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About Todd from Sydney, Australia: My Jack Russell is fond of Infinity

Re: Stella's birthday (61,412) (61,415) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I personally think Andrew is hilarious. He realises that this is a message board. Lighten up people, nobody is saving lives here. When you start to get riled up about words on a screen it's time to go outside and be with the 3D people.
(Monday 18 April 2016; 23:35)
Stella is good at her job (61,285) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Stella is copping a lot of flack in the media at the moment, and it's sad that the ousted members of MC's team are unhappy. However this is the first time in a long time that reviews are great, apart from the Alison drama there's no negative press about her, her concerts, her "diva demands" or anything of that nature. And her voice is sounding incredible, so maybe Mariah needed a manager that makes sure she's in bed by 10 and up at 7 for vocal warmups. And for that - congratulations Stella. In my opinion, she's bringing our girl back to life.
(Thursday 14 April 2016; 0:23)
Sex and the City moment (61,154) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
As I sat in my Sydney apartment, I couldn't help but wonder. Were the tabloids and rumours right? Was Mariah Carey actually a self centred diva with no concern for anybody else?
(Friday 8 April 2016; 21:33)
Yikes (61,121) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
It's like an episode of Oprah up in here. So here's my Oprah-ism: You can't change the past, so stop trying or dwelling on it. Just quietly though, I'm not surprised. I'm probably going to get annihilated for saying this, but generally people who are as beautiful/wealthy/successful as Mariah don't give a lot of thought to anyone outside of their immediate circle. The whole "being connected to my fans" is likely a PR/marketing thing. Does that change anything? No, because regardless of the type of person she is, she's still an incredible singer and songwriter, which really, is all I'm looking for from the woman.
(Friday 8 April 2016; 1:56)
Re: Concert in Stockholm (60,870) (60,877) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I can relate dude, went through similar stuff as a teenager - and the first time I saw her live (Australia a couple of years ago), I had the most surreal and strange, but mainly embarrassing, little breakdown when she came out on stage. My friends thought it was hilarious as I'm usually not one for emotional garbage.
(Monday 28 March 2016; 14:30)
Nightmares (60,876) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Ok. So I am kinda too scared to go to sleep, for fear of waking up to a giant rabbit standing over me a la Mariah's instagram photo. Holy crap. That is right up there with Stephen King's IT.
(Monday 28 March 2016; 14:28)
Only one MC song (60,249) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So if you were only allowed to listen to one MC song for the rest of your days, what would it be? I think mine would be "The Art of Letting Go", followed very closely by "Butterfly".
(Tuesday 8 March 2016; 1:27)
MC viral performance (59,973) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So today in my timehop app, Lady Gaga's Sound Of Music performance at the Oscars popped up as one year ago. Got me thinking - it would be fantastic for Mariah to do something this prolific. Singing a tribute to something/someone, no frills - just her and an orchestra. Nobody helping her to walk (if you can't walk unaided, wear sneakers), no ear piece dramas, no dress so constricting that she can't move - just Mariah lending her fantastic voice to something that everybody knows and adores.
(Tuesday 23 February 2016; 23:38)
Okay then (58,008) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Holy crap. I didn't insinuate that Mariah was on drugs or anything of that nature. I just said that it was so sad that she wasn't being her usual bubbly, accessible and most importantly, relatable self. So now I'll just sit in the corner and wait for you all to apologise. [censored]
(Thursday 26 November 2015; 23:04)
I mean no offence, but... (57,981) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
First and foremost, I love Mariah Carey and pretty much everything she does (with exception to You're Mine (Eternal)). And when I saw that there was some clips of her interview with Steve Harvey I was all "woohooo" and watched them immediately. Mariah recently has been so reserved. I saw her in concert twice about this time last year, and her banter with the audience was amazing, she was relatable, funny, intelligent and sweet. But in recent interviews, it's like there's absolutely nothing behind her eyes. Even the way she was gripping on to the seat in the interview. The emotion and personality has been completely zapped from her face. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm saying it from a place of disappointment, because she is such a likeable person when she is with her fans. I just wish she would relax and be herself. Maybe this is a bit premature given I haven't seen the entire interview, but it's just my thoughts.
