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About Libra Lamb from USA:

Inspirational songs (106,970) by Libra Lamb from USA
I'm sure you will manage. If you don't know by now Stacy, I have as much use for your opinions as I do for toilet paper. Say whatever you want, you can't come for me. Next.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 01:07)
this is a reply to message 106,968
Inspirational songs (106,965) by Libra Lamb from USA
To be fair, no one likes to be told they're in a cult. That's. What. Makes. It. A. Cult.
(Friday 26 July 2024; 13:40)
this is a reply to message 106,963
What do you do for a living? (106,957) by Libra Lamb from USA
I work from home. Boring stuff but I make my own schedule which is nice.
(Thursday 25 July 2024; 23:59)
this is a reply to message 106,956
Original David Morales collaboration (106,955) by Libra Lamb from USA
I really like this idea. We need more Morales collaborations or dance tracks in general. More remixes like in the old days.
(Thursday 25 July 2024; 23:54)
this is a reply to message 106,953
Election (106,954) by Libra Lamb from USA
I've learned that there's no arguing with Trump supporters. It's simply not fair to you guys. Everything we need to know is in the statement you've posted. I care more about this our country than taking home a few extra bucks. I'd gladly pay more at the gas pump and at the grocery store for the benefit of the country. I respect your opinions and your beliefs. I don't understand them but I don't have to and I don't want to. Have a nice day.
(Thursday 25 July 2024; 23:53)
this is a reply to message 106,950
Inspirational songs (106,946) by Libra Lamb from USA
Same here. Now we can relax and enjoy the Republican Party and Fake Fox News unravel and freak out because they thought Trump was a shoe in for the presidency. And now he'll lose, again. Loser MAGA cultists.
(Thursday 25 July 2024; 01:05)
this is a reply to message 106,944
Worst Mariah Carey covers by other artists (106,937) by Libra Lamb from USA
I remember Aretha Franklin performing Touch My Body. Hilarious choice but all my to the Queen of Soul.
(Tuesday 23 July 2024; 18:46)
this is a reply to message 106,931
Worst Mariah Carey covers by other artists (106,935) by Libra Lamb from USA
None. I can't.
(Tuesday 23 July 2024; 15:05)
this is a reply to message 106,931
Album coming soon? (106,934) by Libra Lamb from USA
I don't get the Taylor Swift hype either. I like a couple of songs, at best. The only thing she's done that I absolutely love her for is endorse Democrats and scaring the crap out of the Republicans by encouraging her followers to register to vote. Her songwriting is great but her voice I find it to be basic. No shade, just my two little cents.
(Tuesday 23 July 2024; 13:27)
this is a reply to message 106,927
Rap features (106,805) by Libra Lamb from USA
That would be a dream come true.
(Tuesday 25 June 2024; 03:47)
this is a reply to message 106,804
Rap features (106,799) by Libra Lamb from USA
I believe she can still pull it off. Ageism is definitely a real issue in the music industry. We all know MC makes her own rules and doesn't care what anyone thinks. I hope she continues to do just that and that's my only expectation for MC16.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 22:46)
this is a reply to message 106,797
Hey C, Mariah Carey has 19 number 1 hits (106,795) by Libra Lamb from USA
Very well said. If Taylor Swift , Rhianna, Miss Piggy or any other act manages to accomplish this I would be happy for them. It will not, in any way, diminish MC and her team's hard work over the last 34 years. Records are made to be broken anyway. But wether we like it or not, there's very few acts around that can rival MC's career.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 18:53)
this is a reply to message 106,794
#1 Relevance, new album (106,793) by Libra Lamb from USA
I won't speak for others but I'd buy singles for tracks that were not released on the album, mostly imported singles, my intention was never to push a song to chart. Even if I was ever compelled to push a song to chart, I'm impressed that MC convinced enough people, fans or not, to buy her singles and support her songs a total of 19 times, especially if the song was "forgettable". Regardless of how they were obtained, it is not as easy as some people want to make it out to be. Otherwise everyone would have several number 1 hits. Not many acts from 1990 are still around or relevant.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 15:58)
this is a reply to message 106,792
Hey C, Mariah Carey has 19 number 1 hits (106,788) by Libra Lamb from USA
