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About Todd from Sydney, Australia: My Jack Russell is fond of Infinity

So long Martyn (75,653) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Even though I don't know the guy, and our communication was limited to agreeing on certain topics, I can't help but feel completely heartbroken. I was googling his name today in hope I stumbled across a "confirmed alive in hospital" type post. I'm heading the UK next week and was considering cancelling, but I refuse to let this sort of horror dictate our lives. If his family for some reason stumble across this site, please know that you're in our thoughts, and the entire world is with you right now.
(Wednesday 24 May 2017; 15:59)
Re: Manchester (75,585) (75,590) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I hardly think you can take from that message that all I'm concerned about is twitter. That's absurd. What's happened is utterly horrific, there's no debating that. It was merely an observation. No harm or ill intent intended, and I'm sorry if it came across that way.
(Tuesday 23 May 2017; 16:08)
Re: Manchester (75,570) (75,574) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Thought MC might have been on the list of celebrities and musicians throwing out a thought or prayer for the victims. But alas - maybe that would be seen as endorsing Ms Grande?
(Tuesday 23 May 2017; 10:35)
Re: Songs you don't like that are fan favourites (75,088) (75,099) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I really don't like Always Be My Baby. There. I said it.
(Tuesday 9 May 2017; 16:15)
Re: Todd from Australia (74,228) (74,252) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
If you get Shortland Street over there then I'm due another pay check.
(Saturday 8 April 2017; 03:09)
Re: Todd from Australia (74,204) (74,218) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Haha thanks mate. Angling for a love interest cameo in Mariah's World season 2.
(Friday 7 April 2017; 00:05)
Re: AI producers (74,186) (74,189) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Well, her sound engineers, for starters.
(Wednesday 5 April 2017; 23:41)
Re: The Art of Letting Go (74,034) (74,039) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I personally think that "The Art of Letting Go" is Mariah's best ballad since "Butterfly" - and is one of my all time favourites. People's tastes are so interesting. I, for instance, would take "Infinity" or "I Dont" any day over "You're Mine (Eternal)".
(Thursday 30 March 2017; 05:02)
Mariah and success (73,936) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Does anybody else ever get the feeling that Mariah is under the impression her singles are really successful? That she's maybe getting fed Photoshopped Billboard screenshots from her team? And constantly being told by that headlice of a manager that she's at the top of her game and the charts? I can't help but think if she was aware that "I Don't" pretty much disappeared from iTunes charts overnight, she wouldn't have even considered this remix, or the one with Bieber for "Infinity". Both could have been called "The Flogging of the Dead Horse Mix".
(Friday 24 March 2017; 22:34)
Year round Christmas (73,847) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Now, I love Christmas. And I love Mariah Carey. Sidenote: Not sure which was first, it's a chicken or egg situation. But advertising something like this at the end of March suggests very much a 'Mariah's World' where she's maybe been told by her minders that "Everybody loves Christmas all year round. It's not just you. Go on wit' yo bad self." I'm still trying to avoid my credit card bill from Christmas just gone.
(Wednesday 22 March 2017; 09:56)
Re: Wasted songs, should have been singles (73,727) (73,728) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
At the risk of losing all of my messageboard lovers, I don't actually rate Faded. I think "Cry" was a missed opportunity. Currently on a champagne fueled Mariah shuffle. Presently enjoying "Never Forget You". I should snapchat this. If you're on it, I'm "dontcallmetoddy". Eric - keen to hear your thoughts about potential hits that never made it?
(Friday 17 March 2017; 12:02)
Re: Todd from Australia (73,705) (73,709) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Oh you guys.
(Thursday 16 March 2017; 18:55)
Most played MC song in iTunes (73,689) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Curious to know - what's your most played MC song in iTunes (if you use it)? Mine is "The Art of Letting Go", followed by "Everything Fades Away". AIWFCIY is also up there which is fairly embarrassing. I'm forever being all "oh, I thought I'd taken all my Christmas music off my phone" when it's on shuffle.
(Thursday 16 March 2017; 12:59)
Re: Attacking Andrew (73,408) (73,417) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Wow. Accusations of mental illness now put into the mix? Come on kids play nice. 99% of the time when Andrew replies to someone, they had it coming, as it's usually in response to some sort of "you guys the 1994 voice is back". Or "you guys 'I Don't' / 'Infinity' / 'Infamous' is her 19th #1" comment.
(Monday 6 March 2017; 22:21)
Re: Attacking Andrew (73,402) (73,415) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Now now. We all know she just uses a Wonderbra.
(Monday 6 March 2017; 22:10)
I'm a fan of it (72,033) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I actually quite like "I Don't". I suspect this will all change when I see the R18+ video clip though. One question - why get a rapper on board that clearly has a speech impediment and learning disabilities?
