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About Musti from UK:

Article: Mariah Carey teases role in "Lego Batman Movie" (72,050) by Musti from UK
Wow, I really like this song. Like a few others have already said, what a difference listening to the whole song makes. The comparisons to Side Effects make sense, but I think this song's mood is far more solid than SE (even if the lyrics are weaker). SE was never a big favourite of mine anyway. YG's part could've easily been left out though. Judging by what Mariah said it seems Epic is unwilling to release Mariah albums at the moment, reducing her to a single-releasing artist. It makes sense of course, seeing how her albums don't really sell anymore. She needs to prove herself once again. This song is a step in the right direction in my opinion. But the video isn't. Considering that she is back to proving herself, it's particularly disappointing that no one (Stella) tried to put her in a different direction for the video despite the endless criticisms she's been receiving for her ensembles. I hate to say it but this might turn into a #Beautiful situation where the video destroys the song.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 13:17)
Re: MW episode 8 : Mimi L review (71,790) (71,797) by Musti from UK
I feel the same about the lyrics. They feel like a reference to Nick rather than James. "Somewhere in another life", "leaving you was my worst fear". Even the "no more tears" lyric. She had sung a snippet of Barbra and Donna's "No More Tears" during The Elusive Chanteuse Show after the breakup with Nick. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. The lyrics overall are way beneath her, with her grammar reaching new lows. The song itself sounds alright, better than some of the other non-album tracks she's released like Triumphant and Infamous. I still think she should stop releasing JD-produced singles though. Perhaps the fact that they know each other so well is the very reason why they're back in Mariah's musical comfort zone. They no longer push each other. ABMB, How Much, The One, half of TEOM were all amazing but they've practically stopped creating new sounds since TEOM. I don't think it's a terrible song. I was just expecting more. Maybe she's no longer as innovative as she once was. Or maybe she just doesn't care. I'll buy the song when it's released and hope for something better in the near future.
(Monday 30 January 2017; 13:34)
Article: Nicole Richie obsesses over dad's tour with Mariah (71,488) by Musti from UK
This is sweet. I remember a few years back she tweeted something along the lines of "if you don't like Thank God I Found You I don't think we can be friends". She clearly likes Mariah.
(Friday 20 January 2017; 19:59)
Post-NYE (71,152) by Musti from UK
Reading all the articles since the NYE performance, I am a little concerned for the future but most of all I hope Mariah is doing well. The message about her taking a break broke my heart. I hope she's not pulling a Janet on us. She needs a break of course and if she uses this time away to refocus it could really benefit her. I find her reference to "I will explain everything later" a bit unsettling. It sounds like she was truly set up to fail, hoping to generate a Rockefeller moment for the network. She has come a long way from being untouchable to media companies trying to use her weaknesses against her. Perhaps if she focuses on her weaknesses i.e. giving "live" performances and drops divadom, she won't be targeted like this to create viral moments. I hope she finds the strength to come back from all this. Perfect time for her to rise like a phoenix once again. Nikki I agree with what you said about family. I also hope she realises she actually has a family now and that she doesn't need bloodsuckers like Stella in her life.
(Wednesday 11 January 2017; 12:57)
Re: My thoughts on NYE (70,641) (70,654) by Musti from UK
Gosh, so sad. I still refuse to watch it in full. I can't bear the embarrassment. And I feel extremely sad for her. It's day 2 and people are still tearing her apart on social media. But no, I don't want her to go home. I want her to come back and fix this. I want this to be her wake-up call.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 19:20)
Re: Stella blaming ABC and Dick Clark's Production (70,608) (70,615) by Musti from UK
I was thinking about the same thing. It is not a good look to publicly blame production companies. Now they can forget about Dick Clarke's future NYE productions, just like Rockefeller. In all honesty I don't think this whole mess was Stella's fault. A manager is supposed to be a jack-of-all-trades type of person. Earpieces or monitors are neither her business nor her expertise. It's tempting to blame Stella for everything and even though I don't like the woman I can't blame her for something that likely wasn't her fault. But her attitude issues are unacceptable. If they wanted to issue a joint apology and Stella refused, she has not empowered anyone by doing so. And blaming them in this manner is a very stupid move. Mariah's career is on the line now more than ever. She should use the first couple of months of 2017 to really decide what she wants to do and review the efficiency of her team. I'm not sure if she has any chances of recovery after 2 years of constant public self-humiliation, but if she does it will probably be her last chance. She should use it wisely.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 12:32)
Re: NYE performance (70,523) (70,536) by Musti from UK
I couldn't watch it. I had to stop once Emotions began. Her job was to get on stage and sing for 5 minutes. I don't understand how difficult it can be to put that together. I don't know whose fault this was but it doesn't really matter as it's Mariah's responsibility to have a team of professionals. The last 2 years have been filled with unbearable f-ups. I really don't get what the hell is wrong with her or her team. If they don't give two shits about her career or her obligations, no one will. They've gone too far this time.
