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About Bill from the UK:
I love Mariah more than you do.
London Daydream Tour Attendee.
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Re: Charmbracelet singles (92,310) (92,312)
by Bill from the UK
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Charm Girl haha, love it. Yes I've no idea why The One was axed when it was seemingly received so positively by fans and critics in their reviews. Interesting that several of the responses have Yours. Great song, and agree, if the JT version had been released I think that would have been really successful.
(Monday 13 January 2020; 18:46)
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Re: Charmbracelet singles (92,298) (92,306)
by Bill from the UK
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Through the Rain was fine for a lead single and good at "resetting" everything after Glitter. I was excited to hear The One was planned to be the second single, and mortified when it was a scrapped in favour of Boy. I would have put out I Only Wanted or Yours as the third single, and would have still ended it with I Know What You Want as the fourth.
(Monday 13 January 2020; 07:12)
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Re: The memoir (92,284) (92,291)
by Bill from the UK
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Ooh ahh ooh ahh Crapfinity Crapfinity.
(Sunday 12 January 2020; 12:25)
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Re: Migrate duet with Ariana (92,283) (92,290)
by Bill from the UK
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Speaking of Migrate, had that been a single Mariah would have now matched The Beatles' record. But still. She knew best.
(Sunday 12 January 2020; 10:44)
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Re: The memoir (92,274) (92,279)
by Bill from the UK
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(Saturday 11 January 2020; 19:43)
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Re: The memoir (92,271) (92,272)
by Bill from the UK
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I think it might be alone here in wanting to memoir to be completely about the music. I know that's unlikely given the life Mariah has had and her level of fame. We know about Alison and Morgan. We know about Tommy, Luis, Nick, James and Bryan. We know about Glitter and the breakdown. We know about the bipolar disorder. We know about the nightmare era. We know Thirsty is about Damizza and not Nick.
What we don't know about is Mariah as a little girl under the covers with the radio, Mariah training with her mother and singing with jazz musicians until the early hours of the morning, and Mariah moving to New York and working as a demo and backing singer before her break.
I want to read about the woodshop with Ben and the songs they wrote. I want to read about how she felt working on her first album with big name producers and then producing her second album herself. I want to know the stories behind Underneath the Stars, The Roof, Fourth of July, and My All. I want to know tidbits about Slipping Away, and her process and rituals as a songwriter. I'd love a whole chapter on AIWFCIY.
I know I'm going to be disappointed, but I can dream. I Had a Vision of Love is a great title should it incorporate the above, but maybe a dream is all that it will (dramatic pause) turn out to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
(Saturday 11 January 2020; 18:35)
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Vision of Love at NARM (92,236)
by Bill from the UK
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(Wednesday 8 January 2020; 22:29)
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Re: Televised performances (92,225) (92,228)
by Bill from the UK
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Nothing like a good list.
(Wednesday 8 January 2020; 12:18)
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Re: Televised performances (92,214) (92,215)
by Bill from the UK
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Nice subject. In no particular order, some of my faves are, limited to ten:
1. America the Beautiful 1990 at NBA finals 2. If It's Over - both SNL and Grammy performances 3. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing 1991 at Good Morning America 4. Vision of Love 1990 at Good Morning America 5. I'll Be There 1992 at Top of the Pops 6. Fly Like a Bird at Grammys 7. With You huge pink dress version 8. Chain of Fools with Aretha at Divas Live 9. Without You 1994 at Top of the Pops 10. Endless Love 1994 with Luther at Royal Albert Hall 11. My All 1998 at SNL (bonus) 12. Emotions NYE meltdown version for the nostalgia (bonus)
(Tuesday 7 January 2020; 18:01)
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Re: Next album/era (92,207) (92,211)
by Bill from the UK
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Stop trying to make Bruno happen. It's not going to happen.
(Tuesday 7 January 2020; 14:33)
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Re: Book plus anniversary debut album plus the demo album (92,208) (92,210)
by Bill from the UK
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Rumour has it, it was young Ms. Swift. Mariah's demo album was going to be called 1989 but Taylor named her album that as well.
(Tuesday 7 January 2020; 14:32)
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Re: 1.6 billion is for total sales of M's catalogues (92,181) (92,187)
by Bill from the UK
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Do you mean monetary value? As in, 1.6 billion (currency) of sales? How much does an album sell for in Asia Pacific?
(Monday 6 January 2020; 15:24)
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Re: Mariah (92,179) (92,180)
by Bill from the UK
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This is such a ridiculous claim isn't it? The best selling artists of all time, The Beatles and Elvis Presley, have sales reputed to be between 500-600 million worldwide. Mariah selling 1.6 billion units in one area is not possible.
(Monday 6 January 2020; 13:34)
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Re: E=MC2 era (92,162) (92,166)
by Bill from the UK
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Didn't the Warners deal prevent her from writing her own material? I believe the selling point for Sony, and why she went with them in the end, was that they were going to let her write her own songs.
(Sunday 5 January 2020; 20:11)
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Re: New album (92,156) (92,158)
by Bill from the UK
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It probably has a lot to do with older generations being all but barred from engaging with music. Take my mum, who is in her sixties. She bought music all the during her life into the early 2000s. With the closure of record stores, High Street stockists no longer stocking physical music, physical singles all but obsolete, she has no means of knowing what is out there, or what there is to buy. She would walk into a long gone shop like Woolworths, and browse the albums and singles and might see a single from an artist she's following that she didn't know had been released, or an album, and buy it. Now it is all on your phone and streamable, neither of which she really does, so she just plays what she has and listens to radio stations that play that music. Times change, and this is how the industry has gone. When these millennials are in their 50s, providing something new doesn't come along that isolates them like streaming did to most of the boomers, I'm sure we'll be seeing Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber's records charting when they are older. It's just we are in this transition where the top half of the population can't contribute, so it's all dominated by the younger crowd.
