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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Article: Mariah Carey casts "Rainbow" for next LP (56,001) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This is wild. Just for fun I clicked the link to the first news page and the first article is dated Friday the 13th of August, 1999. Well, today is also August 13th. Is that true Eric, or am I missing something? I'm slowly getting to learn and enjoy the new format even through the minor glitches but if I could make a most humble request it would be to please add Mariah's twitterfeed on the side of the newspage. I kinda miss MCA's signature news widget and that's the whole reason I was even being nostalgic enough to click on the farthest page. Anyway, congrats on managing quite perfectly a well of knowledge, one of the most comprehensive anywhere this side of Google for Mariah. That is a touchstone for Lambs and civilians alike for all these years, especially if today really is an anniversary milestone. God bless. [Webmaster: There was something wrong with the sorting of articles, the first article is dated Monday 28 May 1990.]
(Thursday 13 August 2015; 11:55)
Haim: We love you MiMi (55,969) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Danielle, Alana and Este picked the HeartBreaker video as their #1 favourite video of all time or something like that. Not surprising, I can't think of one print interview I've read where they don't shout out Mariah or their love for her is referenced at least once. Her influence IMO is especially evident in their crisp wall of sound productions (also very Fleetwood Mac), harmonies and the pleasant sotto voce most lambs incorporate into their singing naturally. Of course they write their own music and lyrics and that's a really underreported facet of Mariah's musical legacy. I can't think of too many hardcore lamb musicians who also don't write their songs or aspire to. Anyway, I love Haim. Sisters with voices.
(Wednesday 12 August 2015; 20:38)
Re Blood: The Talented Mr Ripley (55,955) (55,966) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
What work are you referring to? All you have to do to prove your case is quote any one of my so called "weekly posts" about him. The burden of proof is entirely on you as I still contend I haven't posted about him at all since April or May. As in 0%. That's not something I could change even if I wanted to because like everyone else posting here I don't have editing privileges. I might have referenced his pitiful excistence once or twice but your claims are not that. We can't both be right, now can we? Prove it. It's simple. My posts are all still here. Perhaps you have me confused with a different poster? But yay for vivid imaginations.
(Wednesday 12 August 2015; 16:56)
Re Blood: The Talented Mr Ripley (55,943) (55,949) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Hey RJJ12. This is probably the first time I've posted about him(Nick) or his likeness since this past April or early May. I was bored to death of him to be quite honest (still am). So clearly I wouldn't have had any motive to be posting about him once a week. But please find three separate times between then and now where Nick is the subject of any of my posts. I doubt you'll find even two times where I mention his name, as I much prefer to talk about WoolPac ever since James came along. I've posted more about James Packer since June than Nick since the Infinity lyric video dropped on YT by something like 700% or some other gargantuan percentage. Plus, who even pays that close attention to my posts for it to matter one way or another? Come on Donna.
(Wednesday 12 August 2015; 1:53)
Bad Blood: The Talented Mr Ripley (55,939) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Who is Nick Cannon? He has no discernible talents yet he managed to woo maybe the most famous woman alive and marry her within 6 weeks of courtship. And now he's rich and famous because of it. How? [censored] This isn't really an indictment on him in particular. The entertainment field is full of people just like him. He strikes me as the modern incarnation of the talented Mr Ripley, but without the talent. So why him and who are his champions? Probably those of his ilk who benefit from his prosperity. The Eve Harringtons and Addison Dewitts of the world. Something's rotten in Denmark and I can smell it from here.
(Tuesday 11 August 2015; 23:13)
Diane Warren is working with Mariah again (55,934) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Diane Warren: "That song is crazy. So great to work plus hang with you again. We forgot to take a fucking picture though. See you soon." I'm guessing she was stanning for Butterfly as Mariah just tweeted: "Butterflies are free to fly", only a day ago. I love this so much because Diane is such an astute business woman aside from her stellar songwriting prowess. M could stand to adopt some of her Realsongs publishing practices every once in a while. Legends of the decades. Are you guys so excited? These things make me immeasurable happy.