(Sunday 1 January 2017; 14:07)
Re: Yeah positive fans (70,458) (70,473) by Musti from UK
I couldn't agree more. This real lamb/fake lamb discussion is getting so old and tired. I supported her everytime things went south for her. Just because some of us have no interest in her scripted relationships with JP and Tanaka (thank you Andy Cohen for asking her about the breakup agreement) or her jaw-dropping sense of dress (bras, diamonds, sometimes bubbles) doesn't mean we are not fans. Yes, this message board has an overall negative feel these days but that's not the fans' fault, is it? It wasn't always like this. Clearly some of us are tired of making excuses for her increasingly absurd behaviour. Regardless, she is still one of the top 5 singers in the history of recorded music. That's why I became a fan and that's what I will focus on. There will be occasional venting but overall I'm tired of criticising her. It's draining me and there's little point. She will continue to do Mariah. I just hope she continues to make great music, current or not.
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 11:45)
Re: AIWFCIY (69,714) (69,720) by Musti from UK
I agree that #1 would be a bit of a stretch. But top 10 should be pretty easy. It's the highest Christmas song entry on Billboard 100 this year. In the UK, it jumped from #29 to #6 this week. That's quite amazing. UK Official Charts are saying it's in hot pursuit of the top spot. With the exception of two songs, everything else in the UK top 10 are either holding their positions or falling. A Billboard #1 is the ultimate accomplishment of course but a UK #1 would be great. It's long overdue. There's a meme going round on Instagram about making AIWFCIY #1. It seems most lambs are planning to go all out this year. Who knows, maybe a Billboard #1 isn't that much of a stretch.
(Friday 9 December 2016; 21:19)
Re: Piers Morgan (69,045) (69,055) by Musti from UK
I don't find anything unbelievable about what he said. We all know she is always late. She was a late arrival for her last Rockefeller performance. She was extremely late to the WMAs a couple of years ago. These are some of the most embarrassing ones that I can remember. Many many other instances, most of which we are not even aware of. Even Ellen called her out recently and I have a feeling M wasn't expecting to be put on the spot. I don't think anyone's going to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with her anymore. She doesn't care. People don't care. She has even managed to put off her diehard lambs (including me). Why would anyone else give a damn anymore? If it wasn't for her gorgeous voice (studio miracle or not), I would've left a long time ago. What she is doing to herself is too painful to watch and to accept. She has reduced herself to absolute gossip trash. I'll pray for new music soon. Other than that I really don't care anymore. Unless she decides to fix herself. But I reckon that ship has long sailed.
(Sunday 4 December 2016; 15:10)
Re: Who is afraid of Virginia Wolfe? (68,541) (68,558) by Musti from UK
As sad as it is, I must say I agree with pretty much everything in your post. I just want to say this though with reference to the voice. I'm not sure how much of it she has retained over the years but I do feel for her in that I don't think she ever expected her voice to change in the way it did. She had a remarkable gift but it wasn't a durable one. Her voice is likely to fail her much earlier than other singers that are often praised on this board like Patti or Aretha. These singers sing with basic techniques entirely within their natural ranges, whereas Mariah's singing has always been heavily reliant on the intricate configuration of her chords and nodules. I think #Beautiful on GMA in 2013 was possibly the last time she tried (and failed) to do a whistle live. She knows it's not stable anymore. Her exceptional technique is her inevitable doom. I just hope she does everything she can to preserve it, including selling off her champagne business and never picking up a flute again.
(Tuesday 22 November 2016; 12:56)
Re: Article: Teyana Taylor joins Mariah for the diva holiday special (68,328) (68,330) by Musti from UK
I agree Licia. I'm not impressed with the line-up so far. Patti is amazing of course but she is also Mariah's comfort zone. If Teyena is any indication, VH1 will fill the remaining slots with other C-listers that no one really cares about. This will potentially not be the kind of show that I had hoped it would be. But I'm definitely ready for a new Mariah/Patti collab. Both singers make excellent duet partners, with each other and with other singers.
(Tuesday 15 November 2016; 12:12)
Article: Mariah to perform at "VH1 Divas Holiday" concert (67,929) by Musti from UK
This is amazing. I wonder who the other divas will be. Regardless, it looks like they might be trying to push AIWFCIY up the chart this year. I hope they announce more promo soon. She needs to milk AIWFCIY to the max this year to make Sony happy. And of course to reach new peaks. I'm not sure whether her deal with Epic is 360, but even if it isn't they probably agreed to take a share of her tour earnings in the very least. Her recent recorded material isn't exactly selling and her back catalogue only sells once in a while. The only reason why Mariah made quite a bit of money since last year is because she did Vegas and SSFT to lucrative success. She needs to incentivize them to really spend on her next project i.e. the album. Especially if Epic doesn't get a share of her live earnings, she must (in capitals) bank with AIWFCIY to get a nice budget for her next album.