For arguments sake, which of these "new girls" is a true contender for 20 number 1 hits? Since it's such a possibility there should be at least several answers. I'll wait. Don't you guys think that if it was that easy to obtain it, everyone would have multiple number 1 hits? At least use a possible real life situation if you're going to start an argument. I'm sorry but you're coming across as painfully young and naive. Furthermore, I am not here to defend my loyalty and love for the one and only Mariah Carey to you or anyone else. If you don't like it, don't read my posts. There's some posts I scroll right on by when I see the name. I don't stop to ask dumb questions. All dumb questions will be met with stupid answers. I guarantee it.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 04:44)
Rainbow 25 (106,787) by Libra Lamb from USA
The only one coming off as bothered or pressed here is you C. Facts are facts and opinions are just that. See the distinction? I will continue to post whatever I feel like on here even if it bothers you. Now I know that will be a plus. Old Town Road, forgot about it until you mentioned it. No one like a know it all.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 03:31)
this is a reply to message 106,780
She has been practicing lip synching (106,786) by Libra Lamb from USA
I hope no one feels the need to explain anything to you. I certainly do not. Moving on.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 03:22)
this is a reply to message 106,781
Rainbow 25 (106,785) by Libra Lamb from USA
I don't know who you think you are talking to but it ain't me and I'm not the one. My opinions are my own, yours are your own. I stand by them. If you're sick and tired maybe don't read my posts C. Keep it moving. That's why this is a safe space.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 03:17)
this is a reply to message 106,780
Rainbow 25 (106,777) by Libra Lamb from USA
I've never seen or heard anyone say MC's number ones are forgettable. I believe a lot of "pop stars" are forgettable and no single act has more number ones than Mariah. She's the epitome of success and actual talent. Jealousy is a killer. Pray for those poor souls.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 00:46)
this is a reply to message 106,769
She has been practicing lip synching (106,776) by Libra Lamb from USA
Mariah is a master at throwing shade. Nobody deserved it more than J Lo. I’ve never been happier to see someone fall as hard as she’s falling right now. Well played MC. Karma is a real beeotch.
(Sunday 23 June 2024; 00:34)
this is a reply to message 106,775
Spring or fall album release preference (106,743) by Libra Lamb from USA
That’s right. The only acceptance that matters is your own. Other people’s opinions, family included, do not matter. No one lives their life according to us so why should we do the same? Choose yourself, every time.
(Wednesday 19 June 2024; 00:34)
this is a reply to message 106,739
Favorite Rainbow track (106,731) by Libra Lamb from USA
So I've been really enjoying this new anniversary edition of Rainbow and the song that stood out the most for it's haunting, sincere lyrics and vulnerability is Petals. I absolutely love this song, though it's always been one of my favorites, lately I can really appreciate how beautiful and real it is. Mariah does her best writing when she dives deep into her personal heartaches and lets the pen flow. The Petals Pound Boys remixes are really good too, it's a shame they were excluded from the MC30 releases. Do you have a new favorite Rainbow track? I know it's hard to pick just one.
(Monday 17 June 2024; 15:46)
Yours ft. JT (106,693) by Libra Lamb from USA
I feel the exact same way about everything you said. Solo Mariah is much better.
(Friday 14 June 2024; 23:34)
this is a reply to message 106,690
Rainbow 25 (106,689) by Libra Lamb from USA
Lol I miss the 90s too Jamie. I go back and revisit in my memories, probably too often. Some of my favorite albums and movies are from the 90s. But going to the store to buy the Rainbow CD on release day was such a high feeling. Enjoy the album and your weekend.
(Friday 14 June 2024; 21:39)
this is a reply to message 106,684
Rainbow 25 (106,688) by Libra Lamb from USA
Thank you again Tevin. I will definitely enjoy the Rainbow album, reuniting with my husband and a delicious Cuban sandwich on the trip back home. Lol enjoy the weekend and the album as well.
(Friday 14 June 2024; 21:24)
this is a reply to message 106,686
Rainbow 25 (106,683) by Libra Lamb from USA
Thank you Tevin, I wish I shared the same sentiment. I do not like Tampa at all, or most of Florida for that fact. Barf. I'm glad you enjoy it and many people do but it's not for me. Sorry my response may be too sincere. Have a great weekend.
(Friday 14 June 2024; 16:20)
this is a reply to message 106,670


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