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About Todd from Sydney, Australia: My Jack Russell is fond of Infinity

Take a breath everybody (81,517) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
How about we all just calm the eff down, take a breath, hold hands and sing Kumbaya? Or given where we are, "There's Got To Be A Way". Y'all are getting worked up over Andrew, but the reality is that 99% of the time, he's just saying what Mr and Mrs Joe Public are saying/thinking. It's very clear that he doesn't "hate" Mariah, he's just a bit disappointed with her of late (correct me if I'm wrong, Emmerdale). It's all just banter, so everybody zip it, pour a wine and watch Wisegirls.
(Monday 26 March 2018; 03:37)
Re: Smoke and mirrors (81,181) (81,182) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Ah ye olde running through the apartment videos. Amongst the most awkward of her products I've witnessed. Up there with the R18+ (that's NC-17 to you Americans) Christmas videos she did in 2016.
(Tuesday 27 February 2018; 11:25)
Re: Mariah movie (81,177) (81,180) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Well I'd have 3 different actresses play Mariah. 1990-1997 Mariah would be Anne Hathaway. She then all of a sudden transforms into Jennifer Hudson in 1997. Then, something happens in 2010, and she transforms into Jennifer Coolidge.
Tommy Motolla could be played by Harvey Weinstein. In the role of Nick Cannon would be the guy that played Steve Urkel in Family Matters. James Packer would have to be a semi animation, and the perfect casting would be Shrek. Stella could be Lindsay Lohan in a skanky black wig.
(Tuesday 27 February 2018; 06:21)
Re: T4 music special (2009) (80,912) (80,914) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I think this period was one of her best, lookswise. But I recall she was always really "zonked" in interviews, either dead tired or valiumed to the eyeballs. Either way, bless her little cotton socks.
(Wednesday 14 February 2018; 02:57)
Re: Mariah for SuperBowl (80,809) (80,815) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I like the idea of Mariah for Superbowl. But I think we would be all riddled with anxiety. I think she is also more than capable, but I can't help but feel that the general public fall into two categories: 1. Haven't heard a thing about Mariah and think her last effort was "We Belong Together", and she's since joined the company of Belinda Carlisle and Jewel; or 2. They have been completely off-sided by the last decade of diva slash wanker reputation she's picked up. So whilst I think she could do it, I doubt that at present, the demand is there.
(Tuesday 6 February 2018; 09:21)
Re: Andrew (80,756) (80,766) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
It's "Right to Dream", innit. "So Lonely" can't be faulted in that, erm, area.
(Friday 2 February 2018; 12:22)
Re: Aussie tour (80,763) (80,765) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Yeah, Rod Laver is a much better choice than Melbourne Showgrounds. The QLD one looks okay, bit "Day on The Green"? I suspect this is a hangover from the Stella days.
(Friday 2 February 2018; 12:19)
Aussie tour (80,760) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So, in Australia, concerts have been announced this week for Shania Twain, Celine Dion and Mariah (which have been rescheduled). Already there are TV commercials, radio giveaways (on top 40 stations) for Celine and Shania. It's part of the "news" on the morning TV shows. Absolutely nothing for Mariah's concerts. It's like she's singlehandedly off-sided the entire media industry across the globe. Or, maybe she just doesn't believe she needs publicity, and has a "if I build it, they will come" mentality. Either way, it's a pain in the ass.
(Friday 2 February 2018; 01:59)
Re: Cover songs for new album 2018 (80,548) (80,550) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
My favourite MC cover is "Bringing On The Heartache", so my hope would be she covers something completely unexpected. A Mariah version of "Black Hole Sun" or "Lightning Crashes" anybody?
(Monday 22 January 2018; 12:41)
Well done MC (80,184) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I think she did very well. I was sad watching it, as she looked nervous as hell, rightly so. Of course the media have skipped over the fact that she nailed it, and are zoning in on the "tea disaster".
(Monday 1 January 2018; 07:29)
Merry Christmas all (80,075) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Currently in Cape Town and Mariah's Christmas songs are everywhere I go. Enjoy the day if it's your thing.