(Tuesday 11 August 2015; 21:59)
Why You Mad?: the MC Infinity mixtape (55,920) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I love it. It's a bop that not only makes me wanna dance, I find I'm already jamming pretty hard in my seat before I even get on the floor. This is a chemtest that went brilliantly. I would expect more collaborations in the future with Hudson, Bieber, French and T.I. And for those of you all who be all: What do you mean, a chemtest? Well, how else do you know if your creative energies mesh? It sounds a little "unpolished" but I actually like the juxtaposition to the slick original Infinity. She's always building new coalitions, adapting as much as she stays true to who she is as a person and artist. Always growing and moving forward. In that way, Mariah really is a natural born politician. Actually better because she genuinely likes people. All those years navigating life as a stepford wife/Agent M have paid off nicely. Can't wait for the video. Hoping Mariah is directing it as a warmup to her Christmas movie gig.
(Tuesday 11 August 2015; 17:12)
Re: Israeli interview (55,908) (55,912) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
TJ: "Mariah was very flat chested before 1997." Then how do you explain the very known and undisputed fact that she wore the exact same bespoke Vera Wang wedding dress in 2005 as the one from her 1993 nuptials? That doesn't make a light go off in your brain, does it? Like, how long are you people gonna get away with spreading obviously false information on Mariah Carey? Is it malice or pure ignorance? Sometimes I am amused beyond measure because it's like a constant competition for the greatest of all trolls. See you next time, as usual.
(Tuesday 11 August 2015; 11:18)
Hollywood Walk of Fame: Mariah's star ceremony (55,718) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The streaming begins in less than an hour (at 20:00 CET/11.00 PDT) on It's an especially August occasion because of today's date coinciding with Vision Of Love's ascension to the #1 spot on the BB Hot 100 back in 1990 this exact week 25 years ago. Team Mariah couldn't have planned it better for a symbolic full circle moment and even her star #2556 ties in nicely with her 25th Anniversary as a recording artist. Lee Daniels, Brett Ratner and L.A. Reid are always amongst your greatest champions and I'm sure they will speak for all your fans worldwide given the chance. Even so, I feel like you Mariah, will speak for us lambs more than anyone by just being honoured today with this well deserved recognition. Enjoy the moment and saviour it, be proud and celebrate your place in the firmament. Congratulations dahling, I'll be watching and cheering. Much God bless.
(Wednesday 5 August 2015; 19:35)
Infinity: making the video, stage scene (55,627) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
And I am all about that base in the end. Wow. It's sonically delicious. Ugh, why can't there be a thugged out remix or a completely new song just based on that alone? Anyway, these things make me happy, especially if they indicate a probable DVD output of the #1 To Infinity Vegas show with extra BTS stuff. My 2¢.
(Sunday 2 August 2015; 20:14)
Fifth Harmony mashup solo covers: Dreamlover chorus (stellar btw) (55,594) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Want To Want Me / Dreamlover / Can't Feel My Face / Don't / You Need Me, I Don't Need You / Am I Wrong" (originally by Jason Derulo / Mariah / The Weeknd / Ed Sheeran / Ed Sheeran / Nico & Vinz)
It's too hard to sleep
I got the sheets on the floor
Nothing on me
And I can't take it no more
A hundred degrees
& just the thought of you
Gets me so high, so high
Dreamlover come rescue me
Take me up take me down
Take me anywhere you want to baby now, I need you so desperately
Won't you please come around
Cause I wanna share forever with you
Dreamlover come rescue me
Take me up take me down
Take me anywhere you want to baby now I need you so desperately
Won't you please please
And I know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb
And I know she'll get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
Yes I know, yes I know
Don't play with my love
That heart is so cold
All over my home
I don't wanna know that babe [x2]
Cause you need me, man, I don’t need you, you need me, man, I don’t need you, you need me, man, I don’t need you oh you need me
So am I wrong
For thinking that we could be something for real?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
Can't see? Thats just how I feel, feel, feel.
