 2019; 13:59)
Re: Five most iconic Mariah recordings (89,783) (89,785) by Musti from UK
Great list. Outside or FLAB could be good for #5 but sadly neither is popular enough to be iconic. I'd say We Belong Together. Not only did it save her career, but it also inspired a new generation of mid-tempo ballads. Hero could also be appropriate for this list but it didn't really do much in terms of changing the game. Plus, someone would need to shoot me if Hero was playing on repeat. I definitely can't say the same about the other songs on your list.
(Friday 31 May 2019; 13:53)
Flower Duet (89,760) by Musti from UK
I was listening to Giving Me Life this morning. At the very end (starting from 6:01 to be precise) the vocal arrangement reminds me so much of Flower Duet from Lakme. M has never attempted to do an aria. Probably a good call since her falsetto wasn't very rich earlier in her career. But now that her voice is more mature and her falsetto sounds thicker than ever before, she should give this a go. Particularly Flower Duet is one of the prettiest arias in history. It calls for a soprano and a mezzo soprano. Pat was great on O Come All Ye Faithful but, at her age, I doubt she can navigate through a mezzo part with ease, especially a coloratura number. But honestly, any mezzo soprano would be honoured to be on record with M. Call Celine now.
(Wednesday 29 May 2019; 09:36)
Re: Mariah shares post of her and Celine Dion carpool karaoke (89,722) (89,743) by Musti from UK
This is way too funny. I love how she rephrased the post as well. I'm so happy she practically referred to Celine as a friend. Does anyone know whether Celine has interacted with M's post or the video in general? I know M probably doesn't dislike Celine but it seems like lately the only time she "knows" Celine is when she's reminded of how Celine tried to out stage Aretha back in 1998. Celine is too likable to be disliked. I'm still praying for that duet. I know, same old tired topic. But I have the right to dream.
(Monday 27 May 2019; 20:56)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey "smashes every note" (89,694) (89,702) by Musti from UK
I was not expecting that at all. Is she going through some kind of vocal treatment? She is hitting high chest notes with far more ease and consistency than she has in a very long time. Her whistle tone had been growing thin in the last few years but that also seems to be on the mend. She's even bringing the vibrato back. I'm absolutely intoxicated by her confidence. Even when she misses a note, she recovers and goes for it again. Bravo M. I'm loving her performances lately. Almost worthy of the TEOM era.
(Friday 24 May 2019; 15:25)
Re: The Netherlands (89,637) (89,683) by Musti from UK
Congratulation. Not sure how to say this without sounding like a hater but I thought the song was super predictable. My heart melted when Tamara hit the stage and she slayed everyone with that voice of hers. She really deserved to win. Big thumbs up to Italy as well. That song is hot.
(Tuesday 21 May 2019; 11:51)
Re: My most precious item (89,667) (89,682) by Musti from UK
Without a doubt mine is the promotional Mi Todo CD single with 5 tracks on it. I don't even like My All that much but that CD means everything to me. Thank you Eric for your amazing discography section. It helped me a lot back in the late 90s when I first started building my collection. Sadly I couldn't keep it up for long. That Mi Todo single alone had cost me... well, never mind the figure.
(Tuesday 21 May 2019; 11:26)
Re: Madonna's BBMA performance (89,525) (89,528) by Musti from UK
Honestly my problem with Madonna doing things half naked is not her age but that almost every single time it feels like a publicity stunt rather than an art direction. I do applaud her for what she did with the holograms though. Even though the end result could've looked more polished, I can see others trying to copy and perfect it in the near future. This is the type of impact she should be making at this age, not coming out on stage with a patch on her eye and rolling around on the floor like a mop.
(Thursday 9 May 2019; 12:17)
Re: Vocal texture (89,442) (89,445) by Musti from UK
I'm impressed how quickly she recovered from the crack on "feeling". She really pulled it together with those two bursts of "higher". The great Maria Callas had once said, "You are born an artist or you are not. And you stay an artist, dear, even if your voice is less of a fireworks." There are so many parallels between the careers of these two MCs. Mariah will still be an unmatched artist at 90 with only 2 notes left in her voice.
(Friday 3 May 2019; 21:38)
Re: When You Believe theory (89,239) (89,260) by Musti from UK
Great post Randy. I also always thought WYB was a bad choice as lead single for both albums. Despite all its accolades and its strong message, it's not lead single material. If WYB wasn't the lead single, I'm guessing the labels wouldn't have felt forced to release both albums in the same week, which didn't help with sales especially for Whitney. If they had focused on pushing both albums with their own lead singles first, like I Still Believe for M and It's Not Right But It's OK for Whitney, WYB would've truly shined as the second single from both albums.
(Sunday 21 April 2019; 18:12)
Re: Caution 93k (89,076) (89,078) by Musti from UK
I did expect it to perform better than it did but I'm still not sure that the label intended for it to go far in the first place. It seemed to me like they were simply trying to milk AIWFCIY's popularity to sell as many Caution copies as they can to "reintroduce" her as a likeable legend. I'm beginning to think that the Cardi/Kim remix was nothing but a rumor to keep people interested in the album post Christmas for the tour. On that note, it might be interesting if she combines the upcoming memoirs with a corresponding album release. Maybe it's the next project that they want to pour the money into, though it kinda seems unlikely at this point.
(Tuesday 9 April 2019; 19:15)
Re: New remix (89,008) (89,014) by Musti from UK
I like this track better than the one with SD. Looks like M wanted to have Shawni on the remix ever since the deal with Cardi and Kim fell through. She's all over the video with M. I must say, although SD is on the rise, I very much prefer what Shawni has brought to the song. And their chemistry is undeniable.
(Friday 5 April 2019; 12:09)
Re: R&B (88,896) (88,898) by Musti from UK
Don't forget the hair flip.
(Friday 29 March 2019; 17:37)
Re: Mariah / Super Bowl (87,929) (87,931) by Musti from UK
Agreed. It's not enough for the Superbowl stage to put together a bunch of songs, look pretty and call it a night. She would have to bring her A game - no mishaps, no standing there still in a glitter gown. Also agree with Dove that she shouldn't touch the older hits unless she has something new to offer. I wouldn't be mad if she released a Superbowl EP with a new song and a new remix of one of the older hits with new vocals, as well as the live performance itself. And absolutely no midtempos.
(Wednesday 6 February 2019; 15:24)
Re: If we really think about it (84,262) (84,269) by Musti from UK
I totally agree. It's hard to believe that some people are more concerned about what she should be doing than what she has actually done. Like Yiorgos said she has already fixed many things that we were unhappy about, yet some people still find crap to complain about. I'm very excited about the new era, and I think for the first time I will be celebrating away from this board. This used to be a place for the underdog who didn't wanna be one of her "enablers", yet now it's just board for a bunch of grumpy and delusional "lambs" who just can't accept that she's an artist way past her prime who is just trying to do the best she can. To think that some of you have the cheek to judge her for recycling WBT when you keep recycling the same expectations everytime she releases something new. The 90s are never coming back, get over it.
(Wednesday 3 October 2018; 18:06)


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