(Thursday 3 November 2016; 22:18)
Re: Packer split / SA tour (67,527) (67,534) by Musti from UK
Yes I felt like there might be a connection. Smells a bit like the time when YME or MIAM was released. But she openly blamed the promoters so maybe they really did mess things up. I wonder what happened. The silence is not helping though and it's definitely not a good look.
(Thursday 27 October 2016; 12:15)
All I want for Christmas is a #1 (67,309) by Musti from UK
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I've been thinking that maybe we should organise a download/stream day for AIWFCIY during its peak week in December. I think we can all agree that this is the one song in her catalogue that was made for the top spot. Last year's new peak of #11 speaks volumes, closer to the top 10 than any of singles since Obsessed. #1 might be a tough target but honestly I don't think top 10 or even top 5 would be difficult for this song if it had a little push. If Stella is serious about being M's manager, a solid promotional campaign for AIWFCIY should already be in the works. Focusing on this song would satisfy the record label too, since this song is really one of Mariah's very few strong sale revenues left (which is why she did SSFT in the first place).
(Sunday 16 October 2016; 15:54)
Re: Madonna is Billboard's 2016 Woman of the Year (67,305) (67,308) by Musti from UK
I'm on the floor. It's true though. I can't imagine their voices blending on any note or key. But it would be buzz galore.
(Sunday 16 October 2016; 15:30)
Re: What will be the next single name? (67,165) (67,173) by Musti from UK
Inferior feat. Ariana.
(Monday 10 October 2016; 18:12)
Re: Craig David (67,024) (67,025) by Musti from UK
She has tried garage/two-step with Loverboy MJ Cole Remix. It's not her best remix but it's still quite a bit of fun. I think she would do well in that field if she ever decides to explore it more. I must say though, garage is outdated. I'm not sure that it would help her career in any way.
(Wednesday 5 October 2016; 14:14)
Re: Mandy (66,945) (66,962) by Musti from UK
Miley's comments might not have come completely out of the blue. I wouldn't be surprised if those who attended the WMAs in 2014 (including Miley) were frustrated with Mariah for being notoriously late. It's one of the reasons for the taping not being submitted in time and ultimately not airing in the US. I can't imagine something like that leaving a good impression on anyone. I don't think Miley's words about Mariah are justified though. I especially don't get how she thinks she can compare her music to Mariah's in any shape or form. Words aren't enough.
(Monday 3 October 2016; 1:57)
Re: Is it really decent or is it "Infamous" (66,897) (66,907) by Musti from UK
I wonder where Stella's "19th #1" hype announcement fits in. It definitely isn't Infamous. Could it be that a proper single is on its way? Maybe they have something in the works for AIWFCIY? I doubt she'll release a new single now with Christmas only a couple of months away.
(Saturday 1 October 2016; 13:03)
Infamous (66,884) by Musti from UK
I've been listening to it today on repeat. It's not a bad track. I like the darker colours of her voice. The piano riff is quite catchy. I dismissed it yesterday because she hasn't covered any new ground here. It's an ok song but it will likely be a forgettable number in her repertoire. I won't take this as an indication of the new album's sound. Many people see her as not being creative anymore, which is funny for a woman who changed the scene not only with her album cuts but also her R&B and club remixes. I still think she's got that fire in her. I don't think anyone here wants her to go the David Guetta way but she can't continue to make "popular" music unless she reinvents her sound. Evolution of sound should come naturally for an artist of her calibre.
(Friday 30 September 2016; 17:43)
Re: Infamous vocals (66,812) (66,814) by Musti from UK
I agree. I don't really like the song and I really wish she would drop the fingersnap sound. But her voice sounds good and unfiltered. She could easily sing this live. I'm glad she's gradually leaving high chest notes behind.
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 12:18)
Re: Everything Fades Away (66,687) (66,693) by Musti from UK
I remember it too. It was an interview with Walter not too long ago. Can't remember which one though.
(Sunday 25 September 2016; 18:49)
Re: Empire song update (66,623) (66,633) by Musti from UK
I agree. I don't get how she can work with Rodney and still produce something so similar to her stuff with JD (YME). She needs to leave her comfort zone. As good as the duplicates are, they will never be better than the originals.
(Friday 23 September 2016; 22:31)
Re: What is Mariah's most under-rated song (66,615) (66,632) by Musti from UK
I think one of them is definitely Joy Ride. It's not in my top 10 either but everytime I listen to it I start wondering why I don't listen to it more often. There's so much detail in the music and her voice. My favourite moment is when she slips into falsetto at the end of the "we found love" belt. Goosebumps.
(Friday 23 September 2016; 22:09)


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