(Friday 3 February 2017; 8:00)
Sorry Mariah (71,954) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
OK. So I'm alone (the other half is in Paris, stupid Melbourne), and tonight I put my iTunes on a Mariah shuffle. I heard songs I haven't even thought about for years. "The Wind", "Right to Dream", "Open Arms", "Butterfly", "Music Box". And I was reminded why I completely fell in love with this woman's voice, songwriting and charisma that no other artist has come close to (in my humble opinion). I'm exceptionally critical of the Mariah of 2017 (friends of mine take great pleasure in pointing out NYE and Mariah's World antics), but at the end of the day this is someone who, without going into soppy detail, saved my life 20 years ago - and without her I wouldn't be here typing this Sauvignon Blanc induced post. And for that, I literally owe her my life. Yeah, the Mariah's World era bugs the f**k out of me. Stella is a c**t. But ultimately, I will forever support Mariah Carey.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 12:08)
Mariah's World (71,894) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Well, I don't wish bad ratings on anyone. But good Lord I'm glad that mess of a TV series fell of the ratings charts. It was a complete embarrassment to a once celebrated musician. I hope for her sanity and reputation series two isn't ordered. As for the new song, it sounds OK, looking forward to the whole thing later this week. And the cover? She's now gone full on porn, I see. Close your mouth, you'll attract the flies. You're 47, with a banging bod, but please, "don't walk out your house without your clothes on". Maybe bust out the Frey topped jeans again. And a tee. It won't kill you.
(Wednesday 1 February 2017; 6:01)
Re: Charmbracelet on replay (71,438) (71,465) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Might have to get on board with this Charmbracelet loving and put it on this morning. I listened to E=MC2 yesterday for the first time in years and I have new found respect for IBLYLT. Charmbracelet was/is a great album, "Bringing on the Heartbreak" is one of my favourite MC songs ever. (Yes I know it's a cover.) It's easy to forget that Mariah is actually a singer songwriter with a catalogue of incredible music, not just a scantily clad, pot-buying, binge drinking reality TV personality that's dating a child whilst having earpiece dramas. Good one Stella. You've really f*cked that one up you dopey mole.
(Thursday 19 January 2017; 21:16)
MW Ep 6 - Hero (71,380) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Does anyone else think that this episode was re-edited in the last couple weeks to ensure a lengthy clip of her singing Hero in Paris? The first few episodes haven't shown her actually being a musician at all, give or take a few tiny interludes. She has a major, international faux pas, and then all of a sudden she's singing Hero, and her greatest hits album skyrockets up the charts. Not complaining at all, I think her singing should make up 75% of the show. Just an observation.
(Tuesday 17 January 2017; 13:00)
Relax about the wine (70,828) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
It's not like it was an empty bottle of Jack Daniels propped up behind her. There are wine bottles in 98% of photos of me, and most people I know, taken from December 1st through January 31st. And besides. She's in Colorado. She's probably baked.
(Thursday 5 January 2017; 12:54)
If Stella lurks in the darkness (70,349) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
If Stella is a phantom messageboarder, here's a tip for you. I'm about to unlike Mariah on Facebook because of the daily posts linking back to the mindless "articles" that are being posted on the abhorrent I've been a diehard fan since 1995 - so who knows what the casual AIWFCIY fans are thinking.
(Tuesday 27 December 2016; 19:23)
Re: Mariah's World and WWHL (70,121) (70,124) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Bah. That is a name I haven't heard for years. Well done. I'd be impressed if I wasn't slightly unnerved.
(Tuesday 20 December 2016; 2:59)
Mariah's World and WWHL (70,118) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I really wanted to give MW a shot, thinking it might be an intelligent look into what it takes to put on a tour. It is rapidly descending into reality trash, and for the first time in my life (when it comes to MC), I was looking at my phone wondering how much longer it was going for. Stella is a foul-mouthed, self serving moron. I have no objections to swearing - but when you use it as punctuation, it's just a sign of under-education.
And then over to WWHL. I honestly don't think she was being shady. She is not saying "I don't know OF them", she's saying "I don't know them". I don't know Andrew from UK who posts on here, although suspect we'd get along just fine. That's not an insult - it's the truth. I don't know him. What I cannot stand, and I hope a host calls her on it - is her deflection and constant monitor checking. Someone move the damn monitor so she stops looking at herself. Andy would have been well within his rights to say "Why can you never answer a question? If you don't want to talk about something, say so. No need to be a dork."
(Monday 19 December 2016; 23:37)
Silver lining (68,953) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I guess a silver lining of this could be that Mariah's increasingly obnoxious behaviour over the last 2-3 years as resulted in a dramatic culling of her fanbase. This in turn mean that for the most part, the general public have no idea of these recent career-ending antics, nor do they care, because I'm fairly certain most people would find this typical of what they deem to be a self obsessed idiot who's last album was in 2005 (the most common description). The only reason I know that she was getting some PG-13 action on some beach somewhere with one of her kids friends is because I visit this website and read trashy 'news" sites. So I wouldn't stress about what she's doing now. It's like throwing a glass of water into the sea.
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 22:04)


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