Thats just how I feel, baby thats just how I feel
Long live Fifth Harmony and God bless. No weapon.
(Sunday 2 August 2015; 0:01)
Bad blood: help end the dis-harmony, be 5H's fairy godmother Mimi, please (55,592) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Fifth Harmony is in trouble. And it's really worrying because Ally, Camila, Dinah, Lauren and Normani are such good people and the best of friends. Even though I've only keept tabs on them for a year and a half (?) I've grown attached to them and invested. Which is quite surprising as I am not easily impressed and rather cynical these days. But 5H has a really special energy, they are anointed IMO. In any case I'm putting it out into the universe that they could use a fairy godmother in the music industry and who better than you Mariah? Book them on your European tour next year M, as opening act, cast them in future tv, video and film projects. They're all super talented, intelligent, thoughtful, artistically inclined, original yet cohesive and they are lambs and fans who never fail to show you mad love. They've been working extremely hard for three years, the group's anniversary was just the other day, and gone from strength to strength because of it. Until now that is. All of a sudden, well at least since the BBMA's, there is undeniable tension and lately a heavy sense of doom to where it's become almost unbearable to watch them interact. It's really sad and I'd hate for whomever is the source of the strife and discord to succeed and prosper. Offer your mentorship BTS if nothing else. Maybe this entire post is superfluous and Simon/L.A. already reached out to you. I kinda think (hoping like hell) it's already happened but it can't hurt to put it out here in these e-streets.
(Saturday 1 August 2015; 21:43)
These mermaids ain't Ariel (55,512) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm shocked and chagrined to find out The Elusive Chanteuse is in fact guilty of mimimg Dreamlover ad nauseum to this very day. It's especially blatant at 0:17 because even I am not a dummy beyond logic's reach. I'm surprised no one else thought to post this to aid in their case. I mean, it's so water tight no one can deny its validity: And here again during Honey at 02:25 the deception continued. It's obvious she uses comedy as a distraction, slight of hand cheap tricks. Mocking us loyal lambs just for laughs on how far we will stretch our integrity to defend her lies. I honestly can't believe the audacity with which she goes about it. It's almost arrogant. I'm disappointed you guys. I mean, I might have been born yesterday but I for sure wasn't born under water. Like Dubyah said: You fooled me once, I can't get fooled again. *le sigh* I guess we still have the doughnut licker as a new standard, right? Anyway, than you for your posts: Dreamlover lip sync (55,505) by Stella Lewis from USA and Lip synch (55,507) by Ian Donaldson from United Kingdom, without you I might still be swimming in a sea of ignorant bliss. God bless.
(Tuesday 28 July 2015; 21:02)
Trolling for free #1 To Infinity seat a.k.a. A's MO (55,495) by Tevin from USA (55,509) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
TBH, I think you might have to splurge on more than one chair to accommodate such a giant ass Tevin. Let's start a gofundme. A is actually a great barometer for what's right. Just translate whatever he posts into the opposite and he makes all the sense in the world. In that way he is an asset on MCA and clearly he is desperate to be proven wrong. Hense the shameless trolling for tickets to a Mariah concert. Someone should tell him he could play partially deaf (very successfully might I add) and trick Team Mariah into giving him front row tickets to the Israeli show where he can personally mishear all the notes M sings live instead of through a subpar second medium. He honestly deserves to be disappointed in person. Maybe then he will finally stop trying so hard to like her voice. I wish he knew he doesn't have to live in the agony of Mariah's constant vocal dysphonics. Perhaps once he has escaped the rest of us might have a chance to whom freedom too. Oh, the humanity of it all. Could A be all our hero? No. I daren't speak it out loud. But I can dream. We. Can. Dream.
