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About Bill from the UK:
I love Mariah more than you do.
London Daydream Tour Attendee.
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Re: Lead the Way (89,942) (89,965)
by Bill from the UK
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Thanks Andrew. I love Lead the Way, it is one of her best songs and really helps pull the Glitter album together. I never really analysed whether the ending was a cut and paste job, but having listened to it several times now I don't think it is. The fact you can hear her running out of breath towards the end helps the case, and I agree with Special K that she went all out for Glitter. If it was recorded a few years earlier, then it's even easier to believe and she had some great vocal moments during that time (CTTA and Against All Odds climaxes), so yes. I think it's genuine. Maybe I'm naive?
(Thursday 13 June 2019; 20:52)
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Re: Lead the way (89,933) (89,938)
by Bill from the UK
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Yeah I was going to chime in and say I thought LTW was a leftover from Butterfly, so was recorded in that period. The publishing stamp says 1997.
(Wednesday 12 June 2019; 19:46)
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Re: Favourite whistle (89,894) (89,902)
by Bill from the UK
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The Emotions outro whistles are so iconic. I did love in 1991 when she was in good form and replaced the laugh at the end with ultra super sonic high notes. And then there's that one performance from the Musix Box tour where she goes nuts on the second "inside" lol.
(Monday 10 June 2019; 18:13)
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Re: Favourite whistle (89,893) (89,901)
by Bill from the UK
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Yes, agree about the hidden whistles. I remember freaking out when the whistles in the bridge of AIWFCIY were unveiled. Now I hear them everytime I play the song. And I forgot O Holy Night, that gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it.
(Monday 10 June 2019; 18:11)
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Favourite whistle (89,892)
by Bill from the UK
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In an attempt to steer the conversation away from Mariah's posterior, do any of you all have a favourite whistle of Mariah's? Tough question I know as her catalogue is peppered with so many great ones. I love the first "inside" on Emotions as all the music drops out except the bass, and you're left with that piercing note before the beat kicks back in. Same song, the "you make me feel so h-h-h-high" at the bridge is phenomenal. I also love the Bringin' On the Heartbreak climax, all the background textures going on in Underneath the Stars, and that stunning "shining sea" on America the Beautiful (1990). Another great one is the Anytime You Need a Friend remix, where she's clearly having fun with it. Oh Mariah. What a gift you have.
(Monday 10 June 2019; 10:21)
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Re: Article: Photo of son shows that they look just like twins, too (89,877) (89,885)
by Bill from the UK
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Yes, it's like those fans of hers from the 90s are now the ones who grew up to be journalists in their 20s and 30s.
(Sunday 9 June 2019; 13:13)
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Re: Article: Mariah's former assistant reveals singer has fake booty (89,862) (89,863)
by Bill from the UK
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What's the big deal anyway. It's obvious Mariah's had surgery. If it makes her feel better and gives her confidence then let her be.
(Friday 7 June 2019; 22:57)
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Re: Article: Will Mariah Carey win Grammys in the general field? (89,857) (89,859)
by Bill from the UK
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As great as Daydream is and was, Jagged Little Pill was the better album and a deserving winner.
(Friday 7 June 2019; 18:20)
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Re: Article: Will Mariah Carey win Grammys in the general field? (89,854) (89,855)
by Bill from the UK
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It'll be interesting to see if she is nominated, given how under Stella's ill-advised management during the nightmare era she mocked and wrote off the Grammy's.
(Friday 7 June 2019; 07:56)
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Re: Um (89,837) (89,841)
by Bill from the UK
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Also you forgot Supernatural.
(Tuesday 4 June 2019; 23:08)
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Re: Um (89,837) (89,839)
by Bill from the UK
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Does 4real4real count as one word? What a stupid title.
(Tuesday 4 June 2019; 19:29)
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Re: I wish you well (89,828) (89,829)
by Bill from the UK
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My cat's breath smells like cat food.
(Tuesday 4 June 2019; 10:47)
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Re: Mariah Pride (89,822) (89,825)
by Bill from the UK
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Thank you John, great post.