(Wednesday 25 November 2015; 23:31)
Re: My wishlist for additional singles from each album (57,264) (57,271) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Oooh fun.
1) Mariah Carey - Prisoner
2) Emotions - Sent From Up Above
3) Music Box - Everything Fades Away
4) Daydream - Long Ago
5) Butterfly - we got Butterfly and Breakdown as singles in AU/NZ, but a worldwide release of both would have been amazing
6) Rainbow - X Girlfriend
7) Glitter - All My Life
8) Charmbracelet - Clown (such a good song)
9) The Emancipation Of Mimi - Your Girl
10) E=MC2 - Migrate
11) Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel - Betcha Gon' Know
12) Me. I Am Mariah... - Cry
And I'll throw this one into the mix to. I think Here Comes Santa Claus is one of her best Christmas songs, it's a shame 99% of people have no idea of its existence.
(Wednesday 14 October 2015; 5:12)
Running by Beyoncé & Naughty Boy (57,188) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Hey guys. Heard this new song by Beyoncé and Naughty Boy. This is the kind of jam I wish Mariah would bring out, just out of the blue. No champagne fuelled radio interviews, just the song - and blow everyone away with the talent.
(Friday 9 October 2015; 23:58)
Daydream (57,013) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I remember Daydream, it was one of the first CD's I ever owned. I remember asking for it for Christmas. My dad didn't so much like his son asking for a MC album, and instead, got me History by Michael Jackson. So disappointed. Santa really gypped me. But the joke was on him. I saved up and bought it myself.
(Thursday 1 October 2015; 2:07)
Re: New layout / smartphones (55,791) (55,793) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Just click on the bold subject line.
(Saturday 8 August 2015; 0:53)
The Beautiful Ones (55,242) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Can we all just stop and take a moment to appreciate how fantastic "The Beautiful Ones" is from the Butterfly album? I had my iPod on shuffle today, and it came on, after the bridge where she just lets rip for 90 seconds is brilliance.
(Monday 13 July 2015; 8:25)
Non-fetch MC songs (54,183) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Ooooh it's tough. And I'm probably going to get sentenced to death for these, but:
1 - Always Be My Baby. I have never ever liked this song.
2 - Want You from Glitter with Eric Benet. Ugh. Skip.
3 - Faded. Never understood the hype around this one.
4 - Babydoll. It's a skipper.
5 - The First Noel. I like the song in general, but MC is on breathy overload here, and I just want her to bust out a belt all the way through it.
I feel awful for doing that. Mariah, if you're reading this, I'm sorry.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 14:25)
The rants (53,838) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I personally love it. It's no different to when I look at photos of myself 10 years ago. Regardless of the situation, regardless of how great/fun it was, my go-to is to criticise myself. Mariah has always had self deprecating humour, and what would we rather, her saying "Oh yes. I love myself sick in this video. I am so beautiful. I love myself so much" etc. Can you imagine the field day that the already-biased media would have with that? Just let it be. She's not saving lives, she's talking about music videos.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 4:15)
Australian media (53,234) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I just wanted to have a rant. When Mariah had a bit of a mishap in Jamaica, most news outlets in Australia reported on it. I think it was even on the TV news. When Mariah's vocals leaked from the AIWFCIY performance, again, it was all over the news. Last week, Mariah opened in Vegas. She was amazing, from all accounts. Not a mention of it anywhere in the press in Australia. So annoying. That's all. Bye.
(Wednesday 13 May 2015; 8:10)
Mariah day (52,167) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So it's my birthday, and work gave me the day off. Everyone else is at work, so I created a playlist with every single Mariah song and have it on shuffle with a bottle of champagne (haha). So many great songs I had forgotten about. Anytime You Need A Friend, I Wish You Well, Never Too Far. Getting mega nostalgia here.