(Tuesday 28 July 2015; 19:55)
Re: Love or business? (55,479) by Kyle from USA (55,484) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
You might as well go ahead and call Mariah a good digger and then at least you would be standing in your own shit. Instead you sound bitter that Mariah isn't a walking tragedy, like her enemies would like the GP to believe, but is looking forward and creating opportunities for herself. The idea that Mariah ever needed a man to be a success is laughable. If she was going to be an opportunist at any point, it would have at least been plausible before she was signed to Warner back in 1988, when she was poor as dirt, wearing shoes with holes in the soles and going to bed hungry at night and crying. But no, let's wait 27 years, 18 #1 songs, over 200 million records sold, $500 million+ net worth, making deals in entertainment left and right years in advance etc etc. Yeah, this is the perfect time for Mariah to randomly start sleeping her way to the top. The brazen idiocy. James Packer is a catch. Mariah Carey is a catch. They are more equally yoked than either of their previous partners just going by what we know so far. Financially, name recognition, clout, age, current family dynamics, social circles, professional ambition etc. They look good together and make a lot of sense. What is you and your ilk's problem with their match? I'm just playing Angel's Advocate. WoolPac for the win. Get over it. Mariah hasn't changed the way she portrays her relationships at all. The rest of the world changed. The Internet came along, celebrity bloggers and gossipers became rich and famous, then social media exploaded and now we have an entire tier, a generation really, of people who are rich and famous for filming home porn, partying and getting tan or pulling hair and flipping tables in a tirade. In this context that is the year of 2015, Mariah Carey's strategic sharing of innocuous pictures and quite unscandalous narrative of a very public courtship is as tame as it gets. She's doing the smart thing, adapting to the new format, in her own way. Mariah is clearly happy. Unless you have an actual real-world reason to object to their interactions, all you are doing is hating on her and the man in her life. Without naming names, you know who you are. How about if you have a better offer, join, put together a profile and woo Mariah yourselves. Here's her matchfile. Go ahead, make her day, she's been active in the past 5 days so you still have a shot. Good luck and may the best man win. Put your money where your hate is.
(Monday 27 July 2015; 21:02)
Bobbi Kristina has passed on (55,471) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This Sunday Bobbi Kris let go of her life here on earth and joined her mother in the light. It's bittersweet because it was too soon, it almost always is, isn't it? I haven't even really mourned Whitney yet but if it was a matter of Bobbi Kris being surrounded in pure love then at least she has that now. My condolences to all her family and friends who are left behind with the burden of grief. May she rest in peace and always be remembered with love.
(Monday 27 July 2015; 14:24)
Deborah Cooper to the Daily Mail: "If it wasn't for Mariah Carey I'd be dead" (55,304) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Such a poignant story and like most of Mariah's good deeds completely unreported (until now). Which is part of the reason I love her so much. I hate a braggadocios Scrooge. But really, what Mariah directly did for Deborah Cooper I know she has done for me also. She's helped save my life too without knowing it through her music, lyrics and the way she's used her platform to spread optimism. One day I'm going to personally thank her.
(Thursday 16 July 2015; 19:06)
Fifth Harmony performing Like Mariah in live set on The Today Show (55,184) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So it's the third song aside from Bo$$ and Worth It featured on their Today Show Summer Concert Series appearance this morning. Hopefully it's the entire Mariah medley but it's not a single yet. Worth It is still their biggest hit on the charts, in sales and radio. But it certainly bodes wrekin for the future that Like Mariah won out of the 3 song choices the Harmonizer fandom was allowed to pick for this specific performance. I'm super excited and proud of those girls because apart from being very talented singers and extremely hard workers, they have great stage presences and are so personable in interviews, down to earth, funny and entertaining, sweet and great friends to each other IRL. They have just the right amount of ego to achieve longevity in the industry. They've been in the business for 3 years now and you never see or hear about them being disrespectful to their peers, fans, handlers, journalists, hosts etc. That's pretty amazing considering they are 5 tweens on camera and all the mainstream social media outlets, as well as the most obscure ones, almost every waking hour interacting with whomever every single day. Harmonizer rant over and good luck to Ally, Camila, Dinah, Lauren and Normani. Here's the link to the live stream at 07:00 EST, hopefully this post will be uploaded by then.