(Monday 3 June 2019; 19:27)
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Five most iconic Mariah recordings (89,783)
by Bill from the UK
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If you could cite five iconic Mariah recordings to put into a time capsule, what would they be? Mine are as follows (in no order): 1. All I Want for Christmas Is You - Became a Christmas classic, one of the most popular songs in the world, and her signature song. 2. Fantasy Remix - Set the template for rap collaborations, as good now as it was then. This is completely left field at the time when Mary Poppins teamed up with Ol Dirty Bastard. 3. Vision of Love - Inspired an entire generation of singers with the melisma singing style (really not done by anyone in the way Mariah did it in 1990). Showcases all aspects of her wonderful voice perfectly. 4. Dreamlover (Def Club Mix) - Again, Mariah rose to the occasion and redefined the remix genre by rising above the industry standard and completely re-singing the track so that it barely resembled the original. 5. Now it's getting tricky. I want to include a live recording. Is it America the Beautiful at the NBA final, Emotions at MTV Awards where she hit her highest note ever, If It's Over on SNL? But what about Hero, a song that inspired a generation to believe in themselves when no one else does, or We Belong Together? A track that reasserted MC's throne and was adorned the world over. Or a deep album cut like Outside? Or even a studio recording like Emotions which shows off her stunning range? Or When You Believe with Whitney? Two beautiful voices together. In the end though, it had to be Why You Mad.
(Friday 31 May 2019; 10:59)
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Re: Tours (89,779) (89,780)
by Bill from the UK
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Yep. I remember before Mariah came on stage and we were in between the guest act and her, the excitement across the venue was electric. So much so, we started doing a Mexican wave to pass the time. After the Daydream Interlude and Emotions started, I burst into tears lol. It was far too much for me to handle. Seeing her and the backing singers and band members (the very same from the Thanksgiving tape I watched every weekend) was just surreal. Hero went down massively, the bridge was all I could want it to be. This is why I don't mind missing her concerts these days, Daydream will stay with me "forever".
(Thursday 30 May 2019; 21:46)
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Re: Tours (89,775) (89,777)
by Bill from the UK
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Nothing will ever beat the Daydream Tour. I was there at the London show, one of the best nights of my life. Dunno if I've ever mentioned it.
(Thursday 30 May 2019; 19:02)
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Re: SFUA and FLAB snippets (89,762) (89,763)
by Bill from the UK
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No way. I'm at work so can't check these out but the excitement is killing me lol. Slipping Away, Music Box, these two. I swear if she sings the Prisoner rap at her next show I will actually die.
(Wednesday 29 May 2019; 17:17)
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Royal Albert Hall (89,740)
by Bill from the UK
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Watching the clips, how I wish I could have afforded tickets to see her. Endless Love with Trey was just magical. I wonder why she didn't sing it with Lionel when they did their joint tour. Honestly, the love and friendship between MC and Trey just transcends out to the audience and shines through with every look they give each other. Wonderful moment, I hope it now becomes a tour regular for the remaining dates and in the future, as it's been far, far too long since we've heard this gem.
(Monday 27 May 2019; 17:34)
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Re: Mariah shares post of her and Celine Dion carpool karaoke (89,726) (89,727)
by Bill from the UK
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Hahahahah. It's funny because it's true lol.
(Sunday 26 May 2019; 13:21)
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Re: Years of note: A vocal evolution (89,714) (89,725)
by Bill from the UK
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1990-1994 I see as one era, centred by the Unplugged album. Despite how the studio albums sounded, her live performances and vocal delivery always sounded similar to the Unplugged album, in that her voice was soft, delicate, yet with a warmth and resonance behind it with a sharp impeccable upper register. With Daydream, both studio and live, her voice really changed. It sounded more nasal, but had more strength behind it. And it never really was the same since. She had some peaks since, in 2001, 2005 and 2008.
(Sunday 26 May 2019; 10:03)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey "smashes every note" (89,702) (89,705)
by Bill from the UK
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It could be as simple as her putting down the wine glass and marijuana. Noticeable improvements will be seen almost instantly if that was the case.
(Friday 24 May 2019; 16:03)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey "smashes every note" (89,700) (89,701)
by Bill from the UK
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The surprise whistle ad libs during Emotions in Dublin were great. More going off piste please Mariah as it always works so well.
(Friday 24 May 2019; 15:22)
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Re: Ivor Novello (89,695) (89,696)
by Bill from the UK
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Yep. Much as you would say "Oscar winning actor" and "Grammy award winning singer", you would say "Ivor Novello songwriter". What a fantastic achievement and a great acceptance speech from MC, very humble and sincere. Congrats.
(Friday 24 May 2019; 06:53)
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Re: My most precious item (89,678) (89,684)
by Bill from the UK
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Yep. I've just sold a load of my rare stuff as "times got rough", bye bye Butterfly remixes and DYKWYGT picture disc. You served me well, but now you've paid my mortgage lol.
(Tuesday 21 May 2019; 14:20)
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Re: My most precious item (89,667) (89,674)
by Bill from the UK
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I have so many items I love it's hard to define one as the most precious. I love all the picture discs issued in the UK for her first album and its singles, and I love my Daydream vinyl and Unplugged Radio Special. I don't think many people have those.
(Monday 20 May 2019; 21:17)
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