(Monday 25 December 2017; 06:50)
Crowd of Mariah (79,192) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So, I'm currently in a hotel in Perth. Because of the time difference, I'm in bed at 11PM on a Saturday night (in my defence it's 2AM at home). I was having a terribly 35 year old moment because I can very clearly hear a club of some sort nearby, complete with what I can only imagine are 100's of 23 year olds screaming along to Katy Perry. Just as I was about to get all middle-age-and-call-reception on their asses, I hear the intro of AIWFCIY. All of sudden, I'm lying in bed listening to 100's of people singing along to it. For a second I forget I'm a grumpy 35 year old. That's all.
(Saturday 4 November 2017; 16:56)
And it begins (79,126) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
All I Want For Christmas Is You iTunes:
#63 Ireland
#88 Canada
#95 United States
#147 United Kingdom
(Wednesday 1 November 2017; 20:37)
The Star (78,882) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Gave it a download. It's cute, and got some good vocals in it. Overall though, I suspect it's a bit too "Alabama Faith FM" to get the usual "New MC Song" treatment from me. Yes I'm aware the film is about the Christmas/Jesus story, so not sure what I was expecting.
(Thursday 19 October 2017; 22:19)
Close My Eyes (78,389) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I was lucky enough to see Mariah sing this live in Melbourne in 2013. I just wish I had been sober enough to remember it. Ooops.
(Sunday 17 September 2017; 12:36)
Public Service Announcement (78,245) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
You'd be forgiven for thinking that Mariah and/or French Montana had "had enough Gumbo" for 24. But alas, they haven't. They've have enough *Convo*. Which I guess is how the kids say conversation. You are all welcome. Namaste.
(Saturday 2 September 2017; 07:15)
Re: Article: Christian singer aims to "invade" tour with God's love (77,923) (77,931) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Amen, Sista. Actually I thought exactly the same thing. Enough of that crap is going on in the world without being forced to endure it on an arena scale.
(Wednesday 16 August 2017; 14:30)
Re: Take a song from all albums to make the album (77,739) (77,760) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Sent From Up Above
And You Don't Remember
Can't Let Go (doing this in the spur of the moment)
Everything Fades Away
Melt Away
Lead The Way
Bringing on The Heartbreak
Stay The Night
It's a Wrap
When Christmas Comes
The Art of Letting Go
(Sunday 6 August 2017; 01:05)
Re: Mariah and Chelsea (77,530) (77,531) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I know that her and Nick Cannon have had some beef, but thought she wasn't fairly indifferent to Mariah. Also I don't think she throws shade, she just says what everybody is thinking.
(Friday 28 July 2017; 02:13)
Re: Mariah and Chelsea (77,524) (77,527) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Sorry, that last message made no sense. I mean Chelsea would *not* put up with any crap.
(Thursday 27 July 2017; 21:43)
Mariah and Chelsea (77,524) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I would love to see Mariah go on Chelsea and have a chat with Chelsea Handler. I feel like she would put up with any crap or diva antics. Also, it was disappointing to see that long clawed Pennywise the Clown banshee in the background of Mariah's again. Shouldn't she be in an office in LA doing managerial sort of stuff?
(Thursday 27 July 2017; 14:19)
Re: MC Vegas vocals (77,158) (77,184) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
You knew it? I'm an actor and a singer. Can't dance to save myself. Unless there's vodka.
(Saturday 15 July 2017; 14:59)
MC Vegas vocals (77,120) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Honestly, I don't mind the vocals. Yes, she should have put some more effort into the first couple of shows, and that is completely unprofessional. But what does bother me is just how unequivocally miserable she looks on stage. She clearly doesn't want to be there. And through it all, she's always (in my opinion) showed up for her fans, as we have always managed to remind her why she does what she does. But something has changed. In saying that though, I've just finished a 5 month tour of Les Mis, and as fun as it was, I can't think of anything worse than doing it again. Same show day in day out got old. Real quick. And 5 months ain't nothing on 27 years. Oh Mariah.
(Friday 14 July 2017; 14:29)
Million Reasons and WBT (76,784) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Lady Gaga's "Million Reasons" is probabaly my favourite song of the year. So you can imagine my delight at finding this mashup of "We Belong Together" to the "Million Reasons" music. It's incredible.
(Friday 30 June 2017; 14:49)
Legit question (76,599) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Does anyone else sometimes forget that Mariah Carey is actually a singer?
(Saturday 24 June 2017; 10:12)


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