(Friday 10 July 2015; 11:28)
Bad blood: American idiots edition (55,090) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
JLo's infiltration of the American Idol brand is the reason (a very sensible one considering one pilfered their entire music career from the other) Mariah insisted on a no other female 3 person panel and the producers underhandedly promised her exactly that, until she signed their shady contract. You really think JLo wouldn't have loved to play Nicki's part? It would've been Emmy worthy. Randy was a given and they were cool beans and always had been. And contrary to what The Vendetta likes to falsely perpetuate Mariah's cool with 99% of everyone she's ever met. Be it casual fans, lambs, ex-writing partners, collaborators, industry people most don't know by name as well as her many followers but most notably, her peers and contemporaries all love her. Mariah is a very likeable person. The activity and history of this board is proof of that (btw, thanks for the assist Web Eric ). My point is, that M's very aware of her public image and the machinations behind it. Obviously she doesn't know the minutiae of every single negativity but I digress. So MC detonates the JLo grenade only to find herself on a 4 person panel with an "artist" who'd made it clear beyond windex that she wouldn't be supporting UOMF during the video shoot no less. Ask B. Scott. Something the AI producers had years to sniff out. Word gets around. Nicki Minaj was their Plan B. itch from inception. They, including JLo and TM, played her. It's not complicated. Now AI is cancelled yet it's Mariah's fault?
(Saturday 4 July 2015; 18:47)
Cut Wendy some slacks people, a lot of take offs and landings in her airport (55,081) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Honestly, some of you guys need to chill on Wendy. She is clearly troubled and using her show as a means to work through her personal issues. It happens to the worst of us. And I'm not just saying that to be shady, I felt I had to clarify as that is usually my natural inclination but she's been spilling her own tea for years: "Friends in my head", "In my mind XYZ", real world earth population ca 7 billion a.k.a. you, me and everyone inside Wendy's dome? Really, she's not that monumentally different from half the current posters on this board. I wouldn't be surprised, if? Let me count the ways;
1. Bitching about Mariah's professional/personal involvement with a successful billionaire who just so happens to have a jigsaw social/family life and friendly exes. Bitter much, bitch?
2. Improvising and acting out drama can be very healing, when it actually involves you and not someone you don't even RT on Twitter. But anyone with 20 minutes to chill could've told her MC and JP met in Aspen 2013 when Dembabies were but a Morsel and a Mouthful. For all we know, JP was St Nick that year (inside joke). I guess Santa grants his own wishes occasionally.
3. A woman who relies, heavily, on trade trix, smoke and mirrors to pull off her look does not have the dressing room big enough to be looking down on a man who is still taller than her even if she wore 5 inch heels and a bouffant wig. Face it: Virgin Mariah is hot commodity no matter what because her best features are found in her.
(Saturday 4 July 2015; 7:02)
The anti-Mariah agenda (55,014) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Look who's still trying to make Fetch happen by perpetuating the urban legend that Mariah downplayed her racial makeup in the beginning when in fact her story has been consistent from day 1? She was never anyone's Judas. Mariah's looks make racist people subconsciously very uncomfortable because it becomes so obvious that dividing the human race up in skin tones, hair textures and assigning +/- characteristics to them is a fools errand. She is proof that race is a figment, an "idea" (not the best one) rather than a reality. I know a family, Nordic, with three sisters and a brother. The oldest has big red curly hair, the brother is dark blonde with waves, the middle sister has black curly hair and the youngest is a high blonde with bone straight hair. If you wanted to, depending on seasons, you could assign them all to different races (whatever that means) or you could just accept the fact that they belong to the same family, which is the actual truth. But the anti Mariah agenda thrives on the idea of her being a foreign "other" because it preys on the minds of the weak and easily fooled too dumb to take the time to Google or YouTube Mariah Carey 1990 or any year. That's why they fail to mention broadcaster by name, link to written interviews or videos whenever they claim Mariah said or did something they have zero proof of. Being all vague for no reason, in this day and age when almost anything can be found on the internet, is your #1 clue that you're dealing with a liar.
