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About Todd from Sydney, Australia: My Jack Russell is fond of Infinity

Re: Can somebody explain this to me (68,752) (68,760) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Agreed. I think that at this point. Mariah needs a manager that, honestly, cannot stand the woman and her antics. Someone that says "No Mariah, you're not wearing that, it's a daytime TV show", "No, Mariah, you're not going to post pictures of yourself in the bathtub, infact, you've had too much to drink, give me your phone", "No Mariah, put the knockers away, put some pants on and get back in the studio." I'm kidding. Somewhat. I imagine such a person would never be hired.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 22:42)
Re: Randy (68,736) (68,738) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Haha lexically. That's an Oxford University/"Art of Letting Go" word there ever was one.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 12:38)
Re: Randy (68,725) (68,733) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Wholeheartedly agree, Randy. I personally noticed it during My All in the first VH1 Divas Live - there was a significant change, and I remember even thinking "wow, she's got a cold", and there's been a deterioration since. Personally, I love her raspyness and hoarse sounding timbre and infact prefer it to her Daydream-era voice. But yes, there was a definite shift around the Butterfly album.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 7:45)
Re: Bruno Mars (68,675) (68,678) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
The album "Doo Wops & Hooligans" is one of my favourite albums. "Talking to the Moon" is a beautiful song.
(Friday 25 November 2016; 11:56)
Christmas compilations (68,306) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Has anybody else noticed that Mariah's "All I Want for Christmas" (or any other of her Christmas songs for that matter) is very rarely on any of these "Best Christmas Songs of All Time" type collections that get released every year? It's arguably the most successful Christmas song of all time, so I often wonder why it doesn't get included. Whether it's Mariah's call, thinking that it will drive people to purchase her album/single, or if it's the industry that deliberately avoid her music? On the subject of Christmas music - I've recently discovered Kelly Clarkson's "Wrapped in Red", and it easily join's Mariah and Buble's offerings in my opinion.
(Monday 14 November 2016; 2:47)
Hamilton mix tape (67,952) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Change of topic here, but I think Mariah missed a massive opportunity here. Lin Manuel Miranda has announced a Hamilton mix tape released December 4, and Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, Usher, Alicia Keys among others are all on it. Would have been amazing to scan that track list and see Mariah's name. She'd have killed Burn. She's one of the few celebrities that doesn't appear to have been. Maybe because there's some great female vocalists in it she gave it a skip in protest? (I kid, I kid.)
(Friday 4 November 2016; 12:57)
Awww Mariah (67,536) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I feel bad for her if this is all true, which I think it is. It's even on the news here. We have no idea what their relationship was like. I too didn't think she was that into it, but who knows? A breakdown of any relationship is sad, and I really hope she's okay. One thing that annoys me is the Australian assumption that she's a gold digger, and the reports that she "refused" to attend James' sisters thing in Sydney. They fail to mention that she is worth half a billion USD, and she wasn't in Sydney because she was contractually obligated to be in Las Vegas. Idiots. Also - the Brazil thing - that sucks balls. Although it does sound like she might have been the victim of her appalling management. To those of you who are worried it's going to effect AIWFCIY sales: relax. The general public will have no idea she was even meant to be going to South America. Hell most of them don't think she's had a song out since Hero.
(Thursday 27 October 2016; 13:00)
Re: Madonna is Billboard's 2016 Woman of the Year (67,283) (67,284) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
It would never happen in a million years, but it would be awesome if Mariah presented her with the award. Or took part in a tribute. She could nail Like A Prayer.
(Saturday 15 October 2016; 9:37)
Give the guy a break (67,105) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Come on people, it's a message board. Lives are not as risk here. People are allowed to voice opinions that don't match yours. Opinions are subjective and the (at times) vastly different point of views on this board is what makes it so interesting. If everybody was holding hands and signing Kumbaya (or There's Got To Be A Way if you need an MC reference) this board would stink. From all the vomit it would induce.
(Saturday 8 October 2016; 23:47)
I was loving Infamous (66,991) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I love me a slow jam, so I was loving Infamous. That is until I was playing it in my car and noticed "Drop it Like its Hot" style tongue clicks in the chorus. Now that's all I can hear.
(Monday 3 October 2016; 21:41)
Re: These songs represent the real Mariah not Infamous (66,862) (66,877) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Wholeheartedly agree. I feel like the original post was listing songs that Mariah resents having to record. She's clearly more ODB than she is Westlife.
(Friday 30 September 2016; 14:38)
Infamous vocals (66,812) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I'm gonna go against y'all and say that I don't mind it. It's leaps and bounds above Infinity. And the vocals actually sound like her current voice. She could actually sing this live without there being earpiece dramas.