(Sunday 5 January 2020; 14:53)
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Re: I Had A Vision Of Love (92,132) (92,146)
by Bill from the UK
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I don't think it's necessarily a bad title. Vision of Love means so much to Mariah. It's virtually the only number she sings 100% live to this day, and is always on her setlists. She said whenever she sings it, it transports her back to those early days, and the feeling of optimism she had ("sweet destiny" indeed).
The song was a thank you letter to God for helping her succeed "in finding the place I conceived". And as she wrote in the Emotions album liner notes, when thanking God for her success and talent, "I'll be eternally grateful, holding you so close to me."
It's what started it all. The first song she wrote after getting her record deal, written in celebration and gratefulness, it was the song that introduced the world to her unbridled talent, and started what would be an incredibly long and successful career.
I was gritting my teeth thinking she'd call it "Memoirs of an elusive chanteuse" or something along those lines, so I'm not upset if this does "turn out to be" the title.
But, there are plenty of other options that would work. I would have simply called it "Looking In".
(Saturday 4 January 2020; 17:23)
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Re: New album (92,095) (92,119)
by Bill from the UK
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Believe would have been a hit had it been sung by a 50 year old or a 20 year old. It is simply just a great song. Cher's name and delivery is of course not to be overlooked, but a good song is a good song is a good song.
(Friday 3 January 2020; 19:18)
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Re: New album (92,103) (92,105)
by Bill from the UK
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You're right of course about her vocals of late. I still believe (someday you and me - sorry, sidetracked) that if she were to lay off the alcohol and marijuana (the two most worst things for a singer to indulge in), then it could recover. Her voice stepped up a notch during her pregnancy, where I assume she laid off or certainly reduced her intake. This is why I'm so keen on her to do her jazz style album. She can sing effortlessly in that whispery coo of hers that is so suited for that style, rather than feeling she has to belt and whistle her way through an album, simply because that's what she's always done.
(Friday 3 January 2020; 14:02)
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Re: All My Life (92,096) (92,102)
by Bill from the UK
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Is that so? I thought she only bought the rights to her Sony material. Mariah said on her instagram "I promise you I'm working hard to make it available for download and streaming", also referenced in this article, which implies it's not as simple as her clicking her fingers and it appearing on Spotify. It's the only album she did with Virgin, and the only album of hers not available to stream, which indicates Virgin do indeed have a part to play for it not being available. Maybe they're waiting to recoup Mariah's "exit fee" from sales of the album before it becomes streamable. If so, we are in for a long wait lol.
(Friday 3 January 2020; 08:49)
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Re: All My Life (92,075) (92,081)
by Bill from the UK
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Glitter is such a great album, it's criminal how little recognition it gets and I really hope Mariah and Virgin can talk so that the album can be made available on the streaming platforms. So many people are missing out on Lead the Way, All My Life, If We, Don't Stop, Never Too Far. Vocally it's absolutely majestic in parts and she breathes such life into the Disco classics Didn't Mean To Turn You On and Last Night a DJ Saved My Life. The Loverboy video was great as well. So glad the album got the justice it deserved with the campaign.
(Thursday 2 January 2020; 13:29)
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Re: New album (92,071) (92,078)
by Bill from the UK
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For the sake of good order, if Mariah were to have another number one, she won't break The Beatles' record, she'll match it.
(Thursday 2 January 2020; 07:27)
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Re: New #1s album art (92,048) (92,051)
by Bill from the UK
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I hope they re-re-issue the album removing the monstrosity that was Crapfinity and replacing it with AIWFCIY.
(Tuesday 31 December 2019; 09:53)
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Re: Signature song (92,038) (92,049)
by Bill from the UK
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You've just made yourself look even more stupid babes.
(Tuesday 31 December 2019; 07:23)
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Re: Signature song (92,032) (92,036)
by Bill from the UK
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I'm all over the place? I actually laughed out loud at that. Good one. That's rich coming from someone who didn't even read my message correctly or understand it and made a silly knee jerk response off the back of it. Allow me to break it down for you in bite size chunks.
1. Mariah has been in the industry for 30 years. 2. Mariah is 50 years old. 3. 30 years times 2 is 60 years. 4. 50 plus those 30 years is 80.
Starting to make sense? If it isn't, concentrate more in mathematics. Mariah is unlikely to still be performing at her current rate at 80 years old (she has already slowed down in the last decade), and therefore it is safe to presume she is indeed in the second half of her career. Again, stating that is a fact and not an insult.
Please do go back to my original post and point out where I wrote that being so is such a terrible thing. I'll help you out again with that one as you're struggling. I didn't do that. I was, in fact, paying her a compliment for so successfully riding the crest of the AIWFCIY wave and capitalizing on the song's unending popularity. At no point did I detract from any of her many achievements in the past decade.
In future, before you start berating people here's two pieces of advice: be sure you've read and understood what the person has said to avoid making a complete idiot of yourself, and really make sure you knuckle down when you get back to school.
(Monday 30 December 2019; 21:28)
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Re: Signature song (92,029) (92,030)
by Bill from the UK
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How is a fact shade? She's 50, not 20. If she's still putting out records at 80 I'll come back and say I was factually incorrect.
(Monday 30 December 2019; 15:24)
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