(Wednesday 1 July 2015; 23:17)
Bad blood: a jewel who escaped (54,960) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
After Tommy Mottola was interviewed by Howard Stern on Jan 30th 2013, singer-songwriter Jewel made her second (?) appearance, February 5th 2013 and followed up on a previously less fleshed out comment she had made (about TM) at 20:00 continued at 27:00.
HS: Then Danny Goldberg discovers you and a couple of people were bidding on you, right?
Jewel: And Tommy Mottola.
HS: TM too, why didn't you go with him?
Jewel: (smiles) He struck me as slimy.
HS: He did?
Jewel: Yeah
Robin: Tommy Mottola?
Jewel: I could be wrong, I don't mean any insult to him.
HS: You mean you had a meeting with him and you didn't vibe with him
Jewel: I just didn't vibe with him and he struck me as kind of a slick guy. Interesting portrait of Jewel and what goes on behind the music. Jewel signed her first record deal in March of 1994 with Atlantic. That's right after Music Box. Mariah would've still been considered a blushing new bride and her husband, Tommy Mottola, the same man who at the time gave Jewel, then still a teenager, the creeps. She was living in her car without a penny to her name but had more lived just that little bit more to where she could spot a shark thirsty for blood. Two very different first impressions by Mariah and Jewel 7 years apart but also extremely similar last impressions by the same two girls. All credit goes to Jewel in this because for all of his salacious digging into his guests lives, Howard and Robin are often hypocritical cowards. My 2¢.
(Sunday 28 June 2015; 16:06)
Re: Bettlejuice (54,919) by B from USA (54,928) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Saying his name three times will allow him to escape into the world of the living like Bettlejuice. " Perhaps some people secretly want Bettlejuice back and are willing to feign outrage to conjure him? It's all pretty transparent and amateur. Or they could just have their message boards mixed with their ouija boards. I don't know but I could be right. Let's watch and see how real the struggle really is.
(Saturday 27 June 2015; 0:28)
Nathan and MC in the red Alaïa (54,913) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Nathan, It's obvious she didn't Photoshop the picture when she's in the red Alaïa because she purposely leaned on the back of a chair (straight horizontal line) as well as has a busy backdrop with straight lines on the two cushions on the sofa. In any other picture you might have had a case but not this particular one. People Photoshop Mariah's images all the time and it's almost always to make her look bigger. She's actually making a point when she chose to upload this on her Instagram because if you try to Photoshop her waist to look wider it would be instantly obvious on account of what I already mentioned above. Propaganda isn't just the written word (or word of mouth) anymore, it's pictures and videos too. That's how come we have two very different perceptions of what Mariah actually looks like IRL in the media on any given day. Photoshop and picture manipulations work both ways but thankfully there are some visual cues that can help us determine 100% what is what in some cases. My 2¢.
(Friday 26 June 2015; 14:58)
WoolPac and The Wendy Williams Experience (54,912) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Who looks at Wendy Williams and goes: That's an undercover lamb? Answer: There is no mystery in the meat. Wendy doesn't like Mariah, she(admittedly) never really has and it shows in her duplicitous double talk. Which is fine, it's been established many times that not everybody likes Mariah so it's not a big deal. Also, whomever she has lurking Mariah forums etc is pretty useless because they can never sniff out a scoop. Notice how she's stopped referring to that random staffer as a "lamb" lately. On another note, WoolPac is making a lot of folks act out recently, The fallout from a lil strategic PDA has never been more visible. It's so funny. Team Mariah needs to always be playing media chess like this from now on. It's working and I love that all she had to do was hold JP's hand and give him an almost kiss. At least one girl is jealous of the public handholding alone, poor thing. Another doesn't even have a name attached to her hand. But whatever, Go MC, get 'em. I hereby endorse WoolPac 2016. May MC and James Packer live long and PDA.
(Friday 26 June 2015; 14:33)


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