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 11:08)
Naked bathtub moments (66,016) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Okay. After the last Instagram post I think me and Mariah are nearing the end of our 26 year love affair. What does James think, I wonder? What does Oprah think? Celine? Nick, Tommy, Luis, Da Brat? It sucks. 3 years ago when MIAM came out, I excitedly bought it on day one despite "sourcing" it online the week before. She was in Melbourne for two shows. I went to both and was completely captivated. 3 years later I'm becoming a bit disinterested. Maybe I've just grown up, or maybe Ms Carey has just become a tad unlikeable. I really hope I find that spark again, because even Butterfly and TEOM are being indirectly ruined by current era MC. Pointless post, I know.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 14:12)
Re: Alison HIV status (65,869) (65,870) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I agree that normally it shouldn't be relevant to a story, but there's a special place in hell reserved for people that are HIV+ and sleep around without full disclosure. Did she mention it in her ad I wonder?
(Sunday 4 September 2016; 1:11)
Re: Random (64,919) (64,923) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I feel like I've seen her in this dress before around the Butterfly era. She's looks good. But again, there's that child clinging on to Mariah for dear life. Isn't there some Pokémon she should catching, or some Taylor Swift she should be listening to?
(Wednesday 3 August 2016; 20:04)
Re: Marriage and faith (64,270) (64,281) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
It's a common (and dangerous) misconception that marriage has anything to do with God. The two are completely independent of each other, and history shows that. Either way, Mariah is a grown woman that obviously likes marriage and or weddings. Like Aaliyah says, "if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again".
(Thursday 14 July 2016; 23:51)
Self righteous nonsense (64,031) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I've noticed a few messages on here that are all "Mariah should have worked at her marriage" this, and "sanctity of marriage" that. Can we all just get over that? You sound like crazy Christian protesters. Nobody on this board had a clue about what was going on in MC and NC's marriage. It's nobody's business, regardless. And its failure is certainly nothing that Mariah should be judged for.
(Tuesday 5 July 2016; 5:43)
Re: Oh dear (63,847) (63,857) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Hahaha well colour me flattered. Yeah that's me, thanks for the nice words sir.
(Monday 27 June 2016; 14:17)
Oh dear (63,841) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Mariah is heading into the Madonna-esque "put it away, wonder what your children would think" territory. She has too much money to be dressing like somebody that desperately needs it.
(Monday 27 June 2016; 1:23)
Mariah's World (63,740) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So, Google says that Mariah's World was due to premiere on E on June 19th. Clearly this didn't happen. Hoping that this was an error to begin with, and not a MIAM part 2.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 2:38)
Disappointed in MC (63,358) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I wholeheartedly agree with Andrew. Really disappointed that Mariah, a supposed friend of the LGBT community, hasn't so much as said "boo" about the Orlando massacre. Could it be that she is in Mariah's World and just completely unaware that it's actually happened?
(Tuesday 14 June 2016; 2:39)
Mariah vs. Wendy (63,135) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I find it interesting that Wendy Williams hasn't responded to Mariah and Lee's video. Granted, it's over a week old and she had last week off, but still. I personally love watching Wendy (how you doin' hot topics bureau if you're checking this out). However, I wouldn't be surprised if after the video, Wendy has taken a "well, screw you then" attitude to it, and from now on will not mention Mariah at all, whether it's new music, Mariah's World, fashion or anything. Which I think is a shame, because the Wendy show is one of the last popular shows that actually keep Mariah's name in the public's face. I don't even think Wendy is that rude, in fact most of the time she's being pretty nice, and kinda just saying what most people are thinking. But I've always felt like Wendy has Mariah's back in a weird way. So it will be a shame if the video (which, by the way, was uncalled for, as Lee definitely said what he said), cancels the airtime that MC usually gets. Just my thoughts.
(Wednesday 8 June 2016; 7:08)
Re: Someone's looking to corner the Christmas market (62,928) (62,938) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
There's been lots of it on the board recently. Scientology, Christianity, astrology. It's all in the same section at the book store.
(Thursday 2 June 2016; 9:12)
Be The One by Dua Lipa (62,266) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Every now and again a song comes out and I think "How awesome would it be if Mariah had recorded this?" I heard the song Be The One by Dua Lipa and it's definitely one of them. It's a little bit EDM but the girl has a great voice.
(Tuesday 17 May 2016; 0:30)
WWHL (61,967) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Really excited about MC being on this show again. But also a bit nervous. I have my fingers crossed about a couple of things - like how last time she made them switch sides. Just sit in the guest spot. I'm hoping for an articulate, intelligent, funny "Oprah version" of Mariah - not a 12 year old that says "dahling" in every sentence. Address the JLo thing and put it to bed. Talk about parenting. Talk about James.
A mate of mine the other day said that she has become a caricature of herself. I know that not to be true, that it's predominantly a charade put on as a reflection of self esteem and insecurity (3 guesses what I do for a living), but Mariah needs to re-establish some form of normality with the general public. Something that people watch and say "wow, okay, so she's actually pretty normal and intelligent".
(Tuesday 10 May 2016; 3:28)


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