(Friday 24 April 2015; 4:55)
Me and Mariah go back like... (51,443) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Well I was a child of 1982. Getting old. But I remember hearing Mariah's music on the radio, and being aware of it, but not crazy about it. At the time I was determined to like stuff like Nirvana and Pearl Jam. My mum bought Music Box, and used to play it everytime we were in the car. It drove me nuts. The first song of Mariahs that I really loved was All I Want For Christmas. Then Fantasy, and One Sweet Day. To this day I'm still not a fan of ABMB, but I bought Daydream anyway. Daydream and Alanis's Jagged little Pill were all I listened too for a good year. Then Butterfly came out and I was hooked. And ever since, I've bought every album and been to every concert.
(Monday 6 April 2015; 21:52)
Whoa (50,227) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I haven't been here in over a week and it seems all hell has broken loose. Oh Mariah. I enjoy you. Just like I wouldn't expect a 1990 Corolla to run like new, I don't expect a voice that's done 25 years of mileage to start on the first try either. Weird analogy, but it makes sense to me. Shelly, I don't know you, but I just gotta say, your message completely broke my heart. I don't know why, because I'm usually a tough guy (haha). We've all had a-ha moments in Target. I relate to it, because, without getting into a lot of drama, had I not heard the song "Butterfly" on the radio in 1997, I'm not sure I would be here today to be typing this. That's the power of MC.
(Tuesday 17 February 2015; 4:42)
Had a Mariah moment (49,863) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I had a Mariah moment of my own last night. I've been struggling with a cold and chest infection for the last week. Last night I had to sing to a crowd of about 200, and the top half of my upper range was gone. I squeaked my way through two Michael Buble songs. I was furious afterwards, because I know I can do better. Several f and c bombs later, I thought how horrible it must be for someone like Mariah, who not only performs in front of 10000 people, but they each upload a video to YouTube of her struggling to hit notes she knows that she can. So all I can do is sympathise with Mariah and continue to support her so that she can return to being the fantastic chanteuse we all know and love.
(Saturday 7 February 2015; 4:50)
MC in Vegas (49,032) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Hey guys. Okay, I'm going to go against everyone here and say that I think it would be great for MC to do a couple of years in Vegas. The reason that her voice wasn't up to scratch for the first few shows on the EC Show, she hadn't used it for ages. By the time she got to us in Melbourne and Sydney, she was incredible. Vocal chords are muscles. yes, they get tired. But they also get stronger the more they are worked. So saying that her voice couldn't deal with it is like saying "Dude, you're too fat. You shouldn't work out." I've seen Mariah in concert twice, both in Australia, and she was perfectly comfortable on stage. I think she's a bit awkward sometimes when she is part of a line up, where she's in a situation where the audience isn't made up just of her fans. Just my thoughts.
(Thursday 8 January 2015; 8:11)
MCIIY (48,078) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I'm enjoying reading what you all think about the second Christmas album. I find that I listen to it more than the first at Christmas time. However, interesting that someone said that the First Noel is up there with their favourites. For some reason I cannot listen to this song in it's entirety. I love all of the different shades/colours of MC's voice, but her vocals on the First Noel grate my ears. Her voice is whispery and breathy, which I normally love (yay Charmbracelet), but to me it almost sounds gutless on this track.
(Wednesday 26 November 2014; 22:51)
Mariah in Melbourne (47,880) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I just had a weekend with not one, but two Mariah concerts. She was absolutely phenomenal. The videos that I have recorded and seen online don't do her justice. The Friday night show in Melbourne was definitely the better of the two, the Yarra Valley one was too short, felt bad for the audience because I knew what they were missing out on. I do wish she'd sung a bit of AIWFCIY, but hell we got One Sweet Day instead. Friday was definitely the best concert I've seen, even better than the January 2013 Australian shows. Oh, and as a side note, I can't get get Across 110th Street out of my head now.
(Monday 10 November 2014; 0:49)


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